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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
    yeah like me
    Uh me too.
    My tumblr


      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
      I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

      I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

      Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

      (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
      I love to hear the stories of others who have met Amanda and who have pictures to share of those times and think it's most appropriate for this thread. That's what we're all about here. Amanda love. But, there's a line to walk between sharing a memorable moment or an awesome few pictures and simple bragging. Everyone's interpretation of this will be different though. Some might not mind, pages and pages of pictures and remembered times. Personally, If it's a bit much for me, I just scroll downward for whatever else someone has to say.

      You mention the poll we had here and I will only touch on it as briefly as I can to explain. What I did not like was that no experiences or pictures were shared so it, in my opinion, was completely random and not meeting of the criteria for this thread. It was a yes-no survey and not very inclusive. It was a way to divide those who have met Amanda from those who haven't. I never thought we were about division here. Anyways, I did overlook it for a few pages, that is until there were a few here that felt confused and later disappointed by it. I guess I'm a sucker for sticking up for others as I've been in many a situation throughout my life where I was left out and felt disregarded. It's not a good feeling. When I saw these few upset I voiced what I felt about the matter. That is all.


        Re sharing stories, Stargate and this thread has been my first experience in fandom. It's the first time I heard of conventions and set visits and such and the first time I got to hear about various fans experiences at those events. As a student who's not likely to get to attend a con in a long while, I'm content to live vicariously through the stories of others. I've gotten to have my share of unique experiences unrelated to fandom, so I'm nothing but thrilled that others get to have their own wonderful experiences.

        Oh, and I just noticed we're at 5500 pages and almost 110,000 posts! Go Samanda!



          Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
          Re sharing stories, Stargate and this thread has been my first experience in fandom. It's the first time I heard of conventions and set visits and such and the first time I got to hear about various fans experiences at those events. As a student who's not likely to get to attend a con in a long while, I'm content to live vicariously through the stories of others. I've gotten to have my share of unique experiences unrelated to fandom, so I'm nothing but thrilled that others get to have their own wonderful experiences.

          Oh, and I just noticed we're at 5500 pages and almost 110,000 posts! Go Samanda!
          You took the words right out of my mouth! I feel exactly the same way. I'm a student too, so cons are pretty much out of my reach... getting to hear a lot of you guys telling stories about the experiences you've had is always a lot of fun for me! Certainly there is a line to walk, but I think that it would actually be the height of arrogance to only share those stories and experiences with people who have also had them. So, in other words, thanks for all the tales guys - keep 'em coming!


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            I love to hear the stories of others who have met Amanda and who have pictures to share of those times and think it's most appropriate for this thread. That's what we're all about here. Amanda love. But, there's a line to walk between sharing a memorable moment or an awesome few pictures and simple bragging. Everyone's interpretation of this will be different though. Some might not mind, pages and pages of pictures and remembered times. Personally, If it's a bit much for me, I just scroll downward for whatever else someone has to say.

            You mention the poll we had here and I will only touch on it as briefly as I can to explain. What I did not like was that no experiences or pictures were shared so it, in my opinion, was completely random and not meeting of the criteria for this thread. It was a yes-no survey and not very inclusive. It was a way to divide those who have met Amanda from those who haven't. I never thought we were about division here. Anyways, I did overlook it for a few pages, that is until there were a few here that felt confused and later disappointed by it. I guess I'm a sucker for sticking up for others as I've been in many a situation throughout my life where I was left out and felt disregarded. It's not a good feeling. When I saw these few upset I voiced what I felt about the matter. That is all.

            The Poll as you complain about, was done out of silliness due to the conversation many on this thread were having...and mentioning jokingly we should have poll. Well thoughtless me put it together, why didn't I have more categories? Probably due to the fact I had enough of a hard time putting 2 categories together...Yes I am a luddite ( I know I used it wrong but it gets my point across). So forgive me for trying to do something silly and funny
            Last edited by Mandysg1; 16 April 2010, 11:26 AM.

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Do i feel that folks brag? eh, sometimes. Then again, who hasn't wanted to, not as much brag, but come into a place where people will appreciate the coolness of your experience and share it with them? If i were to, for example, win a walk on one in my life will give a fig beyond my mother . My sisters will pay lip service but will mock me for the silliness of it and the few folks at work that i'd tell will just nod politely cause they don't get it. The folks in there are the only ones I can share with. And I'd imagine that others in here feel the same way.

