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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ok guys

    Putting hte mod hat on. Let's step back please.

    Part of co-existing in this thread means that sometimes the conversation goes where you don't want it to go. Dem's the breaks. See something you don't want to read, scroll. NO ONE in here has ANY right to tell others what to or not to say or how to or how not to say it.

    If stuff in the thread is rubbing you the wrong way....take a break.

    Amanda is a 'no drama' person, and this thread should be too.

    And I'm seeing a spooky amount of drama happening, and it's not a nice thing to see.

    Scroll, take a break....and if you're posting something you know will tweak you have to?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      i'm going to post something that's been on my mind a lot recently...

      does anyone think we'll ever see sam carter on the screen again?




        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        maybe it's my mood, but none of that is WOW'ing me.

        i already celebrated s4 renewal. (i'd rather have the 3rd sg1 movie)

        fandom and the franchise are in trouble, but i view threads you prob stay out of.

        the third i'm tired of reading about (whether it's a good thing or not).

        please don't tell me how i'm supposed to feel or not feel, and i will pass on the same thing to you, okay? if you want happy and positive discussions, then write them up and i'm sure there's ppl that will reply and converse with you.

        I apologize. I thought you were asking for some positive things to look at. I was in no way trying to tell you how you should feel.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Since we're talking a lot about Sam on Atlantis, made me think a little bit. It's been said that if If Amanda had stayed on Atlantis for another season, they would have done more with Sam, so what kind of episode/Sam story would y'all like to have seen?

          I think it would have been cool to see something like from Death Knell (minus a lot of Sam whump ) and we see her trying to survive on a Wraith world, and the team tries hard to save her, and they each take like a little moment to talk about how much respect they've gained for her, and how good a leader she's been. And at the end of the episode, they all have lunch together, with blue jello.


            I'd have liked Sam to be a more integral part of the cast. I'd have liked her and Teyla to bond a bit.
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              Since we're talking a lot about Sam on Atlantis, made me think a little bit. It's been said that if If Amanda had stayed on Atlantis for another season, they would have done more with Sam, so what kind of episode/Sam story would y'all like to have seen?

              I think it would have been cool to see something like from Death Knell (minus a lot of Sam whump ) and we see her trying to survive on a Wraith world, and the team tries hard to save her, and they each take like a little moment to talk about how much respect they've gained for her, and how good a leader she's been. And at the end of the episode, they all have lunch together, with blue jello.
              i remember, when it was first mentioned that amanda was going to be on atlantis...

              i'd never watched the show, so in knowing she was coming over, i started to research the series. i found out about the... i can't remember their names right now, but they're the atlantis version of the human form replicators. i think i had a dream about sam dealing with those replicators, and then my imagination went from there and created a situation where sam had to deal with them invading atlantis and them/reps knowing about sam's ordeal with fifth and so... it was a neat and interesting way of bringing sam into the atlantis world to me, and letting the fans of atlantis see what sam went through and what a kick butt character she could be.

              too bad something so sam heavy like this wasn't done.



                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i'm going to post something that's been on my mind a lot recently...

                does anyone think we'll ever see sam carter on the screen again?

                Absolutely, positively.


                  I'm not so sure we will. Beyond the DVDs that is. It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. And for me I would need assurances from people I trust that I'll like the story.
                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    One of the stories that was being considered for AT/Sam had she stayed for Season 5, was a Stargate version of an old Japanese story called "Rashomon". In SGA (IIRC) it would have had something to do with Sam being on trial or being judged for some big event that happened during her tenure as leader of Atlantis that failed, and because she was the leader, she was on trial. There would have been no verdict, because it would have been one of those stories where everybody gets to guess what the outcome would have been, but the writers wouldn't tell the outcome. I would like to have seen them actually do something like this.

                    For anybody who doesn't know what Rashomon is about, it takes place long ago in Japan; a couple are traveling, and are stopped by a robber who assaults the wife. The husband winds up dead. The wife gets away. And so does the robber (again if I remember correctly). The question is: how did the husband die? Did he kill himself; if so, why? Did the wife kill him; if so, why? Did the robber kill him; if so, why?

                    I remember this being brought up in a class I took in college and everyone in the class had to write a paper with their choice and what their reasons were for their choice.

                    It would have been very interesting to see an SGA version of this.
                    That would have been very cool. And the discussions here afterwards would have been ......wait for it.....legendary.

                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    I don't want to get too deep into this whole 'poor Sam/Amanda' convo. Clearly, Amanda's career did not suffer from whatever lack of respect, real or imagined, (none of us were there, so stories we may have heard regardless of who told them are open to listener's interpretation) and thank goodness for that.

