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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Work is 20 miles away. No walking that. I'd love a job on campus. Could either walk or shuttle to the other campus.
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      I drive 45 min to an hour each way to get to work (used to be 20-30 min until they moved my department to another office in July ....grrrr). I hate to think how long that would take to walk. Luckily, I drive a hybrid. But, it does kind of kill my "cut the gas I use in half" plan. Hopefully, I'm still using less gas. It's not easy being green.
      I only live two miles from work and I work in the city centre. By the time I've driven or caught the bus I might as well have walked and cycling is the quickest by far.

      If I have to go out on visits I take my motorbike, which is quicker through traffic and I can park it right outside my office door

      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      She was fine in my car!!
      As my second option I blame the twisty country roads
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post

        She was fine in my car!!
        Haha, we didn't drive far I did feel a wee bit sick on the way up the mountain to the pub.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Haha, we didn't drive far I did feel a wee bit sick on the way up the mountain to the pub.
          We drove from the airport to my least one hour there...then back to Melbourne the next day and home again...another 2 hours there...and even I get woozy sometimes going up the mountain. Just glad you didn't do what my nephew did once...he puked in the car...nothing worse than puke in a confined space.
          Actually you were pretty buggered so small wonder you were feeling yuck...and you even felt yuck at the Eureka Tower...for a minute there I was concerned that you might pass out or something!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            We drove from the airport to my least one hour there...then back to Melbourne the next day and home again...another 2 hours there...and even I get woozy sometimes going up the mountain. Just glad you didn't do what my nephew did once...he puked in the car...nothing worse than puke in a confined space.
            Actually you were pretty buggered so small wonder you were feeling yuck...and you even felt yuck at the Eureka Tower...for a minute there I was concerned that you might pass out or something!
            I thought I was going to either collapse or vomit... maybe collapse in a pile of vomit. Yay jet lag induced nausea!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              I thought I was going to either collapse or vomit... maybe collapse in a pile of vomit. Yay jet lag induce nausea!
              So much travel can be hard work, you'd done the UK and Europe by that stage, no wonder you were knackered.
              I wreaked myself when I won TAFF in 2000 ( I did a week in San Francisco, few days in Seattle, few days in Minneapolis (state fair! Butter carving! Oh my!), Worldcon in Chicago and few days in NY.
              By the time I reached NY I was a mess, blistered feet, no voice left, it was the Worldcon which slaughtered me; there's nothing like walking round a conference centre for five days with thousands of other fans to wipe you out. I was up all night working on the newsletter, drinking copious amounts of rum with the newsletter crew and then sleeping all day, so my body clock was out of whack too.
              I had to be driven the half mile between the pizza place we had dinner at in NY and the Mom and Pop ice cream store where we had dessert. I just couldn't walk any further. My voice took weeks to come back too.
              But it was fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.



                Originally Posted by NZNeep
                I thought I was going to either collapse or vomit... maybe collapse in a pile of vomit. Yay jet lag induce nausea!
                I can totaly understand NZNeep i've felt the sameway

                It was a while back i went to Scotland for christmas to see family there on the way i couldnt eat i was so tired from a lack of food and sleep then when we arrived it tolk me two week's to get over the jetlag i felt bad the whole time i was there but i did eat some food then heading home i had a pannic attack at heathrow airport i felt like i was gonna passout i had to go to the bathroom's there i was in there for about 10-15min had to pull myself together for the long flight home . I totaly understand
                (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  So much travel can be hard work, you'd done the UK and Europe by that stage, no wonder you were knackered.
                  I wreaked myself when I won TAFF in 2000 ( I did a week in San Francisco, few days in Seattle, few days in Minneapolis (state fair! Butter carving! Oh my!), Worldcon in Chicago and few days in NY.
                  By the time I reached NY I was a mess, blistered feet, no voice left, it was the Worldcon which slaughtered me; there's nothing like walking round a conference centre for five days with thousands of other fans to wipe you out. I was up all night working on the newsletter, drinking copious amounts of rum with the newsletter crew and then sleeping all day, so my body clock was out of whack too.
                  I had to be driven the half mile between the pizza place we had dinner at in NY and the Mom and Pop ice cream store where we had dessert. I just couldn't walk any further. My voice took weeks to come back too.
                  But it was fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


                  I knew you had stamina, but my goodness. I'm glad it was definitely worth it.

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Haha, we didn't drive far I did feel a wee bit sick on the way up the mountain to the pub.
                    I hope your not this way when I get over there. I have lots and lots of plans for us (some may include driving) and maybe even a flight to Australia mid-week to invade Chelle. I'm not very good with sick people so if your feeling nauseous, please let me know waaaay ahead of time. I'll redirect you to either the nearest bathroom, bucket or roadside field.


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                      It may be summer here, but the aircon in the office is set too cold so I'm shivering in sympathy. Brrrr. Way to go- environmentalist to the extreme.
                      The polar bears love you! I catch the train and walk everywhere, to the point that I get car sick on the odd occasion I do jump in the car. Just ask Titta

                      ETA: why yes, I did just compare a chilly air conditioner to being outside in -35
                      Yes, air conditioning is very much the same as -35!

