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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I loved Uni for the joy of learning stuff, the relaxed pace, the fun I had and friends I made.

    I didn't like the constant feeling that there was always work to do and the feeling I got towards the end that if I messed up I'd wasted four years of my life and had nothing to show for it. The debt is also not so cool.

    I like work because I leave it in the office when I walk out and because they pay me.

    I like work less because if I mess up here I screw things up for a whole bunch of people instead of just myself and they're also trying to give me a pay cut, so the ijeets who decided that are not amongst my favourite people.

    They're both different...but work definitely goes on longer than Uni and if you screw up in education the only one you're really stuffing things up for is yourself, as mad as your parents might get

    Throughout Uni I had a weekend job and worked in the I just have a weekend job every other weekend so the more time to myself is nice.
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash


      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      I loved Uni for the joy of learning stuff, the relaxed pace, the fun I had and friends I made.

      I didn't like the constant feeling that there was always work to do and the feeling I got towards the end that if I messed up I'd wasted four years of my life and had nothing to show for it. The debt is also not so cool.

      I like work because I leave it in the office when I walk out and because they pay me.

      I like work less because if I mess up here I screw things up for a whole bunch of people instead of just myself and they're also trying to give me a pay cut, so the ijeets who decided that are not amongst my favourite people.

      They're both different...but work definitely goes on longer than Uni and if you screw up in education the only one you're really stuffing things up for is yourself, as mad as your parents might get

      Throughout Uni I had a weekend job and worked in the I just have a weekend job every other weekend so the more time to myself is nice.
      i love learning too, but not alot i did at uni was very transferrable to actually doing the job... for eg i do ALOT of jobs with gst (tax on goods and services) and yet in 4 years of uni i only did 30 mins on gst so i find the learning on the job more interesting and stimulating... school on the other hand i loved for the learning and still read heaps to learn new things... uni was where i made the friends i never had in school...

      sure there is the pressure to get things right and keep on top of things for a firm and not just yourself, but apart from a bit of burn out every now and then i like doing actual work and not just simulations of it... im also lucky in that i get along well with my coworkers, so the whole social networking thing is in place there too...

      yeah the debt aint so good... in australia we can put our debt on hecs, which basically means that you dont have to pay it off until you start earning over a certain wage bracket...
      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


        I worked throughout college. in fact, work paid for college

        and i learned different things from both places. Life is learning, sometimes it's behind a desk and tested on paper, other times it's on your feet behind a cash register and tested in different ways.

        education is important. And, if for no other reason than to not spend your life 'trapped' in lower level jobs, you need to follow through and give it its due time. I have a friend of mine that lost he job a year ago and can't find anything else because she never went to college, never got that piece of paper, so, as far as many employers are concerned, she'll never be 'worthy' of anything but a lower level position. all because she doesn't have a degree.

        take this opportunity to learn and explore and try out other things
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          If anyone notices I've disappeared , I'll be away from the forum for 3 weeks after this weekend. For those planning the SE trip, I will be checking the e-mail regularly, so we will be up to date.

          Hopefully by then most of the kinks will be worked out from the update. Change. It happens!

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            I think it depends on your time of life. I couldn't wait to leave home and start Uni. Loved my 4 years there. Was ready to leave by the end of it.

            Worked for 13 years...and now I'm back to Uni. And loving it (despite being slightly intimidated about having to do an experiment for the first time since I was 18 for my next assignment).

            Just a reminder that the WOTG Ficathon & Art Challenge is open for prompts.

            We're usually very supported by the Samandans and I'm surprised at the lack of Sam prompts so far! Linky is below the pic in my signature.
            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              There's not many episodes that I can recall where Sam's 'tweaking' caused a problem. 'Red Sky' comes to mind with the wormhole going directly through the planet's sun, but that was more a team thing and wasn't really a direct cause of any tweaking on Sam's part. They did try to rectify the problem though, tweaking it in a sense, in a effort to find a solution before it was too late. Does that count?
              I'd count it.
              This didn't really cause others problems, but she did accidentally electrocute herself doing an upgrade in Prophecy.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Rocky hon, real life comes first. You don't 'owe' the fandom if you have a choice of doing your homework or playing on the forum, do your homework. cause it'll be there long after the forum ends

                real life comes first
                Rocky, just look at your desire to be on GW and still keen on what's going on in fandom as a creative challenge so to speak. Yeah, you won't be able to log on at the same time's as you did before, you might be limited in the time you have to spend here, but if your a will, you'll find a way to stay active.