              So i don't always see it as bragging as much as 'y'all are the only ones i can share the coolness of this experience with'.

              I know there are some here that'll never be able to go to a con. It sucks....but it's also life. There'll always be experiences that only a few can have. That's just how it works. Those of us that can't go can either live vicariously through others....or learn to scroll.
              I've never been to a con (yet) but I enjoy the convention reports. And so long as it doesn't develop into a long private conversation it's all good to me.
              I agree--who but people here and a few others "get" the fun of stuff like this?

              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              I think what also really counts in thinking someone is "bragging" ... seeing that someone is conscious of this or not. You are very sensivite about what you do mention ..the same goes for me. I made a small post the other day (before this discussion) with a little mention of the tour, I actually sat there for 5 minutes thinking whether I should post is ... just because I don't want to come across in a bad way (my reason for doing so in the end, was that it was just a small mention of something that I was lucky enough to do ... so, really there shouldn't be a reason I can't say that).
              See, and this attitude is exactly why I don't worry much about this thread. We have a lot of people here who are sensitive to others' feelings.

              I also agree with those who have said, if you don't want to read it, scroll past.

              ETA: I think all this volcanic & meteor activity has affected people. Is the moon full?
              Last edited by jckfan55; 16 April 2010, 11:46 AM. Reason: dang typing


                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I've never been to a con (yet) but I enjoy the convention reports. And so long as it doesn't develop into a long private conversation it's all good to me.
                I haven't been to one either, but I hope it will change soon!! Fingers crossed


                  Danger! Will Robinson! Danger!

                  This is a soap box alert!

                  If there are any supersensitive soul's about that can't take some straight and to the point talking then I suggest you DON'T read my post.

                  When did it get so bad in here that people who are encouraged at every turn to share their experiences in the fan world are accused of bragging? Why is it that some self oriented, immature people who get offended at normal human community interrelationships get to make some of the kindest and most generous people feel bad for doing what is asked of them?

                  Seriously, some people need to grow up and get a thicker skin. If you feel left out then join in; if you can't join in around here then that is your problem not other people's, learn to tell the difference. I've been hanging around this thread for years, sometimes I join in and sometimes I don't but it is always ME that is the deciding factor not any excluding sub clique on the thread because people here don't do that, they are very caring and sharing.

                  As for the poll, it was on topic and a natural flow on from the conversation where some new people to Samanda didn't know that there were people who had met Amanda and after an explanation of who the other Amanda was (waves to antoa ) a poll was put up of who had met them and who had not. A completely natural and fun extension of the conversation. Go look at that poll and see where I am and what I wrote - Not RoX because I haven't been lucky enough to go to a con and meet Amanda or coincidently antoa either. I joined in, I chose to participate, if you (the general you) chose not to then it is YOUR decision and not others so please learn to tell the difference.

                  Like life, this thread community is filled with all types of people but we have one thing in common and that is why we come together here to share. If you feel like you can't participate in this community then I heartily suggest you take a good long, hard look at yourself and figure out why that is BEFORE you start hurling bricks at the kind and generous people here who share, without bragging, their experiences at the request of the many of us who haven't been quite as fortunate as them.

                  Now I know that I could have been a hell of a lot politer in expressing my opinion but quite frankly there is so much pussy footing around here and attempting to not offend anyone (which is impossible by the way) that the key issues are often obscured. I'm choosing to say it flat out and I know I'm going to offend some by doing that but guess what? It needs to be said, there are some oversensitive individuals that need to learn that the world does not revolve around them and their feelings. That large communities like this are just like life and relationships out in the big, bad world and you need to work at them and participate. Don't go blaming others for your own short comings, take responsibility for your own actions/inaction.

                  I find this an incredibly supportive and caring and sharing type community and I don't want that sharing to stop or the people who take a lot of time and make a lot of effort to share their experiences here in the thread to feel badly about doing so. Like I said before, I've hung around this thread for years and I think I can count the number of times I felt that someone was bragging here on one hand. When I thought that people were bragging I simply made a snarky comment to myself and scrolled on by, just like has been recommended by other posters (well except the snark part ).

