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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I remember having the morning off because I had a dentist appointment. I was eating breakfast in front of the tv and watching the Today show. I turned it on about 2 or 3 minutes before the second plane struck the tower. I was trying to make sense of what Katy Curic was saying when I saw the second plane. It circled around the tower and crashed right into it. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was done on purpose.

    I called the dentist and cancelled. I needed to go into work and be with people. I couldn't imagine why anyone would do this on purpose. Why kill innocent people who did nothing to you. I watched as the first tower collaspsed and the second one as well. We had a tv on at work and most people were in that room watching everything happen.

    To this day I still don't understand why anyone would do something like this. The killing of innocents to further what, your hatred of a country. But you didn't just kill people of the US, you killed people from countries all over the world, including muslems from the Middle East. It became the day I realized that no one in this world is safe as long as there is someone out there that falsely believes they and their beliefs are more important than anything or anyone in the world.
    Last edited by llp; 12 September 2010, 12:31 PM.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      I had the same attitude about flying, heck freaking no was i gonna stay home. then they'd 'win'. I was going and if something happened, so be it.
      I'm with you. I had been home sick that day and watching it on the tv, with the news constantly replying the crashing..I finally had to turn off the tv because it was seriously breaking my heart.

      But, I had already purchased tickets to fly to GA for Christmas and it had been a long time since I'd seen my family and I wasn't about to let a handful of extremists dictate what I would do because they hate my country. I flew home to GA for Christmas and fly back to WA State (where I was living then).

      i don't begrudge anyone that stayed home, I know some that did. But, for me, I'd been planning this trip for over a year and I was going. It was my first gatecon, my first time to canada, my first real vacation 'on my own' and i wasn't going to stay home because some extremists decided to murder people.
      Exactly. I don't begrudge those who chose not to fly either but again why let a handful of murderous extremists win?
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        I woke up, turned on the news to see one tower in flames (we're in California, so it was early for us). Watched the second tower fall as I got ready for work. Went in to work and was in a meeting when I learned a colleague was on the plane that went into the north tower.

        I was on my way home two hours later when my cell rang, bringing the news that my uncle was on the plane that hit the south tower. I pulled over on the freeway and was sick. A sheriff's deputy stopped to help and we both cried at my news and the nation's loss. He followed me home to be sure I made it okay.


          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          I was on holiday in Canada with No.1 Son and my late hubby on 9-11. We were travelling between Calgary and Vancouver (with Gatecon tacked on the end of the holiday), and had got as far as Banff. We came down for breakfast and there was a buzz in the air. The hotel we stayed at was frequented by the local police for meals and their big circular table was quite animated. We went to the computer room to check emails and found a distraught woman on the phone explaining to her family that she couldn't get home (to Boston) because everything was closing down - no flights were available. A headline on the internet told of an 'accident' in NY and we went upstairs and put CNN on the TV in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower. The rest of the day, trying to do the touristy things in Banff was surreal, with groups of people round umpteen televisions that had sprouted in every shop and venue as the story and the full horror of the day progressed

          Becky was due to join us for Gatecon. It was the year that her quilts were used in Sam's house in Ascension, and they were due to be auctioned at the event. I begged her not to try to come, but she wouldn't hear of it. She said that now would be the safest time to fly because everyone would be super-cautious - and if she didn't come, the b******s would win. The day she flew over was the worst day ever for me. When I finally got hold of her (in Robson Square) I didn't want to let her go. If I ever needed a hug, it was that one!

          The family atmosphere at Gatecon was magnified and strengthened that year. Most people made the effort to get there, and some of the trials and tribulations some of them had just getting across the border from the US should have put a lot of them off - but they got bloody-minded and just made it happen. The squeeze and squeal sessions as each of them arrived was something to see. I'll never forget. The following year's Gatecon actually fell on the first anniversary and that event was also very poignant, with a special room set aside for quiet rememberance on the day.

          I still find it difficult to watch programmes about it. Watching the films as the planes hit the towers is so surreal. And then the collapses of those huge buildings - gone in so few moments... The world changed for ever in those few hours.

          My thoughts are always with the families of the victims.

          While I understand peoples fears, Becky did the right thing, carrying on with life is the greatest defiance we can give to people who do things like that.
          I remember going into Manchester and Warrington after the IRA bombed them, deliberately not letting the terrorists win by scaring me out of my cities.



