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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    hmmm I think Joe may have just answered the whos in command of SG-1 question. By the below question and answer I think he is implying that Mitchell is in command.



    To me this says. "Mitchell is in charge, period". Although I already suspected this would be the case I did hold out the smallest of hopes that it wouldnt be, especially since Mitchell has been such a Ford. But I guess hes the lead and thats that. I hope (but doubt) they will have a scene that will make me feel better about this. Let me know what you guys think.

    Well, I guess the question is, did Mitchell behave like a leader in Beachhead? Well, kind of, but so did Sam. Sam did say at one point that it's his call--so I guess he's the leader, but she seemed to be in charge even if he is the official leader.

    I'm with you. They are going to have to have a scene that makes sense to the viewers about why Carter would not be leader. I guess they could be using the fact that she took another assignment, so gave up her leader position on SG1---then when she returns if she wants to be on SG1 because of the Ori threat, she will not be leader. Mitchell is. The whole thing is kind of nuts to me. The only thing I hold onto is the fact that Mitchell and Carter seem to have mutual respect for one another. Also, what else can Mitchell really do? If Carter leads as well as be the leading scientist, what is Mitchell supposed to do in the episodes?

    They wanted a male leader---they got it, but even still, Sam was very much in charge the last two episodes in general. I think we'll learn alot more next episode---it will probably be made crystal clear that Mitchell is leader in the sense of leading on missions. But actually "leading" Sam, Teal'c and Daniel? Not sure how given their expertize and experience.


      Originally posted by AGateFan
      hmmm I think Joe may have just answered the whos in command of SG-1 question. By the below question and answer I think he is implying that Mitchell is in command.
      Nah, I just read that as JM saying episodes that Mitchell will actually have something to do in. I didn't get any 'he's the leader' vibe from it.

      And I also noticed he answered the question about whether Carter can cook or not:
      Originally posted by JMallozzi
      She can cook, but she's incredibly modest.


        Originally posted by majorsal
        be careful about the just chat part... off topic can destroy threads. this i know. the hard way. i know i play with agent dark, but i've tried to not over do it. too much off topic can kills threads.

        very true sally. Too much chit chat CAN ruin a thread. I've seen it happen in other places.

        Will i smack anyone making OT posts? No. But it is a matter of degree.

        Take my vacation for example. There were some OT posts, and some responses, but none of them ever took over the whole thread.

        Folks need to use their common sense. A little chitchat is fine and fun and contributes to the family atmosphere. But too much of it does annoy folks. and it also is rather off putting to new folks who may not get the in jokes and comments.

        If folks chit a little, that' cool, if it's going on and on and on, then it's time to take it to PM or e-mail.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally Posted by AGateFan:
          hmmm I think Joe may have just answered the whos in command of SG-1 question. By the below question and answer I think he is implying that Mitchell is in command.
          Originally Posted by Agent_Dark:
          Nah, I just read that as JM saying episodes that
          Mitchell will actually have something to do in. I didn't get any 'he's the leader' vibe from it.
          I'm with Agent Dark on this one. I don't think that Joe was implying that Mitchell was in charge at all. When he says, "I guess you have your answer", I took it as refering to whether or not Mitchell played a big role in the episode. And he then goes on to name a few episodes where Mitchell has someting, anything at all to do.

          I didn't get any "Mitchell's the leader vibes" either.


            Originally posted by chocdoc
            Well, I guess the question is, did Mitchell behave like a leader in Beachhead? Well, kind of, but so did Sam. Sam did say at one point that it's his call--so I guess he's the leader, but she seemed to be in charge even if he is the official leader.
            Well, I saw it as Sam coming in as a visitor in that ep. She had taken a new job. She had a new command. But Landry begged for her to come back and help, so she did. So she was deferring to Mitchell out of courtesy, because she was no longer officially part of the team.
            Originally posted by chocdoc
            They wanted a male leader---they got it, but even still, Sam was very much in charge the last two episodes in general. I think we'll learn alot more next episode---it will probably be made crystal clear that Mitchell is leader in the sense of leading on missions. But actually "leading" Sam, Teal'c and Daniel? Not sure how given their expertize and experience.
            I think we're going to see a lot of cooperative leadership on the team this year. Mitchell may be made the official head of the team, but he's going to be deferring to Sam's knowledge and experience constantly. However, I also agree that if Sam officially rejoins the team, she should be leading the team.

