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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    Wow! Thanks for the link Neep. Interestingly enough none of the beers I drink are from the companies listed. That made me happy. I tend toward the micro brews that are brewed around where I live and distributed in the area. That includes the one my brother in law makes in his basement. That's about as micro as you can get.
    I make beer too. Was drinking some of my home brew when I had my chat with Amanda and the boys. I'm supposed to try and smuggle some to Vancouver.

    Still buy beer, can't make it fast enough. I like to try different beers. There's a great store near me that sells a lot of micro brews and imports. They also have a large wine section.

    One of the oddest one's I've purchased (and kept the bottle) is Monty Python Grail Ale. According to the label it's brewed over burning witches.

    I like to have a nice balanced diet. Veggies, fruits, meat, carbs. And the really good stuff - nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate!
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
      *delurks to wave*

      Just wanted to drop in, introduce myself, and profess my adoration for Sam

      *jumps back out with full intention of returning*
      *waves* Welcome, hope you have fun here!

      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
      What does Sam do in the spring?

      1) We've seen her in the park at different times and spring is a beautiful time to be there. So I bet she spends lots of time in the park after being windowless in the SGC.

      2) She cleans up her after all of the winter projects in the basement and donates her leftover finished products to Cassie for her class craft fair.

      3) She details her car to keep it looking good and shiny.

      4) Goes hiking and/or fishing at higher elevations above town.

      5) Sits on the park bench with Janet, and Cassie when she is older, watching all the good-looking guys run by with their shirts off
      Good ones! Esp #5.

      Interesting to see the vegetarian and other stereotypes, I was just joking about the avoiding the lamb stuff really. I'm a life-long vegetarian by culture, but have nothing against those who eat meat and have grown quite accustom to hearing them discuss what types they prefer, so no need to spoiler anything.

      I've personally always found it funny that when I mention I'm a vegetarian, people sometimes think that the only things I eat are salads, fruit and tofu. And miss out on stuff like pizza, cookies, and chocolate, no way!



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        when i was a kid, there was a lottery to get deer permits. now they're overpopulated enough that fish and game almost beg you to shoot some. we have hundreds of deer/car wrecks a year. some even fatal for the humans
        Kangaroos are notorious for killing or seriously injuring people when struck by cars...which is why hubby almost got us killed about 5 years ago on Easter morning. Heading up to the sticks...that's the country for those of you who might be wondering...a kangaroos hopped out in front of the car and must have missed it by mere millimeters. Put it this way, hubby thought we were definitely either gonna hit that roo or flip the car...either way he thought we were in deep do do! We pulled up to wait for the blood to come back to our heads...scary stuff.
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        hey, if you ask my sisters the fact that i wear flats and don't like to wear heels means that i'm a lesbian. they call tehm my 'lesbian shoes'
        I'm like 'no, my feet hurt in heels and i don't wanna be getting bunion surgery....and i spend my day pushing equipment around, i can't be teetering around in 3 inch heels.'
        Some people are just flat shoes maketh the lesbian eh? And being a fan of Amanda Tapping makes one a lesbian too...according to my sister in law, who's brother I am married to!
        I wear flats for the comfort and safety factor...and heels for when I'm going know, dress up time. I wore heels for the con on Sunday....from 6am til 3am the next feet will never be the same. They hate me! And I don't blame them....I tortured myself. Heels are pretty but boy can they do a lot of damage!
        Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
        *delurks to wave*
        Just wanted to drop in, introduce myself, and profess my adoration for Sam
        *jumps back out with full intention of returning*
        Hi...and welcome to Samanda!
        Originally posted by suse View Post
        Welcome! Samanda is a place to be! We don't bite - or at least we don't maim. Some bite.
        Well not so much as bite as nibble a little!!!
        And some like to lick!
        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
        What does Sam do in the spring?
        I reckon she pretty much does the same as all of us...what can't be done in winter, she makes up for it in the spring.

        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          You know what makes people think I'm a lesbian?
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
            *delurks to wave*

            Just wanted to drop in, introduce myself, and profess my adoration for Sam

            *jumps back out with full intention of returning*
            Welcome to the thread! Don't mind the gutter and some of it's more permanent denizens (the water is lovely though). It's good to have you

            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            One of the oddest one's I've purchased (and kept the bottle) is Monty Python Grail Ale. According to the label it's brewed over burning witches.

