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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    I'd better get back to this, before it ends up being Vala

    "Sir, ah...I mean Jack."

    "Come on Sam, given the fact that we've been together for a littel over a month now, you'd think you'd stop calling me Sir, especially right now, seeing that I'm naked."

    side note: Yes Sally we know you wish you could see Jack naked, but you'll just have to use your imagination

    "I'm sorry,...Jack, it's just this nightmare I keep having."

    Jack wraps the towel around himself, "Is that the same one, where some new guy comes along and takes over SG1?"

    "Yea, that's the one." Sam said feeling a little embarrassed.

    "Come on Sam, you know you are the only one to lead SG1, and there is no way in hell any competent CO of the SGC would put an inexperienced person in charge of SG1."

    "Yea, you're right Jack. You know you always make me feel better."

    "Well, I do try my best." Jack says as he reaches out and gently takes a hold of Sam's face, then....

    Warning AD do not look
    Mandy! I'd just like to know those two are finally together. They deserve it. Then yes, the Ori butt-kicking can commence.


      Melora I think you're to hard on yourself. I enjoyed your fic "Another Day". I liked the Alec Colson character (Played by "Nanny" and "Days of Our Lives" star) So here is the post to that story if anyone is interested. Sorry Melora30, but I think it's a good J/S story! And I think others will like it as well.

      After watching the episode "Covenant" I thought Alec was a better man for Sam than Pete. He was more mature, knew about the program, intelligent, and in my opinion very attractive. Of course I think Jack wins hands down, but if they were going to allow her to have a relationship Alec would be wise enough to see that her heart wasn't in it and say a heartfelt goodbye.

      Mandy you had me worried with your J/S last scene of the series. I thought you were leaving it as a cliffhanger. THat would be so cruel. Glad you continued on with the story.
      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 06 October 2006, 10:42 PM.


        I have been a bit busy recently so I don't know if someone has already posted this or not - it is not out on the newstands yet but here is the cover for the next Stargate Magazine

        My View From The Peanut Gallery




          on post




            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            Enough of all this sam/jack nonsense. The real question is how they are going to handle the Sam/Vala ship in the final episode. I'm personally leaning towards them starting a galactic rebellion (after the Ori conquer Earth and all that), which means they need a secret base on a moon orbiting some out of the way outer-rim planet. And then we can have one (maybe Vala) being captured by Adria and Sam leads an epic rescue mission - that very possibly threatens the existence of the rebellion - to get her girl back.

            And then the aftermath:

            AD, that's just purrrrrr-fect Sam and Vala, inter-galactic rebels - throw in a dimension-hopping Ripple!Janet - adventure, piracy, sabotage, femslash!


              For a minute I thought I was in shipper thread!

              I guess I'm with the majority; I'd like the S/J ship acknowledged in the finale but I don't necessarily want it to take over the whole episode - it would seem contrived given the lack of the storyline in S9/S10 (excepting 200).

              I would be happy with one moment of unequivocal resolution that shows the audience in an unambiguous, non-AU, non-AT, non-alien/robot/replicator double, non-hallucinatory/dream way that our Jack and Sam are happy in a relationship together.

              For the rest of the epi, I want team interaction and them prevailing against the Ori in good old-fashioned SG1 winning against the odds style.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                "Come on Sam, you know you are the only one to lead SG1, and there is no way in hell any competent CO of the SGC would put an inexperienced person in charge of SG1."
                So we can safely assume that the word 'competent' definitely does not apply to Landry?

                I suspected as much.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  good morning all, just woke up (11:18 AM here). Read some nice ideas, in the last 10 or so posts, for the Sam/Jack ending in the final. Hope we can find parts of at least one of our visions in the real final.

                  Originally posted by tsaxlady
                  I have been a bit busy recently so I don't know if someone has already posted this or not - it is not out on the newstands yet but here is the cover for the next Stargate Magazine

                  Thanks for posting tsaxlady, haven't seen this jet...I can hear the fanatism of the Sam/Rod shippers! But yeah, it looks nice and would be interesting to read, but I think I won't be able to buy it. Maybe someone can post a scan when it's out.


                  Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                    Originally posted by tsaxlady
                    I have been a bit busy recently so I don't know if someone has already posted this or not - it is not out on the newstands yet but here is the cover for the next Stargate Magazine

                    Whether or not the finale will actually showcase Sam and McKay at work, I find it very interesting that TPTB would want to give that impression.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      I'd better get back to this, before it ends up being Vala

                      "Sir, ah...I mean Jack."

                      "Come on Sam, given the fact that we've been together for a littel over a month now, you'd think you'd stop calling me Sir, especially right now, seeing that I'm naked."

                      side note: Yes Sally we know you wish you could see Jack naked, but you'll just have to use your imagination

                      "I'm sorry,...Jack, it's just this nightmare I keep having."