                  I'm going to end this soapbox oration by thanking every single person here who has shared their experiences so kindly with us. Thank you for the short insights into meeting our fave celebs and GW inhabitants. Thank you for the long con reports that take hours to assemble and post. Thank you for the copious amounts of shared photos. Thank you for taking time out at cons and jumping on the internet to give live updates to those of us stuck at home. Thank you to all who haven't been at particular cons that have jumped online and had "at home" fun whilst we waited for updates from our very generous friends. Thank you to all Samandans, each and every one of you, because whether we all agree or not this community is a great place to visit.

                  *packs up soapbox and stores away for future use*


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    You made a memorable first impression on me.
                    But I was talking about making a GOOD impression.

                    Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                    Exactly. Question though: What about the people that haven't got to do anything??
                    Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                    yeah like me
                    Just keep hoping to do it someday. Don't give up!

                    All of us get completely different opportunities in life. None of us will ever get to do all the things we want to do. There's just never enough money or time. But make sure you enjoy every chance that you do get with every ounce of your being. Cherish it.

                    I'm a completely annoying tourist, because I want to see and do everything possible when I go somewhere for the first time. Doesn't matter if it's in another country or not. Doesn't even have to be another state for that matter. I have no way of knowing if I'll ever make it to that place again and I want to soak up everything I can while I'm there.

                    I've never gotten the impression on this list that anyone is bragging. The entries have been short and sweet. Anyone who's put together a longer con report always has a link to the report. Read it or not. Personally, I love to read them. Even before I had attended any cons, I loved to read the reports. When you've watched Amanda all these years, seen interviews etc, you can picture her in your head while you read the report (and with her amazingly expressive face, it's easy). It's the next best thing to being there.

                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    The Poll as you complain about, was done out of silliness due to the conversation many on this thread were having...and mentioning jokingly we should have poll. Well thoughtless me put it together, why didn't I have more categories? Probably due to the fact I had enough of a hard time putting 2 categories together...Yes I am a luddite ( I know I used it wrong but it gets my point across). So forgive me for trying to do something silly and funny
                    I don't think anyone was upset by the poll. I got the impression it was just something that had occurred to somebody because we have a lot of new folks on the list and they were worried that they might feel left out. But I've seen a few of the responses from our new friends and I don't think they mind our silliness.

                    We love you Mandy!

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    I've never been to a con (yet) but I enjoy the convention reports. And so long as it doesn't develop into a long private conversation it's all good to me.
                    I agree--who but people here and a few others "get" the fun of stuff like this?

                    See, and this attitude is exactly why I don't worry much about this thread. We have a lot of people here who are sensitive to others' feelings.

                    I also agree with those who have said, if you don't want to read it, scroll past.

                    ETA: I think all this volcanic & meteor activity has affected people. Is the moon full?
                    Exactly, no one else cares. We have to share with someone.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      so has everyone got a fav sam centric episode and if so what is it mine is the road not taken or gemini i have loved others but they usually include other people like jack (divide and conquer) for some weird reason.
                      The best written female character on trek ever.


                        I'm caught up with my Sam season 1 viewing (for now). Random thoughts on what we learn about Sam:

                        First Commandment: We definitely see Sam's strong sense of right and wrong.

                        Brief Candle: we see ScientistSam and her commitment to her teammates: She basically argues with the General about saving O'Neill
                        (and there's the cute "Don't look at me--I don't know what to do" moment with the childbirth scene

                        Cold Lazarus: again, Sam the scientist comes out to play (with Daniel) re: the crystals. It was like she didn't even hear the alarms blaring when they fired on the crystal in the Gateroom.

                        [also I could see the slight differences in how AT played Sam in those early days--less at ease perhaps, less of AT in Sam?]

                        Thor's Hammer: Sam quickly formulates a plan to rescue the Colonel & Teal'c by going back for a search team. She's committed to her team and will not assume they've been killed.

                        She is impatient with Kendra getting lost, wandering etc. While this is in one way not something to endear Sam to us, on the other it shows her desire to get moving when teammates are in danger.
                        Sam is definitely a woman of action in this episode.


                          I'm sorry for offending anyone. Deep down it was not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings. Believe me or not, it's your decision. Again, I never minded, nor ever will, the photos, stories, con reports, etc.. of others who've posted here in the past. It's what made this place so great and I've even been a part of that to an extent.

                          Maybe turning a blind eye here more often is what I need to do and being polite not to post what I feel anymore when something comes up that I feel is objectionable will make this thread run smoother, that is if I was to stay. Not sure anymore. Anyways, thanks for a fun two and a half years.
                          Last edited by Celandine; 16 April 2010, 03:24 PM.


