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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Tonight's episode!!


    I have this huge grin on my face from ear to ear!!

    AAAAHHH! *this* is why i LOVE having others see it before me! now i'm *really* going to make sure to see this!





      Transcript excerpts from last night's episode of Avalon :


      Flashback to Lost City's fight over Antarctica...
      Clip of Sam looking up and out of the cargo ship's window.

      Sam: Prometheus
      Hammond: SG-1, this is you read?
      Sam: Yes sir, it's good to see you.

      General Landry's office:

      Landry: Here you go son ... Landry lifts up a basket full of personel files... get started.

      Cameron: Sir?

      Landry: You heard the disconnected voice of the little sergeant with psychic powers. Those are personel files...start picking your team.

      Mitchell: General, I'm here to join SG-1.
      Landry: Colonel, you're here to lead SG-1.

      Michell looks shocked by what Landry has just said.

      Mitchell: Uh, what about Lt. Colonel Carter.

      Landry: She's taken control of Stargate's R&D out of Area 51.

      Mitchell: Since when?

      Landry: Last week.

      Mitchell: ...and Daniel Jackson?

      Landry: Dr. Jackson put in for reassignment. Teal'c left the program over a month ago. I'm surprised General O'Neill didn't tell ya.

      Mitchell: No. Mitchell looks really upset by this news.

      Landry: That's Jack for ya. Ya know, I looked for the key to that desk for a week before I finally got him to admit he never had one. The man never opened a drawer the whole time he was here.

      Mitchell: I'm sorry...sir...the reason I requested this post. Why...why I worked so hard.

      Landry: Expresses himself poorly... when faced with unexpected challenge. Your sheet says you have outstanding leadership skills. Take the files Colonel. ::hands files to Mitchell:: Choose your team, before I start to question the accuracy of that claim.

      Mitchell: Yes sir.

      Another flashback:
      Mitchell's plan has been shot and going down.

      Co-Pilot: We've lost the turbine.
      Sam's voice over intercom: Heads up blue leader, this is Carter, we have another bandit incoming.
      Mitchell: I see it, Major.
      Mitchell locks on target.
      Mitchell: Fox two. Enemy is destroyed.
      Clip of Sam from Lost City.
      Sam:Well that was close.

      Sam and Cameron chatting via videocamera.
      Sam: Hi Cameron

      Cameron: Hey Sam, it's good to see you.

      Sam: Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. We have been up to our ears double checking the new hyper drive and then the uplink was jammed with the long range plotting program being transmitted by the Asguard...uh no need to bore you. How you been? You look good.

      Cameron: Good...listen Sam...come back and join SG-1.

      Sam: I've heard you've been given command. Congratulations.

      Cameron: I'm not kidding. You can keep an eye on R&D in your spare time just like you always have. Besides, Dr. Lee is pouting because you got the post over him.

      Sam: Really?

      Cameron: Naw, I made that up.

      Sam( small grin ): I have my reasons for wanting this job.

      Cameron: I have my reasons for wanting this job. One of them was working with *You* and please ... do not say... that's nice.

      Sam: We'll still work together.

      Cameron: It won't be the same. What if the world needs saving?

      Sam: (smirking) Well if the world needs saving I will be there to do what I can.

      Cameron( looks very worried ) What if the world needs saving because I screwed up because you weren't here in the first place.

      :: Sam now looks concerned as Cameron looks around a bit ::

      Cameron: How about we pretend I didn't say that.

      Flashback to Cameron recovering in the hospital.

      Camera looks as if Cameron is opening his eyes and seeing different people.

      Through Cameron's eyes looking at Sam.

      She's dressed in her dress blues and has several other AF officers with her.

      Sam: The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States of America. On behalf of the president...

      Maybe I'm just the odd ball out here, but I liked this episode a lot more than I had thought I would. Vala didn't get on my nerves nearly as much as in PU. Landry was different from both Hammond and Jack, but seemed ok from what I saw.
      And I actually felt a bit sorry for Mitchell. He really seemed very disappointed that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c weren't a part of the team anymore and shocked that he had been put into the lead position and I really liked his conversation with Sam. He seemed to really like and respect her.
      I'm definitely looking forward to episode six to see how the team reacts as a unit and where the writers take the new season

      My only suggestion is that you don't give up on the show just yet.
      I have to admit I was thoroughly shocked seeing Cameron actually chat with Sam, even if it was via video conferencing. Maybe TPTB will shock us some more with the return of Sam, odder things have happened.
      Last edited by ForeverSg1; 16 July 2005, 08:39 AM.


