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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    For those that showed an interest in a rewatch....GW rewatch starts next week with the first five episodes. Personally the GW rewatch will be difficult for me to keep up with due to RL commitments about we at least attempt to go with their schedule but if we lag behind no big deal?[/COLOR]
    Woah. 5 eps a week? I'll never be able to keep that up!
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by suse View Post
      Woah. 5 eps a week? I'll never be able to keep that up!
      Yeah. Whoa, lots of eps a week Maybe everyone could pick the ep they most want to revisit each week. Then between all of us, the eps would be covered, and then there would be plenty of stuff to discuss?


        Eh. It's what I get for not paying attention to the rewatch discussion. I'll want to watch them. Because I'll be dropping out later down the list (and I adore Classic SG-1, with only a few exceptions).
        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Good point! Classic sg1 will be good to revisit...haven't seen them in a while either.


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            THANK YOU!

            but how the hayhoo did you do that?! either bionic ears, or you have a program to close caption it (i tried that , but i couldn't ). but really, HOW?

            It wasn't too difficult, plus I've learned to kinda read lips thanks to working in loud ambulances and busy hospital floors the last few years. The interviewer was much harder to 'translate' than AT.

            oh, and yes, please do do your dr jackson and translate the rest!
            Chelle nicely summarized the gist of it, but if you want more of a transcript:


            Interviewer 1: To executive producer and director, how to wear all those hats now? How do you survive?
            AT: I have a really supportive network of friends and family...
            Interviewer 1: Is it draining? Exhausting? Tiring?
            AT: It is. Yeah, I have to say that by the end of the season I'm pretty much ready to collapse. But then begins the happy task of finishing the shows, which is a whole other learning curve as an executive producer to go into color corrects and sound mixes and playback, it's a whole other side of things which you never get to see as just an actor. So in as much as it's really tiring, it's so invigorating creatively and still new and fresh to me even after 4 seasons. That anything that you do that's challenging and exciting keeps you motivated and keeps you going. No matter how tired you are, it's like this is cool stuff!
            Interviewer 1: How do you shift gears?
            AT: Well sometimes it's hard, like if I have to ome off a network call in between setups and then run downstairs and be Helen Magnus, it's a little be like whoa! [AT pretends like she's having seizure]. I then I get in my car and drop all of that and go home and be a mommy.
            Interviewer 2: How's your daughter?
            AT: She's great, she's 6 years old, she's about to start grade 1!
            Interviewer 2: You brought her 2 years ago right? [AT: I did] She's a doll. I remember you walking through and all of a sudden we were talking about [I think something how Carter exits the show (SGA I guess)] briefly, and she's talkative.
            AT: She's very talkative. I don't know where she gets it from! It's so weird!
            Interviewer 2: So on the show, not only are you the star of it, but as an EP I heard that you gave up your EP fee to help the show and give it more of a budget.
            AT: Yeah, Martin, Damian, and I in season 1 didn’t get paid or took a really reduced fee. In fact every season we’ve not gotten paid as EPs to the extent that…I mean normal EPs would laugh at us, openly mock us and say ‘why do you do this for so little money?’ Because it’s not about the money. Because we’re an independent show and have private financing, you have to shave your budget down to bare bones. I make far less as an actor on Sanctuary than I did on Stargate, which I don’t mind because it’s just money, and ultimately I have enough, I’m happy, it’s ok, I just don’t, I guess I’m not greedy. But as EPs we also had to sit back and go ok, if we really want to make this show then we’re going to have to put that money up on the screen. So I think for our just under 2 million dollar an episode budget for Santuary, we put just as much if not more of it on the screen as shows with 3-4 million dollar budgets. So I’m really proud of how creative we are with money.
            Interviewer 3: What Sanctuary has done to be pioneering with the whole use of virtual sets, and now Syfy is looking at that for the new Battlestar series, it seems like it’s really coming up a lot now and I think of a lot the credit can go back to Sanctuary’s success. What’s it like being part of that frontier?
            AT: You know what, it’s really cool, thank you for asking. It’s really cool and what often the networks will refer to as the ‘Sanctuary model’ . And we’ve gotten it from other producers in other genres from people we’ve met in LA have said we’ve heard about this little show that could and the Sanctuary model is what people want to do. So much of it is the creative team and finding balance, Martin, Damian, I and have found a really good simpatico balance to make this show work. I’m very proud. I mean I’m proud of the fact we shot with the RED One before anyone else, I’m proud of the fact we do so much green screen, I’m proud of Sanctuary for Kids as an initiative tied, or not just tied to the television show but certainly launching off of that. I’m just really proud of the fact that we’re not afraid to try. So I think that kind of pioneer spirit is what’s gotten us a good name.
            Interviewer 4: In the panel, you talked about the ways that Helen is different from you. If you could give Helen one piece of advice what would it be?
            AT: It’s interesting because I was about to say ‘you have to trust your people’, but the fact of the matter is she does. She just such a micromanaging control freak, that I would say that perhaps it’s time to let go. Let go of the reins, let somebody else drive the car. You know maybe even try sitting in the back seat, you know what I mean.
            Interviewer 4: That would make a funny episode I think.
            AT: Yeah, ‘turn right! Turn right!’ Yeah, I think she’s very tightly wound for a lot of very valid reasons, but I think she needs to step back a bit.
            Interviewer 2: So in the show you guys to a lot of period pieces, and you do amazing costumes, I love on that Victorian vibe, and I love the dress you’re wearing today it’s very nicely structured. [AT: Thank you!] Do you know who it is?
            AT: This is Guess actually, by Marciano (?).
            Interviewer 2: Do you ever take some of the costumes home?
            AT: Yes! Yeah, I have some wicked leather jackets that were custom made by this company called Ocean Drive in Vancouver, and yeah I’ve taken a few of those home. But our costume designer, I mean to her great credit, she has an amazing eye, so all the Victorian stuff they build it, they’ve built the most beautiful costumes for this show. All the period stuff, all the Normandy stuff, the very period pieces, they built all of it, it’s amazing.

