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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
    I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

    I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

    Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

    (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
    Well, I'll have a go at answering although I've met AT at Avalon, that's the only time.

    Personally, I like hearing the con reports and seeing the photos, and people remembering and sharing their experience of meeting AT. I think that type of post is (a) on topic and (b) nice to share with other fans who maybe can't go for whatever reason.

    I think where the fine line you talk about starts to get smudged is when the posts seem more directed at those who attended a con with them rather than sharing an experience of meeting AT with everyone. So effectively you end up with a stream of posts where clearly the posters have met, there're a lot of in-jokes and teasing which you don't get if you weren't there, and it all rather feels like you've stumbled into a chat room with a clique of people who are the "in-group" and you're not in it.

    However, there are a lot of people here who are friends outside of the thread and I mostly lurk here these days so I tend to shrug my shoulders and move on. I have a very handy scroll button.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Cold Lazarus

      I love Sam's focus as the scientist here; love, love, love the whole scene with Sam, Daniel and Teal'c when they shoot the crystal with the staff weapon, the alarms go off and Teal'c asks whether they got permission and both Sam and Daniel act like naughty children caught in the act! And then there is the scene where the crystal talks.

      It's also interesting for me that really Sam doesn't know alot about Jack on a personal level at this point although they seem to have been working together for about a month or so; she's curious after the locker room scene (which is the first time we hear of Mark and his kids although I don't think he's named) and quizzes Daniel. I also really like that she's the one who puts it together about where the alien has gone, realising that its focus was Jack's family.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Tough to attend cons at 3!
        youd be surprised... at supanova last weekend where i met corin there were babies, toddlers, primary schools and every other age... i saw a baby dressed as superman and two about 4 year old boys dressed as ninja turtles - very cute

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        there apparently was a meteor shower in my area of the country yesterday. Are we sure that's not a cover story for a space battle by SG1?

        Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
        I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

        I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

        Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

        (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
        i have been to three conventions now, the first being november 09... and i am currently counting down the days til i meet amanda in december so i will soon be able to add my name to one side of the list

        prior to being able to attend a con and now that i have hasnt changed my pov... i dont see people discussing cons, sharing photos or con reports as bragging... infact i love to hear peoples stories and see the photos they took at events...

        in fact ive found it interesting to see who as met AT...
        Last edited by katjoy; 16 April 2010, 03:31 AM.
        "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


          Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
          I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

          I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

          Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

          (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
          I've never met Amanda and most likely never will, so it's fun to read people's experiences. I really don't see it as bragging or anything like that. I haven't posted on this thread in a while, but I do lurk and soak up every information I can like a sponge.
          Last edited by jasminaGo; 16 April 2010, 06:03 AM.


            I've been on both sides of the issue.

            And no one take offense please, cause i'm not talking about anyone, just in general.

            I've been able to have some really cool experiences. And i've been really lucky for example getting to interview amanda twice, helping iwth the legends crew at gatecon 2008, which meant i basically spent a whole weekend in the room with Rick.
            Generally, they're not experiences I talk about because....well seems kinda inappropriate.

            That said, the first situation I was 'working' so to speak, and beyond a tiny bit of chit chat, there's nothing that happened in the interviews that wasn't posted on the website. In the second case....what is there to say about spending a weekend working? nothing extraordinary happened beyond it being fun to see how excited other people were.

            Now, for the 'other side of the coin'....i've never even tried for any set visits or special dinners or the such. I've never won anything cool at an auction, because I refuse to go into debt. I'm not gonna rack up my credit card for something like that. Not that it's bad. It's not. You got the money, spend it. Enjoy it. It's yours to do with, not mine. And not my place to judge you.

            That doesn't mean, when I'm at a con, and there's a fan or two that spend all weekend racking up about 10K of debt getting stuff that they then make a huge case about after the fact 'lookee at me, whatta i got!!!!!!!!' that i don't just roll my eyes and move on. Especially if, soon thereafter, those same people are whinging loudly about 'omg, i am sooooooo broke, pity me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

            Hey, i ain't pitying your tush, you did this to yourself and don't go whinging at me cause you lack self control.

