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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Have a great day, and you'll receive your real present will be in Dec.


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      Agree to all you said. Especially the cheeky monkey part.
      thanks rderoch and i couldnt resist the cheeky monkey comment

      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

      Have a great day, and you'll receive your real present will be in Dec.
      awwww, thanks heaps rocky! i love it

      and yep, but dec will be my early xmas pressie tim mcgraw is my bday pressie
      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        I just couldn't see any 'morning after' scenes taking place; the two nonchalantly walking out in their bath robes to get their morning cup of tea and running into Will, Kate, Henry &/or the Big Guy. Too weird. Even if this scene is done more subtly, it would still be too distracting from the overall ep and what is going on in it. What purpose would it serve?
        Oooh I dunno...I could probably think of a few could reasons/purposes!!
        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        I wouldn't call either of them control freaks, but they're very efficient. You on the other hand... just kidding, you're cool.
        I hear what everyone else is saying, I'm sure Helen has had many friends and lovers, but she's outlived them all, and she knows she'll outlive all the friends and lovers she may make now. She made that clear in Requiem, and I think she doesn't want that heartache anymore, especially after loosing Ash.
        Cheeky bugger!

        I won't press this too far coz I know not many would agree with me but I don't understand why it's not possible for Helen to love again. Yes she has lost a lot of people she has loved and she knows this will continue for as long as she lives but does that mean she simply gives up on love again...ever? I'm inclined to think that almost sounds too unrealistic. You can't help who you fall in love how does Helen avoid falling in love with someone for fear of losing them - eventually? I'm just not totally convinced.
        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
        Make like a tree and get out of here!
        ...see? So totally not a Biff!!
        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        Let's see, a name for Biggie.....
        Well we've had Damian the 'smokin' nubbin
        How about Marty for Biggie
        Oh no!! We used to have this show here in Aus called "The Early Bird Show" and it had this huge monster called Marty - Marty Monster - I was on that show 5 minutes of fame!
        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        Just recently listened the commentary for Revelations Pt. 1, and Amanda said that she thought Helen and Watson got close after Druitt went wacko and became Jack the Ripper. She didn't confirm or deny how far it went, she said she and the actor who played Watson played it so there could have been something more than friendship.
        Then Martin Wood, who was doing the commentary with her, said something about Tesla, too, so then Amanda adamantly yelled... HELEN DID NOT SLEEP WITH ALL OF THE FIVE! I thought, way to go Amanda, you tell him, stick up for Helen's integrity!
        I gotta go listen to that.
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        he was her fave...
        I]*images the fun of an invisible lover* [/I]
        *splash* Sally!!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          *splash* Where the heck did that gutter come from?
          Looks like I wasn't the only one to fall into the gutter with Sally's remark! That was a doozy. Been a while since I stepped into the gutter around here...thanks Sally!
          Virgos are supposed to be very organized, but Mom is a Virgo and Dad was a Virgo and neither one is/was organized at all.
          Modest and shy
          Meticulous and reliable
          Practical and diligent
          Intelligent and analytical
          Fussy and a worrier
          Overcritical and harsh
          Perfectionist and conservative

          Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.

          The Virgo character is precise, refined, and a lover of cleanliness, hygiene and order. Conventional, with a rather reserved manner.They are usually observant, shrewd, critical, and patient. Virgos are undemonstrative due to a coolness in their nature. Very selective, and non committal in friendship, they prefer to keep relationships on a superficial basis.
          Personal Traits
          Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet, wise and witty, with an understanding of other people's problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They like to associate with achievers.
          Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, and make good partners and parents. They are meticulous planners, considering every detail and its effect.
          There is seldom much room for emotional involvement because the mind is always engaged and dominant. What they lack in passion they make up for in preciseness.When confronted with obstacles, they stay calm and rational and work on finding a solution rather than loosing their cool. This calmness is sometimes seen as being cold and calculating. In spite of this, Virgos are friendly and outgoing people
          Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. They have a basic distrust in their nature, not only of other people but themselves as well. They project this mistrust to others and therefore make exacting employers. Although, they will never ask anyone to do what they won't do, it is still asking a lot, because most people will not go to the pains a Virgo will.
          Positive Traits
          Their mental bend gives them the ability to analyze and solve the most complicated problems. Virgos have a wonderful eye for detail and often neglect the overall issues. Hard workers and conscientious, they are perfectionists with little tolerance for shoddy work. There is no place in their world for people who are footloose and fancy free.
          More concerned with the outcome than the process, Virgos lack spontaneity.
          Main positve traits: Practical, analytical, neat, industrious, detailed.
          Negative Traits
          On the negative side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanliness into obsessive behavior. There is a need to pay attention to health concerns, particularly those related to overt stress. Virgos are predisposed to worry and hypochondria. They can make themselves so useful to others, it often leaves them vulnerable to exploitation. They need to avoid being shy or inhibited when it comes to dealing with others interests as well as with their personal interests .
          Main negative traits: Fault -finding, cynical, shyness, perfectionist, worrying, critical of self/others.
          Due to the Virgo preference for detail rather than the big picture, they make better workers than they do leaders. They are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and have good inventive talents.
          Virgos possess a strong potential for the arts, sciences and language. They are well suited for any career where analysis, detail and precision are required. They make excellent programmers, accountants, and statisticians. Many go into medicine, law, and the teaching profession. With an avid interest in history, some Virgos make excellent writers and researchers.

