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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Happy Birthday Sky!!!
    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      1) What is the first thing you remember seeing Amanda in? It was the Danielle Steele movie; but I didn't know it was her.

      2) What was your first impression of Sam Carter? Smart, competent and not a space bimbo. All good

      3) Which of Amanda's characters would you most like to say that you knew personally? Sam, it might be hard to relate to Helen who is 273 years old. But then again I love history it might be nice to sit down over tea and scones and get a first hand perspective of the 100 some odd years of world history she lived twice.

      4) If you were in charge of a movie, and Amanda agreed to be part of the project, what role would you put her in? A full blown comedy. she's such a goof and I love her laugh.

      5a) For those of us lucky enough to have met her in person - what was the first thing you said to Amanda? I'm pretty sure it was something stupid like "glad you came". I know lame, but what can I say. I was better the second time it was my 60th birthday at AT4 I had more to say


        Happy Bday Sky!

        Glad to hear you had a good day.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
          There's a person on Facebook who is pretending to be Amanda. If you have a FB account, could you please report the page as fake?


          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
          Amanda will be a participant in The Heart Truth Fashion Show on March 8 in Toronto. The event raises awareness about the risks of heart disease and stroke in women.

          The Heart Truth campaign is streaming the show live March 8 at 8 pm EST on the website at and Facebook at

          Full press release at
          I've seen pics from the red carpet for this show for the US campaign. Hopefully there will photos of the Canadian campaign.
          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


            1) What is the first thing you remember seeing Amanda in? Probably a random Ep of atlantis, which is how I stumbled into stargate...

            2) What was your first impression of Sam Carter? Smart, earnest, wow, can fix anything!

            3) Which of Amanda's characters would you most like to say that you knew personally? I was going to say Sam, because she's my kind of person and would be fun to hang out with, but on second thought, knowing Magnus personally probably has a ton of perks. Plus I would love to sit and hear Magnus' stories of the people she's met in the past and the things she's seen. she's more mysterious...

            4) If you were in charge of a movie, and Amanda agreed to be part of the project, what role would you put her in? I would make her Polgara from David Edding's fantasy series the Belgariad/Mallorean. Funny, powerful, smart, strong woman.

            5a) For those of us lucky enough to have met her in person - what was the first thing you said to Amanda? not lucky enough I would probably thank her for being a strong woman in a man's world


              I'm glad the imposter is gone. It was sadly funny. A bunch of us blasted her, she went through and deleted all our comments and then blocked us from posting. Then made more 'woe is me' posts, just couldn't figure out why everyone was being so mean, then finally made a 'fine, i'll just leave now, you happy!!!!!' (all caps of course). 6-8 hours later her post and page was still up, suggesting to me that her comments were more about attention than they were really leaving (anyone serious woulda just deleted the page). Finally about bedtime last night it was gone.

              We've had to do this for Big Bang theory folks....someone was pretending to be producer bill prady, who is on twitter. So on twitter he asked people to turn the page in to get it taken down. Probably easier for the real person to have a page taken down than a third party (the fans) taking it down.

              The saddest thing is, this poor person will probably just do it again somewhere.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I'm glad the imposter is gone. It was sadly funny. A bunch of us blasted her, she went through and deleted all our comments and then blocked us from posting. Then made more 'woe is me' posts, just couldn't figure out why everyone was being so mean, then finally made a 'fine, i'll just leave now, you happy!!!!!' (all caps of course). 6-8 hours later her post and page was still up, suggesting to me that her comments were more about attention than they were really leaving (anyone serious woulda just deleted the page). Finally about bedtime last night it was gone.

                We've had to do this for Big Bang theory folks....someone was pretending to be producer bill prady, who is on twitter. So on twitter he asked people to turn the page in to get it taken down. Probably easier for the real person to have a page taken down than a third party (the fans) taking it down.

                The saddest thing is, this poor person will probably just do it again somewhere.
                Yeah we had to do the same thing for a couple of people who pretented to be Stana Katic. That was twice stupid cuz Stana really has a FB page!
                My vids Sig made by me


                  For those who have the DVDs of Stargate and/or Sanctuary - do you have any favorite DVD commentaries that either Amanda participated in or where she was mentioned? I often recall specific moments but then can't remember which commentary they are on! I'd love to have a marathon of Amanda commentaries one of these days.

                  Some favorite moments for me:
                  --During the DVD commentary for Death Knell - Amanda Tapping and Peter DeLuise actually start talking about a different episode: Chimera. Peter brings up the fact that his brother David (who played Pete Shanahan) mentioned how Amanda was a good kisser and how he couldn't believe he was getting paid to make out with Amanda Tapping. (Quite cute.)
                  --In one of the Kali podcasts with Martin Wood and Callum Blue (Edward Forsythe), Callum admits he has a huge crush on Amanda and Martin is pretty much like, "you and everyone else."
                  --I can't for the life of me recall which commentary it is from except that it's a Sanctuary commentary. It is possible it was actually a podcast and not a DVD commentary, but I'm not sure. I know it was Amanda and Martin Wood talking. Amanda tells a story about Olivia and paper fairies (Olivia saying, "We're doomed. The fairies are as good as dead.") and Amanda can't breathe she is laughing so hard.
                  --Just about any commentary with Amanda and Martin Wood is sure to be entertaining.
                  Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                    RDA stopped the people faking him on FB by posting a video on his site. He looked pretty peeved and named the people involved and told them to "cease and desist!"

