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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

    i don't have a phobia, but i DO have an understanding dentist.

    cut for cringeworthy stuff

    when you get fillings, if they don't go deep in the enamel, it doesn't hurt. the numbing, in fact, hurts more than the pressure from the drill. so my dentist, bless him, will only inject me if he's going to drill deep enough to impact the nerves. so, in the rare cases i need filings, they are shot free affairs

    mmhm, how would sam test daniel. she might ask him about some memory that only the two of them share, such as that scene in the hallway when he told her 'you don't have to do it alone' Cassie and singularity.

    however, i wonder if she'd even trust that. she'd have to know that a priorization has to have the same effect as being snaked so can she trust ANY of his memories?
    Dental OT
    I've been tortured by experts, first successful UK tooth transplant in 1976, they had me as the exam subject for two years at the dental hospital.
    Needless to say, I cannot watch The Marathon Man! Even thinking about it squicks me out.

    I also don't have local anesthetic for minor fillings or replacing old ones, I'd rather have a few seconds of pain than the injection, it's only injections in my mouth (and specifically the upper mouth, where the tooth op was) which bother me. I have a high pain threshold for pain, but I have a low tolerance for toothache or ear ache or that sort of chronic pain.

    The SG1 crews must get very used to all the poking and prodding, they would go through it so often.



      Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
      And how did you know I had a tooth out last week?!!!

      Anyway, onto the main reason for my dropping by. For any Samandans with looooong memories, it's Coley's birthday today (Jan 29th), so...

      Happy Birthday Coley!!!
      1speed! Whoo hoo! Good to see you! Where have you been?
      Happy Birthday Coley!


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        1speed! Whoo hoo! Good to see you! Where have you been?
        Happy Birthday Coley!
        Oh, here, there, everywhere. No doubt it'll be several months before I appear again...

        As for Coley, she probably won't be around today - in fact, I believe she's already taken herself off to bed with a chick-flick on DVD and a large sherry (and Hugo, of course). But I'll pass on your birthday greetings.


          Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
          Oh, here, there, everywhere. No doubt it'll be several months before I appear again...

          As for Coley, she probably won't be around today - in fact, I believe she's already taken herself off to bed with a chick-flick on DVD and a large sherry (and Hugo, of course). But I'll pass on your birthday greetings.
          I'll echo jckfan's comments. Nice to see you and birthday greetings to Coley.

          BTW, there was a segment on InnerSpace the other night regarding the return of Sanctuary. Short interviews with AT and DK and talk of working again with MS. Sanctuary returns tonight for those of us in the Great White North. I have other plans so I'll be taping it. Unfortunately, I'll be too tired to watch it when I get home so I have to wait until some time tomorrow but it will be nice to see new episodes again.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            BTW, there was a segment on InnerSpace the other night regarding the return of Sanctuary. Short interviews with AT and DK and talk of working again with MS. Sanctuary returns tonight for those of us in the Great White North. I have other plans so I'll be taping it. Unfortunately, I'll be too tired to watch it when I get home so I have to wait until some time tomorrow but it will be nice to see new episodes again.
            The other night? And you're telling us about it now?

            EH-T! What's going on here? you used to always be on top of it, now you're slacking. If you don't say something, I won't know it's on and I can't upload. By not saying anything, we're letting many Amanda fans down. When was it on?

            Why EH-T? Why?!

            Last edited by Rocky89; 09 February 2010, 03:06 PM.


              I think everyone under about 26 in NZ have been put off needles for life. When I was at school, we had a meningitis epidemic so everyone under 20 got the immunisation. It consisted of 3 very painful injections, each one 6 weeks apart. Everyone reacted slightly differently, but most common was a dead arm for a few days (ow...) and feeling sick and miserable for a few weeks. After my second one I was curled up on the sofa watching Bad Girls and Nikki hugged Helen, rubbing her arm... I cried out "no... that's her injection arm!"

              I've had a few flu jabs since, but it took me years to realise they don't hurt.
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                what's your favorite sam episode?

                mine is 'entity'.



                  Tonight's the night (FINALLY) and it's going to happen again, and again. It has to happen. Finally the mid season finale is over, and an all new Sanctuary is on tonight in Canada. I know everyone else has seen Penance, but I thought I'd post its description from Cogeco.



                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    You think you're afraid of needles?

                    Let me tell you a little story, when I was 5, my parents took me to see my doctor one night, I asked them if I was getting a needle, they said no, so I wasn't as nervous going. I get there, I have to take a needle, I was 5 and I was nervous, my dad had to told me so I'd stay still, but when the doc put it in my arm, I jumped, and the needle actually hit my bone, or nerve or something. AND IT HURT!!!

