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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    This episode we get the first glimpse of the Sam of latter seasons. I liked her friendship to Daniel as she gave him encouragement that there was something left of the host. I also like how she finished his explanation of the DHD and basically gave it it's name. Loved seeing her bravery by going for the phone when Charlie had her on the elevator (although I do wonder where all that hand to hand defense training is that we find out about in the next episode) and then not being afraid to challenge upward when Kennedy wanted to cancel the surgery so he had a symbiote to study. I also love the smirk she tries to hide when Hammond tells Kennedy off.


      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
      ..although I do wonder where all that hand to hand defense training is that we find out about in the next episode.
      I think there's a difference in taking on a Mongolian tribe leader who doesn't seem to have a lot of experience with hand-to-hand combat in a 'fair' fight and attacking a former special/black (?) ops (as we learn in The Gamekeeper) officer who's possessed by a Goa'uld in an enclosed space (elevator). She probably figured trying to call for help was the best option since someone would come after them.
      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
      On FFnet or AO3

      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


        Is it a wonder that the very first thing I always think of when "The Enemy Within" is mentioned is Amanda's concussion in the elevator?

        I like how it begins with Hammond giving assignments, with Jack & Charlie then playfully bantering about who takes which planet - until Hammond asserts his authority in a no-nonsense tone. I can't help but think ahead to future seasons where the same General Hammond probably would have said the same thing, but in a very light-hearted/joking tone. I realize that they had to make Hammond a strict leader to begin with (and I think it was DSD's performance that allowed them to soften the character as much as they did), but I'm glad that didn't last for very long.

        The next part of the scene where the Goa'uld 'come knocking' is a great foreshadowing of the team chemistry:
        Daniel (to Sam): So this iris is going to hold right?
        Sam: Pure titanium. Less than three micrometers from the event horizon. It won't even allow matter to fully reintegrate.
        Jack (to Sam): So this iris is going to hold, right?
        Sam: If it doesn't, the failsafe device will detonate, this whole mountain will vaporize, and there'll be nothing to worry about.
        Jack: Ah. Good, I feel much better.

        A little team banter, a little Sam technobabble, and thus begins a great part of why this series was successful for as long as it was.

        This was also an episode that brought to the fore the quiet strength & depth of Teal'c. It also became a cornerstone in cementing the Jack/Teal'c friendship. But I would liked to have seen a little more of Sam's interaction with Teal'c. yes, Teal'c saved them all from death on Chulak, but it seemed so far that Sam was just following Jack's lead in trusting Teal'c on that point alone. Up to then, we really hadn't seen any interaction between the two at all - other than when they were walking back from the prison to the gate in the pilot. And we see later in this episode - with Kowalsky asking for Teal'c to be brought to him to say "thanks" - how the Goa'uld are sneaky enough to make you think they are friends, but turn in an instant.

        We did get to see some great Sam/Daniel interaction with the DHD briefing, the "staying asleep forever" scene, and the one talking about Sha're.

        My biggest complaint for this episode is that they had Kawalsky die. I think he would have been a great recurring or main character.


          Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
          Is it a wonder that the very first thing I always think of when "The Enemy Within" is mentioned is Amanda's concussion in the elevator?
          Can't watch Sam slumped on the floor without thinking "Poor Amanda is out cold and nobody knows."
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


            If I'm right about this being the first time the Team stands all together and looks up at the gate (as shown on the right side in this image), then that is my favorite part of this episode. I think some of the best scenes in the whole series happened at the bottom of that ramp. And, that watching the Team look up at the stargate with any number of expressions is the heart of the whole show.
            Last edited by Skydiver; 05 August 2011, 04:06 PM.


              Ok, I'm watching COTG right now (starting over for Dragon*Con prep!) and just saw the scene where Sam defends herself and utters the infamous "reproductive organs" line. I don't think anybody thought she was being insubordinate. Matter of fact, General Hammond was letting her have her moment so that the boys would take her seriously. I think it was necessary, because she really would have had a bigger chip on her shoulder as they went into the series if that exchange hadn't more or less settled things for the moment.

              I'm disappointed that this scene was removed for the DVDs.
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                the thing that intrigues me from COTG is that we hear Hammond tell Jack "Captain Carter's assignment to this unit is not an option, it's an order". Yes, I know that she was the leading expert on the Stargate at that point, but did his insistence also include the fact that during his encounter with SG1 back in 1969 (though he didn't know who they were or that they were called SG1), Sam was the only one who introduced herself to him? Being 30 years later, he may not have remembered all of their faces (which may be why he was reluctant to allow Teal'c to join SG1 to begin with), but I'm sure he remembered her name, and I'm guessing the main reason he insisted that she be on the team.


