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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    A very belated Happy Birthday, Sky!
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      Congrats again Kat, it's funny because the other day I was thinking of when we'd hear news of Amanda going to Australia, and now we know.
      and now we know!

      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Happy Valentines/Singles Awareness Day!

      Looking forward to discount candy day tomorrow.
      yay to discounted candy

      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
      Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

      (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)

      hehe, nah you havent been watching too much stargate
      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


        We went away all weekend and so now I am catching up on the Olympics via BBC iplayer....I shall be excited well behind everyone else
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Hey everyone,

          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

          (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)

          Thanks Mumsey! I knew I'd see it somewhere before.

          And loving watching the Olympic catch-up this morning!!! Go Canada Go!!!

          Does anyone else support another country as well as their home country? And kinda on topic, what other country would Sam support?

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Hey is it possible to show more video's or photo's from Amanda's part of the opening ceremonies? I watched the clip (thanks a lot BTW) but since I live in Belgium (and will support the female bobslay team) I didn't know when the ceremony started and I don't think any of our channels aired it.

            Did someone know what she said.
            The Olympics made a great choice choosing her as part of the ceremony.

            She's a healthy beautiful mind in a healthy beautiful body with a smile that lightens up the entire area.
            Oh wait, don't smile Amanda, then the snow will melt

            Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


              I doubt it was aired. What she did, to my understanding, was to welcome the athletes to canada. and this happened within the confines of the athlete's village, and access to that is severely restricted. It's meant to be a 'safe haven' for them, so it's kinda like a very private gated village
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

                (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)

                D'oh. I havent seen any of the Olympics yet, but I'll be looking for this moment. It's been a busy, but fun weekend for me and mine. I'll have to play catch up as I recorded quite a bit of it and what I'm not able to see, I'll be able to watch by some other means hopefully. Gotta love technology and the various forms of media available to us now. If there's ever a will to see something, there's always an avenue found to do just that.

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                I know this is probably a moot point, but you know, some folks might be unhappy with spoilers.

                I don't care, and i'm not setting policy, and I'm not wanting to harsh your squee...just something to be aware of
                YES! If someone wins a gold, silver, or whatever.... Please put it in spoils! Not only for late-watchers like myself, but being that there is a myriad of time zones, someone is bound to be spoiled.

                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                Does anyone else support another country as well as their home country? And kinda on topic, what other country would Sam support?
                Seriously, I've heard so much about the US Olympic hopefuls by the media and how which ones are our best chances for gold in their various sport that I'll most likely be watching to see if they succeed or not. Names that come to mind are Shaun White, Lindsay Vonn, Apolo Ohno, etc.. If another country bypasses and wins then I'll be quite happy for them. For me, it's not national pride more than a love of watching an amazing athlete perform their best, no matter their home country.


                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

                  (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)

                  That's why that looked so familiar!

                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Um...yes you can
                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                  Our first gold on Canadian soil,
                  in men's moguls
                  Not possible to have too much Stargate or Sanctuary. Or anything with Amanda for that matter.


                  I was off my couch when he won! And so awesome that he was skating for his brother.

                  I'm a total olympics junkie. I'll be hoarse by the end of the next two weeks.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    I know it annoys others, and we can't control it, but yeah, the media coverage is slanted. It's broadcast by a US network primarily for a US audience.

                    Some of us yanks notice and it annoys us too, but there's nothing we can do about it.

                    I hope that the BBC and other networks that are there give coverage more geared towards their audiences
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      That was a pretty bad rendition. For one thing, it was waaaaay too slow. It's not supposed to be a dirge. Most of the rest of the music was great though. Loved the Furtado/Adams duet. And you can never go wrong with McLachlan or Lang. Wasn't too crazy about the Olympic theme. But the tap dancing fiddle players were awesome!

                      One thing that struck me is the parellel history that the US and Canada have had. We share much of the same geography and native people and we are both countries of immigrants. We have an awful lot in common.

                      I felt bad for Jenn Heil that she didn't get the gold. She looked so devastated. Not that I'm not happy for Hannah Kearney, but I really wanted to see her get the home gold.

                      I wish there was more coverage of AT's participation in the welcoming ceremonies! I bet she made all those athletes that are so far from home, feel right at home in Vancouver. And they'll be watching Stargate and Sanctuary when they get home.
                      Jenn Heil was so gracious. As she said
                      she won silver she didn't lose gold. She skied great but so did the American
                      . I loved how she said she could feel all of Canada supporting her and it was like she was skiing on their shoulders.

                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

                      (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)


                      LOL Mumsey! Maybe a wee bit too much!