                    I was up all night crying, and I couldn't move my arm because it hurt so much. Take that. Anything like that ever happen to you?

                    I was going to reply to the other stuff here, but I'm tired and I got to get up early. Night y'all.

                    PS: Tomorrow night is the night, the mid season hiatus is over.
                    my most scarring needle memory was my first tetanus shot... i was at the doctors for something or other and little did i know about the secondary reason... we'd finished up with the doc and mum was carrying me, so i was looking over her shoulder... the doc came up behind me and gave me the tetanus shot in my butt of all places... well they hurt ALOT and i had trouble sitting for the rest day

                    Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                    I agree with you. I think it would be too much trouble explaining why she has an unknown metal in her blood stream. And it's true that they had all sorts of nasty stuff into them.

                    Plus I'm not sure about this, but don't all officers at the SGC get a shot of antibiotics or other things when they come home from off-world? So, technically, no SG team members could give their blood, no?

                    I'm not afraid of needles, except at the dentist...Dentist is the scariest thing for me...I never go there alone (I know, pathetic at 21 years old....)
                    Last time I went there, he did his thing then left me bleeding there for 30 minutes while I was completly numb...Nice...
                    i HATE the dentist, and ive never even had a filling... i dont know what it is they just freak me out...

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Tonight's the night (FINALLY) and it's going to happen again, and again. It has to happen. Finally the mid season finale is over, and an all new Sanctuary is on tonight in Canada. I know everyone else has seen Penance, but I thought I'd post its description from Cogeco.
                    yay to those of you in canada who will finally get to see the end of s2!
                    "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                      OMG I'm watching Sanctuary right now. Amanda and Michael together again. And I loved how James said he loves Helen's hair.

                      My Sanctuary Friday nights are back.


                        just a reminder....while the canadians are catching up, the aussies and others still haven't seen it, so spoiler tags if you're gonna discuss the plot
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          just a reminder....while the canadians are catching up, the aussies and others still haven't seen it, so spoiler tags if you're gonna discuss the plot
                          Oh, good thing I didn't say anything big.

                          It'd odd though, all of last year (I think) Canada always say the eps first, same with the first half of this year, it feels weird being behind for once.

                          Anyway, I won't give anything, but I'm really happy our show is back, and since my family is all out tonight, I'm watching the episode downstairs, on our big TV, as apposed to upstairs on the small one. Something I haven't done since S1.
                          Last edited by Rocky89; 09 February 2010, 03:09 PM.


                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Hmm, I'm not really sure. I do try to eat healthy most times. I avoid greasy foods if at all possible and would rather fill up on something that can only be benefical to me as a whole than not. Yeah, probably boring for you junk food lovers.

                            One of my favorite foods to eat is cottage cheese with mandarin oranges or pineapple, to give you an example. Yum!

                            Is blue jello considered a junk food?
                            Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                            such a hard question, i like most junk foods - fussy on flavours though
                            Those are nice, but ley me show you a REAL junk meal. Allow me to introduce you to Rocky's special Tostitos Cheese special.

                            1. Get the necessary ingredients for the meal, such as the chips and cheese-

                            put first layer of Tostitos in the bowl-

                            2. Apply first layer of chips into the bowl-

                            3. Apply first layer of grated cheese to the chips-

                            4. Apply second layer of chips and cheese to the bowl-

                            5. Put in microwave for 60 seconds, then you have a unhealthy, yet amazingly tasteful bowl melted cheese Tostitos.

                            Then I top it off with desert.

                            What's amazing is that I don't gain weight, really I can eat as much as I want and I don't gain weight.

                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            Speaking of Thor's Hammer...



                            Titta and I were fine though, we took Thor along to protect us

                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            I've donated a few times but now that I've been to the UK, I won't be allowed to donate for a while. But I have no problems with pumping out the red veins are easy to get too...but then again my physio therapist said my capillaries are very sensitive...they tend to rupture very easily...hence the bruises after a workout. I almost said make out but that would have been just sooo wrong! Funny thing is this, I'd be happy to share anything I can with anyone if it would help them...need a kidney? Got a spare! Liver? better forget about my liver...we have issues we're still dealing with since 2004. Blood? I gots plenty! Brains? Forget it!! Can't give what I don't have!
                            If I could save someones life by giving them something I no longer need or can live happily without, then how could I not help them?
                            Good for doing all that donating, I've actually never donated blood or anything, but I want to donate to S4K. They say giving someone a donated organ or blood, that person gets a little bit of who you are, if that's true than the person is better off, we don't need another me.

                            I'm not sure if it's true, but hey.

                            I'm going to accept Amanda's challenge in doing something that will scare the bejeezus outa me. I'm following her footsteps and gonna climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge next weekend with the hubby. What I really want to do is paragliding. Maybe I'll take hubby back to Bright in autumn and finally jump off that cliff! I really need that fear factor again. Last years trip to Europe/AT4 was scary but I've conquered that...I need more!