        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
        I have not read any of the reviews yet. I'm actaully getting ready to leave, but I wanted to add something.
        Sam left a week ago to become director of R&D. Sam and Mitchell are talking on the camera phone and he was asking her to come back. She said she couldn't and that she had her reasons (a serious look on her face). I took that as she was dealing with her father's death, her broken engagement, and the fact that the war was over, of course me being a J/S shipper has a few additional meanings (but that is for another thread)

        Also a little curious as to why Jack was in town to sale his house, car and motorcycle (Jack had a bike I would love to have seen him riding it ok that is for anthoer thread too.)

        Mitchell was very humble. The verdict is still out ... do I like him or not, they haven't sold me on the character at all as of right now. If they portray him as learning from Sam and listening to SG-1 then there is hope. That seems to be the direction they are heading. I would like to see some tension between he and Teal'c. Teal'c left his world to join SG-1 out of his respect for O'Neill. He is a warrior, I think Mitchell should have to prove he is worthy of leading SG-1. Forgive me but, the back story proves he should be at the SGC, but leading the elite team...I don't know. How many people have risked their lives to save the planet. every member of SG-1 and probably many members at the SGC. If he is just there for a male lead then I'm out of here I don't care how cute he is. Please feel free to disagree with me, my mind is still not made up.

        I liked Beau, I think he was his own character. He wasn't trying to be anyone else. He wasn't trying to be General Hammond or Jack. I like that Jack beat him in Chess. He is not as diplomatic as General Hammond. He can be rough and still have humor.
        I watched the first 15 minutes and that was quite enough - I had to go. BB did not cut it for me.

        I agree with what you say sgcfan, regarding the backstory - absolutely nothing there to ever convince me he belongs as commander of SG1 once Carter returns - and I will not be convinced that there are not plenty of other current members of the SGC, including those leading other SG teams (which we know still exist because Landry was meeting with SG12 when Mitchell arrived) who could have taken command of SG1 besides Mitchell. Boo hoo he wanted to be part of SG1 and they do not exist anymore so he has to put together a band of nobodies and he gets pouty about it with Landry - ahhh can you say immature? He thought he was going to join a team LED BY CARTER so he could "learn from the best" but alas he gets to form his own team - all this says to me is that he should not be the leader of the elite team when she gets back pure and simple but unfortunately, sgcfan, IMO the one and only reason he is there, and will likely be left in charge, IS because he is there for the MALE LEAD. To me it is even mre obvious now since he got first billing as well.

        As mentioned he never even SAW a Stargate before - this entitles him to lead the elite SG team after Carter returns because . . . why again? (and what was with that lovey-dovey look he was giving the Stargate - geesh give me a damn break!) I really, really hope they put Carter back in charge after she returns. (I keep moving from one side of the fence to the other on this - at one moment I think she will and then I think she won't - I feel like Sybil!) Anyway, there are soooo many reasons they gave us themselves why he should not have lead over Carter - I cannot believe they would leave it this way when she returns - especillay since she is COMMANDER of R&D at Area 51 - did anyone else catch that?

        Goodness gracious I am irked tonight!! That PM from nutjob has me really wound up and the 15 minutes of ________ whatever, I do not really even have a word to define it right now, that I watched did not help.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          Transcript for scenes showing Sam or where Sam is mentioned: <big honkin' snip>
          Thank you very much for the transcript.


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            Transcript for scenes showing Sam or where Sam is mentioned:


            [Flashback to Cameron recovering in the hospital.

            Camera looks as if Cameron is opening his eyes and seeing different people.

            Through Cameron's eyes looking at Sam.

            She's dressed in her dress blues and has several other AF officers with her.

            Sam: The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States of America. On behalf of the president...

            My question - can you tell from the uniform Carter is wearing what rank she is - was it when she was a Major or a Lt. Colonel? Is ther any indication what rank mitchell was? Finally, does anyone know if there is any rule as to who can present a medal to who - can a lower ranking officer present a medal to a higher ranking officer? I am grasping here to try and figure out what rank Mitchell was in S7 since Carter was still a Major and I did not hear what rank mitchell was during the fight in antarctic except that he was in charge of the squadron.


