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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Let's see, a name for Biggie.....

    Well we've had Damian the 'smokin' nubbin
    How about Marty for Biggie

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

      I'd like to see Magnus with a powerful woman instead of a traditional het couple. I don't know. Helen kinda strikes me as someone who finds attraction where it is regardless of gender. Didn't Amanda mention something about wanting Magnus & Polly Walker's guest character to share a big smooch at SDCC?
      yeah, she did, but i don't do slash, especially with my faves characters.

      for me, i'll take helen with gerard butler. I'LL take gerard butler.



        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

        Good, I'll get David Deluise's agent on the phone.

        *Prepares for the apocalipse*




          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          Helen doesn't mind Olaf. Amanda felt differently. She wants Helen to be with George, so she can film the scenes.
          there. something on the thread today i can enjoy!!



            Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
            Lol! Well she didn’t put it in that many words exactly, but she clearly definitely saw some potential between Helen and Polly Walkers character.
            I believe her exact words were: “Why not? Damian. I thought that would be really cool.”

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Couldn't agree more. If we saw glimpses or hints of men she was involved with in flashbacks, maybe i could stand it. But it would have to make sense in the story, not just be there to be there. I like how they've handled Druitt--clearly her one true love but that isn't the focus of episodes. Iit tells more about who Helen was and is than a "love story."
            i like how they've handled druitt as well... it gives us insight into their pasts without making the stories all about will they/wont they...

            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            I just couldn't see any 'morning after' scenes taking place; the two nonchalantly walking out in their bath robes to get their morning cup of tea and running into Will, Kate, Henry and/or the Big Guy. Too weird. Even if this scene is done more subtly, it would still be too distracting from the overall ep and what is going on in it. What purpose would it serve?

            Wasn't it said before how it might be a security issue to bring someone into the Sanctuary for a 'night of fun'? That would mean Helen meeting this person somewhere else for their little time of play, which I cannot see happening either.

            You know me...Yes! But I'd still object if it served no overall value to the scene or ep.
            agreed if it adds to the scene or overall ep then by all means look into helens lovers throughout history, its part and parcel of who she is... but i personally dont want to just see a scene lumped in for the sake of it...

            That's enough for me. They've had their past and I certainly don't feel they have much of a future; too much going on for that trust to be mended and reestablished again. But watching their scenes together is fulfilling in the sense that it digs further into Helen's history (romantic and otherwise) which is what I crave more.
            indeed... i dont think helen could ever get the trust back to return to where they used to be either... he will always be her first and one true love, but that ship has sailed IMO... however what we do get on screen is an interesting insight into their past and how it affects their present, which i like...

            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            She said that at TSE as well. In Amanda's mind, Helen has not let gender determine her relationships. She has loved men and women.
            in my mind helen being bi was as much an established part of her character as her being a mother as soon as AT made the comments about being with strong women throughout history as well...

            Helen doesn't mind Olaf. Amanda felt differently. She wants Helen to be with George, so she can film the scenes.
            shes such a cheeky monkey
            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


              Just recently listened the commentary for Revelations Pt. 1, and Amanda said that she thought Helen and Watson got close after Druitt went wacko and became Jack the Ripper. She didn't confirm or deny how far it went, she said she and the actor who played Watson played it so there could have been something more than friendship.

              Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!


                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                Just recently listened the commentary for Revelations Pt. 1, and Amanda said that she thought Helen and Watson got close after Druitt went wacko and became Jack the Ripper. She didn't confirm or deny how far it went, she said she and the actor who played Watson played it so there could have been something more than friendship.

                Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!
                that is hilarious
                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                  helen didn't sleep with them all....but i think john and watson...never did with tesla, much to his chagrin, thus why they flirt and banter

                  as to stress relief, helen doesn't invite them in as much as she 'goes out of town for a weekend' or has a rendezvous as part of an assignment
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    So like Amanda, Helen is a true Virgo. Not that I would ever call Amanda a control freak but apparently that's part of a Virgo's trait...I should know, I'm one of those too. Not that I'm a control freak either.
                    I dunno. I'm an aries and HUGE control freak. Maybe I have Virgo in my rising moon? (is that right?)

