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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tsaxlady
    "Originally Posted by dipsofjazz
    Thank you for your lovely ditty
    You are so kind, and very witty
    And you are wise, for you do know
    That THE best instrument's the banjo!"

    "Originally Posted by ChopinGal
    I love the banjo that is true
    My dad played one just like you
    But keyboards are where I get my zest
    Pianos, organs, and accordions are the best!!"

    I do enjoy Banjos, Pianos, Organs, and Accordions
    But as my man the Bird would say
    We don't play the Saxophone
    We let it play us
    Since it is truly the BEST!

    "Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn." Charlie Parker

    This is such fun, I have to say
    These wonderful rhymes about what we play
    All the instruments are so grand
    I think we've got ourselves a band!



      Originally posted by qasimjavid
      A lot of people dont seem to like Sams hair in season 9

      I personally love it

      What are your opinions?
      As long as Amanda doesn't mind having it on her head, and the Air Force advisor isn't foaming at the mouth , it's all good by me. It's sort of... cute and happy hair, I think. Maybe Sam's really enjoying her post at Area 51, more regular hours, fewer people shooting at her with all kinds of weapons, more time to do goofy, purely-for-fun things like mess with new hair styles...
      ...a very cranky blog:


        Originally posted by Simhavaktra
        As long as Amanda doesn't mind having it on her head, and the Air Force advisor isn't foaming at the mouth , it's all good by me. It's sort of... cute and happy hair, I think. Maybe Sam's really enjoying her post at Area 51, more regular hours, fewer people shooting at her with all kinds of weapons, more time to do goofy, purely-for-fun things like mess with new hair styles...
        maybe she's also so busy with, ahem, other things that she can relax and let her hair down
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          ya know what? as long as amanda likes it, i like it.

          it aint' on my head

          I think her hair is just fine and i also know that there are folks that literally hate the air she breaths, so i don't pay much attention to thier opinions

          and, shockingly enough, i think i kinda miss daniel's peach fuzz. it gave him a more studly look, imho
          I agree AT's hair looks fine to me. I did like the facial hair on MS - it looked better in person than it does on screen due to the light color - but then again I've always been a sucker for a guy with a beard
          My View From The Peanut Gallery


            I found this ep better than the preceding five, but, still, not up to my standard of ‘good’ – just ‘okay’.

            I liked Amanda very much, and I thought she looked incredible in her class A's and in that black mission uniform. The dark colors really frame her fair coloring and make her eyes stand out. If for that reason alone, maybe they should keep the black mission uniforms.

            Ye spoilerish (and pessimistic ) thoughts:
            Amanda was very good with what she was given to work with: that huge smile in the doorway of Landry’s office could have rendered entire stars obsolete as light sources; oddly enough, I liked the scene where Vala was the only one who sensed Sam’s misgivings on the use of the bomb (though Vala did indeed beat sorta-SG-1 at SG-1’s own game, coming up with out of the box solutions to out of the box-shipping-crate-and-even-the-warehouse problems) – it made me think that the end of the ep would have impressed me far more if Colonel Carter and Vala had both gone off to sabotage the super-sized Gate, with only Sam making it back (maybe the teltak only had enough power left to send one person-worth of matter stream at a time) after, perhaps, having sent Vala on before her, if nothing else it would have given an opportunity for an ‘it’s hard to realize how good it is to have you here to help by nearly losing you’ moment, since we weren’t given a ‘good to see you’ moment , and it would have allayed my worries about Sam being dumbassified for this season which have been raised by Daniel’s and Teal’c’s apparent loss of memory, experience, and wisdom in the preceding eps; it was wonderful to hear a bit of technospeak again, and, to see the other military characters acting just a bit more like professional military officers in the same ep was a nice plus – Sam came across as quite the senior officer (which she makes a habit of doing) on TDY, and Mitchell and Landry finally sounded a little more like officers and a little less like amateurs who just happened to be in their respective positions when things hit the fan.