            And the last bit was the Stargate question.

            Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
            I didn't think it was possible for me to adore this woman more than I already do, but when she said she already had enough money to be comfortable and didn't want to be greedy... I just melted all over again.

            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            It made me all warm and fuzzy.
            Hee, me too. If SG-1 took place with our current level of technology, I can so see Sam souping up a tablet or something like a Thinkpad X-series for use offworld, no more lugging around that massive Dell.
            Last edited by EvenstarSRV; 30 July 2011, 09:30 PM.



              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

              It wasn't too difficult, plus I've learned to kinda read lips thanks to working in loud ambulances and busy hospital floors the last few years. The interviewer was much harder to 'translate' than AT.

              Chelle nicely summarized the gist of it, but if you want more of a transcript:


              Interviewer 1: To executive producer and director, how to wear all those hats now? How do you survive?
              AT: I have a really supportive network of friends and family...
              Interviewer 1: Is it draining? Exhausting? Tiring?
              AT: It is. Yeah, I have to say that by the end of the season I'm pretty much ready to collapse. But then begins the happy task of finishing the shows, which is a whole other learning curve as an executive producer to go into color corrects and sound mixes and playback, it's a whole other side of things which you never get to see as just an actor. So in as much as it's really tiring, it's so invigorating creatively and still new and fresh to me even after 4 seasons. That anything that you do that's challenging and exciting keeps you motivated and keeps you going. No matter how tired you are, it's like this is cool stuff!
              Interviewer 1: How do you shift gears?
              AT: Well sometimes it's hard, like if I have to ome off a network call in between setups and then run downstairs and be Helen Magnus, it's a little be like whoa! [AT pretends like she's having seizure]. I then I get in my car and drop all of that and go home and be a mommy.
              Interviewer 2: How's your daughter?
              AT: She's great, she's 6 years old, she's about to start grade 1!
              Interviewer 2: You brought her 2 years ago right? [AT: I did] She's a doll. I remember you walking through and all of a sudden we were talking about [I think something how Carter exits the show (SGA I guess)] briefly, and she's talkative.
              AT: She's very talkative. I don't know where she gets it from! It's so weird!
              Interviewer 2: So on the show, not only are you the star of it, but as an EP I heard that you gave up your EP fee to help the show and give it more of a budget.
              AT: Yeah, Martin, Damian, and I in season 1 didn’t get paid or took a really reduced fee. In fact every season we’ve not gotten paid as EPs to the extent that…I mean normal EPs would laugh at us, openly mock us and say ‘why do you do this for so little money?’ Because it’s not about the money. Because we’re an independent show and have private financing, you have to shave your budget down to bare bones. I make far less as an actor on Sanctuary than I did on Stargate, which I don’t mind because it’s just money, and ultimately I have enough, I’m happy, it’s ok, I just don’t, I guess I’m not greedy. But as EPs we also had to sit back and go ok, if we really want to make this show then we’re going to have to put that money up on the screen. So I think for our just under 2 million dollar an episode budget for Santuary, we put just as much if not more of it on the screen as shows with 3-4 million dollar budgets. So I’m really proud of how creative we are with money.