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Actually Bink...someone answered your next question...but it wasn't Joe...just another person on the thread trying to give you their opinion...

              My answer is still that they want to make it a big mystery for us all to stew over....

              My best hopes...Sam leads SG-1 and Cam learns from her so that whenever Amanda leaves (end of season 9, 10, 11 whatever), Cam is there to take over, having "learned from the best..."

              That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...

              Thanks, ÜberSG-1Fan (ahhh, cut & paste - you were sooo right!)

              I figured out what happened on that thread and I deleted my question since it was not Joe who answered. Thanks for the heads up.


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Transcript for scenes showing Sam or where Sam is mentioned:


                Flashback to Lost City's fight over Antarctica...
                Clip of Sam looking up and out of the cargo ship's window.

                Sam: Prometheus
                Hammond: SG-1, this is you read?
                Sam: Yes sir, it's good to see you.

                General Landry's office:

                Landry: Here you go son ... Landry lifts up a basket full of personel files... get started.

                Cameron: Sir?

                Landry: You heard the disconnected voice of the little sergeant with psychic powers. Those are personel files...start picking your team.

                Mitchell: General, I'm here to join SG-1.
                Landry: Colonel, you're here to lead SG-1.

                Michell looks shocked by what Landry has just said.

                Mitchell: Uh, what about Lt. Colonel Carter.

                Landry: She's taken control of Stargate's R&D out of Area 51.

                Mitchell: Since when?

                Landry: Last week.

                Mitchell: ...and Daniel Jackson?

                Landry: Dr. Jackson put in for reassignment. Teal'c left the program over a month ago. I'm surprised General O'Neill didn't tell ya.

                Mitchell: No. Mitchell looks really upset by this news.

                Landry: That's Jack for ya. Ya know, I looked for the key to that desk for a week before I finally got him to admit he never had one. The man never opened a drawer the whole time he was here.

                Mitchell: I'm sorry...sir...the reason I requested this post. Why...why I worked so hard.

                Landry: Expresses himself poorly... when faced with unexpected challenge. Your sheet says you have outstanding leadership skills. Take the files Colonel. ::hands files to Mitchell:: Choose your team, before I start to question the accuracy of that claim.

                Mitchell: Yes sir.

                Another flashback:
                Mitchell's plan has been shot and going down.

                Co-Pilot: We've lost the turbine.
                Sam's voice over intercom: Heads up blue leader, this is Carter, we have another bandit incoming.
                Mitchell: I see it, Major.
                Mitchell locks on target.
                Mitchell: Fox two. Enemy is destroyed.
                Clip of Sam from Lost City.
                Sam:Well that was close.

                Sam and Cameron chatting via videocamera.
                Sam: Hi Cameron

                Cameron: Hey Sam, it's good to see you.

                Sam: Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. We have been up to our ears double checking the new hyper drive and then the uplink was jammed with the long range plotting program being transmitted by the Asguard...uh no need to bore you. How you been? You look good.

                Cameron: Good...listen Sam...come back and join SG-1.

                Sam: I've heard you've been given command. Congratulations.

                Cameron: I'm not kidding. You can keep an eye on R&D in your spare time just like you always have. Besides, Dr. Lee is pouting because you got the post over him.

                Sam: Really?

                Cameron: Naw, I made that up.

                Sam( small grin ): I have my reasons for wanting this job.

                Cameron: I have my reasons for wanting this job. One of them was working with *You* and please ... do not say... that's nice.

                Sam: We'll still work together.

                Cameron: It won't be the same. What if the world needs saving?

                Sam: (smirking) Well if the world needs saving I will be there to do what I can.

                Cameron( looks very worried ) What if the world needs saving because I screwed up because you weren't here in the first place.

                :: Sam now looks concerned as Cameron looks around a bit ::

                Cameron: How about we pretend I didn't say that.

                Flashback to Cameron recovering in the hospital.

                Camera looks as if Cameron is opening his eyes and seeing different people.

                Through Cameron's eyes looking at Sam.

                She's dressed in her dress blues and has several other AF officers with her.