            I won’t be liking this ep for its plot, in terms of internal consistency with the Stargate universe to date, or in terms of logical structure. Some of the writing decisions were inexplicable – they had to have Colonel Carter go along because she’d made the Mark IX, despite her misgivings over the proposed use of the weapon, but, despite having to have her there, and ordering her from her new command to go along through the Gate to meet the Prometheus with the bomb, not a hint of why she needed to go on the mission appears thereafter: she doesn’t have to set up, maintain, arm, configure, or whatever the bomb before they get to the planet; she doesn’t even need to go along to the planet with the bomb, despite the Mark IX’s ‘touchy’ fuse, in case something goes wrong with the device? Er, excuse me, but, that doesn’t make a whiff of sense. Should I perhaps be assuming that the Prometheus has only 4 spacesuits available? If they needed Sam to arm the bomb in flight, there was plenty of opportunity to toss in a line of dialogue to that effect. If she didn’t have to arm the device for them, or do something else technical/mechanical/theoretical with it, why was she there (Okay, I know why she’s there from the viewpoint of the ‘real’ world, but, what about from within the Stargate universe) – surely she’s not the only one on the planet who can explain the bomb’s remote control, heck, she probably wrote a manual and a user’s guide for that remote control (and just why would anyone leave a bomb that answers to a remote control in a force field with a guy whose cohort has already demonstrated the ability to exert physical control of objects at a distance, applying force and influencing cellular function, at least, when it doesn’t take a genius to wonder if ‘hey, if he can cure diseases, fix burns, pin people to walls, and remotely operate ring transporters, shouldn’t someone be worried about him tinkering with the innards of the bomb, or its fuses, or its control circuits, or its remote control in the same way he cures diseases, fixes burns, pins people to walls, and remotely operates ring transporters, and therefore he might just disarm or otherwise bollux the bomb, even when we tell him he can’t, since Priors don’t really seem to listen to our instructions???), or the only person who could sit at the console on the Prometheus and explain what the force field was visibly doing? Apparently they didn’t need Sam to arm/engineer/work with the bomb, and the script didn’t give her a chance to disarm the bomb, disassemble, maintain, reconfigure, or repurpose the bomb, so why did she need to go with the bomb on the mission, at all? So Jack could pull off a practical phone joke on Landry? I did love that sort of ‘oh, god, he’s at it again’ look that Sam had on her face as she continued to stand there while Jack gave Landry a hard time, but still… And that whole ‘force field powered by external energy impacting it – ooh, they’re keeping something in, not us out, I wonder why’ thing was, for me at least, a scif-fi cliché, and obvious as a watermelon in a bowl of eggs, as was Vala’s subsequent solution to the super-sized Gate. I found myself thinking that season 7 or earlier Sam would have cottoned on before the Mark IX ever blew, and if the Jaffa hadn’t been there to interfere, found a way to starve the field of energy before it enveloped the planet (with them there and interfering – hopefully, she’d have found a way to give Gerak something to think about, at least he may be doing things according to the traditions of Jaffa culture, but he’s coming across as a complete jerk to other cultures ).

            So, it seemed to me that Sam isn’t as dumbed down / diminished as I’ve found Daniel and Teal’c to be this season, which was a distinct relief to me, and seeing her again was wonderful, but with the real season just now beginning, at least for me , I can’t say I think it got off to bang-up start.

            And now I'll just go do my Eeyore impression elsewhere.
            ...a very cranky blog:


              Originally posted by qasimjavid
              A lot of people dont seem to like Sams hair in season 9

              I personally love it

              What are your opinions?

              i love it.




                Originally posted by Skydiver
                maybe she's also so busy with, ahem, other things that she can relax and let her hair down
                Or take advantage of proximity and, just maybe, inclination , to visit Las Vegas with, ah, a friend, on her leave-time, resulting in a relaxed, rumpled, happy look?
                ...a very cranky blog:


                  on big beachhead plothole


                  ok, so what has been a key in goauld shields since day one, well ok season one (nox)...the harder you fight the stronger the forcefield is. force fields are like chinese finger puzzles, the harder you pull, the tighter it is

                  so since this axiom has been part of the universe since season one, why did no one even THINK that they were feeding the Ori exactly what they needed??????

                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    on big beachhead plothole


                    ok, so what has been a key in goauld shields since day one, well ok season one (nox)...the harder you fight the stronger the forcefield is. force fields are like chinese finger puzzles, the harder you pull, the tighter it is

                    so since this axiom has been part of the universe since season one, why did no one even THINK that they were feeding the Ori exactly what they needed??????

                    My thoughts...

                    I think because the shield WEAKENED as it was attacked, it gave the impression that, if enough force was applied to it, it would fail. Like when a ship's under attack and they say "shield strength down to 68%" and so forth... But I think that the Ori set it up to do just that. Give them false hope that if they continued their attack, they'd break through a weak spot...this way they'd continue the assault...

                    Just my 200 pesos...

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                      I found this ep better than the preceding five, but, still, not up to my standard of ‘good’ – just ‘okay’.

