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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
    Magnus mania is a constant state for all of us here, I think.

    I find that hard to believe as tech obsessed as you are.
    Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND

    go us
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND

      go us
      Yeah, go us, and go Amanda!


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND

        go us

        *Boy we talk a lot*

        To help celebrate, I though I'd post an older fic I wrote that will hopefully make you laugh

        Doohickies and Doodads

        Rated mature for inuendo...cause you know inuendo is what we do best here

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

          *Boy we talk a lot*

          To help celebrate, I though I'd post an older fic I wrote that will hopefully make you laugh

          Doohickies and Doodads

          Rated mature for inuendo...cause you know inuendo is what we do best here

          I thought picking on Suse was what we did best here?!?

          Way to go 114000. Boy, if I had a dollar for every post..........I'd be rich!


            Having lurked here pretty much every day, I should have taken the time to say a huge thank you to those whose cards I have received - so
            THANK YOU SO MUCH to:
            Julia, Janice, Kat, Ames, Sanna, Sky, Valerie, Dona, and Elaine - I think I might have mentioned a couple of you already but I've been rather forgetful lately. Whoops.
            I'm just gonna blame the hubby who has been absent for the last week - he's coming home for Christmas!! Actually he's coming home tonight but is likely to be gone by Monday.
            I have just finished my 5 day shift so have the next 4 days off - I'll be baking, shopping, looking after my nieces and nephews (4 of the darling rugrats plus my two - oi!) who will be staying with their auntie Chelle - finally!! They've only waited 2 years to have a sleepover here. Then it'll be Christmas madness for 2 days. I'm still on cloud nine from the GTTS event with Amanda and co - my report will continue to be a WIP until after Christmas. With my work schedule changing, I'm getting tired a lot more than normal so I'm just taking everything one step at a time.

            Sky - in regards to the knee surgery - I don't know how it works elsewhere around the world but here in Oz, 40 is considered young but depending on the circumstances they tend to try to avoid knee surgery til the last possible moment. Apparently, the later you have it the less likely you will need further surgery. My mother in law is on a waiting list and she's not overweight but even at the age of 60, they want her to wait. Hubby's auntie had both her knees done last year - she's 70+ and overweight but she's gone back to dancing with the Dutch dancers - it's made a huge impact on her mobility. I can imagine having bad knees, one might be less likely to exercise...kinda a vicious cycle.

            Neep - hope the job situation turns around for you soon. Such a bad time of the year to not have work. Even with work, it's hard enough. So good luck. xo

            Fresh_Horse - I understood you had a point to make but I'm guess you kinda put it out there in a way that was hard to read it without it sounding harsh. I think it's fair to say that most of us have a story or two about things that happen at work that are unfair or appear to be unfair and that some people just seem to always get away with blatantly abusing the system. I've had and still have issues at work that plague me to the point where I actually have nightmares.
            But I guess the point that folks are making here is that perhaps your post could have been worded differently and maybe a little more sympathetic about Neeps situation and give people the benefit of the doubt that they aren't being the unbearable co worker that you've had the misfortune of working with.

            So the weather seems to be playing games with everyone around the anyone not experiencing weird weather???
            We had a dumping of snow 2 days ago - 30cm up on the alps - that's a lot for summer! And we've had lost of rain and more flooding. My front yard was turned into a lake on Monday! It was cold enough here to turn the heater on at night. My a/c has taken a break and has gone back to heating my desk. But Christmas eve and Christmas day will be a typical Aussie Christmas with temps reaching up around 28C. Bbq weather!!!

            I'm betting Amanda is well and truly home by now even though we've heard nothing - not a tweet, not a nadda - from her since before she left for Australia. Such a stark contrast going from chilly Vancouver to mild weather in Sydney & Melbourne and back to chilly Vancouver. I just hope she, Olivia and her mum had a great break and enjoyed their trip down under.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              Heck I bet Amanda, Martin & Damian have discussions and that their opinions don't always mesh. I bet their discussions might get a bit heated as well since I imagine they're all equally as passionate about their ideas.
              Didn't Amanda and Martin have a little bit of a somewhat fight/strong disagreement on the set of Requiem and Amanda shouted at Martin and so forth???
              We have a saying here - a healthy relationship has love, laughter, and most certainly, disagreements and arguments. Arguing is one way of communicating...though it may not seem lile the best way, sometimes it helps release pent up emotions and sometimes the other person finally gets what you've been patiently trying to tell them for umpteen years!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND
              go us
              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              *Boy we talk a lot*
              Well some of us talk a lot...while some of us just lurk or mumble a bit or pop in only when a certain body part is mentioned.

              And on that note, I'm off to collect daughter who is no doubt rather annoyed at me for being late to pick her up - whoops - forgot again!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                I'm going to attempt to be philosophical now, so here goes.

                The life we lead is shaped by the lessons we have learnt along the way, as the saying goes, 'you learn something new everyday'. Those lessons are often harsh ones unfortunately, but hopefully when we've had time to sit and think things through we will have a better understanding of why something happened - that's not always the case I know.