                Sam: The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States of America. On behalf of the president...

                Maybe I'm just the odd ball out here, but I liked this episode a lot more than I had thought I would. Vala didn't get on my nerves nearly as much as in PU. Landry was different from both Hammond and Jack, but seemed ok from what I saw. And I actually felt a bit sorry for Mitchell. He really seemed very disappointed that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c weren't a part of the team anymore and shocked that he had been put into the lead position and I really liked his conversation with Sam. He seemed to really like and respect her. I'm definitely looking forward to episode six to see how the team reacts as a unit and where the writers take the new season.

                My only suggestion is that you don't give up on the show just yet. I have to admit I was thoroughly shocked seeing Cameron actually chat with Sam, even if it was via video conferencing. Maybe TPTB will shock us some more with the return of Sam, odder things have happened.
                I liked it. I really liked it. I loved the
                What if the world needs saving because I screwed up because you weren't here in the first place? *awkward silence as both look worried* How about we pretend I didn't say that.
                line, for obvious reasons.

                And I actually laughed out loud several times throughout this episode. I don't know if it was out of sheer giddiness or what, but everything from Daniel's anger to Teal'c's annoyance to even Vala's immaturity. There were actually some funny parts.

                Of course there were some things that I thought were a tad iffy, but besides that, the ep was good, and I'll watch it again later on.

                And good question bink. I was wondering that myself. I wonder if we'll ever know. Was he an LC before the Lost City?


                  Originally posted by binkpmmc
                  My question - can you tell from the uniform Carter is wearing what rank she is - was it when she was a Major or a Lt. Colonel? Is ther any indication what rank mitchell was? Finally, does anyone know if there is any rule as to who can present a medal to who - can a lower ranking officer present a medal to a higher ranking officer? I am grasping here to try and figure out what rank Mitchell was in S7 since Carter was still a Major and I did not hear what rank mitchell was during the fight in antarctic except that he was in charge of the squadron.
                  Mitchell's rank was not established in Avalon (and by that I mean his Lost City rank). As to Carter's rank, I'll have to look again and see if I can tell...but since the image is a flashback and a hazy one at that, it'll be hard to tell the color of the cluster on her shoulder...

                  A few things are clear...he wanted to serve UNDER Carter and with Daniel and Teal'c. Second, he had never really met Daniel prior to Avalon (he kinda saw him in the same set of flashbacks he saw Sam). Third, Cam addressed Sam as there's some familiarity. How do they know each other? Is it just from Lost City? Or do they have a good backstory???

                  Hmmm. Time will tell.

                  I'm not in love with Cam yet...the pacing for Avalon was a lot slower than I thought it'd be. But I came into it with low expectations...and got what I was expecting.

                  Yay to the Sam scenes though...

                  Thing's will pick up when she gets back.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Mitchell's rank was not established in Avalon (and by that I mean his Lost City rank). As to Carter's rank, I'll have to look again and see if I can tell...but since the image is a flashback and a hazy one at that, it'll be hard to tell the color of the cluster on her shoulder...

                    A few things are clear...he wanted to serve UNDER Carter and with Daniel and Teal'c. Second, he had never really met Daniel prior to Avalon (he kinda saw him in the same set of flashbacks he saw Sam). Third, Cam addressed Sam as there's some familiarity. How do they know each other? Is it just from Lost City? Or do they have a good backstory???

                    Hmmm. Time will tell.

                    I'm not in love with Cam yet...the pacing for Avalon was a lot slower than I thought it'd be. But I came into it with low expectations...and got what I was expecting.

                    Yay to the Sam scenes though...

                    Thing's will pick up when she gets back.

                    ok got it .... only a "higher" rank person can give a medal

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Gateworld is finally back up!

                      Just a quick reminder - not all of us here have seen the new episodes (well at least not for another couple of hours ) so remember to use spoiler tags!

                      [spoiler ]episode talk[/spoiler ]

                      (take out the spaces at the trailing brackets of course )


                        It's a weird thing. I don't think I've fully expressed how pleasantly surprised I was to see Sam.
                        Quick question: Are we good for spoilers?
                        Just in case...