                      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                      I noticed the moment and thought to myself "where have I seen that before?". LOL Thank you! You answered the question for me

                      My favorite part of the opening ceremony was the whales. That was so cool!!

                      Oh and of course, seeing all the mittens. I like the American's hats and sweaters, but their pants looked like long johns No uniforms have been as cool as the Stetson's and sheepskin coats at Calgary.

                      Lots of surprise wins so far. I like that, it makes for an exciting games. And I have to say, I'm cheering just as hard for the Canadians to get their first gold as I am for the Americans. And before you ask, no that isn't a contradiction. I can yell for lots of people at once My staff will probably tell you I'm good at yelling at people
                      The whales were way cool.

                      Thanks for the support.

                      The mittens are a very hot item. Hard to come by.

                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      and they have one now! YAY!!!
                      YAY! Thanks.

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Hey everyone,

                      Thanks Mumsey! I knew I'd see it somewhere before.

                      And loving watching the Olympic catch-up this morning!!! Go Canada Go!!!

                      Does anyone else support another country as well as their home country? And kinda on topic, what other country would Sam support?

                      I cheer for others. The Dutch in speedskating for example. I like the Dutch and speedskating is such an important sport to them (us too ).

                      In lots of events I cheer for other athletes. Especially the ones that have such good stories like the Canadian
                      gold medalist
                      Alexandre Bilodeau. I love it when the fans cheer for others like when the moguls fans cheered for those who fell but got up and finished.

                      I have two favourite Olympic stories. One is a Canadian sailor who was in position to win a medal and stopped to render assistance to a fellow competitor whose boat had capsized. The other is from the last winter Olympics. A Canadian cross country skier broke her pole which would have put her out of contention but a Norwegian coach gave her his pole. She won silver and Canadians sent him maple syrup because he mentioned he liked it (went a little overboard on that, I think he received 5 tons of the stuff).

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I know it annoys others, and we can't control it, but yeah, the media coverage is slanted. It's broadcast by a US network primarily for a US audience.

                        Some of us yanks notice and it annoys us too, but there's nothing we can do about it.

                        I hope that the BBC and other networks that are there give coverage more geared towards their audiences
                        Definitely. In the past though if I recall, if another athlete or pair from a different county wins, they will broadcast their gold medal performance.

                        I'm watching women's cross country skiing at the moment live on NBC and there is no
                        American even close to medaling
                        but I'm quite happy to see the other countries and obviously, the media coverage isn't slanted in this regard. I suppose when prime-time coverage begins tonight, they won't be so obliging.

                        Which makes recording the games (if your not able to watch live) all that much better for getting a better perspective overall. *nod*


                          I've just checked a friends website to find out that he's made the NZ winter paralympics team for this year. I'm stoked about that and now have a reason to watch very closely!

                          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                          My Fanfic~My Femslash


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            Did anyone else notice the Ori moment? The lone traveller with a staff with a light in the top who walked to the centre and struck the ground causing ripples of light to extend away from him.

                            (thinks - have I been watching too much Stargate?? Naaa! You can't watch too much Stargate.)

                            Hee! That part actually reminded me more of Gandalf in the mines of Moria, I guess my LOTR fannish brain trumps my Stargate one.

                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                            Does anyone else support another country as well as their home country? And kinda on topic, what other country would Sam support?
                            I tend to support more by individual athlete than by country, especially when there's an interesting story involved. One of best parts of the Olympics for me is getting to see some of the standout athletes from other countries, like the Germans in the luge, the Dutch in speedskating, etc.

                            I think probably Sam would do something similar, cheer for the US athletes primarily, but also enjoy great performances no matter which country they're from, esp once she got to know people from other countries via the Atlantis expedition.

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            I have two favourite Olympic stories. One is a Canadian sailor who was in position to win a medal and stopped to render assistance to a fellow competitor whose boat had capsized. The other is from the last winter Olympics. A Canadian cross country skier broke her pole which would have put her out of contention but a Norwegian coach gave her his pole. She won silver and Canadians sent him maple syrup because he mentioned he liked it (went a little overboard on that, I think he received 5 tons of the stuff).
                            I love stories like these, thanks for sharing!



                              Hee...watching curling on the Olympics and can't help but think of a certain someone.

                              The sport reminds me of a cross between bowling and darts, what with the sliding on the ice and the goal of getting their stone in the bullseye. Hmm, or maybe shooting marbles... It definitely must have a cross-over of some kind in it's origin.


                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Hee...watching curling on the Olympics and can't help but think of a certain someone.

                                The sport reminds me of a cross between bowling and darts, what with the sliding on the ice and the goal of getting their stone in the bullseye. Hmm, or maybe shooting marbles... It definitely must have a cross-over of some kind in it's origin.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