                            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                            Oh, and I just noticed we're at 5500 pages and almost 110,000 posts! Go Samanda!
                            YAY! i noticed the page count last night, but not the post count til you pointed it out! very cool

                            Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                            Exactly. Question though: What about the people that haven't got to do anything??
                            Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                            yeah like me
                            all in good time

                            having grown up sci fi my brother and i were bummed when my parents attended three star trek cons when we were younger but didnt think we were old enough... now that we are older and have our own income we have been lucky enough to attend some cons ourselves (and the funny thing is we planned on going by ourselves and each time mum and dad tagged along )

                            just remember things happen in their own time and all the experiences you will have inbetween are just as valid as the potential future con experience...

                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            I've never gotten the impression on this list that anyone is bragging. The entries have been short and sweet. Anyone who's put together a longer con report always has a link to the report. Read it or not. Personally, I love to read them. Even before I had attended any cons, I loved to read the reports. When you've watched Amanda all these years, seen interviews etc, you can picture her in your head while you read the report (and with her amazingly expressive face, it's easy). It's the next best thing to being there.
                            totally! i often read interviews and con reports and can totally hear amanda in my head and see her potential reactions to the things she is saying... it makes reading con reports all the more fun!

                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            I'm sorry for offending anyone. Deep down it was not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings. Believe me or not, it's your decision. Again, I never minded, nor ever will, the photos, stories, con reports, etc.. of others who've posted here in the past. It's what made this place so great and I've even been a part of that to an extent.

                            Maybe turning a blind eye here more often is what I need to do and being polite not to post what I feel anymore when something comes up that I feel is objectionable will make this thread run smoother, that is if I was to stay. Not sure anymore. Anyways, thanks for a fun two and a half years.
                            dont leave (cel)... i may not have been here very long but i enjoy talking with everyone here on samanda, i enjoy hearing about everyones experiences, and i think this thread is a great place to be able to discuss what people who arent in fandom just dont get...
                            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                              so has everyone got a fav sam centric episode and if so what is it mine is the road not taken or gemini i have loved others but they usually include other people like jack (divide and conquer) for some weird reason.
                              I can't pick a single favorite, but among my top 10 are Singularity, ItLOD, Foothold, 2010, Ascension, Grace, Death Knell, Gemini, and LITS. Though some of those like 2010 or LITS I'd say were more team eps than Sam-centric, but I really like those eps that have a strong Sam storyline while still including as much of the team as possible.

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              I'm caught up with my Sam season 1 viewing (for now). Random thoughts on what we learn about Sam:

                              First Commandment: We definitely see Sam's strong sense of right and wrong.

                              Brief Candle: we see ScientistSam and her commitment to her teammates: She basically argues with the General about saving O'Neill
                              (and there's the cute "Don't look at me--I don't know what to do" moment with the childbirth scene

                              Cold Lazarus: again, Sam the scientist comes out to play (with Daniel) re: the crystals. It was like she didn't even hear the alarms blaring when they fired on the crystal in the Gateroom.

                              [also I could see the slight differences in how AT played Sam in those early days--less at ease perhaps, less of AT in Sam?]
                              Good observation, I think it was maybe a bit of AT probably still figuring out how to play Sam along with the characters still learning to work together and develop that ease with each that we see more of as the seasons go on. Kinda like I can't imagine Sam hugging Hammond at this point in the show, but then after the Tok'ra and 1969 we see her do that at the end of Into the Fire.

                              Thor's Hammer: Sam quickly formulates a plan to rescue the Colonel & Teal'c by going back for a search team. She's committed to her team and will not assume they've been killed.

                              She is impatient with Kendra getting lost, wandering etc. While this is in one way not something to endear Sam to us, on the other it shows her desire to get moving when teammates are in danger.
                              Sam is definitely a woman of action in this episode.
                              I need to try to find time to watch this one this weekend, it's another S1 ep that I've only seen once though this rewatch is giving me a better appreciation of these early episodes.



                                <<listens to the musical sound of crickets chirping>>

                                I loved Sam in Cold Lazarus, when she talked Teal'c into firing his staff weapon to check the energy/dispersal pattern it makes with the crystals. And then gets busted for not asking permission. Young scientist to the fore!
                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

