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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
    While I agree with you that jealousy is an underlying cause of so much disdain for female characters, I just want to add that Sam/Jack shippers were equally vehement in their disdain of Laira who's only real fault was that she and Jack got to do that which only shipficers have been able to get Sam and Jack to do.

    And should I bring up what Pete got to do?
    I agree that Laira has been villified a little more than necessary. I didn't have a problem with her and Jack getting together, Jack was stranded, he was lonely and he and Sam were still in denial at that point, so I found the relationship natural. My main gripe is that she didn't let him know about the radio right away.

    As for Pete, no problem with the idea of Pete, it was the reality of Pete that I had issues with. The whole "follow your girlfriend, who's told you what she does is classified, to a stake-out, then get in the way and get yourself shot, then said girlfriend apparently having no problem with the fact that you did so" scenario.


      Originally posted by majorsal
      can anyone clean up this picture for me?

      Here you go: KLICK!


      PS: didn't take part in the raffle on the place to present the present to Amanda, but I'd like to know, how it is, too. Gratz to the WINNER!

      Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        *Looks at clock* Well it's Monday now, the day you've all been waiting for...that's right it's Thanksgiving
        We have the "Erntedankfest" here in Germany but it isn't a holiday. Basicly "Erntedankfest" means the same as thanksgiving does in Canada (just read a little on Wikipedia). Giving thank for a succesful harvest. Don't know if maybe some countrymen party it, but in general is't only a day in the year in Germany.

        So happy (do you say happy?) Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!

        Originally posted by chelle db
        Sam is a great character...but...Amanda is a totally awesome person!!
        Wow!...didn't think about that jet No seriously: great sentence I think and a good summary on who we are talking about!

        Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


          Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
          Do you suppose that's what she did with Joe Faxom, in the first reality(or was that the second, reality? )
          First reality I think. Second one he got left behind on the Aschen world.

          And yes, I think that's what she did. Joe was a "good guy" for the most part. They had a nice house, a nice life and they were trying to have kids. Even his agreement with the Aschen about the "sterilization" of the population can be seen as the lesser of two evils. It was supposed to be 30% and given that or complete annihilation by the Gould, he probably felt it was a no brainer.

          The second time we saw him, I could see what Sam saw in him. He respected her opinions, wasn't put off by her techno babble, and he was very much taken with her and he was a nice looking guy.

          I still don't think he was the best fit for Sam. He was almost "too nice" and I think that Sam needs someone who challenges her from time to time. But he was a good "settle" for the most part imo.


            Originally posted by KatG
            I still don't think [Joe] was the best fit for Sam. He was almost "too nice" and I think that Sam needs someone who challenges her from time to time.
            Like Janet Fraiser, MD.

            ooh, lookie, that was post #2010 for me! how-abstract-philosophy-cosmos-something-or-other!

            2010 was the ep that made me sit up and say 'Hello!'. Sam Carter had me at 'Hon'.


              Originally posted by DEM
              Like Janet Fraiser, MD.

              ooh, lookie, that was post #2010 for me! how-abstract-philosophy-cosmos-something-or-other!

              2010 was the ep that made me sit up and say 'Hello!'. Sam Carter had me at 'Hon'.
              2010 was so slashy too. Those scenes with Sam and Janet - all about loves lost


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                who is it? anyone know???

                it just hit me that i tossed out my private messages and didn't keep that one


                I wanna know who gets to present with MG
                Mini, is also the keeper of the names and numbers, so send her a pm to find out what your number is, unless someone else lets us know it them

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by MickSpeed
                  We have the "Erntedankfest" here in Germany but it isn't a holiday. Basicly "Erntedankfest" means the same as thanksgiving does in Canada (just read a little on Wikipedia). Giving thank for a succesful harvest. Don't know if maybe some countrymen party it, but in general is't only a day in the year in Germany.

                  So happy (do you say happy?) Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!

                  Wow!...didn't think about that jet No seriously: great sentence I think and a good summary on who we are talking about!
                  Thanks Mick, and happy Erntedankfest to you and all Germans

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by MickSpeed
                    hey guys
                    just watched another video on and saw a great scene with Sam having great hair! Made some screencaps (spoiler) and here's the link to the video


                    Does anyone remember which ep this scene is from?
                    Wow! That's a fantastic video. And the scene is from The Other Side, at the end, right after Jack closes the iris on Alar.


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      Thanks Mick, and happy Erntedankfest to you and all Germans
                      hehe thanks...I don't even knwo if it is today...*goestosearchongoogle* seems as it allways is the 1st sunday in October, it was 1st October this year

                      Originally posted by KatG
                      Wow! That's a fantastic video. And the scene is from The Other Side, at the end, right after Jack closes the iris on Alar.
                      yeah it is, indeed!

                      Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        can anyone clean up this picture for me?

                        There are some clearer and nice copies of these pictures on the RDA official website. You should have a look.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          Moebius had McKay, but there was still a HEAP of team. So there is hope. I want my RDA too. Sounds like a vitamin, eh? And my mother always told me to take my vitamins.

                          What can I say? It's early-and Friday! Woot!
                          Regarding the final episode

                          Hmmm. Very interesting. Perhaps McKay is in the final episode because it's another time travel episode to fix the past two seasons. One can only hope.


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            Final scene of finale:
                            Fishing is a wonderful way to end things. Anything after that would be pointless.
                            Kind of describes S9/S10 don't you think?


                              Originally posted by KatG
                              Kind of describes S9/S10 don't you think?
                              yeah it is...but i think that S10 isn't that bad...i like it...okay it isn't as it used to be but S10 has something for me...i'm also beginning to like the ori..guess i'm just stange...only if the writers didn't write the characters that bad..but also that is again improving!


                                i'm gonna wait for mini to come in and announce it.

                                let's just hope she does it before the forum goes down for upgrade
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


