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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    AT got second billing to BB.... dang

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Tonight's episode!!


      I have this huge grin on my face from ear to ear!!


        Yay, Sam was in it! Just by a video link, but still, it was great to see her.




          Sam was also in a flashback scene where Cam is looking up at her talking about the medal he's won for his service...

          AND for the record...

          I DETEST THE NEW OPENING. Only a mere whisper of a hint of the greatness that was the original theme song.

          Last edited by Uber; 15 July 2005, 04:42 PM.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            In the flashback scene, it looked like it was shot while she was pregnant, don't you think?



              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

              Sam was also in a flashback scene where Cam is looking up at her talking about the medal he's won for his service...
              As well as clips from Lost City during his flashbacks scenes. Overall, we've seen a lot more of Sam this episode than I ever expected to see.


                Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                In the flashback scene, it looked like it was shot while she was pregnant, don't you think?

                I wasn't looking at her I can't say for sure...but by the hair, I'm guessing it's POST pregnancy...

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                  I've been reading some of the multitude of reviews that have been posted today over in the news section, and most of them are cringe-worthy. The reviews are mixed, of course, but there's one that sounded like it was written by someone who's actually seen SG-1 more than once, unlike most of others. She liked the show, and gave a hint about what Sam is up to.
                  She's director of R&D(research and development).

                  The link to the review is
                  and the link to the forum discussion of the review is

                  i read that too. i have mixed feelings. (trying to get away with not having to use spoiler tags )




                    I was happy to see AT several times in this episode. Once on camera phone with Mitchell, extra scenes in Lost City, and giving Mitchell a metal! If you liked the PU episode you will like Vala, she's still up to the same games. PU was my least favorite episode for all season... Did anyone else think the writters have written Mitchell to be a young Jack O'Neill. He called Sam "Carter" (in fairness he also called her "Sam" while on camera phone). He refered to Daniel and Vala as kids. Some of his mannerisms are exactly like Jack's, did anyone else think this?


                      Originally posted by jerin
                      Hi, everyone! I'm new to this forum. This is one of the only ones I subscribe to. Thanks to majorsal for starting it and everyone for contributing to it. Thanks also to majorsal & Skydiver for inviting me. Sam is so cool. She makes me proud to be a girl. I'm lucky to have heroic women in my real life. I'm glad she's on screen for all the girls out there, who can see parts of their own role models in Sam. Now I just need a little time to read all of the 584 pages of entries into this forum. Okay...I'll be in my reading room.
                      welcome, jerin! i know you'll love it here. we are a diverse group of ppl with one thing in common: our love of sam/amanda. and you'll also love it that we treat each other with respect and kindness. i'm proud of this thread and especially the ppl living in it.




                        Originally posted by Lys
                        To all American Samandans:

                        Have fun watching the premiere tonight !

                        Don't listen to the critics and make your mind yourselves !

                        Jerin, welcome aboard !

                        speaking of the premier... i decided to record the ep and watch it later. but i'm only going to watch for mitchell and landry. oh, and jack/rda! but i'm going to skip all of the vala and daniel stuff (individually and together). i just need to see how mitchell and landry are not only introduced, but what they'll be like. then i'll wait till sam/amanda returns to watch for the stories. i have a feeling i'm only going to be seeing about 15 minutes of tonight's ep.

                        35 DAYS TILL SAM/AMANDA RETURNS!!!


                        ps - i'll still need someone(s) to give me a concise summary so i'll know what's going on for sam's return.



                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                          I was happy to see AT several times in this episode. Once on camera phone with Mitchell, extra scenes in Lost City, and giving Mitchell a metal! If you liked the PU episode you will like Vala, she's still up to the same games. PU was my least favorite episode for all season... Did anyone else think the writters have written Mitchell to be a young Jack O'Neill. He called Sam "Carter" (in fairness he also called her "Sam" while on camera phone). He refered to Daniel and Vala as kids. Some of his mannerisms are exactly like Jack's, did anyone else think this?
                          In fairness I tried to watch - got thru 15 minutes and said - yikes had to leave. Borrrring and sorry but BB does not cut it for me. What I was not surprised about is that in the first 3 minutes they established that this guy had NEVER EVEN SEEN a Stargate before ("not as big as I thought it'd be") after looking at it lovingly . . . geesh give me a damn break! and THIS guy deserves command over Carter when she gets back - they better make this good if that is the way they go.