                    If Sam had been brought back for SGA S5, we'd probably not have Sanctuary. Perhaps TPTB could have handled Sam's firing better, but I'm SO happy to have Sanctuary rather than more Sam on Atlantis.

                    Also, re: Amanda not having a contract for S9 until right before... It's much more likely she didn't have a start-date. Contracts for actors on television who are series regulars are for five years. So she would have had to have been officially let go from the show (or negotiated her own release) to not appear in S9 or 10. They may not have known what do do with her, but it's unlikely they were intending to fire a popular character, especially with RDA having such a drastically reduced role.

                    And really, shouldn't we be celebrating the awesomeness that is the fact that we still have AT as a very prominent presence on our televisions, rather than lamenting something that's past and that none of us were there for? With her continued willingness to put on Sam's combat boots, it's clear AT has no hard feelings for TBTB. Perhaps we need to take a page out of her book?

                    Who else is looking forward to AT5 and more Sanctuary??

                    Oh. ME, ME, ME!

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i'm going to post something that's been on my mind a lot recently...

                    does anyone think we'll ever see sam carter on the screen again?

                    I sure hope so. But, if we don't, at least we have Helen. And lots of DVDs.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                      I sure hope so. But, if we don't, at least we have Helen. And lots of DVDs.
                      <3 Helen.

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Six months late and only half the interview, but at least it's in HD.

                        "William Shatner Interviews Amanda Tapping"


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          When asked about it, AT did say that the only difference she was aware of between her and MS as to why he got the opportunity sooner was gender.
                          ive seen this in interviews as well

                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          The breaks between the shorter Seasons has been January to October, much longer than this break and we only got 3 fewer eps. And there hasn't been an issue with rating when the show has returned in the past (after a 10 month long break - this one is only 4). I guess I am just confused about why people are thinking that this break is long when we've always had to endure one that is more than twice it. *shrug*
                          the thing that is bugging me is that it is a mid-season break... imo breaks are for the end of the season not the middle... ive never come across this until i had to rely on syfy to see shows...

                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          We'll probably be able to start a choir.

                          I wouldn't mind seeing less of her, to afford her the opportunity to grow professionally, but I certainly would hate to ever see a day where she quit acting completely. Would miss her talent immensely.

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          Probably the case. And don't get me started on Carter kissing Pete on duty b/c it was too hard to restage the scene. AT fought that battle and lost.
                          ive also read that she fought and lost the battle about sam accepting petes proposal... she didn't think that it was something sam would do when her heart wasnt 100% in it...

                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Very true, I mean you hear and read things in mags and TV about stars pulling rank, causing trouble and acting like they're "all that" on other shows, but not Sanctuary. I'm glad they can come into work every day, do their jobs and with respect and likeness to one another, and they do it all as a team.
                          indeed, the sanctuary set seems like a big family, very friendly place where everyone respects everyone at each level...

                          Hehe, wow, Kat, that's a cool little thing to know about what happened at the OZ con. I saw that on the DVD special and it was very touching for everyone.
                          which was also in my con report

                          They wrote the "Just because my...." Sam Carter, but thanks to Amanda, we didn't have "that" Sam for the rest of the series. It wouldn't hurt to ask Amanda if she's interested in doing what the boys are doing.
                          exactly, it takes less then a minute to ask someone if they are interested in doing something...

                          Oh, man, I remember the day we learned Amanda was out as a regular in S5, and that news hit me hard, but then time went on, and I was able to deal with it, but then I heard of how Sam was leaving Atlantis, and I saw the caps of her reaction along with it and wow, just... wow. The the episode aired, and a lot of us here were talking about how it ended and her reaction.
                          i wasnt really that bummed... as much as i love sam she wasnt used to her full potential on atlantis imo, and with sanctuary getting underway im glad that amanda choose a show that was moving forward...

                          Thank you, Kat. Extremely well said to you as well.
                          youre welcome rocky... and thank you

                          Indeed, no one taught her to learn all those technical terms, but she learned it because she took the time to do all that research to make her techno babble more realistic. Even I understood her, and I like that she'd run it by her hubby too.
                          yes, that is one of the many things i admire about amanda... that she took the time to make things look and sound as realistic as possible... that she craves new experiences and is willing to do whatever it takes to learn and achieve them...

                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          to me, the problem was that they wanted new characters to play with (and jack being completely out of the picture now), and sam and teal'c weren't as interesting to them to write anymore.

                          sam was the leader of sg1. they took that spot away from her and gave it to new person mitchell. sam was the official tech person. they took that spot away from her exclusively and gave new person vala the knowledge to handle things techy. vala also grabbed onto the lone female position on the team. and daniel/vala replaced sam/jack.