            Do i feel....oh, resentful is too strong of a word, left out???? Sometimes. but I also realize that the only thing stopping me from doing the same thing is either not being as wealthy as those that do, or my money management preferences.....and i grew up being taught 'if you want it, you save for it' and being discouraged from impulse buys that put you into debt. I also grew up being taught to not put more on the credit card than you can pay off the next month. Thus I'm 'hard wired' to NOT rack up thousands and thousands. I just don't have it in me. As cool as the experiences might be, I just can't get myself into debt for them.

            So....both sides of the coin.

            Do i feel that folks brag? eh, sometimes. Then again, who hasn't wanted to, not as much brag, but come into a place where people will appreciate the coolness of your experience and share it with them? If i were to, for example, win a walk on one in my life will give a fig beyond my mother . My sisters will pay lip service but will mock me for the silliness of it and the few folks at work that i'd tell will just nod politely cause they don't get it. The folks in there are the only ones I can share with. And I'd imagine that others in here feel the same way.

            So i don't always see it as bragging as much as 'y'all are the only ones i can share the coolness of this experience with'.

            I know there are some here that'll never be able to go to a con. It sucks....but it's also life. There'll always be experiences that only a few can have. That's just how it works. Those of us that can't go can either live vicariously through others....or learn to scroll.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
              I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

              I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

              Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

              (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
              as someone thats never met her i like hearing about other peoples experiences even if it does make me jealous/bitter/envious/angry WHY CANT I MEET HER DAMMIT.
              The best written female character on trek ever.


                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                I wouldn't call it a bad habit at all. It's a personality trait. You're a reserved person who observes what's going on around you before easing into the fray. You're also warm, genuine and interesting once you are comfortable. It's just your approach. You're also a leader, though. We wouldn't have had a chocolate party or met at Panera at Shore Leave if not for you.

                There are plenty of outgoing people in the world who jump in with both feet as soon as they show up. Tittamiire immediately jumps to mind. It takes both types, and I enjoyed the company of both of you. I'm hoping to be able to afford to go to conventions again some time soon, so I can see so many of my online friends.
                Absolutely. One of the best things about cons is all the wonderful, varied people you meet.

                Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                You are not alone. It's gotten better each time, but I think most of us when first meeting someone we admire get a bit nervous about making a good impression.

                You made a memorable first impression on me.

                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Congratulations to everyone who was able to register already. My email sits all alone and won't be attended to. But it gives me incentive to keep saving for AT6...which just absolutely has to happen!
                That's a brilliant way to turn something of a downer into a positive. Use it as incentive for AT6.

                Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

                I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

                Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

                (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
                Excellent question.

                Like many, I have been on both sides. I lurked here before joining and enjoyed hearing everyone's experiences at conventions and such. First, it was nice to have first hand confirmation that AT was really as nice as she seemed. Second, it was a way to learn about conventions which helped me make the decision to attend one. Let's face it, the stereotypical view of scifi conventions is not that positive. Hearing about events here helped convince me that it would be a fun experience involving smart, kind, normal folk.

                I think part of one's reaction has to do with one's attitude. I think the people who say they are jealous don't mean it in a negative way. That is, they do think "hey, I would love to do that" but they don't begrudge the opportunity others have had. My personal attitude is that I am happy for the other person and whatever experience they are having. As a result, I really enjoyed hearing about the experiences of others at AT1 & 2, Avalon, etc. I am currently following the Vancouver Stargate con thread and am happy that everyone is having a good time.

                Having now had some experience at cons and having been on a set tour, I am very conscious of what I say about them. I don't want to come across as bragging. In many ways it is a situation of darned if you do, darned if you don't. We are often encouraged by fellow posters to tell of the experience and then some accuse us of bragging (not on this thread but on Sanctuary For All). On the other hand, when we didn't share photos or every detail some were upset by that. You can't please everyone so you try to walk a fine line between sharing information and not. There are lots of things I have not mentioned over concerns of being accused of bragging.