                Unfortunately, the older you get doesn't necessarily make you more equipped to deal with them any better, we just tend to deal with them differently.

                Neep, please do not take the comments personally. What you inadvertently did was start a healthy debate.

                I hope that something positive will come from your situation and wish you luck in finding alternative employment.

                Merry Christmas everyone.


                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Hey everyone,

                  Thank you to Rocky, KatJoy, Sachi, 2Shy, Hedwig, Donamac, Ames and Sky for the beautiful Christmas cards!!

                  hey julia, youre welcome

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  Now....I need to say thank you to Valerie, Evenstar, Julia, Chelle, Sanna, Janice, Rocky, Ames, Dona, Kat, Mumsy and Lindsey for their lovely cards. I've been remiss in thanking others.
                  youre welcome sky

         about our annual discussion....Sam....what's she doing for the holidays? What's she done in the past? What's she doing now, a few years post atlantis....what's going on with Sam this week?
                  spending some much deserved alone time with jack... spending christmas day with sg1 and cassie...

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Spending them with Jack, of course!
                  of course

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  It has been pretty balmy here actually. It will be -7C tomorrow, will barely need a coat!
                  i dont think i have enough clothes to keep me warm in -7C

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  I managed to finish my Christmas shopping! Wasn't sure if I'd make it this year. I bet Sam does a lot of catalog/online shopping.
                  agreed - not alot of time for shopping while off saving the planet *again*

                  Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                  Isn't that Amanda lady the best?
                  yes, yes she is

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Yep. I mean, take these pics fro example-

                  I try to see Helen in them, but I can't, and it's thanks to Amanda's superb talent that makes it like impossible to see blonde Amanda in Sam, or brunette hair Amanda in Helen, and vice versa. Amanda, Sam and Helen really are their own people.

                  Btw, I love your sig.
                  totally! kudos to amanda for the phenominal acting talent and the ability to not only keep her two characters seperate but to fully become them! like i said in my previous post - amanda, sam and helen are three entirely different and unique women...

                  and thanks

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND

                  go us
                  go us indeed! that is awesome!

                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                  *Boy we talk a lot*
                  us, talk alot, never

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

                  I thought picking on Suse was what we did best here?!?

                  Way to go 114000. Boy, if I had a dollar for every post..........I'd be rich!
                  ill be in on that!

                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Having lurked here pretty much every day, I should have taken the time to say a huge thank you to those whose cards I have received - so
                  THANK YOU SO MUCH to:
                  Julia, Janice, Kat, Ames, Sanna, Sky, Valerie, Dona, and Elaine - I think I might have mentioned a couple of you already but I've been rather forgetful lately. Whoops.
                  welcome chelle

                  <snip>I'm still on cloud nine from the GTTS event with Amanda and co - my report will continue to be a WIP until after Christmas. With my work schedule changing, I'm getting tired a lot more than normal so I'm just taking everything one step at a time.
                  so am i and im thinking my panel report wont be done til after chrissy either...

                  So the weather seems to be playing games with everyone around the anyone not experiencing weird weather???
                  YES! it wont stop raining... and with it is chilly mornings and a mixture of reasonable days and typical qld summer days! heaps of ppl have or are getting over colds because the weather simply cant make up its mind!

                  I'm betting Amanda is well and truly home by now even though we've heard nothing - not a tweet, not a nadda - from her since before she left for Australia. Such a stark contrast going from chilly Vancouver to mild weather in Sydney & Melbourne and back to chilly Vancouver. I just hope she, Olivia and her mum had a great break and enjoyed their trip down under.
                  ya, no tweets from robin either... though given he flew in friday and out sunday i reckon he prolly slept the last week away

                  yeah, weather shock much! especially in sydney, it was stinking hot on saturday...

                  oh and just putting it out there, but how is it that even amanda, who spends winters in minus temperatures, still manages to make me look dead! i spend summer in 30+C and mild winters and not a tan or any colour to speak of... not fair i tells ya!
                  "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                    Hey everyone,

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Hey look, it's post 114000, yes that one hundred and fourteen THOUSAND

                    go us
                    Yay!! Go us!!

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Thank you Chelle, Kat and Sachi for the lovely cards! I do hope I've remembered to thank everyone I've gotten cards from. So big thanks to you all!
                      And I'm glad to see my cards are arraving as they should.


                        Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                        Thank you Chelle, Kat and Sachi for the lovely cards! I do hope I've remembered to thank everyone I've gotten cards from. So big thanks to you all!
                        And I'm glad to see my cards are arraving as they should.
                        youre welcome 2shy

                        and thanks to helenmagnus23 for the card, it arrived today
                        "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                          there was a tweet from robin yesterday, basically saying 'we're working on it' (as to sanctuary s4)

                          And yes, I do remember hearing in one of the commentaries about how Amanda, Martin and Damian got in a very 'healthy' debate about one aspect of the show. As in yelling i think they said. They resolved it and got over it. There's nothing wrong with stuff like that. It allows you to decide and figure out just what you are passionate about and is your thoughts/feelings 'worth it' to push.

