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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Feast of the Muse View Post
    You know, I really love SG-1, but sometimes you do have to let go and move on. I'd rather have the movie, but I do want our beloved actors to be able to move along and make new paths for themselves. I loved Amanda as Sam, but that time has passed, you know? You guys will probably kick me for that, sorry.
    Yeah, I wonder if you'll be this serene next year if Sanctuary gets canceled


      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
      Funny, you don't like attacks on other fans, unless of course they are some of those pesky Daniel fans who ruined it for you.

      That wasn't an attack on all Daniel fans, it was an observation about a certain section of them who where overly aggressive towards other fan groups. At the same time I think there were people amongst the shippers and other fan sections who behaved just as badly. Some people on both sides are far too sensitive about characters from a fictional tv show. The behaviour of one small section of fandom, was adversely influencing my perception of a character who I up till then, I had liked. I have always been a fan of the team interaction, so to see people taking sides and spewing hatred at each other upset me and angered me.

      I have no problem with people having favourite characters and being upset when their favourite character leaves a show. I do have a problem with the behaviour of a small section of fandom at the time and I would have had the same problem if those fans had been Sam fans, Jack fans or Teal'c fans.
      The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


        OK kids, leave other fans out of it. What they do or don't do is their business and not a topic on this thread, or any other thread for that matter. If someone is acting out of line report them, otherwise move on.


          I agree that there are extremes on ALL sides of the fandom. Be they Daniel fans, slash fans, shipper fans, jack fans, sam fans....ALL segments...cept for those few Teal'c fans have behaved poorly.

          I have also seen a lot of hypocrisy - on all sides - where members of fan groups refuse to see that they are pretty much acting just the way they take others to task for.

          Let's drop that please. It's off topic.

          We're supposed to be here to talk about AT and Sam, not take pot shots at others or blindly defend the actions of others.

          ETA: What Jas said
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
            *kicks feast of the muse*
            Thank you, Chrono.

            Originally posted by siles View Post
            Yeah, I wonder if you'll be this serene next year if Sanctuary gets canceled
            I will admit to being disappointed that Caprica was canceled, and yes, I'd miss Sanctuary, but they are just TV shows. Enjoy them while they last and then move on. Especially with a series like the X-files or SG-1, who both had a nice long life. Who's to say we won't like the next thing they do even more?
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              Originally posted by siles View Post
              yeah, looks like BW killed the franchise... So sad right now
              Not true at all. BW wanted to have a 6th season of SGA, do the Stargate movies and then do SGU. It was not his decision to cancel SGA and move SGU up in the planning schedule. He wants to do movies for all 3 segments. He does not own the franchise and, ultimately, he does not make the final decisions.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                You must tell me where to get this coconut conditioner.

                I just read the last couple pages, must agree with the Sam as the not-bimbesque type. So many shows bring in some hot chic to raise the ratings (eg. Jeri Ryan on Voyager). Sex sells but science doesn't.


                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  This from Watch (the channel that airs Sanctuary in the UK)

                  Tue 29 Mar 2011, 4.32PM

                  Watch Admin


                  Sanctuary will be back in June


                  Way to stop piracy! When will these stupid companies learn???

                  Mumsey (Severly miffed!)
                  Ouch, my sympathies to all UK fans, that's a long time to wait.

                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Yes she does!! I've noticed that a lot when she directs...she just loves the crane.
                  I think it was on twitter where AT said that the crew calls her TechnoTapping now when she directs. I really enjoy AT's style of directing because she's tends to keep a sense of movement in her shots, it helps make the show feel a bit more dynamic IMO.

                  Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
                  Hi Folks!

                  I just thought I introduce myself before I get involved in this thread...

                  I'm a huge Sam Carter fan! I love the character because she is so unstereotypical of female scientists on tv. She isn't a weirdo, socially inept ugly freak, or a scantily clad, weak, feeble bimbo or even the butch female military type a lot of tv seems to go for. She reminds me of a lot of people I know (including me to a certain extent). She comes across as a real person who is respected in her field due to her knowledge and expertise, but who also has her flaws and weaknesses. I'm a female scientist and a massive sci-fi fan, but I also enjoy a lot of sports. I kayak, climb, weight lift, hike, swim and do/have done a number of martial arts (currently Judo and Brazilian Jiujutsu, in the past Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Muay Thai, Iaido and Capoeira), so I've always hated the way scientists are portrayed as loser coach potatoes, which is why 'kick ass', adrenaline junkie Sam was a breath of fresh air.