                      Jack wraps the towel around himself, "Is that the same one, where some new guy comes along and takes over SG1?"

                      "Yea, that's the one." Sam said feeling a little embarrassed.

                      "Come on Sam, you know you are the only one to lead SG1, and there is no way in hell any competent CO of the SGC would put an inexperienced person in charge of SG1."

                      "Yea, you're right Jack. You know you always make me feel better."

                      "Well, I do try my best." Jack says as he reaches out and gently takes a hold of Sam's face, then....

                      Warning AD do not look
                      nice post. with reagrds to the final episode, i do want some jack and sam in it cause im a jack/sam shipper and i want to see some kinda resolution to it. But i dont want the whole episode to be about their relationship cause i think the final episode should be about the whole team, not certain indivduals. i'd like it to be action based but im okay with it if its not. i just want something that does justice to the show and the characters, and i really do think it should be a team episode. that's just my opinion though.

                      sig by starlover1990


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        finale spec:

                        i would love to see a nod towards sam/jack. i mean comeon, if not wantingto deal with ship is their excuse for not having it, dude, the writers 'forget' canon and backstory allthe time. so what's one more angle?

                        just give folks a 'sam and jack walking out the door together' or something that strongly hints without the cheesiness of a wedding on the ramp

                        then, when/if there's a movie, they ignore their own history allt he time. why would this have to be any different?
                        I would love for them to make an acknowledgement too. But given there's still the same overly-spread-thin writers I don't expect it. Especially since...
                        I fully expect some kind of post-S10 project, either a full blown season (after they've gotten all this *free* publicity and attention) or a mini-series or two, especially since the SG-1 franchise is still one of the most lucrative things they've got going.

                        And besides that these PTB/writers are the Kings of the Tease. I have a feeling there'll be a major tease in the last eps. (Remember Sam's "not exactly" comment to Agent Barrett?) (And the person she could have been referring to could have been anyone... although most of us would be more than happy to insert any one of her teammates into the 'significant other' slot. )

                        At this point I think I've given up on them giving any kind of mature, adult resolution to Sam's romantic life, no matter who it's with.

                        I just hope for an ending that will honor all the characterizations of all of the remaining team and supporting actors and that will leave the series on a high note, even if the project plans don't pan out.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          re: ending season 10

                          I am also a Sam/Jack shipper so I do want resolution to the ship TPTB started...but for me it doesn't have to be that big...just a nod that says they are togheter...although a kiss would be nice ... but if they don't do that I hope they will in the movie or mini-serie

                          I also hope they give us some good moments between Vala/Sam and between Teal'c/Sam and Daniel/Sam so that we see how good friends they are...

                          I also would love some Sam saving the day...or Sam kicking some ass. So we see the soldier Sam a lot... and if it is possible...Sam flying...and because of that flying she saving the day. I just want to see the all-round Sam...the Sam we know!! The Sam we love!!


                            I'm all up for an S/J ending a la Mandy too.

                            Big galactic battle to end all battles and we think that the rest of SG1 (except Sam? Including Sam?) have been killed and the war is lost.

                            Sam opens her eyes and she's in bed (think Chimera) with sunlight streaming through the windows. She looks next to her and the bed is empty and closes her eyes sadly.

                            We hear a door open and Sam opens her eyes and her face lights up. The rattling of a breakfast tray as the figure walks round from behind the camera and sets the tray down on the bedside cabinet.

                            The figure sits down, head still out of view and Sam wipes her eyes.

                            "Want to talk about it?" A familiar voice asks.

                            Sam grins sheepishly and looks down. "You wouldn't believe me if I tried."

                            The camera turns so that we can see the couple sat on the bed smiling at each other. Sam and Janet.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              I'm all up for an S/J ending a la Mandy too.

                              Big galactic battle to end all battles and we think that the rest of SG1 (except Sam? Including Sam?) have been killed and the war is lost.

                              Sam opens her eyes and she's in bed (think Chimera) with sunlight streaming through the windows. She looks next to her and the bed is empty and closes her eyes sadly.

                              We hear a door open and Sam opens her eyes and her face lights up. The rattling of a breakfast tray as the figure walks round from behind the camera and sets the tray down on the bedside cabinet.

                              The figure sits down, head still out of view and Sam wipes her eyes.

                              "Want to talk about it?" A familiar voice asks.

                              Sam grins sheepishly and looks down. "You wouldn't believe me if I tried."

                              The camera turns so that we can see the couple sat on the bed smiling at each other. Sam and Janet.


                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                                Thought you'd like that one, AD. I've been sulking ever since heroes!
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