            On the topic of where everyone has been, I think we've all been swamped by work in the past few weeks. I know I have been, as well as ChopinGal , Billie and jerin. Skydiver and Strix went on vacation, and that took several other people away over the last few weeks. Oma-1 has her hands full until her kids to go back to school. Several of our citizens have also been busy getting ready for and starting school.

            I'm sure everyone will be back soon! What will we Americans do during the break between the first part of the season and the second if we don't come here? We'll have to discuss the European fans' reaction to the eps we've already seen! This really is a great thread.....the best one on Gateworld, I think! I'm sure it will stay that way!

            Love to all!


              I've just been thinking (shocking, yes ) and I think I've come to the conclusion that these episode have just been downright confusing - Who's in charge of SG-1? Where the heck is Jack O'Neill? The "Oy-vey" TM me are exactly what now? I've never felt confused by watching any episode in the past. I started watching Stargate January of 2004. I had a lot of questions while watching the Monday marathons. I quickly caught up through purchase of the DVDs. I think I'll stay confused through the 1st half season finale. I hope these questions are answered.


                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                I've just been thinking (shocking, yes ) and I think I've come to the conclusion that these episode have just been downright confusing - Who's in charge of SG-1? Where the heck is Jack O'Neill? The "Oy-vey" TM me are exactly what now? I've never felt confused by watching any episode in the past. I started watching Stargate January of 2004. I had a lot of questions while watching the Monday marathons. I quickly caught up through purchase of the DVDs. I think I'll stay confused through the 1st half season finale. I hope these questions are answered.
                I can't remember if it was here or on the Sam/Jack Ship Family thread, but earlier today, Token posted an answer from JM's thread. In it, he said they had no plans to discuss where Jack is and why he left. I found that totally weird, since it had been discussed so much in the Stargate community over the past four months!!!!! I'm trying to figure out the nuance in that answer, but so far, I've been unsuccessful. That's why I stay away from JM's thread most of the gives me a headache!!!


                  I found a site with very nice Sam videos . . . I did a search and I don't think it has been mentioned . . . though it may have been . . . please forgive me if it has. Just thought I'd contribute in my small way.

                  LauraJo's Lunar Lounge

                  "Man in Me" (a Sam video by the way) is my favorite right now. Several of her videos have won awards, and besides, I just plain like them. If anyone knows LauraJo personally, give her 100 green points from me. She is incredible and her videos are inspired. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

                  ~Sarah, who cannot make music videos and therefore greatly admires anyone who can

                  (Check out all of them . . . not just the Sam ones!)
                  Call me Sarah . . .
                  • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
                  • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
                  • Trek forever!


                    Originally posted by startrekempress
                    I found a site with very nice Sam videos . . . I did a search and I don't think it has been mentioned . . . though it may have been . . . please forgive me if it has. Just thought I'd contribute in my small way.

                    LauraJo's Lunar Lounge

                    "Man in Me" (a Sam video by the way) is my favorite right now. Several of her videos have won awards, and besides, I just plain like them. If anyone knows LauraJo personally, give her 100 green points from me. She is incredible and her videos are inspired. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

                    ~Sarah, who cannot make music videos and therefore greatly admires anyone who can

                    (Check out all of them . . . not just the Sam ones!)
                    Hahah, yeah, she did the 'Do it with Madonna' vid - very funny And the Fireman Sam is greatly amusing (i used to watch the show that that song is from all the time when i was a kid )


                      I am once again losing posts because I cannot use the Quote reply so in response to AGateFan's post about JM's post - I agree with your edited second thought on this - I did not read JM's reply as anything but once again non-committal on the command issue. I read it as him responding to the issue of Mitchell being wallpaper and background noise. I did not see anything in BH or EDM that remotely indicated Mitchell to be in charge of these three, or anyone else for that matter, and as others have said it will be awfully hard for anyone (well almost anyone) to buy that Mitchell could tell the three experienced SG1ers what to do, where to do it, how to do it, etc., etc., since he is so green to Stargate travel in the first place. I will not buy it at all; it is just not logical or believeable based on the experience that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have and the inexperience of Mitchell. If they do pull it I will probably laugh out loud when it happens. IIRC when Carter said "it's your call" wasn't that BEFORE the patch scene? (which, BTW, I despised, and I know I am in the minority on that one, but I did.) I did not rewatch the ep so I may be mistaken - can someone clarify?