                      Some of the writing decisions were inexplicable – they had to have Colonel Carter go along because she’d made the Mark IX, despite her misgivings over the proposed use of the weapon, but, despite having to have her there, and ordering her from her new command to go along through the Gate to meet the Prometheus with the bomb, not a hint of why she needed to go on the mission appears thereafter: she doesn’t have to set up, maintain, arm, configure, or whatever the bomb before they get to the planet; she doesn’t even need to go along to the planet with the bomb, despite the Mark IX’s ‘touchy’ fuse, in case something goes wrong with the device? Er, excuse me, but, that doesn’t make a whiff of sense. If they needed Sam to arm the bomb in flight, there was plenty of opportunity to toss in a line of dialogue to that effect.

                      Why would anyone leave a bomb that answers to a remote control in a force field with a guy whose cohort has already demonstrated the ability to exert physical control of objects at a distance, applying force and influencing cellular function, at least, when it doesn’t take a genius to wonder if ‘hey, if he can cure diseases, fix burns, pin people to walls, and remotely operate ring transporters, shouldn’t someone be worried about him tinkering with the innards of the bomb, or its fuses, or its control circuits, or its remote control in the same way he cures diseases, fixes burns, pins people to walls, and remotely operates ring transporters, and therefore he might just disarm or otherwise bollux the bomb, even when we tell him he can’t, since Priors don’t really seem to listen to our instructions???), or the only person who could sit at the console on the Prometheus and explain what the force field was visibly doing? Apparently they didn’t need Sam to arm/engineer/work with the bomb, and the script didn’t give her a chance to disarm the bomb, disassemble, maintain, reconfigure, or repurpose the bomb, so why did she need to go with the bomb on the mission, at all?
                      Very good points! Welcome back!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        maybe she's also so busy with, ahem, other things that she can relax and let her hair down
                        Of course. Perhaps a certain...someone...

                        And I like the hair. I'm certainly no expert, but someone told me that a woman's hair can change during/after pregnancy due to the elevated hormones. As long as Amanda likes it, it's okay.


                          a woman's hair style can also change because of simple time management.

                          there are some products they choose/arent allowed to use, and there is also being physically able to do things with their hair, baby can get in the way

                          then also, it's hard to have a fancy do when you're getting up at 3am to feed the little one

                          also, well if you're feeling down because you feel all plumpy and big, a new style can do wonders for your morale

                          tonight i've looked at the chick on 60 minutes, who also has a style similar to sam, longer short hair in a comfortable tussled style
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            passing this on, apologies if folks have already done so

                            Okay, here's the idea:
                            A while ago I attempted to introduce a rotating wallpaper project to my
                            website (, I did some, but I was not entirely
                            pleased with the results, largely because while I can do certain things
                            graphically, I have never been this talented in graphics production.
                            There was also a question of magnitude of the project: what I have in
                            mind is one wallpaper for *every* day in a *year*. This means 365

                            So I am sending out a signal. If you wish to contribute and make
                            a project happen, you can send the wallpaper my way, I will consider
                            using it (relax, I am easy <g>) and then, once I have all the
                            wallpapers, I will obviously take care of the technical side of it. But
                            if you wish to contribute, here's your chance - and thank you in
                            for doing so.

                            Just a couple of reminders:
                            1. As this project is the official site's project, the wallpapers need
                            to have images of Amanda and only Amanda in them (no other Stargate
                            characters allowed)
                            2. Please be aware that I will add a date (e.g. August 14 or some other
                            date of the year) somewhere to your image.

                            That is all! Thank you in advance again.
                            If you can, please spread it to other lists I am not on.

                            Best wishes to all,

                            i have about 10 wallpapers or so to contribute. any others?
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              The hair! I forgot to comment on the hair! I have loved her hair in every season except 5, when I thought it was too short. In fact, in the pic below, it looks perfect! And it certainly looks shorter than it did in Frieday's ep. I think it's just a half-inch or so too long right now.....but I was so glad to see her that I wouldn't have cared if she shaved her head! I'm just happy to have her back!

                              Our Queen


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                The hair! I forgot to comment on the hair! I have loved her hair in every season except 5, when I thought it was too short. In fact, in the pic below, it looks perfect! And it certainly looks shorter than it did in Frieday's ep. I think it's just a half-inch or so too long right now.....but I was so glad to see her that I wouldn't have cared if she shaved her head! I'm just happy to have her back!

                                Our Queen
                                DITTO, I just LOVE her hair in this picture.

                                Thank you, Skydiver