                I agree with Sky's position on going into debt and I am in the fortunate position of not having to do that. The bottom line for me on auction items is that the money is going to charity. Some here will know it is not about the "stuff" for me. When I went to the Creation event last April I did not bid on any of the get-togethers with the guests nor any of the auction items because the money was not going to charity. There were a whole lot of factors that went into the decision to bid on the set tour but if I can honestly say that if it was just for me, I would not have been bidding. At both AT events I have attended I struggled with wanting to help the charity vs. out-bidding fellow fans. I have even apologised to people over that so I hope I am sensitive to the feelings of others.

                The fact is that many on this thread have met through conventions and this is our forum to talk so it is natural that we talk about our shared experiences and, let's face it, the main shared experience here is AT, Stargate and Sanctuary.
                Last edited by EH-T; 16 April 2010, 06:28 AM.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                  I’ve been thinking about something that I would want your honest opinion on, especially you who have never gotten the opportunity to meet AT or go to a con. (But of course I would like to hear opinions from both sides of the fence too) What do you feel when we talk about the times we’ve meet Amanda, like the little poll that was done for instance. Does it bother you? Is it just part of the fun of hanging on the thread? Or?

                  I’ve always felt it’s a fine line to be walking, on one hand you don’t want to feel like your bragging, on the other hand you want to share your wonderful and fun experiences with your friends.

                  Being one that just moved over the fence so to speak myself, I remember how it was before, when people went to cons and I had to live vicariously through them. Even though I felt I really really really wanted to be there, I always sipped up every little con-report or mentions of people meeting Amanda just so I at least could have a little part of the experience. But I also know not everyone feels that way.

                  (And in my opinion the poll only proves that you’re basically guarantied a 2 for 1 deal when it comes to Amanda’s )
                  I have a lot of cool friends *waves at thread* who have done a lot of cool stuf that I will probably never get to do. I love hearing about those experiences whatever they are. I love hearing about friends enjoying themselves. In turn I've done a bunch of different cool stuff that I am aware that other people will never get to do, but that doesn't mean I don't talk about it. I try to be polite and walk on the line between sharing and bragging. Same with conventions and stuff like that. Share by all means, but stop before you're a broken record etc.

                  We're good at being nice and respectful to each other anyway so I don't worry too much
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    I've been on both sides of the issue.

                    And no one take offense please, cause i'm not talking about anyone, just in general.

                    I've been able to have some really cool experiences. And i've been really lucky for example getting to interview amanda twice, helping iwth the legends crew at gatecon 2008, which meant i basically spent a whole weekend in the room with Rick.
                    Generally, they're not experiences I talk about because....well seems kinda inappropriate.

                    That said, the first situation I was 'working' so to speak, and beyond a tiny bit of chit chat, there's nothing that happened in the interviews that wasn't posted on the website. In the second case....what is there to say about spending a weekend working? nothing extraordinary happened beyond it being fun to see how excited other people were.

                    Now, for the 'other side of the coin'....i've never even tried for any set visits or special dinners or the such. I've never won anything cool at an auction, because I refuse to go into debt. I'm not gonna rack up my credit card for something like that. Not that it's bad. It's not. You got the money, spend it. Enjoy it. It's yours to do with, not mine. And not my place to judge you.

                    That doesn't mean, when I'm at a con, and there's a fan or two that spend all weekend racking up about 10K of debt getting stuff that they then make a huge case about after the fact 'lookee at me, whatta i got!!!!!!!!' that i don't just roll my eyes and move on. Especially if, soon thereafter, those same people are whinging loudly about 'omg, i am sooooooo broke, pity me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

                    Hey, i ain't pitying your tush, you did this to yourself and don't go whinging at me cause you lack self control.

                    Do i feel....oh, resentful is too strong of a word, left out???? Sometimes. but I also realize that the only thing stopping me from doing the same thing is either not being as wealthy as those that do, or my money management preferences.....and i grew up being taught 'if you want it, you save for it' and being discouraged from impulse buys that put you into debt. I also grew up being taught to not put more on the credit card than you can pay off the next month. Thus I'm 'hard wired' to NOT rack up thousands and thousands. I just don't have it in me. As cool as the experiences might be, I just can't get myself into debt for them.

                    So....both sides of the coin.