                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  Can't watch Sam slumped on the floor without thinking "Poor Amanda is out cold and nobody knows."
                  Same here...quick long did it take for them to realise she was really out cold? Poor girl.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    i think just a few minutes. probably when the director yelled 'cut' and she didn't break her pose and get up that Jay likely checked her and noticed.

                    i'd imagine it was quite the kerfluffle....but also, in its own way, humiliating for AT. Bear with me, here you are, your first big show and you just barely got signed to a 2 year contract - probably her first ever - and you give yourself a concussion and they have to rearrange filming so you can go off and get checked out (with unconsciousness i would imagine that going to the ER and getting checked out was mandatory. if she was in anymore scenes that day, they had to shuffle because she wouldn't be there)
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Sky shame on you not linking your awesome new fic....I shall have to rectify that

                      The Destruction of Salvation by Denise
                      The key to Earth's survival may come from a dead race, if they can just figure it out in time.Sam & Jack Established Rated: T


                      Action/adventure; some ship but not a focus and it doesn't distract from the awesomeness of Sam
                      Last edited by JanSam; 06 August 2011, 06:33 AM.


                        I've been watching the Chiller channel and they have been advertising that starting Tuesday they will be showig Sanctuary from it's begining Tuesday's at 8pm that is

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                          This episode we get the first glimpse of the Sam of latter seasons. I liked her friendship to Daniel as she gave him encouragement that there was something left of the host. I also like how she finished his explanation of the DHD and basically gave it it's name. Loved seeing her bravery by going for the phone when Charlie had her on the elevator (although I do wonder where all that hand to hand defense training is that we find out about in the next episode) and then not being afraid to challenge upward when Kennedy wanted to cancel the surgery so he had a symbiote to study. I also love the smirk she tries to hide when Hammond tells Kennedy off.
                          Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
                          Is it a wonder that the very first thing I always think of when "The Enemy Within" is mentioned is Amanda's concussion in the elevator?

                          I like how it begins with Hammond giving assignments, with Jack & Charlie then playfully bantering about who takes which planet - until Hammond asserts his authority in a no-nonsense tone. I can't help but think ahead to future seasons where the same General Hammond probably would have said the same thing, but in a very light-hearted/joking tone. I realize that they had to make Hammond a strict leader to begin with (and I think it was DSD's performance that allowed them to soften the character as much as they did), but I'm glad that didn't last for very long.

                          The next part of the scene where the Goa'uld 'come knocking' is a great foreshadowing of the team chemistry:
                          Daniel (to Sam): So this iris is going to hold right?
                          Sam: Pure titanium. Less than three micrometers from the event horizon. It won't even allow matter to fully reintegrate.
                          Jack (to Sam): So this iris is going to hold, right?
                          Sam: If it doesn't, the failsafe device will detonate, this whole mountain will vaporize, and there'll be nothing to worry about.
                          Jack: Ah. Good, I feel much better.

                          A little team banter, a little Sam technobabble, and thus begins a great part of why this series was successful for as long as it was.

                          This was also an episode that brought to the fore the quiet strength & depth of Teal'c. It also became a cornerstone in cementing the Jack/Teal'c friendship. But I would liked to have seen a little more of Sam's interaction with Teal'c. yes, Teal'c saved them all from death on Chulak, but it seemed so far that Sam was just following Jack's lead in trusting Teal'c on that point alone. Up to then, we really hadn't seen any interaction between the two at all - other than when they were walking back from the prison to the gate in the pilot. And we see later in this episode - with Kowalsky asking for Teal'c to be brought to him to say "thanks" - how the Goa'uld are sneaky enough to make you think they are friends, but turn in an instant.

                          We did get to see some great Sam/Daniel interaction with the DHD briefing, the "staying asleep forever" scene, and the one talking about Sha're.

                          My biggest complaint for this episode is that they had Kawalsky die. I think he would have been a great recurring or main character.
                          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                          If I'm right about this being the first time the Team stands all together and looks up at the gate (as shown on the right side in this image), then that is my favorite part of this episode. I think some of the best scenes in the whole series happened at the bottom of that ramp. And, that watching the Team look up at the stargate with any number of expressions is the heart of the whole show.
                          Have to agree with a number of points.

                          Odd that Sam doesn't even attempt to fight off kawalsky.

                          Love the team together on the ramp!

                          Very nice Sam/Daniel moments (boy, did I miss those in later years).

                          And yes, i'm with the rest of you in that I can't watch the elevator scene without thinking about poor AT's head injury.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            I've been watching the Chiller channel and they have been advertising that starting Tuesday they will be showig Sanctuary from it's begining Tuesday's at 8pm that is
                            wheee, i get the channel. doubt i'll watch much on it since i'm not a horror movie fan, but hey, now that deadliest catch is over, and ncis:la hasn't started, my tuesdays are open
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Have to agree with a number of points.

                              Odd that Sam doesn't even attempt to fight off kawalsky.

                              Love the team together on the ramp!

                              Very nice Sam/Daniel moments (boy, did I miss those in later years).

                              And yes, i'm with the rest of you in that I can't watch the elevator scene without thinking about poor AT's head injury.
                              And poor old Jay (who has never been allowed to forget by the fans at conventions.) It was him who raised the alarm as soon as the shot was completed. He was horrified but Amanda forgave him immediately. She felt as badly for him.

                              For details of AT10 go to


                                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                                And poor old Jay (who has never been allowed to forget by the fans at conventions.) It was him who raised the alarm as soon as the shot was completed. He was horrified but Amanda forgave him immediately. She felt as badly for him.

                                I have never been to a con where he was a guest but I can imagine that he gets asked about it all the time. Poor guy.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