              Interviewer 3: What Sanctuary has done to be pioneering with the whole use of virtual sets, and now Syfy is looking at that for the new Battlestar series, it seems like it’s really coming up a lot now and I think of a lot the credit can go back to Sanctuary’s success. What’s it like being part of that frontier?
              AT: You know what, it’s really cool, thank you for asking. It’s really cool and what often the networks will refer to as the ‘Sanctuary model’ . And we’ve gotten it from other producers in other genres from people we’ve met in LA have said we’ve heard about this little show that could and the Sanctuary model is what people want to do. So much of it is the creative team and finding balance, Martin, Damian, I and have found a really good simpatico balance to make this show work. I’m very proud. I mean I’m proud of the fact we shot with the RED One before anyone else, I’m proud of the fact we do so much green screen, I’m proud of Sanctuary for Kids as an initiative tied, or not just tied to the television show but certainly launching off of that. I’m just really proud of the fact that we’re not afraid to try. So I think that kind of pioneer spirit is what’s gotten us a good name.
              Interviewer 4: In the panel, you talked about the ways that Helen is different from you. If you could give Helen one piece of advice what would it be?
              AT: It’s interesting because I was about to say ‘you have to trust your people’, but the fact of the matter is she does. She just such a micromanaging control freak, that I would say that perhaps it’s time to let go. Let go of the reins, let somebody else drive the car. You know maybe even try sitting in the back seat, you know what I mean.
              Interviewer 4: That would make a funny episode I think.
              AT: Yeah, ‘turn right! Turn right!’ Yeah, I think she’s very tightly wound for a lot of very valid reasons, but I think she needs to step back a bit.
              Interviewer 2: So in the show you guys to a lot of period pieces, and you do amazing costumes, I love on that Victorian vibe, and I love the dress you’re wearing today it’s very nicely structured. [AT: Thank you!] Do you know who it is?
              AT: This is Guess actually, by Marciano (?).
              Interviewer 2: Do you ever take some of the costumes home?
              AT: Yes! Yeah, I have some wicked leather jackets that were custom made by this company called Ocean Drive in Vancouver, and yeah I’ve taken a few of those home. But our costume designer, I mean to her great credit, she has an amazing eye, so all the Victorian stuff they build it, they’ve built the most beautiful costumes for this show. All the period stuff, all the Normandy stuff, the very period pieces, they built all of it, it’s amazing.

              And the last bit was the Stargate question.

              Hee, me too. If SG-1 took place with our current level of technology, I can so see Sam souping up a tablet or something like a Thinkpad X-series for use offworld, no more lugging around that massive Dell.
              Thanks for transcript!
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I'm already a monthly donor but was wondering, is this a special kinda transaction/donation that will be recorded as thus or just another way to encourage donating? What I mean is will this be seen as a special donation made each month for this specific amount from Samandans? Does this make sense?
                When I spoke with Jill we just mentioned trying to track the $4forS4k idea. It's basically just another way to encourage donating for those who don't already.

