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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Tapping Tuesday

    #TappingTuesday (or Wednesday...) we go with Twitter questions

    Q1 - @ElleDris - When you are shooting, is each episode random (not chronological order), then merge scenes to make it in order? Thx, Elle

    A1 - We shoot scenes according to locations. Eg. all Magnus’ office on same day. Then the episode is edited together.

    Q2 - @ephinyzon- In honor of Astronaut Sandra Magnus & the Atlantis crew, has our Dr. Magnus ever had a dealing with anything space related?

    A2 - I actually don't think so. I think she's concentrated on Earth based endeavors.

    Q3 - @imac_van - Read the article about your driving the Tesla, and it made me wonder, what was your first car?

    A3 - A very beat up 1971 Mercury Comet.

    Q4 - @borntorun1075 - What are you most looking forward to at #ComicCon next week?

    A4 - Fan questions!!!! And seeing old friends.

    Thanks again for all your questions! xox
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      in DK, leap of faith or desperation

      I think one thing i see of Amanda in Sam is awkwardness. well meaning, not mean or rude, but awkward in the social areas. Because Amanda is, just like any of us are. Her getting lost in her inner geek or misspeaking, that's the kind of stuff that made her identifiable.

      I think that's why I can't totally get into Helen. She's too self-assured, too in control, too sure of herself and too willing to say 'yeah, my will, my choice, do it'

      Sam only did that when she was in a 'ok, you won't cooperate so i'll throw my rank around'

      Not that there's anything wrong with helen....but, from a fic pov, i could crawl into sam's head quite easily. Not helen's. I just can't go there, and I think it's her behavior and attitude in the confidence area.

      I find Sam more identifiable and 'real' than Helen.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        in DK, leap of faith or desperation

        I think one thing i see of Amanda in Sam is awkwardness. well meaning, not mean or rude, but awkward in the social areas. Because Amanda is, just like any of us are. Her getting lost in her inner geek or misspeaking, that's the kind of stuff that made her identifiable.

        I think that's why I can't totally get into Helen. She's too self-assured, too in control, too sure of herself and too willing to say 'yeah, my will, my choice, do it'

        Sam only did that when she was in a 'ok, you won't cooperate so i'll throw my rank around'

        Not that there's anything wrong with helen....but, from a fic pov, i could crawl into sam's head quite easily. Not helen's. I just can't go there, and I think it's her behavior and attitude in the confidence area.

        I find Sam more identifiable and 'real' than Helen.
        Interesting thought about Helen/Amanda. I'm a firm believer that even those that appear very self-confident and focused still have those moments when they hesitate or doubt themselves even while they portray to the world otherwise (and make us all envy them).

        What do you think might be Helen's undoing?

        Moments concerning family come to mind, specifically Ashley. She was a mess and very real to me when she died and it took all of her inner strength to pull herself together and get passed it the best she could.

        Speaking of which, I'd love to see Ashley mentioned again at some point in an upcoming episode. Or perhaps just seeing a pic of her somewhere in her office/bedroom (kind of like when Sam was in command at Atlantis and we saw a picture of Jack on the bookcase). Gone but not forgotten.


          I personally see much more of Amanda in Helen. Can't point to a specific time except in Requiem when she is almost gone and her accent changes. She does a mean imitation of Becky's accent and she sounded just like her for a few minutes. Totally Amanda.

          For details of AT10 go to


            I think Helens confidence is her greatest weakness. Because she doesn't question herself as much and sometimes I think she can miss things by not having to explain herself.
            I think she does recognize this in herself which is why she brought Will in and why she isnt upset when he questions her. Because she knows she needs it. She needs to be questioned to keep her from crossing that line.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
              I personally see much more of Amanda in Helen. Can't point to a specific time except in Requiem when she is almost gone and her accent changes. She does a mean imitation of Becky's accent and she sounded just like her for a few minutes. Totally Amanda.

              I think you have had the wonderful insight of seeing a different side if her than most of us.
              Even having gone to the Gabit cons what most of us see is the stage persona or the professional personna. I know she's relaxed most of the time but I also think there is that 'in front of people and cameras' awareness. The 'chillin in private' personna is one that a very few non-coworkers and friends see.

              We see the person that knows anything they say will end up in a con report so there's a filter so to speak that's there. It's like Wills & Kate and their 'circle of trust'. Those within the circle see a different person than those that aren't.

              Course we all have different perspectives too. I really can't identify with Magnus because I can't ID with the age and wealth and attitude of the character. No more than I could identify with Teyla or Vala. Sam was wonderfully ordinary.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I wanna say no disrespect meant to anyone. I have people here at work and I see 2 sides of them at times. The 'in a car fir 3 hours' side vs the 'representing the company' personna vs the 'out at a restaurant but people might know me' personna. Sometimes they're not much different sometimes they are. What my boss says to employees only in a room vs what she'll say in public.