                  I've been a Stargate fan since the film came out (I remember going to see it on a Wednesday night instead of going kickboxing, as I had a stinking cold). I loved SG-1 from day one and enjoyed Atlantis. I haven't seen any SGU yet. SG-1 grabbed me from the start because of the stories, humour and character interaction. My favourite characters are Sam and Jack (and yes, I'm a shipper), but I also loved the team interaction (I've never understood how people who like one character feel that they have to hate and disrespect other characters). I was disappointed with the direction the show took in seasons 9 and 10 (Vala, Mitchell, wallpapering of Sam and Teal'c, dumbing down of storylines, ignoring continuity and discrediting one character to build up another character, etc). As I said above I enjoy Atlantis, but the characters never grabbed me to the same extent as those in SG-1. I was a member of the old Gateworld board and signed up here when it first opened, but almost immediately decided to take a step back from fandom. The nastiness happening between various groups was really ruining the show for me, so I left online fandom for what has turned out to be around 7 years. Recently I decided to dip my toes back into the water (but in a much more selective fashion), so here I am. I hope to get more involved with the forum in the near future.

                  Just as a finishing point...

                  Chelle DB, I love your avatar - I would kill for a teapot like that! My current job is host parasite interaction/behavioural ecology and I'm studying 2 Spot Ladybirds!
                  Hi, welcome to the thread and what a great opening post! Hope to see you posting here more in the future.

                  Have you checked out AT's new show Sanctuary? I think Helen, like Sam, is also an unstereotypical scientist who can also 'kick ass'.

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Well said. Welcome to the thread!

                  Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but the word from BW this morning is that there will be no SG1 film (no Stargate films at all).

                  CJ had to cancel at the last minute due to a family emergency. Sending out my thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
                  Thanks for the update, hope you've been enjoying the con!

                  Considering how long it's been I'm not too surprised, but it's sad news nonetheless for the franchise. And ((hugs)) to CJ and his family as well.



                    Originally posted by Ibn Rushd View Post
                    You must tell me where to get this coconut conditioner.

                    I just read the last couple pages, must agree with the Sam as the not-bimbesque type. So many shows bring in some hot chic to raise the ratings (eg. Jeri Ryan on Voyager). Sex sells but science doesn't.

                    Lush is the name of the store, not just an adjective I think they have stores in Canada, definitely online.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                      Hi, welcome to the thread and what a great opening post! Hope to see you posting here more in the future.

                      Have you checked out AT's new show Sanctuary? I think Helen, like Sam, is also an unstereotypical scientist who can also 'kick ass'.
                      Thank you again to everybody for the warm welcome.

                      I recently bought and watched Sanctuary seasons 1 and 2 on dvd and really enjoyed it. I haven't seen season 3 yet - I'm waiting for the dvd release but am looking forward to it. I don't think it will beat SG-1 in my all time favourite list, but it is up there near the top! Magnus is definitely a great female scientist character - different to Sam, but in a good way.

                      On the subject of the cancellation, part of me is a little sad, but the part of me that didn't really enjoy the last few seasons as much as the earlier ones, isn't that upset. I think I accepted a while back that the show had run its course. SG got a longer run than most other scifi tv shows so I don't think we can complain all that much! I have my SG dvds to watch (and several other scifi dvd collections) and they will keep me happy for well into the future.
                      The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                        i'm sure some have heard the news from brad wright, that there won't be any sg1, atlantis, or sgu movies?

                        if you'd like to let MGM know you're still interested in seeing the sg1 movie, you can on twitter. --> @MGM_Studios <--



                          Originally posted by Feast of the Muse View Post
                          You know, I really love SG-1, but sometimes you do have to let go and move on. I'd rather have the movie, but I do want our beloved actors to be able to move along and make new paths for themselves. I loved Amanda as Sam, but that time has passed, you know? You guys will probably kick me for that, sorry.
                          i'm not ready to let it (sam/stargate) go. i'm still interested in the series, and i'm watching it on hulu/netflix.