          I think the traits of whatever sign of the zodiac you may be, can vary greatly depending on where you get your information. I think we can all be the same at times no matter what sign.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Happy Birthday Kat!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              I just couldn't see any 'morning after' scenes taking place; the two nonchalantly walking out in their bath robes to get their morning cup of tea and running into Will, Kate, Henry and/or the Big Guy. Too weird. Even if this scene is done more subtly, it would still be too distracting from the overall ep and what is going on in it. What purpose would it serve?
              Well, if they could make Bollywood dancing work to fit the story…
              But I definitely see your point, if it doesn't cater the story or any character developments, we're not likely to see any of that.

              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              I won't press this too far coz I know not many would agree with me but I don't understand why it's not possible for Helen to love again. Yes she has lost a lot of people she has loved and she knows this will continue for as long as she lives but does that mean she simply gives up on love again...ever? I'm inclined to think that almost sounds too unrealistic. You can't help who you fall in love how does Helen avoid falling in love with someone for fear of losing them - eventually? I'm just not totally convinced.
              It's a good point you're making Chelle. And of course you can't help who you fall in love with, but I get the feeling Helen is very guarded about her feelings and about getting people too close to her. Maybe because she feelt that heartache of loosing someone dear to her so many times. It's getting harder and harder each time to let someone get that close again. That's my two cents worth anyway.

              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              Oh no!! We used to have this show here in Aus called "The Early Bird Show" and it had this huge monster called Marty - Marty Monster - I was on that show 5 minutes of fame!
              Cool. So that means you've got another 10 minutes of fame to cash in?

              Happy birthday Kat!

              Edit: Since we're on the topic of Helen and ship, in case anyone hasn't seen it, this is the CCSD clip where Amanda is talking about Polly Walker. When Is Magnus Going To Get It On? - Sanctuary Panel Highlight
              Last edited by 2Shy; 16 September 2010, 12:31 AM.


                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                1. Heck, I'm a cancer and still very analytical and at times, very controlling. I think it has nothing to do with astronomical signs and more to do with upbringing and personality.

                2. If I was to go with what my sign suggests, than I'd be a homebody. I love to travel though! Love to see new places and explore the nooks and crannies of every country. If I could, I'd make it a career!

                So, yeah.
                1. Probably. I'm sure mine is hereditary, lol. Though I am a fairly typical aries.

                2. There are people who wouldn't? It's a big world out there! I want to see it all. Alas, I'll have to settle with little bits and pieces.

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  I won't press this too far coz I know not many would agree with me but I don't understand why it's not possible for Helen to love again. Yes she has lost a lot of people she has loved and she knows this will continue for as long as she lives but does that mean she simply gives up on love again...ever? I'm inclined to think that almost sounds too unrealistic. You can't help who you fall in love how does Helen avoid falling in love with someone for fear of losing them - eventually? I'm just not totally convinced.
                  Agree with you 100%. Druitt may have been extra special for being #1, but I personally think that the whole one true love for each person is a load of doodoo. How sad would it be if it were true!?? Life is full of love in so many places. I would imagine Helen has been in love more than the once. But there are times in everyone's life when pursuing relationships and/or being open to love is inconvenient or impossible and it seems that may be where Helen is ATM, what with only taking a long weekend every 7 years. At first that had me thinking 'wow, she really loves her work' and then the more I actually thought about it the more I thought 'what is she running/hiding from?' I would venture to guess that (single) motherhood (having her daughter as so big a part of her work) and the loss of Ashley play a big part in her workaholic personality.

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    I can see helen 'hiding' in work. and she probably does it because, a) she's tired of losing people, b) she probably sees a relationship as a vulnerability so wants to limit that, c) it's likely 'easier' to not have to juggle that too.