                        My sister was talking to me about the show right when Mitchell had a flashback about Antarctica, and when I heard Sam saying stuff that wasn't in The Lost City, I tuned everything out because I was actually shocked to hear anything. I felt bad for COMPLETELY zoning on my sister, but she admitted that it was quite humorous.

                        And then when it happened again and again? Very cool. Kudos to TPTB for keeping that little fact under their hats, because it made actually seeing her all the better.

                        I just wish Jack had been in it more.

                        Oh yeah. And I hate two-parters.


                          Originally posted by gatebee
                          ok got it .... only a "higher" rank person can give a medal
                          Sure...and that's a fairly big clue that she outranks him...

                          Plus another obvious tell is the fact that he expected to serve on SG-1 UNDER Sam.

                          If he outranked her, why would he expect to serve under her? Wouldn't he have expected to take the reigns of the team and lead it? I mean, he wouldn't expect to serve UNDER someone he outranked, right???

                          SO...unless TPTB are REALLY screwing with our minds, Sam outranks Cam...and therefore WILL take back SG-1 when she returns...otherwise, she'd be under the command of someone she outranks.

                          I'm sticking with that until I read/see/hear otherwise...

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            Gateworld is finally back up!

                            Just a quick reminder - not all of us here have seen the new episodes (well at least not for another couple of hours ) so remember to use spoiler tags!

                            [spoiler ]episode talk[/spoiler ]

                            (take out the spaces at the trailing brackets of course )

                            Aaahhh... Heh heh. Gotcha.


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Sure...and that's a fairly big clue that she outranks him...

                              Plus another obvious tell is the fact that he expected to serve on SG-1 UNDER Sam.

                              If he outranked her, why would he expect to serve under her? Wouldn't he have expected to take the reigns of the team and lead it? I mean, he wouldn't expect to serve UNDER someone he outranked, right???

                              SO...unless TPTB are REALLY screwing with our minds, Sam outranks Cam...and therefore WILL take back SG-1 when she returns...otherwise, she'd be under the command of someone she outranks.

                              I'm sticking with that until I read/see/hear otherwise...

                              I'm totally with you Über. Either TPTB are some sick mofos, or they've been planning all along to have her come back and command.

                              I know this will annoy many people, but she must outrank him to some degree, right? I'm thinking that she and Jack were already promoted by the time
                              she read him the speech about medals and stuff in the hospital and that he was promoted once he got out

                              If none of us can remember him being addressed as a Lt. Colonel in those flashbacks from TLC, then that's gotta be a tell-tale sign as well. They probably won't be having anymore flashbacks (I hope), but if he was an LC at the time, I would think that they would have had him addressed as such.

                              Then again, the TPTB are tricky, tricky. Maybe they wouldn't have?


                                spoilers for s9's avalon

                                Originally posted by binkpmmc

                                especillay since she is COMMANDER of R&D at Area 51 - did anyone else catch that?

                                hi, sybil. i mean bink!

                                yes, i caught the COMMANDER of r&d!

                                as i said in the official thread for rating avalon... here are my thoughts:

                                * i *really* liked mitchell. the flashback made me connect with him. i felt sorry for him with his sincere regret of not being able to work with sg1.

                                * i liked landry.

                                * i didn't see vala again, because the moment she came through the stargate, i fast forwarded through the rest of the ep. i just can't make myself watch this type of character/humor.

                                * i loved the scene where mitchell tries to convince sam to return. i like how he was actually scared of screwing up without 'sam' there to fix it all. that said a lot about his respect for sam.

                                * i'm glad sam and mitchell are already friends.

                                * i'm glad it was sam that gave mitchell his medal.

                                now, i missed a lot of this ep by fast forwarding, so this is where i'm going to need everyone's help. i need a concise and brief summary of the events so that i'll know what's going on when sam returns. i'm going to need this with all the eps until beachhead. i don't think i need dialog, just the basic facts so i'll know who's who and what's what. please help. i'll even save the text to refer to if i get lost in beach head.

                                i'm not sorry i missed so much, though, because my heart isn't in it. i might have started off watching stargate because of my love for scifi, but sometime along the way, it focused to sam and sam/jack mainly. and now that jack's gone and s/j ship being scarse, all i've got is sam. and five eps without so much of my fave elements... my heart's not in it. BUT, sam WILL RETURN, and then things will be better.