                          and as much as i enjoy sanctuary and helen, my *heart* lies with sam and stargate sg1. it's just my style and taste.



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i'm not ready to let it (sam/stargate) go. i'm still interested in the series, and i'm watching it on hulu/netflix.

                            and as much as i enjoy sanctuary and helen, my *heart* lies with sam and stargate sg1. it's just my style and taste.
                            Maybe I should rephrase. I am certainly not ditching Sam and the rest of SG-1. As I've said, Sam was and is a breath of life to me and reminds me that I can achieve the goals that I am aiming for. I love the show and watch it whenever I need that energy. But, I am ok with the story as it is. I don't think we need more movies, etc, for that franchise. It is very capable of standing as it is. Now I want to see what is new, what is different. What other brilliant things have been developing in those creative minds all these years? I want to see what's next.
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                              there are some Lush stores in the US too, most likely high end malls
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
                                Thank you for the welcome. I have a few Ladybird bits and pieces - when you work with them, people often buy them for you as presents - my favourite is my microwavable beanbag - it's lovely to snuggle up with in the winter or to sooth tired muscles after a heavy training session! My previous job was in eye research and the only time you get eyeball presents is Halloween! Don't worry about upsetting me, I'm a pussycat really - I get rid of all my aggression in the gym!

                                I can understand disliking characters because they are badly written (Mitchell/Vala IMO) or supposed to be nasty (Kinsey), but disliking a character because they interfer with your chosen 'pairing' or you think that they take time away from your favourite is another thing. I also hate it when that dislike moves on to personal attacks on the actors or on other groups of fans. As I said previously, that was one of the reasons I stepped back from the online stuff. The attitude of some of the Daniel fans was ruining my perception of the character and the show. I'm a shipper and obviously a Sam and Jack fan, but I don't need the ship to like the characters, and just because I like those 2 it doesn't mean I don't enjoy the presence of Teal'c and Daniel on the show or the interaction between the team. I always viewed SG-1 as a team show, I just happen to empathise more with Sam and find Jack darned sexy (and funny).
                                Welcome! I think you've found the right group.

                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Welcome back Kunoichi, you've stated a lot of what many of us feel too. I'm not sure if you've read Amanda's interviews (can't remember which one, since there have been many), but she did mention the studio wanted another person to play Sam, who would fill the blonde buxom bombshell stereotype. Luckily the producers of the show (Brad Write and Johnathan Glassner) fought for Amanda. Thak goodness for that! I'm not sure I'd be that big of a fan had they gone the other route.

                                And yes I think the biggest reason SG1 was a hit and lasted so long was the characters, the chemisry these 4 actors had, was what I think kept the fans coming back
                                Without the chemistry of those four people, the show never would have been as successful. The best writing in the world can fall flat if you don't have the right actors to play the parts.

                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Well said. Welcome to the thread!

                                Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but the word from BW this morning is that there will be no SG1 film (no Stargate films at all).

                                CJ had to cancel at the last minute due to a family emergency. Sending out my thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
                                Bummer! I so hoped we'd get to see our beloved characters again. Thank goodness for dvd's.

                                Hope everything is ok with Chris and his family.

                                Originally posted by Ibn Rushd View Post
                                You must tell me where to get this coconut conditioner.

                                I just read the last couple pages, must agree with the Sam as the not-bimbesque type. So many shows bring in some hot chic to raise the ratings (eg. Jeri Ryan on Voyager). Sex sells but science doesn't.
                                Luckily, that has been changing. I think a lot of the credit can go to the X-Files and SG-1. Both shows had strong female characters, that didn't fit the bimbo mold at all. They relied on their intelligence and ability to kick ass. And surprise, surprise they have huge followings of male fans that find them sexy. All those years of TPTB on various shows thinking they had to show cleavage to interest the male scifi fans, have been proven wrong. Smart is sexy. And they finally realized that scifi has a huge female following.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