                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                  Just dropping in to share my pictures from Comic Con.

                  Please do not repost or use without my permission

                  Clicky Here for the Pictures.


                    Is it just me or is it impossible to get the site to go to your first unread message? It stopped working about a week ago.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      ^I think it is some glitch with the "upgrade."

                      Thanks for the pics, antoa!


                        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                        Is it just me or is it impossible to get the site to go to your first unread message? It stopped working about a week ago.
                        Nope! It's happening to me too. Very irritating. I have reported it.

                        For details of AT10 go to


                          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                          Nope! It's happening to me too. Very irritating. I have reported it.

                          Glad it's not just me, but sad that it's not just me. Is that clear as mud?
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by ames View Post
                            To put in my two cents on the leather issue, I think if you're going to use part of an animal, you should try to use as much as possible - why waste the other body parts? As such, seeing as I happen to eat beef on a semi-regular basis, I have no problem wearing cow leather, or with the use of velum for that matter. I completely understand people who do not eat beef having issues with the use/wearing of leather. I personally don't understand how someone who eats it can have issues with wearing the skin, or people who wear leather having issues eating beef (unless for medical reasons, of course), as to me that seems a bit hypocritical ... but that's just my opinion.

                            In OT news,
                            I was offered (and accepted) a fulltime job today - hellooooooooo benefits! *does happy dance* Thank you to all who x'd random appendages for me! It's the same money as I'm making right now, but comes with a very nice aforementioned benefits package, and a potential raise 6 months down the line. I have to change shifts (which I'm not so happy about - I LOVE my current team and shift...) but after the magic 6 months are up, I can post back onto weekends if a spot comes available, and I can be patient when necessary
                            Congrats on the OT news.

                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            Oh come on, you got admit that was funny

                            ROFL, yes a bright side to poop patrol....

                            *insert Teal'c eyebrow rising* And why not? Is it because I didn't suck up and gave Ma the same teasing as the rest of the gang...

                            CONGRATS AMES!!

                            ON TOPIC

                            For those that showed an interest in a rewatch....GW rewatch starts next week with the first five episodes. Personally the GW rewatch will be difficult for me to keep up with due to RL commitments about we at least attempt to go with their schedule but if we lag behind no big deal?
                            OK, it was a wee bit funny.

                            I definitely think i will be lagging behind.

                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            *Message from Ma* "now, now girls, I don't want to be in the middle of this, and behave."

                            Any way we all know I'm #1
                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            Just dropping in to share my pictures from Comic Con.

                            Please do not repost or use without my permission

                            Clicky Here for the Pictures.
                            Great pictures (as usual).

                            Did Sanctuary have a booth this year?

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              Is it just me or is it impossible to get the site to go to your first unread message? It stopped working about a week ago.
                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              Nope! It's happening to me too. Very irritating. I have reported it.

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              Glad it's not just me, but sad that it's not just me. Is that clear as mud?
                              it's not working, but there IS a way of still getting to the first new/unread post.

                              up at the top of the page (when you first get on the thread), you'll see a line of options - View First Unread-Thread Tools-Search Thread-Rate This Thread-Display, click on the one i bolded, and it should take you to the new post.



                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Great pictures (as usual).

                                Did Sanctuary have a booth this year?

                                Nope, they haven't had a booth since that first year when they 'squatted' in Holzheimer's booth - that was 2007. Their DVD distribution company had a small booth were they were selling the DVDs (as well as others that they handle) and they had free Sanctuary posters (snagged one of course). That was it.

                                It's very unusual for a tv show to have a booth - it's generally studios and networks and since Sanctuary doesn't have a studio backing it... (and Syfy no longer has a booth, they have the 'Cafe Diem' restaurant at the Hard Rock Hotel). Really the only show that I can think of that had a booth was 'The Guild', but that's an internet based show (so a completely different animal).