                    You have to feel sorry for the trolls who feel the need to do that sort of thing. William Shatner said it right when he said "Get a life!"

                    Skydiver, sorry I missed your birthday - we were at the Gabitry (aka Julia's house) scheming.... Hope you had a good day.

                    For details of AT10 go to


                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      RDA stopped the people faking him on FB by posting a video on his site. He looked pretty peeved and named the people involved and told them to "cease and desist!"

                      You have to feel sorry for the trolls who feel the need to do that sort of thing. William Shatner said it right when he said "Get a life!"

                      Skydiver, sorry I missed your birthday - we were at the Gabitry (aka Julia's house) scheming.... Hope you had a good day.

                      There still is a "Richard Dn Anderson" on Facebook, with a photo of RDA in the upper lefthand corner. And in the list of friends are people that would be closely associated with him - like Brad Wright, Ivan Bartok, and Apryl Prose, among others. If this is one of those people he named, it doesn't appear they paid any attention to him.


                        Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                        For those who have the DVDs of Stargate and/or Sanctuary - do you have any favorite DVD commentaries that either Amanda participated in or where she was mentioned? I often recall specific moments but then can't remember which commentary they are on! I'd love to have a marathon of Amanda commentaries one of these days.

                        Some favorite moments for me:
                        --During the DVD commentary for Death Knell - Amanda Tapping and Peter DeLuise actually start talking about a different episode: Chimera. Peter brings up the fact that his brother David (who played Pete Shanahan) mentioned how Amanda was a good kisser and how he couldn't believe he was getting paid to make out with Amanda Tapping. (Quite cute.)
                        --In one of the Kali podcasts with Martin Wood and Callum Blue (Edward Forsythe), Callum admits he has a huge crush on Amanda and Martin is pretty much like, "you and everyone else."
                        --I can't for the life of me recall which commentary it is from except that it's a Sanctuary commentary. It is possible it was actually a podcast and not a DVD commentary, but I'm not sure. I know it was Amanda and Martin Wood talking. Amanda tells a story about Olivia and paper fairies (Olivia saying, "We're doomed. The fairies are as good as dead.") and Amanda can't breathe she is laughing so hard.
                        --Just about any commentary with Amanda and Martin Wood is sure to be entertaining.
                        Those were fun moments.

                        I enjoy AT's commentaries. She was the best at keeping PDL on topic (not easy). For the most part she is providing information the viewer wants to know. I think overall I like her commentaries with MW the best. I also really enjoyed the one for the SG1 episode she directed. I also liked her commentary on Grace Under Pressure. It was interesting to hear her talk about how nervous she was about doing a good job. She was so well established by then, you would not have thought she would be nervous.

                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        RDA stopped the people faking him on FB by posting a video on his site. He looked pretty peeved and named the people involved and told them to "cease and desist!"

                        You have to feel sorry for the trolls who feel the need to do that sort of thing. William Shatner said it right when he said "Get a life!"

                        Skydiver, sorry I missed your birthday - we were at the Gabitry (aka Julia's house) scheming.... Hope you had a good day.

                        I agree!

                        I don't know how Sky feels about it but as a planned attendee at AT6 I think that is a good excuse to miss something (even if it is as important as Sky's birthday )

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                          For those who have the DVDs of Stargate and/or Sanctuary - do you have any favorite DVD commentaries that either Amanda participated in or where she was mentioned? I often recall specific moments but then can't remember which commentary they are on! I'd love to have a marathon of Amanda commentaries one of these days.
                          - Can't remember the SG1 episode, but Gary Jones was doing the commentary (it was one of those double episodes, but he basically wasn't even in it) and he was talking about how Carter always took over his seat at the control board without saying "please move" or anything, but just expected him to let her take over. I think PDL was doing the commentary with him & PDL said "she just wanted to have her bum where your bum was".

                          - with Death Knell being my all-time fave ep, I usually listen to that commentary quite a lot. I love when she says "but where's Carter?!" "we still don't know where Carter is". Oh, and somehow she & PDL get talking about adult diapers. I think she got a bit flustered when the commentary starting to go down that road.

                          - the commentary for "Camelot" (I think), where she talks about being so sick during filming, doing her scene and then quickly going back to rest.

                          - as for Sanctuary, her commentary for Pavor Nocturnus always kills me when they get to "that" scene.

                          - it's fun to listen to some of her Atlantis commentaries, because she usually hasn't seen the full shows (except for Trio) and she gives more of a viewer commentary than an actor commentary.


                            @amandatapping Evening laughter, tears and soul defining talk with my beautiful friend of decades @earnestgirl. We chicklets need our girlfriend power. xo


                              Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                              For those who have the DVDs of Stargate and/or Sanctuary - do you have any favorite DVD commentaries that either Amanda participated in or where she was mentioned? I often recall specific moments but then can't remember which commentary they are on! I'd love to have a marathon of Amanda commentaries one of these days.
                              I have a horrible memory for such things, which begs the question: is there a list of the eps that Amanda's done commentaries for somewhere? because that would be useful in remembering

                              And yes, the one where Olivia interrupts is adorable.


                                Speaking of podcasts for Sanctuary, I do believe they were different from the DVD commentaries. As such, I don't think I've seen them. Especially those for Season 1, if there were any for Season 1. Does anyone know if they're still available?