            I had flown home from Europe exactly a week before 9/11 from a month long trip, including some places near the Middle Easy - we almost extended our trip to 9/11 itself. My whole family was on a trip together, and when it happened my mom refused to fly again for years. On the actual day, I was at school - we stopped all actual classes and just talked about it... I don't think I actually saw the incident until I got home, it was playing on every news station of course, as it was for months after.

            I went to New York for the first time about 4 years after 9/11, and was shocked to see the huge crater that was still there, though lots of construction was already being done. The memorials were also very intense.
            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


              I just had to post this.

              @JewelStaite I second that notion RT: @majorsal @dhewlett @amandatapping david and jewel must guest on #sanctuary! Trio of tremendous must rise again!

              Last edited by Rocky89; 12 September 2010, 06:10 PM.


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                I just had to post this. D

                @JewelStaite I second that notion RT: @majorsal @dhewlett @amandatapping david and jewel must guest on #sanctuary! Trio of tremendous must rise again!

                i was and then when jewel replied!!

                ~jewel's super cool~



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i was and then when jewel replied!!

                  ~jewel's super cool~
                  Congrats, Sally, maybe Jewel will pass it along to AT and DH.

                  Edit: Amanda is WAY cooler.


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Congrats, Sally, maybe Jewel will pass it along to AT and DH.

                    Edit: Amanda is WAY cooler.
                    amanda's so cool, she's the artic circle!

                    i really don't know if that made sense



                      so the two sg1 eps for sundays syndication were 'menace' and 'the sentinel'. with the latter ep, that's supposedly the one they were filming when 9/11 first happened. if that's true, that's a spooky coincidence on it airing a day after...



                        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                        Just saw Requiem for the first time today... Amanda was excellent!! What great acting chops. I am glad to see it. As much as I LOVE Sam Carter, we've never really seen her go over to the dark side so much, even when she played Evil Carter. She was always constricted with military protocol, so she couldn't really blow-up too much. As Mangus, she certainly has much more freedom to play her to the extreme! Very impressive!
                        Still my favorite episode.

                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        I woke up, turned on the news to see one tower in flames (we're in California, so it was early for us). Watched the second tower fall as I got ready for work. Went in to work and was in a meeting when I learned a colleague was on the plane that went into the north tower.

                        I was on my way home two hours later when my cell rang, bringing the news that my uncle was on the plane that hit the south tower. I pulled over on the freeway and was sick. A sheriff's deputy stopped to help and we both cried at my news and the nation's loss. He followed me home to be sure I made it okay.

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i was and then when jewel replied!!

                        ~jewel's super cool~
                        Hopefully it will happen. I would love to see David's character from the webisodes brought back. It was such a different role for him. hmmmm. What role could Jewel play?

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        amanda's so cool, she's the artic circle!

                        i really don't know if that made sense
                        She's been there anyway.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          I woke up, turned on the news to see one tower in flames (we're in California, so it was early for us). Watched the second tower fall as I got ready for work. Went in to work and was in a meeting when I learned a colleague was on the plane that went into the north tower.

                          I was on my way home two hours later when my cell rang, bringing the news that my uncle was on the plane that hit the south tower. I pulled over on the freeway and was sick. A sheriff's deputy stopped to help and we both cried at my news and the nation's loss. He followed me home to be sure I made it okay.
                          (((Pol))) I'm really sorry to hear.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                            Hopefully it will happen. I would love to see David's character from the webisodes brought back. It was such a different role for him. hmmmm. What role could Jewel play?
                            what if david and jewel played...

                            maria and pierre curie?





                              everyones 9/11 stories are so touching (samandans)

                              as to flying, my family went to the states on holiday at the end of 2002 and many people thought we were crazy... but it was something that mum had always wanted to do (take the family to the states - particularly disney land) and nothing and no one was going to stop us...
                              Last edited by katjoy; 13 September 2010, 03:04 AM.
                              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                                they were filming Menace when 911 happened. And the scene when the team finds reece, you'll notice that teal'c is way back in the background...chris should have had a couple of lines but he was too upset, so he was put into the background and the lines rearranged to allow him to still be there but give him space.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