                    Do i feel that folks brag? eh, sometimes. Then again, who hasn't wanted to, not as much brag, but come into a place where people will appreciate the coolness of your experience and share it with them? If i were to, for example, win a walk on one in my life will give a fig beyond my mother . My sisters will pay lip service but will mock me for the silliness of it and the few folks at work that i'd tell will just nod politely cause they don't get it. The folks in there are the only ones I can share with. And I'd imagine that others in here feel the same way.

                    So i don't always see it as bragging as much as 'y'all are the only ones i can share the coolness of this experience with'.

                    I know there are some here that'll never be able to go to a con. It sucks....but it's also life. There'll always be experiences that only a few can have. That's just how it works. Those of us that can't go can either live vicariously through others....or learn to scroll.
                    Yea that's true. If I never get to meet an actor/actress/etc. I'll just be excited for the people who have gotten those experiences.
                    My tumblr


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Snip for length.

                      Having now had some experience at cons and having been on a set tour, I am very conscious of what I say about them. I don't want to come across as bragging. In many ways it is a situation of darned if you do, darned if you don't. We are often encouraged by fellow posters to tell of the experience and then some accuse us of bragging (not on this thread but on Sanctuary For All). On the other hand, when we didn't share photos or every detail some were upset by that. You can't please everyone so you try to walk a fine line between sharing information and not. There are lots of things I have not mentioned over concerns of being accused of bragging.
                      I think what also really counts in thinking someone is "bragging" ... seeing that someone is conscious of this or not. You are very sensivite about what you do mention ..the same goes for me. I made a small post the other day (before this discussion) with a little mention of the tour, I actually sat there for 5 minutes thinking whether I should post is ... just because I don't want to come across in a bad way (my reason for doing so in the end, was that it was just a small mention of something that I was lucky enough to do ... so, really there shouldn't be a reason I can't say that).

                      I can see Rachels point ... about the in-the-group thing. But I do think, at this point, so many people on the thread have met each other at one point, it's difficult to avoid a bit of it. As long as everyone means well (which I think they do) and are not trying to shut anyone out.


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        I think what also really counts in thinking someone is "bragging" ... seeing that someone is conscious of this or not. You are very sensivite about what you do mention ..the same goes for me. I made a small post the other day (before this discussion) with a little mention of the tour, I actually sat there for 5 minutes thinking whether I should post is ... just because I don't want to come across in a bad way (my reason for doing so in the end, was that it was just a small mention of something that I was lucky enough to do ... so, really there shouldn't be a reason I can't say that).

                        I can see Rachels point ... about the in-the-group thing. But I do think, at this point, so many people on the thread have met each other at one point, it's difficult to avoid a bit of it. As long as everyone means well (which I think they do) and are not trying to shut anyone out.
                        i think those of you that have been on this thread for a long time worry to much i mean its natural for you to mention about meeting the actors at the conventions. otherwise whats the point in traveling and spending alot of money to go in the first place if you cant mention it to other people especially others that you have met at the events.
                        The best written female character on trek ever.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          I've been on both sides of the issue.

                          And no one take offense please, cause i'm not talking about anyone, just in general.

                          I've been able to have some really cool experiences. And i've been really lucky for example getting to interview amanda twice, helping iwth the legends crew at gatecon 2008, which meant i basically spent a whole weekend in the room with Rick.
                          Generally, they're not experiences I talk about because....well seems kinda inappropriate.

                          That said, the first situation I was 'working' so to speak, and beyond a tiny bit of chit chat, there's nothing that happened in the interviews that wasn't posted on the website. In the second case....what is there to say about spending a weekend working? nothing extraordinary happened beyond it being fun to see how excited other people were.

                          Now, for the 'other side of the coin'....i've never even tried for any set visits or special dinners or the such. I've never won anything cool at an auction, because I refuse to go into debt. I'm not gonna rack up my credit card for something like that. Not that it's bad. It's not. You got the money, spend it. Enjoy it. It's yours to do with, not mine. And not my place to judge you.