                      It will be interesting to see what they do in Babylon and whether they clarify who is in charge BEFORE Mitchell disappears because just from that short clip of Carter yelling "where the hell is Mitchell" it is clear she is in full command mode and will likely be for the whole ep after his disappearance and, surprise, surprise, they have Carter and Mitchell SEPARATED AGAIN. I think TPTB will continue to keep the command issue ambiguous and they will continue to keep Carter and Mitchell separated as much as possible to avoid it. They were separated in EDM and it was not at all clear, at least to me, that Mitchell was in charge even after the patch scene. I am disappointed at how TPTB have chosen to ignore so many huge gaps such as O'Neill's situation, why SG1 broke up in the first place, where was Carter and why (the Barrett scene was, IMO, a waste of time and, to be honest, I full forwarded through it as it made me cringe. The mere mention of Cassie maybe made it worth a 5 second spot but on the whole I thought it was basically useless, throw away scene that could have been so much more).

                      Speaking of Mitchell disappearing and being in peril once again in Babylon, I saw one of the Protoype photos and it looks as if Mitchell is once again in distress. Are TPTB that hard up for what to do with this character that they have to have him play the Damsel in Distress every other week? Is this supposed to make me like him or care about him or think he adds something to the team? For me all it does is reinforce the notion that TPTB have no real idea what to do with the character because he brings nothing to the team that they did not already have with Sam, Daniel and Teal'c (see an earlier post of mine which goes into detail about how the SG1 of Sam, Daniel and Teal'c had all of the assets necessary for what they do leaving Mitchell out in the cold as he had no unique skills to contribute to this elite team) so there is nothing to write for him. Running in full sarcasm mode I may suggest to TPTB that they make it a spin-off and change the name of the show to "The Perils of Pauline Mitchell - Sci-Fi Style". (Sorry - sarcasm turned off now.)


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        I can't remember if it was here or on the Sam/Jack Ship Family thread, but earlier today, Token posted an answer from JM's thread. In it, he said they had no plans to discuss where Jack is and why he left. I found that totally weird, since it had been discussed so much in the Stargate community over the past four months!!!!! I'm trying to figure out the nuance in that answer, but so far, I've been unsuccessful. That's why I stay away from JM's thread most of the gives me a headache!!!
                        I read that response. Still doesn't make me happy. I think I'm living in perpetual confusion for season 9.


                          I see that Gateworld has given out some spoilers for another late season 9 episode, Arthur's Mantle, which has an interesting premise

                          "Cameron Mitchell and Samantha Carter are shifted to another dimension, and wander Stargate Command invisible and unable to interact with others"
                          Unfortunately, Sam isn't mentioned anywhere else in the spoilers for the show, but at least it sounds like it has potential for some good Sam moments. You can find the article here



                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            I actually accidently lost my old PhotoBlog when I erased all of my cookies the other day. Like an idiot I didn't keep my original PhotoBlog registration email so I had to create a new one. Luckily, I managed to find half of the images I had on my old one. It's all good though, now I'll be forced to make new walls and images to fill it back up again. Right?

                            Ack!! Am I being overdramatic when I say that this is kinda tragic?!?!?


                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              OI! I heard that!

                              Anyway, got another fic rec - A Sam/Teal'c one. From Teal'c's POV too, the rarest kind
                              Promises Kept by HelsinkiBaby.

                              Awwww! Leave it to AD to pick out the cute Sam/Teal'c fic.

                              Hmm... This is mostly because I have an overactive imagination at times, but if Jack wasn't in the picture...

                              (Anything but Daniel - that's seriously next to incest!)


                                Originally posted by binkpmmc
                                IIRC when Carter said "it's your call" wasn't that BEFORE the patch scene?

                                It will be interesting to see what they do in Babylon and whether they clarify who is in charge BEFORE Mitchell disappears because just from that short clip of Carter yelling "where the hell is Mitchell" it is clear she is in full command mode and will likely be for the whole ep after his disappearance and, surprise, surprise, they have Carter and Mitchell SEPARATED AGAIN. I think TPTB will continue to keep the command issue ambiguous and they will continue to keep Carter and Mitchell separated as much as possible to avoid it. They were separated in EDM and it was not at all clear, at least to me, that Mitchell was in charge even after the patch scene.

                                Yes, she said this before the patch scene. Yup, the leadership thing is still ambiguous. It's looks like they will separate Mitchell and Carter, or when they are together they are not with the whole team.

                                What did you and others think of JM's response to your question? "I think Carter fans will enjoy season 9." okay, so I am a Carter fan---I wouldn't enjoy season 9 if she were in the background most of the season (Unless AT requested this which doesn't seem so from interviews). So, therefore, I will enjoy season 9 because Carter will not be in the background most of the time. Is that the logic?