                Perhaps you can wake up a bit earlier before you leave to start your day or maybe you can find time in between classes to head to the computer lab for a half hour and log in. There's all sorts of bits of time during the day if you take a closer look at it.

                I stongly advice not choosing to come here over an assignment/chapter that might need to be studied before a test for example though. That'd be silly. Failing because you just had to see what was going on here would just cause all sorts of problems on many levels for you.

                Good luck with it though. It's a part of growing up. Maybe not the Uni thing, but the taking on of more responsibility, no matter from what angle it comes. It's going to change you in many ways and that's always a good thing. Your perfecting who you are.

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I'd count it.
                This didn't really cause others problems, but she did accidentally electrocute herself doing an upgrade in Prophecy.
                Hmm, that's the amazing thing about Sam and also quite a nice segue from the earlier talk about Uni and learning. Sam was always about discovering new things, exploring new thoughts, never happy to say she's learned enough in life. She was always found tinkering in her lab on gadgets, knowing that the information she learned would only be beneficial for the SGC. If she struggled with an answer to a problem, it clearly showed outwardly I might add too. Those times, she threw herself even more so into finding a solution, even staying up late into the night. Perhaps this mindset is why it's difficult to pinpoint an exact moment in an ep where her tweaking caused a problem. She made sure she knew her stuff before attempting anything and hence, not many mistakes to tell.


                  if this is a bad place to ask this, a mod should delete this post.

                  does anyone know what's up with podcast #6? it seems to only be 8 something mins long.

                  i'm d/ling all the ones i've missed (6-13), but #6 is the only one messed up.



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    if this is a bad place to ask this, a mod should delete this post.

                    does anyone know what's up with podcast #6? it seems to only be 8 something mins long.

                    i'm d/ling all the ones i've missed (6-13), but #6 is the only one messed up.
                    When it was first loaded I know it only loaded 8 minutes but they fixed it. When I dled it the second time; the timeline still said 8 minutes but all 43 minutes were included. So check to see if it has more than the 8 minutes.


                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      I think I'd have to side with EH-T on this one. When I first began Uni, I still lived at home so working wasn't much of a priority compared to getting through a full load of classes. It was pretty cool though, regardless of the amount of homework as I always found free time for fun.

                      Now, I'm working full time and am part-time Uni due to life just happening and have lots less free time. Money is more of a priority strangely enough.
                      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                      i did uni in 4 years and was lucky, my parents didnt expect me to have a job while i was studying... so i did the first 2 years full time... then i did the last 2 years part time with a part time job...

                      i now work 5 days a week, so weekends and nights are mine to do with as i please...

                      but i dont go out much so the thing i missed most during uni was having time to read a book that wasnt a subject text book...
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      Rocky hon, real life comes first. You don't 'owe' the fandom if you have a choice of doing your homework or playing on the forum, do your homework. cause it'll be there long after the forum ends

                      real life comes first
                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      I loved Uni for the joy of learning stuff, the relaxed pace, the fun I had and friends I made.

                      I didn't like the constant feeling that there was always work to do and the feeling I got towards the end that if I messed up I'd wasted four years of my life and had nothing to show for it. The debt is also not so cool.

                      I like work because I leave it in the office when I walk out and because they pay me.

                      I like work less because if I mess up here I screw things up for a whole bunch of people instead of just myself and they're also trying to give me a pay cut, so the ijeets who decided that are not amongst my favourite people.

                      They're both different...but work definitely goes on longer than Uni and if you screw up in education the only one you're really stuffing things up for is yourself, as mad as your parents might get

                      Throughout Uni I had a weekend job and worked in the I just have a weekend job every other weekend so the more time to myself is nice.
                      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                      i love learning too, but not alot i did at uni was very transferrable to actually doing the job... for eg i do ALOT of jobs with gst (tax on goods and services) and yet in 4 years of uni i only did 30 mins on gst so i find the learning on the job more interesting and stimulating... school on the other hand i loved for the learning and still read heaps to learn new things... uni was where i made the friends i never had in school...