                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    1. Wasn't it said before how it might be a security issue to bring someone into the Sanctuary for a 'night of fun'? That would mean Helen meeting this person somewhere else for their little time of play, which I cannot see happening either.

                    2. You know me...Yes! But I'd still object if it served no overall value to the scene or ep.
                    1. Who said it had to be in the Sanctuary?

                    2. Point taken.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                    And you say I'm playing with fire?!

                    Hey, gotta break out of the everyday from time to time.

                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                    She said that at TSE as well. In Amanda's mind, Helen has not let gender determine her relationships. She has loved men and women.
                    Did not know that. Cool.

                    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post

                    Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!
                    LOL, but AT has tweeted more than once that maybe Helen and Tesla have gotten it on in the past. So-- Looks like Helen's had a thing with all of them but the invisible man. Or maybe him too...

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                      Just recently listened the commentary for Revelations Pt. 1, and Amanda said that she thought Helen and Watson got close after Druitt went wacko and became Jack the Ripper. She didn't confirm or deny how far it went, she said she and the actor who played Watson played it so there could have been something more than friendship.

                      Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!
                      Hehe. Helen the floozy? Helen.....eaaasy? No, please.

                      Good for A!


                        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                        So-- Looks like Helen's had a thing with all of them but the invisible man. Or maybe him too...
                        he was her fave...

                        *images the fun of an invisible lover*



                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          he was her fave...

                          *images the fun of an invisible lover*

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            i'm aquarius and can be a control freak. I have my way of doing things, and it works for me, so please let me do fact, at times, i'd rather shun help and put things away the 'right' way than accept it and then have to 'fix' what they do wrong (like when people help me with putting away the projectors and laptops, certain cords go in certain places and bags and please don't just cram it wherever....i put stuff away 'in its place' so i know where it is and don't have to go looking for it or get caught by it being in teh wrong place)

                            other times....dude, close enough is fine
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Heck, I'm a cancer and still very analytical and at times, very controlling. I think it has nothing to do with astronomical signs and more to do with upbringing and personality.

                              If I was to go with what my sign suggests, than I'd be a homebody. I love to travel though! Love to see new places and explore the nooks and crannies of every country. If I could, I'd make it a career!

                              So, yeah.


                                Originally posted by katjoy View Post

                                i like how they've handled druitt as well... it gives us insight into their pasts without making the stories all about will they/wont they...

                                agreed if it adds to the scene or overall ep then by all means look into helens lovers throughout history, its part and parcel of who she is... but i personally dont want to just see a scene lumped in for the sake of it...

                                indeed... i dont think helen could ever get the trust back to return to where they used to be either... he will always be her first and one true love, but that ship has sailed IMO... however what we do get on screen is an interesting insight into their past and how it affects their present, which i like...

                                in my mind helen being bi was as much an established part of her character as her being a mother as soon as AT made the comments about being with strong women throughout history as well...

                                shes such a cheeky monkey
                                Agree to all you said. Especially the cheeky monkey part.

                                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                                Just recently listened the commentary for Revelations Pt. 1, and Amanda said that she thought Helen and Watson got close after Druitt went wacko and became Jack the Ripper. She didn't confirm or deny how far it went, she said she and the actor who played Watson played it so there could have been something more than friendship.

                                Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!
                                I thought, go Helen!

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                he was her fave...

                                *images the fun of an invisible lover*
                                *splash* Where the heck did that gutter come from?

                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Heck, I'm a cancer and still very analytical and at times, very controlling. I think it has nothing to do with astronomical signs and more to do with upbringing and personality.

                                If I was to go with what my sign suggests, than I'd be a homebody. I love to travel though! Love to see new places and explore the nooks and crannies of every country. If I could, I'd make it a career!

                                So, yeah.
                                Virgos are supposed to be very organized, but Mom is a Virgo and Dad was a Virgo and neither one is/was organized at all. I'm the super organizer in the family, and controlling in some ways I guess. I'm a Scorpio. I organize everything. But at least I know where things are when I need them. (most of the time)

                                Birth order probably plays a big part. I consider myself an only child with three siblings. (there's a nine year separation between me and the next oldest - the three of them were each 1 year apart) Probably why I have no problem spending time alone and have lots of hobbies.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