                    I know some people feel bereft if they're not in a relationship, but others are happily uninvolved and are content to not have to deal with the needs and wishes of another.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      So I was just wondering, Helen is 158/9 right? I actually know a lady at work who is over a hundred years old...can't remember if it's 102 or 109...but I reckon if I asked her if she could love someone again as deeply as she had loved anyone in all her years, I have no doubt that she would say yes, should would do it again. So my point is that while Helen is somewhat a little bit older than this lady, I can't accept that she would just give up like that....that Helen would not allow herself to feel/be/give love like she did with John or anyone else she has in the past. I'll admit that perhaps now isn't an opportune moment for her given all the things that have just happened within the Sanctuary - including Ashley...especially with Ashley - but to say out and out that Helen wouldn't allow herself to love anyone, that she is tired of losing people so therefore she runs away from it, it's just pushing that envelope a little too far. Then again, this is television so in reality...which is a bit of a pun in this case...Helen could very well pack up her heart/soul/life and do whatever the writers dictate. I guess it all comes down to that. Helen is not a real person so how can anyone really be sure if this character would never want a serious, long term loving relationship? Even if at this moment, Damian and or Amanda would say that is how they want Helen to be, who knows how they might want to change that character in the seasons to come. I just feel that this whole debate on Helen giving up love in fear of losing it all is just too...I dunno, I can't think of the right word without the fear of someone taking it and running it through the mud.
                      You know I think we've all probably lost someone we loved...and some may have lost some more than others....but we move on. You'd think after 150+ years, Helen would have perfected moving on and learned to live rather than just give up. In a way, it kinda seems like an un-Helen Magnus thing to do - give up. She certainly is a complex character.

                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        So I was just wondering, Helen is 158/9 right? I actually know a lady at work who is over a hundred years old...can't remember if it's 102 or 109...but I reckon if I asked her if she could love someone again as deeply as she had loved anyone in all her years, I have no doubt that she would say yes, should would do it again. So my point is that while Helen is somewhat a little bit older than this lady, I can't accept that she would just give up like that....that Helen would not allow herself to feel/be/give love like she did with John or anyone else she has in the past. I'll admit that perhaps now isn't an opportune moment for her given all the things that have just happened within the Sanctuary - including Ashley...especially with Ashley - but to say out and out that Helen wouldn't allow herself to love anyone, that she is tired of losing people so therefore she runs away from it, it's just pushing that envelope a little too far. Then again, this is television so in reality...which is a bit of a pun in this case...Helen could very well pack up her heart/soul/life and do whatever the writers dictate. I guess it all comes down to that. Helen is not a real person so how can anyone really be sure if this character would never want a serious, long term loving relationship? Even if at this moment, Damian and or Amanda would say that is how they want Helen to be, who knows how they might want to change that character in the seasons to come. I just feel that this whole debate on Helen giving up love in fear of losing it all is just too...I dunno, I can't think of the right word without the fear of someone taking it and running it through the mud.
                        You know I think we've all probably lost someone we loved...and some may have lost some more than others....but we move on. You'd think after 150+ years, Helen would have perfected moving on and learned to live rather than just give up. In a way, it kinda seems like an un-Helen Magnus thing to do - give up. She certainly is a complex character.

                        I see your point Chelle and perhaps in the fanfics you might see Helen finding love, but in the series? Not sure it will happen. We might get teased with it like we did with the S/J fluff we saw on occasion in SG1, but I think there are certain similar things happening here in Sanctuary that are preventing Helen from finding someone permanent in her life again to love. In SG1 it was military protocol. In Sanctuary there might be security issues coming into play, the fact of Helen having to experience loss again with a partner dying before her, etc.. I think she has the ability to love, but perhaps isn't ready to go there again or...yet.

                        Happy Birthday Kat!!

                        Hoping you have a wonderful day of spoiling and fun!


                          Sorry Chelle but the situation between your resident and Helen is vastly different and doesn't warrant comparison based on age alone. Helen knows she is probably going to live a long time, there's been no canon indication just how long lived she will be but a possible clue might be that James said she hadn't changed a bit since 1886. Add in the weird life she leads and there ends up with very little to compare.

                          I actually think that we don't know enough about Helen from canon to say one way or another what she would do in this respect and I see a lot of people trying to enforce their own personal views on the character. The jury is still out for me, I'm desperately hanging out for more insights into Helen's character this season.


                            Happy Birthday Kat!

                            Rocky: Keep trying but I shall never truly die! *neener, neener, neener*

                            Bigfoot's Name? My suggestion: Salacious B. Crumb

                            As for Helen and romance, I can see her going away from the Sactuary for little get-a-ways but I hope it's not with Olaf. Used Mazarati salesman.


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Oooh I dunno...I could probably think of a few could reasons/purposes!!

                              Cheeky bugger!

                              I won't press this too far coz I know not many would agree with me but I don't understand why it's not possible for Helen to love again. Yes she has lost a lot of people she has loved and she knows this will continue for as long as she lives but does that mean she simply gives up on love again...ever? I'm inclined to think that almost sounds too unrealistic. You can't help who you fall in love how does Helen avoid falling in love with someone for fear of losing them - eventually? I'm just not totally convinced.