                            I'm a little different, I'm not trying to scare myself, but I am working on a few things that I'm hoping will improve or fix me. It'll cost me a bit of money, and I may not be able to go to AT5 because of it, but I'm hoping that if all this works, if and when I do meet Amanda, she'll meet the me I want her to me, and not the way I am now.

                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Shouldnt it only be a problem if you were out of the country for a short period? I know there are certain restrictions on countries of birth for blood donation, but how long total have you visited the UK? I think they give us 3-6 months total here.
                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                            No harm intended, but what statistics are you looking at? Or are you looking at gay men in terms of a subculture and stating a stereotype..or what? I'm a bit confused here. I have a couple gay male friends who are in relationships and they've been in them for going on a year and a half now. Heck, I'm gay and I don't sleep around with anyone other than my gf.

                            Besides, I do think homosexuals take even more precautions to prevent disease than most. *shrug*

                            I'm of the believe that, as Eve states, information is out of date.
                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Being a woman, I did mainly concern myself with facts related to lesbianism. My partner and I do take care, have regular doctor visits, etc... My male friends I shared about earlier I'm sure do the same. Frankly, I haven't ever asked them as for me it's a personal thing and one boundary I never wanted to cross in our friendship. Hence, my needing to fall back on statistics. Old ones at that.

                            In light of the fact that health organizations still have yet to update what statistically is not true anymore, I do wonder if the media, religion...whatever, will win out over science in this case. Sad if it does.
                            Good for you Cel, you shouldn't be ashamed for who you are, IMO, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're smart, cool and you know how to take care of yourself, I only wish I was as strong as you, but you're not shy or embarrassed to show off who you are like I am.

                            But hopefully soon, thanks to these goals I have set, and hopefully if it's not too late, I'll be new and improved, and finally be the person I've always wanted. The person I should have been.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              We were talking about "The Shroud" on another thread and how Sam didn't get a scene with Daniel.

                              Assume Sam and Daniel did meet and talk. How do you think Sam would try to judge if Daniel was really himself?
                              I think Sam would start by asking Daniel what's it like having Merlin in his head, since that's something she could relate to given her experience with Jolinar, try to figure out how much control Merlin had. But even then I don't she'd be able to really trust him because she wouldn't know how much to trust Merlin, esp considering the stakes of the situation.

                              Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
                              Anyway, onto the main reason for my dropping by. For any Samandans with looooong memories, it's Coley's birthday today (Jan 29th), so...

                              Happy Birthday Coley!!!
                              Happy birthday Coley, hope you have a great day!



                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Yikes. Glad you had that second shot as without, the surgery sounds like it could have come from a horror movie of some sort. You know, where the victim is unable to speak (for whatever reason) and feels every cut as she's being opened up. *shivers*

                                I had something like this happen to me once too. Maybe this is why it seems so creepy. I was having major surgery and felt all numb and nice after the shot, but when they coated my skin with the antibiotic I thought it strange that I should still vaguely feel it, but pushed it aside thinking it was all in my mind. Until of course they took their first incision. It didnt actually hurt, but I felt this weird sensation of being cut open which definitely raised a flag. I noted this to the surprised doctor who ceased all further work till I was properly dosed once again.
                                What's truly scary is that that actually happens to some people.

                                Amazing how we ignore those little niggling thoughts. Now we know better.

                                I have no problem with needles. When I was younger, my extended family were guinea pigs in a university study on diabetes in families. We went once or twice a year for full day glucose tolerance tests. Even as a wee one of about 7 or 8, I withstood a dozen blood draws in one day. And we did it for about a decade. Unfortunately, their penchant for flavoring the sickeningly sweet glucose drink with lemon flavoring has resulted in me gagging if I eat lemon. Can't stand lemon. Blech.

                                No dentist fears either. Though I do have a phobia about losing my teeth. I've actually woke up from nightmares and felt my mouth to make sure they were all there.

                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                What's amazing is that I don't gain weight, really I can eat as much as I want and I don't gain weight.

                                Good for doing all that donating, I've actually never donated blood or anything, but I want to donate to S4K. They say giving someone a donated organ or blood, that person gets a little bit of who you are, if that's true than the person is better off, we don't need another me.

                                I'm not sure if it's true, but hey.
                                You don't gain weight now. Many of us could eat that way when we were younger. It will change eventually.

                                My theory is that since some food preferences etc are undoubtedly tied to our body chemistry, that when someone receives a transplant sometimes they "absorb" some of that chemistry and suddenly like/dislike foods that they didn't like/dislike before.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