                Same for most of us. How you dress and talk at a BBQ vs going out to eat in a restaurant. Theres often a level of reserve.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  As brilliant as Sam is, in many ways she seems like someone I could have a conversation with if I met her. I think I'd be more intimidated by Helen. Maybe in that way Sam is like AT, b/c by all accounts AT is quite friendly with people she meets.

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  I think Helens confidence is her greatest weakness. Because she doesn't question herself as much and sometimes I think she can miss things by not having to explain herself.
                  I think she does recognize this in herself which is why she brought Will in and why she isnt upset when he questions her. Because she knows she needs it. She needs to be questioned to keep her from crossing that line.
                  Yeah, when you've been doing the work for 100+ years and are almost always right, I'd think it would be easy to get used to the idea that you "know it all" so to speak. Except for the
                  attempted coup by WExford
                  people don't generally question her. I have some issues with some of the things Will's said to her [but that's for the Sanctuary thread] but he is someone who can question her. As a scientist she probably appreciates someone who is willing to look at things from a different perspective. But she's in charge. As she should be .

                  On another note, I caught the end of Reckoning today. Oh, Replicarter I miss you, you wonderful evil you.


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    One of my favorites was when they arrived in Steveston, and she told Jonas to keep an eye on Teal'c, and then told Teal'c to keep an eye on Jonas.

                    And I always crack up at her reaction to Jonas' lunch and her "hardened arteries" comment.


                      Will has actually been encouraged to question her. In Eulogy she said as much, for him to keep asking because she needed that grounding force then

                      doesn't mean it doesn't annoy her or irritate her
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post


                        I find Sam more identifiable and 'real' than Helen.
                        i do too. and it's also, i just *like* sam more.

                        helen's a mystery, and wants it that way (makes sense, though), but sam is more reachable and... i'd be best buds with sam, whereas i'd have to work for it with helen (to be real close to her).

                        i really dig helen, but i *love* sam.

                        Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                        Moments concerning family come to mind, specifically Ashley. She was a mess and very real to me when she died and it took all of her inner strength to pull herself together and get passed it the best she could.
                        i was very disappointed in how they handled ashley's absence, specifically in reference to helen. not that i think each ep should have helen falling apart, but seriously, this woman lost HER DAUGHTER, i'd think she *would* be a basket case for a while.

                        i wasn't that much of an ashley fan per se (was a mom/daughter fan, though), but when i saw they were killing off ash, i was looking forward to helen's breakdown... for more than one episode.

                        to me, this was a major ball dropped, with the potential it had...



                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          On another note, I caught the end of Reckoning today. Oh, Replicarter I miss you, you wonderful evil you.
                          yeah... *another* great opportunity that the stargate ptb closed the window on!
                          Last edited by majorsal; 14 July 2011, 05:03 PM. Reason: forgot ptb



                            @amandatapping Yeah baby!! Wow. I miss you. Xo RT @iamjrbourne: @amandatapping i honked....a lot....did you hear me?? i'm still honking........



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              Will has actually been encouraged to question her. In Eulogy she said as much, for him to keep asking because she needed that grounding force then

                              doesn't mean it doesn't annoy her or irritate her
                              Yes, even though constructive criticism may be appreciated, it doesn't mean it doesn't get the hackles up. Emotional response is completely separate from intellectual response.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                I agree that Sam would probably be more relatable as a person ... once you got past the whole 'sorry I was away saving the *coughs* radar telemetry issues' element of the friendship ... I think Helen is more standoffish likely because she's watched a heck of a lot of companions, acquaintances and friends die. Personally I think it would get harder to allow myself to make attachments as the decades went on, knowing that chances are I would have to watch them grow old and pass on. I almost think Helen would make the 'cooler' friend in that she could, if she chose, bring you into her world, and expose you to the truths she has to deal with - Sam doesn't have that option.

                                As to the (lack of) dealing with the ramifications of Ashley's death ... I definitely think we saw more of the impact it had on John than on Helen. Yes, she mourned and she ached for some form of retribution, but he was shattered to the point of losing it. Or maybe that just says more about their particular characters. Helen had more invested in her relationship with Ashley but on some subconscious level had to know it was probable that she would outlive her (although I doubt she contemplated having to deal with crossing that particular bridge for many decades yet) ... John had just started his relationship with Ashley only to have her ripped away. But I digress ... I believe the comment I was going to make initially was to not get me started on how TPTB deal with deaths of close connections. Yes, I am *still* bitter about the aftermath (or severe lack thereof) of Heroes.

                                Moving right back along to the topic at hand ... both Sam and Helen have traits I value in a friend ... I think Sam would be more likely to sit back and have a laugh if you could ever convince her to relax and take some much needed downtime (from her intense...radar...telemetry....issues. Yes. That's it. ), but Helen would definitely have better connections to the coolest holiday getaway spots!
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
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