                              ...see? So totally not a Biff!!

                              Oh no!! We used to have this show here in Aus called "The Early Bird Show" and it had this huge monster called Marty - Marty Monster - I was on that show 5 minutes of fame!

                              I gotta go listen to that.

                              *splash* Sally!!!
                              We didn't have a Marty, we had Sigmund the Seamonster.

                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Looks like I wasn't the only one to fall into the gutter with Sally's remark! That was a doozy. Been a while since I stepped into the gutter around here...thanks Sally!

                              Modest and shy
                              Meticulous and reliable
                              Practical and diligent
                              Intelligent and analytical
                              Fussy and a worrier
                              Overcritical and harsh
                              Perfectionist and conservative

                              Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.

                              The Virgo character is precise, refined, and a lover of cleanliness, hygiene and order. Conventional, with a rather reserved manner.They are usually observant, shrewd, critical, and patient. Virgos are undemonstrative due to a coolness in their nature. Very selective, and non committal in friendship, they prefer to keep relationships on a superficial basis.
                              Personal Traits
                              Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet, wise and witty, with an understanding of other people's problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They like to associate with achievers.
                              Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, and make good partners and parents. They are meticulous planners, considering every detail and its effect.
                              There is seldom much room for emotional involvement because the mind is always engaged and dominant. What they lack in passion they make up for in preciseness.When confronted with obstacles, they stay calm and rational and work on finding a solution rather than loosing their cool. This calmness is sometimes seen as being cold and calculating. In spite of this, Virgos are friendly and outgoing people
                              Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. They have a basic distrust in their nature, not only of other people but themselves as well. They project this mistrust to others and therefore make exacting employers. Although, they will never ask anyone to do what they won't do, it is still asking a lot, because most people will not go to the pains a Virgo will.
                              Positive Traits
                              Their mental bend gives them the ability to analyze and solve the most complicated problems. Virgos have a wonderful eye for detail and often neglect the overall issues. Hard workers and conscientious, they are perfectionists with little tolerance for shoddy work. There is no place in their world for people who are footloose and fancy free.
                              More concerned with the outcome than the process, Virgos lack spontaneity.
                              Main positve traits: Practical, analytical, neat, industrious, detailed.
                              Negative Traits
                              On the negative side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanliness into obsessive behavior. There is a need to pay attention to health concerns, particularly those related to overt stress. Virgos are predisposed to worry and hypochondria. They can make themselves so useful to others, it often leaves them vulnerable to exploitation. They need to avoid being shy or inhibited when it comes to dealing with others interests as well as with their personal interests .
                              Main negative traits: Fault -finding, cynical, shyness, perfectionist, worrying, critical of self/others.
                              Due to the Virgo preference for detail rather than the big picture, they make better workers than they do leaders. They are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and have good inventive talents.
                              Virgos possess a strong potential for the arts, sciences and language. They are well suited for any career where analysis, detail and precision are required. They make excellent programmers, accountants, and statisticians. Many go into medicine, law, and the teaching profession. With an avid interest in history, some Virgos make excellent writers and researchers.

                              I think the traits of whatever sign of the zodiac you may be, can vary greatly depending on where you get your information. I think we can all be the same at times no matter what sign.
                              The gutter needs to be bigger so we have room to swim.

                              Guess I was wrong about the organization part. Though I think the zodiac is like most psychic readings. So vague they can fit just about any person/situation.

                              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                              Happy Birthday Kat!

                              Rocky: Keep trying but I shall never truly die! *neener, neener, neener*

                              Bigfoot's Name? My suggestion: Salacious B. Crumb

                              As for Helen and romance, I can see her going away from the Sactuary for little get-a-ways but I hope it's not with Olaf. Used Mazarati salesman.
                              Yeah, he seemed a little....slippery.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                According to this, a new season of Innerspace starts tonight, and this is from the site-

                                "Armed with a fresh new look, hot new series and big-buzz events, genre experts Ajay Fry and Teddy Wilson resume their posts as the dynamic hosts of the SPACE original nightly series, INNERSPACE, beginning September 16. Taped from SPACE headquarters in downtown Toronto, Canada’s leading genre after-show returns locked and loaded to deliver an action-packed half-hour, four nights a week. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 p.m. ET, INNERSPACE follows fan favourites SANCTUARY, SUPERNATURAL and STARGATE UNIVERSE. Thursday nights feature a special, 45-minute edition starting at 11:15 p.m. ET, following the critically acclaimed cult-hit, BEING HUMAN."

                                Does anyone know if Sanctuary will be mentioned tonight? EH-T?