                          One thing with employment, i've seen some employers be fair, i've also seen them do some very backhanded things to get their way (such as 'we need to get rid of a person, here, i don't like this person, let's cook up something'...where they literally take the rules, get harsh with them about one person, just to get their way to pick on that person' (certainly not saying that's what happened with Neep. Completely and totally not saying, just using this example)

                          I guess my point is, we have employees that cheat, push the rules and see how much they can get away with, and we have employers that play favorites, manipulate and lie and cheat to see how much they can get away with.

                          The funny thing about jobs.....everyone involved is human and they are all subject to both the good and the dark side of human behavior. some are great, some are truly awful...and you never know what you'll get.

                          Think about Sam and stuff she faced in her career. which does explain a lot of the chip on her shoulder in season one....the pretty woman daughter of a general....anyone wanna bet her early career was fun and respectful??? not hardly. Heck, even I experience the 'well, it's a tech question, we'll ask a guy' attitude. where I, of course, don't know anything cause I lack that piece of anatomy men find so important to possess...and i'm not the pretty daughter of a general

                          I think, early in the show, she was used to having to be twice as good to get half the credit. she was used to being dismissed and belittled. So she was very sensitive and very used to having to defend her every action. And, even though she had two great men as her boss and more than proved herself, it still took years for her to learn that she didn't have to prove herself anymore...that she'd already done it and if people had an issue with was their issue.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            there was a tweet from robin yesterday, basically saying 'we're working on it' (as to sanctuary s4)
                            wasnt that damian? robins last tweet is still 'hello australia' when i checked...

                            Think about Sam and stuff she faced in her career. which does explain a lot of the chip on her shoulder in season one....the pretty woman daughter of a general....anyone wanna bet her early career was fun and respectful??? not hardly. Heck, even I experience the 'well, it's a tech question, we'll ask a guy' attitude. where I, of course, don't know anything cause I lack that piece of anatomy men find so important to possess...and i'm not the pretty daughter of a general

                            I think, early in the show, she was used to having to be twice as good to get half the credit. she was used to being dismissed and belittled. So she was very sensitive and very used to having to defend her every action. And, even though she had two great men as her boss and more than proved herself, it still took years for her to learn that she didn't have to prove herself anymore...that she'd already done it and if people had an issue with was their issue.
                            thats exactly it - if someone has an issue with someone being a women (or any other group that faces discrimination) it is their problem, not the person in question...

                            sam developed a defensive wall in response to behaviour she had been subject to probably her whole career, until the point where she found herself part of a team who didnt care that she was female, just that she was a friend and collague who had their backs and knew her stuff...

                            nobody should have to prove themselves based on anything other then their qualifications and general attitude... if somebody is capable of and wants to do a job then they should be given the chance to...
                            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                              maybe it was damian, sorry. my bad. considering that it's PROBABLY Damian, Martin and Amanda in on the negotiations, they'll know first, and then will let the other cast know. the producers negotiate, the actors wait to see what's happened.

                              and yeah, you shouldn't have to prove that you can do a job based solely on your gender...but I experience it all the time. I can know more about or be better at something than my male coworker, but go to a hotel and be setting stuff up, who do the staff go to first?

                              You know, it was probably one hell of a moment when Sam told jack or hammond 'we need to do this....' and they just did it. no debate, no explanation, just a simple 'ok, carter wants it done, let's get it done'...and probably damn scary too because she then realized since she didn't have to justify her actions, that they trusted her that implicitly, that she dang well better be right.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                                Snipped for length

                                nobody should have to prove themselves based on anything other then their qualifications and general attitude... if somebody is capable of and wants to do a job then they should be given the chance to...
                                Just using this quote, a little out of the context originally meant, to illustrate a comment I'd like to make on the employment thread. I never had the opportunity to get any qualifications (school certificates etc). My parents simply couldn't afford to keep me at school any longer than was legal to let me leave. I had my share of knocks in employment but fortunately managed to stay employed except just once when I had worked at a bank for several months as a temp. The job I was doing became a permanent place and I was not even considered for it because I didn't have any certificates. I'd been doing the job well and the immediate boss wanted me. The girl who got it had all the papers - but failed miserably and caused the rest of the department an awful lot of work to correct all her mistakes. She kept the job (lord knows why) but most of the rest of the department left. I went into another temp job and ended up staying there for 9 happy years. (Ya boo sucks to the bank!!)

                                It hurts when you get chucked out for not much reason. There's usually more behind it than meets the eye, and I am a great believer that everything happens for a reason. Neep, there's a better opportunity waiting for you out there. Just keep your chin up and your eyes open. It will come.

                                ((((Huggles the Neeplet))))

                                For details of AT10 go to