                          I agree with you sgcfan - they said he would not try to be O'Neill and they said he would not try to be Crichton but they did not say he wouldn't try to be a combo of both and in my view that's excatly what I saw (Jack Crichton) - he's nothing new just retreads of 2 old characters. Sort of like some of the SG1 and SGA stories we have heard about so far.


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                            Actually Bink...someone answered your next question...but it wasn't Joe...just another person on the thread trying to give you their opinion...

                            My answer is still that they want to make it a big mystery for us all to stew over....

                            My best hopes...Sam leads SG-1 and Cam learns from her so that whenever Amanda leaves (end of season 9, 10, 11 whatever), Cam is there to take over, having "learned from the best..."

                            That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...

                            I still want to have some hope but it's waning - and to boot it is now canon that mitchell had never even seen the Stargate before - and he deserves to lead Carter when she gest back- why???


                              Originally posted by gatebee
                              AT got second billing to BB.... dang
                              i figured as much. my very smart friend said he thought it would go this way. so i was prepared.

                              so, are the credits the same order as before bb joined?

                              i've said this before, as much as i know bb is now the new leading man, it seems very unfair that a total new-comer to this show would get billing ahead of all the actors that have been working on it for 9 years. at least 9 years for amanda and chris (8 for ms).

                              but i resigned myself to this, just like i'm resigning myself that sam won't be leading sg1. (and resigning myself to not seeing rda anymore. and resigning myself to not 'seeing' ship between sam and jack this season. and resigning myself to not seeing amanda and rick interacting.... hmmm, lots of resigning there. wonder if i can resign my commission? )

                              oh, was sam mentioned in the premier???




                                Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                                I've been reading some of the multitude of reviews that have been posted today over in the news section, and most of them are cringe-worthy. The reviews are mixed, of course, but there's one that sounded like it was written by someone who's actually seen SG-1 more than once, unlike most of others. She liked the show, and gave a hint about what Sam is up to.
                                She's director of R&D(research and development).

                                The link to the review is
                                and the link to the forum discussion of the review is

                                I have not read any of the reviews yet. I'm actaully getting ready to leave, but I wanted to add something.
                                Sam left a week ago to become director of R&D. Sam and Mitchell are talking on the camera phone and he was asking her to come back. She said she couldn't and that she had her reasons (a serious look on her face). I took that as she was dealing with her father's death, her broken engagement, and the fact that the war was over, of course me being a J/S shipper has a few additional meanings (but that is for another thread)

                                Also a little curious as to why Jack was in town to sale his house, car and motorcycle (Jack had a bike I would love to have seen him riding it ok that is for anthoer thread too.)

                                Mitchell was very humble. The verdict is still out ... do I like him or not, they haven't sold me on the character at all as of right now. If they portray him as learning from Sam and listening to SG-1 then there is hope. That seems to be the direction they are heading. I would like to see some tension between he and Teal'c. Teal'c left his world to join SG-1 out of his respect for O'Neill. He is a warrior, I think Mitchell should have to prove he is worthy of leading SG-1. Forgive me but, the back story proves he should be at the SGC, but leading the elite team...I don't know. How many people have risked their lives to save the planet. every member of SG-1 and probably many members at the SGC. If he is just there for a male lead then I'm out of here I don't care how cute he is. Please feel free to disagree with me, my mind is still not made up.

                                I liked Beau, I think he was his own character. He wasn't trying to be anyone else. He wasn't trying to be General Hammond or Jack. I like that Jack beat him in Chess. He is not as diplomatic as General Hammond. He can be rough and still have humor.