            I like to have a nice balanced diet. Veggies, fruits, meat, carbs. And the really good stuff - nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate!
            Burning witches you say? Hmm.

            And have to balance your diet properly and double chocolate chip cookies are an important part of that balance. It's like the Buckaroo game
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
              And have to balance your diet properly and double chocolate chip cookies are an important part of that balance. It's like the Buckaroo game
              very important part!!


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                hey, if you ask my sisters the fact that i wear flats and don't like to wear heels means that i'm a lesbian. they call tehm my 'lesbian shoes'

                I'm like 'no, my feet hurt in heels and i don't wanna be getting bunion surgery....and i spend my day pushing equipment around, i can't be teetering around in 3 inch heels.'
                i only wear flats as well... much more comfortable and id be flat on my face if i tried to walk in heals!

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                "Carter wanted a steak."

                LOL & so true. Heck, as much as Amanda likes the heels Magnus wears I seem to recall her saying something like "they're great--for about 20 minutes."
                hehe, i remember that part of an interview...

                Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
                *delurks to wave*

                Just wanted to drop in, introduce myself, and profess my adoration for Sam

                *jumps back out with full intention of returning*

                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                One of the best quotes ever

                P.S. I like vegetarians and teetotallers. That means there is more steak and beer for me
                then youll really like me, vegetarian and dont drink

                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                *waves* Welcome, hope you have fun here!

                Good ones! Esp #5.

                Interesting to see the vegetarian and other stereotypes, I was just joking about the avoiding the lamb stuff really. I'm a life-long vegetarian by culture, but have nothing against those who eat meat and have grown quite accustom to hearing them discuss what types they prefer, so no need to spoiler anything.

                I've personally always found it funny that when I mention I'm a vegetarian, people sometimes think that the only things I eat are salads, fruit and tofu. And miss out on stuff like pizza, cookies, and chocolate, no way!
                ive always found it odd that when i say im a vegetarian people always say, so you eat chicken and fish... ummm no, im a vegetarian

                for those interested you can find my con report for the aussie stargate con on this thread...

                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  You know what makes people think I'm a lesbian?
                  taking your pants off all the time?
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    it's like trying to explain to people the difference between vegan and vegetarian

                    I'm a midwest girl, i love my protein and my carbs. I wish i liked beer though. so many social situations and the drinks are beer and wine...don't like beer and the only wine i like is the sweet stuff. and it hits me hard. one glass of wine will give me a headache and i can have multiple rums and be fine. tequila does hit me a bit harder, but i seem to be able to handle rum fine
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                      ive always found it odd that when i say im a vegetarian people always say, so you eat chicken and fish... ummm no, im a vegetarian
                      Thank you! There is this show on TV where 5 people take turns in cooking dinner for everyone.
                      Every other week they have a "vegetarian" on the show who does not seem to mind eating fish.
                      Seriously, I don't get it!
                      The dinner host makes lamb or ostrich or whatever and then turns to the camera and goes "in case there are vegetarians among the guests I bought some fish".
                      5 times out of 5 the vegetarian will be more than happy to eat fish.
                      Somebody explain this to me.

                      There are vegetarians that eat dairy products and eggs, there are those that don't and then there are vegans. I was a vegetarian twenty years ago and fish got nowhere near my dinner plate.
                      Am I missing something? Are fish not animals? Are they some strange sort of vegetable and I missed that part in my biology class... although I distinctly remember having to speak for 5 minutes on the blood circulatory system in fish when I was in 6th grade?!? *is seriously confused by fish-eating vegetarians*

                      BTT: AT rocks! *

                      It says so on my iPod!


                        well, there must be the 'i don't eat red meat' folks, that don't mind fish and chicken, but won't eat beef or pork

                        I have a friend that's a hindu and vegetarian, and she just won't eat meat. eggs, cheese, etc, that's all good. most vegetarians seem to fit in the 'as long as nothing dies, i'm fine with it'

                        I also have a couple of friends that tried vegan, but it only lasted a few months. they started having health issues due to vitamin/mineral deficiencies, so went back to simple vegetarian. With them,t here were some foods they couldn't eat because they had geletian in them, an since that's an animal product, it was off the list.

                        you know, i'd imagine that'd be an issue for sam or any sg team member. Sure, i'm sure the military has vegetarian MRE's, but in a survival situation, you gotta eat what you got to eat. and hunting animals is usually safer from a 'foreign foods' standpoint than vegetables/plants that might have odd compounds in them. (how often do you hear of a protein allergy as opposed to fruits and vegetables?)