                          mitchell and vala didn't replace jack (leader, humor), they replaced sam's positions on the team. the writers cut off one huge storyline (leader), and cut off half of the tech person storyline. to the new ppl.
                          at arma in australia last year someone asked ben how he felt replacing rda/jack and he was adament that he didnt, and really wanted to clear that up... meanwhile i was sitting there thinking, no you replaced AT/sam... no offense whatsoever intended to ben/cam!

                          Originally posted by suse View Post
                          I'd have liked Sam to be a more integral part of the cast. I'd have liked her and Teyla to bond a bit.
                          i would have liked to have seen that as well
                          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            You gotta remember, the show had different PTB in the early seasons than it does now. Brad and Glassner, who created sam, weren't the people running hte show from season 4 on (and glassner started to scale back even earlier i think)
                            the joe M, Coop, etc group really wasn't in any sort of real control until season 9 or so when Gekko and rick pulled out totally.
                            And it shows - I've noticed the changes.
                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Oh, don't get me started on that. I even posted on JM's blog that I thought it was the worst send off of a beloved character ever.
                            Did he respond to that?
                            When asked about it, AT did say that the only difference she was aware of between her and MS as to why he got the opportunity sooner was gender.
                            I remember hearing that too...cringe worthy.
                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            The breaks between the shorter Seasons has been January to October, much longer than this break and we only got 3 fewer eps. And there hasn't been an issue with rating when the show has returned in the past (after a 10 month long break - this one is only 4). I guess I am just confused about why people are thinking that this break is long when we've always had to endure one that is more than twice it. *shrug*
                            I have never noticed a break between eps so long....between season openers yes but not a 10 month break between season halves. Guess I'm just noticing it more now than before.
                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Probably the case. And don't get me started on Carter kissing Pete on duty b/c it was too hard to restage the scene. AT fought that battle and lost.
                            I wonder how many other battles she fought and lost. Boy do I know that feeling,,,specially when it's at work.
                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i'm going to post something that's been on my mind a lot recently...
                            does anyone think we'll ever see sam carter on the screen again?
                            Oh I do hope so - would love to stay hopeful on that one!

                            It's Australia Day tomorrow. I have to work but will be in the spirit of the day by wearing Aussie tattoos on my face! Hopefully hubby will put some lamb on the bbq and we'll have a lovely aussie barbie for dinner.

                            I love a sunburnt country,
                            A land of sweeping plains,
                            Of ragged mountain ranges,
                            Of drought and flooding rains,
                            I love her far horizons,
                            I love her jewel sea,
                            Her beauty and her terror -
                            The wide brown land for me.


                            I come from the dream time, from the dusty red soil plains,
                            I am the ancient heart - the keeper of the flame,
                            I stood upon the rocky shore, I watched the tall ships come,
                            For forty thousand years I'd been the first Australian.

                            I came upon the prison ship bound down by iron chains
                            I cleared the land, endured the lash and waited for the rains.
                            I'm a settler, I'm a farmer's wife on a dry and barren run
                            A convict then a free man, I became Australian.

                            I'm the daughter of a digger who sought the mother load
                            The girl became a woman on the long and dusty road
                            I'm a child of the depression, I saw the good times come
                            I'm a bushy, I'm a battler, I am Australian.

                            We are one but we are many
                            And from all the lands on earth we come,
                            we share a dream,
                            And sing with one voice,
                            I am, you are, we are Australian.

                            I'm a teller of stories, I'm a singer of songs
                            I am Albert Namatjira, and I paint the ghostly gums
                            I am Clancy on his horse, I'm Ned Kelly on the run
                            I'm the one who waltzed Matilda, I am Australian.

                            I'm the hot wind from the desert, I'm the black soil of the plains
                            I'm the mountains and the valleys, I'm the drought and flooding rains
                            I am the rock, I am the sky, the rivers when they run
                            The spirit of this great land, I am Australian.

                            We are one but we are many
                            And from all the lands on earth we come,
                            we share a dream,
                            And sing with one voice,
                            I am, you are, we are Australian.

                            Happy Aussie day!
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 25 January 2011, 02:47 AM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              I wonder how many other battles she fought and lost. Boy do I know that feeling,,,specially when it's at work.
                              there is another eg in my post just before yours
                              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Since we're talking a lot about Sam on Atlantis, made me think a little bit. It's been said that if If Amanda had stayed on Atlantis for another season, they would have done more with Sam, so what kind of episode/Sam story would y'all like to have seen?
                                I would liked to have seen Jack visit Sam in Atlantis and then of course, they do something romantic together. and afterwards eat some jello in bed. Blue for and red for

                                'Cause you know + =
                                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.

