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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Thought for discussion: I was watching an Atlantis episode recently where someone said to Carter "I read that you were once taken over by an entity" I think that was one of the only references after the fact to that. She seemed pretty uncomfortable that it was brought up. (Janet mentioned it in Ascension, I think.)

    We saw in early episodes that Sam wants to appear the "strong soldier". But do you think she talked about it with Janet? The team? MacKensie?
    I don't believe Sam would ever willingly talk to McKenzie. EVER!

    I don't really see her talking to Hammond or Janet either because they weren't on the team. Both Hammond and Janet have a duty to turn her over to McKenzie if they see something that might inhibit Sam's ability to perform or handle her duties. Pluse, if Janet and Sam are friends outside of work, which I believe they are, I could see them having a "no shop talk" rule, so they can get away from work for a while. The only exception being Cassie, but after awhile she is just a kid, not an alien anymore.

    Of anybody, I could see her maybe talking to Daniel or at the far outside Teal'c if she was having nightmares or "losing it" on missions. Plus, with both Daniel and Teal'c, I would see the conversation more about asking if the two of them had seen anything like this before in their other Gate experience.

    But really, I don't see her talking to anybody. Everybody important to her was there when she woke up. Jack even touched her arm. It was done, it was over. Some things are just too personal. And of all the weird things the team has seen, this was one of the weirder ones.
    Last edited by hisg1fans; 12 August 2010, 02:47 PM.


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Glad to be home and getting over the con crud
      Had a great time at the con, even with the SA gang

      They were lucky I was doing the talking....JanSam and Suse were both speechless (yes hard to believe this could be true of Suse ) and Ma wanted to say she was kidnapped....

      So very lucky I was the only one to speak up when asked how do you know each other?

      Glad you are feeling better after those intense border negotiations


        So now that the excitement of the conventions are passing, should we finish off discussing Season 1 and go to Season 2?

        Or is this discussion ended?


          Does anybody know if AT will be in SG Universe in Season 2?


            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
            Does anybody know if AT will be in SG Universe in Season 2?
            joe hasn't said. i guess brad wright made a comment about sg1 members guesting on s2, but joe's remarking like he's never heard of it. ah, joe and his games...



              Here is something I've been thinking about lately. With the two series, SG-1 and Sanctuary, are there any episodes where Sam and Helen are in similar situations or react in the same manner?

              A little background on the question. I'm not asking if you see AT playing the same character in both series. There are only about 9 stories in the history of mankind, so coming up with a new story is tough. However, good writers can put twists in the old stories to keep them fresh. I'm wondering if any of the shows, or in particular AT's character's role in the stories, have been the same.


                i have a techy question for anyone in the know...

                i'm considering just watching sg1 eps off netflix or itunes (i think all of them are free), and just saving/down loading the ones i want onto my computer to burn. (can i do that?) anyhoo, about how many eps could i get on each blank dvd?



                  I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

                  it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.

                  then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'

                  then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i have a techy question for anyone in the know...

                    i'm considering just watching sg1 eps off netflix or itunes (i think all of them are free), and just saving/down loading the ones i want onto my computer to burn. (can i do that?) anyhoo, about how many eps could i get on each blank dvd?
                    you may/may not be able to burn a disc. ITunes files often have DRM's attached to rights management. which means there'll be a little bit of code attached to it so that it won't burn.

                    as to how many, if you can get it to work, well an average dvd holds 4.7 gig of data. so it all depends on how big the original file is and if you keep it as a computer based format, mov, wmv, etc, or if you transcode it to a dvd format
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

                      it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.

                      then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'

                      then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
                      wonderful story, sky!!

                      seeing amanda and rick *together* is the last of my con-wants. if they do another version of 'avalon', though, i won't be able to go b/c of money issues. comic con i could do, but i'd need to be *sure* they were going to be there together.



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        you may/may not be able to burn a disc. ITunes files often have DRM's attached to rights management. which means there'll be a little bit of code attached to it so that it won't burn.

                        as to how many, if you can get it to work, well an average dvd holds 4.7 gig of data. so it all depends on how big the original file is and if you keep it as a computer based format, mov, wmv, etc, or if you transcode it to a dvd format
                        sam, is that you?

                        so... uh... what did you say?



                          I was fortunate enough to see Amanda a couple years ago when she came to the con in my neck of the woods, Shoreleave, in Maryland. They had just wrapped season 10, but it was before all the episodes were aired. I remember her telling us hints about the "surprises" in the 200th episode. She was very funny and entertaining. The hour went by too fast!! I would go see her again, fer sure.

                          I have yet to have the opportunity to see RDA, but I'm not sure I'd be very calm. At the before mentioned con, I turned and practically ran into Connor Trinnier and I couldn't breathe!! Face-to-face with him... he is 10 times hotter in person, believe me!! So I can't even imagine how good RDA would look in the flesh!


                            I'm home!!

                            No con crud, gonna get to bed to try to avoid the worst of jet lag...

                            Had a lovely time at a BBQ - grilling burgers and veggies. The clouds broke up just before it started. Gotta love Seattle and the long evenings. The brother had a great time.
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              I'm home!!

                              No con crud, gonna get to bed to try to avoid the worst of jet lag...

                              Had a lovely time at a BBQ - grilling burgers and veggies. The clouds broke up just before it started. Gotta love Seattle and the long evenings. The brother had a great time.
                              good to hear you're finally home and had a great time!

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                I'm home!!

                                No con crud, gonna get to bed to try to avoid the worst of jet lag...

                                Had a lovely time at a BBQ - grilling burgers and veggies. The clouds broke up just before it started. Gotta love Seattle and the long evenings. The brother had a great time.
                                Glad to hear you made it home safely!! Hope your not melting after enjoying our mild temps