                        I would imagine that it'd hard to be a vegetarian in the military, and there are times when your food preferences/needs will be set aside for simple survival

                        (wrangles it kinda on topic )
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          I make beer too. Was drinking some of my home brew when I had my chat with Amanda and the boys. I'm supposed to try and smuggle some to Vancouver.

                          Still buy beer, can't make it fast enough. I like to try different beers. There's a great store near me that sells a lot of micro brews and imports. They also have a large wine section.

                          One of the oddest one's I've purchased (and kept the bottle) is Monty Python Grail Ale. According to the label it's brewed over burning witches.

                          I like to have a nice balanced diet. Veggies, fruits, meat, carbs. And the really good stuff - nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate!
                          I would love to get my hands on that just because of the label. Typical Monty.

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          it's like trying to explain to people the difference between vegan and vegetarian

                          I'm a midwest girl, i love my protein and my carbs. I wish i liked beer though. so many social situations and the drinks are beer and wine...don't like beer and the only wine i like is the sweet stuff. and it hits me hard. one glass of wine will give me a headache and i can have multiple rums and be fine. tequila does hit me a bit harder, but i seem to be able to handle rum fine
                          Sky have you ever tried organic wine? Usually it's the sulfites in the wine that causes the headaches. I have several organic wines in the shop and whenever someone says they get a headache from wine I'll ask them to try an organic one. Every single one of has come back saying they drank the wine and didn't get the headaches. It kind of open up a whole new world for them because they love wine but believed they couldn't enjoy it.

                          As for Sam, I am with her on wanting a steak and with Amanda on the heels issue. When I am on a wine buying trip I have to dress up (heels and all) and I hate it but when I am in the shop I can be a bit more casual and you had better believe my shoes are comfy as I am on my feet a good portion of the day.


                            It annoys me when someone says they're vegetarian, but then eats chicken or fish, but that's mostly because clearly the label of 'vegetarian' is inaccurate and I like accuracy. However, I can understand it because it can be easier to just say, 'I'm vegetarian' rather than explaining what you do or don't eat. I lived with a friend once who followed a Hallal diet, but most people where we were living didn't know what that meant so she just said she was vegetarian because that was easier.

                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            You know what makes people think I'm a lesbian?
                            I have no idea...can't understand it myself...

                            *whisper* (apparently it's the shoes)
                            Last edited by Tittamiire; 10 March 2010, 10:22 AM.
                            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                            My Fanfic~My Femslash


                              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post

                              There are vegetarians that eat dairy products and eggs, there are those that don't and then there are vegans. I was a vegetarian twenty years ago and fish got nowhere near my dinner plate.
                              Am I missing something? Are fish not animals? Are they some strange sort of vegetable and I missed that part in my biology class... although I distinctly remember having to speak for 5 minutes on the blood circulatory system in fish when I was in 6th grade?!? *is seriously confused by fish-eating vegetarians*
                              If you're allergic to red meat or absolutely hate it, then I'm guessing its a lot easier to call yourself a vegetarian to avoid being presented with it, rather than go through the farce of explaining it and looking like you're 'fussy' (which is what everyone with a dietary requirement gets labelled with). I understand these folks completely. Its the ones who seem to be OK with chicken and fish because chicken is so prevalent and fish aren't cute that I'm puzzled by. And in some cultures, it will be a linguistic misunderstanding - in Italy and France, where vegetarianism is pretty rare, when they hear 'no meat', the association will be with 'meat' as in 'red'. Trying to explain your status in Italian using 'carne' will result in you being presented with a dish containing chicken or even ham, because its not 'meat'.

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                One of my biggest pet peeves is people who inaccurately claim to be vegetarians. At a con one time, we were hanging out in the bar and Aaron Douglas joined us. The subject came to food and he said he was vegetarian and then said he ate fish. *sigh* I corrected him and said that if he ate fish, he was not a vegetarian, he was a pescetarian. I don't think he was too happy with being corrected.

                                I tried cutting out red meat while I was in college - mostly because I didn't really trust the red meat served in the dining hall, so I made a conscious decision. it worked well for about a year and a half. I just ate lots of chicken and turkey (I don't eat fish - the texture squigs me out). But then I started Irish dancing and I had to start eating red meat again. I am borderline anemic so I need the iron and I wasn't getting it from other sources. That was fine when I wasn't very active, but bad news when I was active.