                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      I walk most places, just ask Neep, Cel or Ames (again sorry to Ames for nearly killing you on the way from the train station ) or cycle, but not been cycling so much while the roads are covered in ice and people who don't know how to drive in snowy and icy conditions.
                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                      I drive 45 min to an hour each way to get to work (used to be 20-30 min until they moved my department to another office in July ....grrrr). I hate to think how long that would take to walk. Luckily, I drive a hybrid. But, it does kind of kill my "cut the gas I use in half" plan. Hopefully, I'm still using less gas. It's not easy being green.
                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      It's nearly impossible for me to go completely green. I live in an area that has multitude small towns all squashed together and thus, it takes quite a bit of time getting from one place to the next. Work for me is a good 30 min drive and that's mostly taking the expressways or main streets in. There's NO WAY I would attempt to ride my bike in. Shopping is the same scenario. Everything is so spread out.

                      I do compensate by doing as much biking (both trail and pavement) when it's warmer out and that's besides all the walking/running I do to keep fit. I know it might not sound like much, but it's the best I can do given my circumstances. I am hoping to purchase a motorcycle this spring/summer and use it as often as possible as I know it's better on the environment in the the less gas used, less pollution created as well as the obvious less materials used in its construction. Plus it's kick ass fun! I'm having a brilliant time deciding on which model/make to buy. I feel like a kid in a candy shop, to use an old cliche.
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i couple of years ago i walked to work almost every day. but the neighborhood i walk through has taken a downturn so it's a bit dangerous/risky to walk.
                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      I only live two miles from work and I work in the city centre. By the time I've driven or caught the bus I might as well have walked and cycling is the quickest by far.

                      If I have to go out on visits I take my motorbike, which is quicker through traffic and I can park it right outside my office door
                      Not always easy being green. I bicycle in the non-winter months but don't trust the roads or the drivers in winter. Since it is a 45 min walk one-way I take the bus in the morning and walk home. Given the hours I work, I just don't have time to walk both ways every day (but I do sometimes on weekends).

                      There are other things to do if you can't have a green commute. I try to ride my bike or walk to run errands, I use a push lawn mower, I changed to energy efficient lights, recycle and compost. I bought a scooter 3 years ago for those times when I need a motor vehicle but not the car. Added bonus: it's fun to ride.

                      Oh, and the advantage of walking in the cold? All the dodgy people are inside where it is warm!

                      Back on topic, I've been meaning to rewatch 2010 (one of my favourite episodes) since it is now 2010. has anyone done this?

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Back on topic, I've been meaning to rewatch 2010 (one of my favourite episodes) since it is now 2010. has anyone done this?
                        There were lots of people referring to the Aschen on my friendspage on Twitter etc at the beginning of january, took me a while to figure out why

                        I've been watching lots of Stargate, because I'm often too tired to play on the computer these days. I'll put an episode on while I'm getting ready for bed, most of the time I'm asleep before I get to the end lol. I'm now in S7 again (started at 6, cause I like it) and should try to see the end of Avenger lol.


                          Can anyone tell me when all Samandans will have seen Sleepers? I don't want to post any screen caps on the thunk the thread until I know for sure I won't be spoiling it for anyone and I don't feel like wrapping everything in spoiler tags so I would rather wait.

                          Thanks *waves*


                            I tried to go to Space's website. It's very pretty, but almost impossible to find the listings for future dates. Unless you know the date.
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                              Can anyone tell me when all Samandans will have seen Sleepers? I don't want to post any screen caps on the thunk the thread until I know for sure I won't be spoiling it for anyone and I don't feel like wrapping everything in spoiler tags so I would rather wait.

                              Thanks *waves*
                              Episodes don't start again until January 29th in Canada. We haven't seen the one with MS (Penance?) so it would start with that. However, I don't know if we are following the Syfy order of airings, which would have Sleepers after that, or the proper airing order which would have Haunting next. So the totally unhelpful answer is Feb 5 or 12.

                              BTW, it just occured to me that by delaying the Canadian airings the brain trust at Space will end up pitting the final few Sanctuary episodes against the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Perhaps they think sci fi fans don't like sports.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Back on topic, I've been meaning to rewatch 2010 (one of my favourite episodes) since it is now 2010. has anyone done this?
                                Hee, I did that on the 1st. Definitely one of my top 10 favorite SG-1 eps. And didn't AT get a Gemini nod for her performance in it? I esp enjoyed her scenes with Janet and Joe.

                                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                                Can anyone tell me when all Samandans will have seen Sleepers? I don't want to post any screen caps on the thunk the thread until I know for sure I won't be spoiling it for anyone and I don't feel like wrapping everything in spoiler tags so I would rather wait.

                                Thanks *waves*
                                According to Jaclyn MacRae on twitter, Space is showing Penance on Jan 29th, then if they don't take a break again I assume Sleepers will be on Feb 5th. I'm not sure about the UK or other countries.