                          That doesn't mean, when I'm at a con, and there's a fan or two that spend all weekend racking up about 10K of debt getting stuff that they then make a huge case about after the fact 'lookee at me, whatta i got!!!!!!!!' that i don't just roll my eyes and move on. Especially if, soon thereafter, those same people are whinging loudly about 'omg, i am sooooooo broke, pity me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

                          Hey, i ain't pitying your tush, you did this to yourself and don't go whinging at me cause you lack self control.

                          Do i feel....oh, resentful is too strong of a word, left out???? Sometimes. but I also realize that the only thing stopping me from doing the same thing is either not being as wealthy as those that do, or my money management preferences.....and i grew up being taught 'if you want it, you save for it' and being discouraged from impulse buys that put you into debt. I also grew up being taught to not put more on the credit card than you can pay off the next month. Thus I'm 'hard wired' to NOT rack up thousands and thousands. I just don't have it in me. As cool as the experiences might be, I just can't get myself into debt for them.

                          So....both sides of the coin.

                          Do i feel that folks brag? eh, sometimes. Then again, who hasn't wanted to, not as much brag, but come into a place where people will appreciate the coolness of your experience and share it with them? If i were to, for example, win a walk on one in my life will give a fig beyond my mother . My sisters will pay lip service but will mock me for the silliness of it and the few folks at work that i'd tell will just nod politely cause they don't get it. The folks in there are the only ones I can share with. And I'd imagine that others in here feel the same way.

                          So i don't always see it as bragging as much as 'y'all are the only ones i can share the coolness of this experience with'.

                          I know there are some here that'll never be able to go to a con. It sucks....but it's also life. There'll always be experiences that only a few can have. That's just how it works. Those of us that can't go can either live vicariously through others....or learn to scroll.
                          I've been wondering if some of the younger or newer fans might feel it's bragging, when I don't think it is. It might come over that way but that's not the intent. I hope they don't find it too daunting.

                          And, as you say, it's nice to be able to talk to fellow fans about things which are 'meh' to the general public but mean a lot to us.

                          I have posted about some of the authors I know, which can be seen as name dropping, but amongst UK convention runners, is just normal; our lit pros are very approachable and some become friends over the years, we are on each others LJ's, in each others address books, they get treated like fans, not pros, much of the time (and like it like that).
                          Do I get a buzz from telling stories about PTerry, Neil Gaiman, Diana Wynne Jones or Diane Duane? Sure, but they are people to me, not just Big Name Authors, people I've hung about with for 20+ years. I have cool or fun stories about them, the way I have cool or fun stories about fellow fans.

                          A friend of mine in DS9 fandom needed a mock Latin motto for a country fair she was running, I told her I would ask Diane, who had been researching them for a novel. Diane emailed her with some suitable quotes. And I got an excited email back from the friend who'd just had an email from a published Trek author. I didn't get Diane to email her because she was a Trek author, but because she had done some relevant research and could help.

                          Like Amanda, they are just people too. People with cool jobs but just folks. And some, like Amanda, like Diane, like meeting fans as much as the fans like meeting them.



                            For me, as long as the comments and stories are within the flow of the conversation on the thread, then I don't see it as bragging. It's a bit of a red flag for me when someone just drops in with a random post about some awesome thing they once got to do (which I have seen done on this forum - though I don't remember which thread).

                            I know I have been very fortunate when it comes to the awesome things I have gotten to do. There are still things that I have missed out on and though I get a smidgen jealous at times, I quickly smack myself with a reminder of all the things I have gotten to do that many haven't and tell myself not to be so greedy.


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              For me, as long as the comments and stories are within the flow of the conversation on the thread, then I don't see it as bragging. It's a bit of a red flag for me when someone just drops in with a random post about some awesome thing they once got to do (which I have seen done on this forum - though I don't remember which thread).

                              I know I have been very fortunate when it comes to the awesome things I have gotten to do. There are still things that I have missed out on and though I get a smidgen jealous at times, I quickly smack myself with a reminder of all the things I have gotten to do that many haven't and tell myself not to be so greedy.
                              Exactly. Question though: What about the people that haven't got to do anything??
                              My tumblr


                                Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                                Exactly. Question though: What about the people that haven't got to do anything??
                                yeah like me
                                The best written female character on trek ever.