                      sure there is the pressure to get things right and keep on top of things for a firm and not just yourself, but apart from a bit of burn out every now and then i like doing actual work and not just simulations of it... im also lucky in that i get along well with my coworkers, so the whole social networking thing is in place there too...

                      yeah the debt aint so good... in australia we can put our debt on hecs, which basically means that you dont have to pay it off until you start earning over a certain wage bracket...
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I worked throughout college. in fact, work paid for college

                      and i learned different things from both places. Life is learning, sometimes it's behind a desk and tested on paper, other times it's on your feet behind a cash register and tested in different ways.

                      education is important. And, if for no other reason than to not spend your life 'trapped' in lower level jobs, you need to follow through and give it its due time. I have a friend of mine that lost he job a year ago and can't find anything else because she never went to college, never got that piece of paper, so, as far as many employers are concerned, she'll never be 'worthy' of anything but a lower level position. all because she doesn't have a degree.

                      take this opportunity to learn and explore and try out other things
                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      I think it depends on your time of life. I couldn't wait to leave home and start Uni. Loved my 4 years there. Was ready to leave by the end of it.

                      Worked for 13 years...and now I'm back to Uni. And loving it (despite being slightly intimidated about having to do an experiment for the first time since I was 18 for my next assignment).
                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Rocky, just look at your desire to be on GW and still keen on what's going on in fandom as a creative challenge so to speak. Yeah, you won't be able to log on at the same time's as you did before, you might be limited in the time you have to spend here, but if your a will, you'll find a way to stay active.

                      Perhaps you can wake up a bit earlier before you leave to start your day or maybe you can find time in between classes to head to the computer lab for a half hour and log in. There's all sorts of bits of time during the day if you take a closer look at it.

                      I strongly advice not choosing to come here over an assignment/chapter that might need to be studied before a test for example though. That'd be silly. Failing because you just had to see what was going on here would just cause all sorts of problems on many levels for you.

                      Good luck with it though. It's a part of growing up. Maybe not the Uni thing, but the taking on of more responsibility, no matter from what angle it comes. It's going to change you in many ways and that's always a good thing. Your perfecting who you are.
                      There's one MASSIVE problem with what you all said, me. I keep reading, comments on how y'all said I'll love my college days, but I honestly can't see what's there to love, you keep saying it'll make me a better person, but it's not, it's making me worse, right now I feel like I've already failed college. I would like it more if I could learn, but what most people don't know is that I'm incapable of learning, really even if I do pass all my classes it won't mean anything because I wouldn't learned much, if anything at all. I feel sorry for my teachers because I feel like they're wasting their time on me, and I feel like I'm wasting mine and missing out on other things when I should be focusing on the other more important things in my life, things I've been putting aside. Like fandom, my job, and my other duties. I should be doing what I know and do best, like here and my other responsibilities. And again, even if I do get a diploma, it'll just say that I have a college degree, but I won't have a college education. I can spent 10 years in college, and it still won't make me any smarter, correcting it won't make me smart. The ONLY reason I passed all my courses in HS was because I was lucky.

                      This has been a very disappointing experience for me, and what hurts is that I actually did go in there thinking I could do it, thinking I was smart and that I had what it takes to succeed, but not even after 2 weeks there, now I know I don't, and I feel like a complete fool for thinking I had what it took when clearly I don't, that's the one thing college has taught me. Everyday I'm there I'm reminded of how dumb I really am, and that I was wrong to actually think I was smart enough to do it all. If I could I would just quit, because I feel college just isn't for me, it's a stressful, expensive, and just all feels pretty pointless considering I can't learn. Thank you all for you kind words, but I don't think they're going to help me, and I envy all you had good college days, I only wish I was more like y'all. Like you Julia, you're a great student, and you have what it takes to succeed and go far.

                      And Celandine, I get up at 5am everyday, and it doesn't work.
                      Last edited by Rocky89; 09 February 2010, 03:10 PM.


                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        When it was first loaded I know it only loaded 8 minutes but they fixed it. When I dled it the second time; the timeline still said 8 minutes but all 43 minutes were included. So check to see if it has more than the 8 minutes.

                        i just checked, though, and the megabites of data is very low, so i really think it's only 8 plus mins on there.



                          If you were as smart as Sam, what field would you want to be in?
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Hmm, that's the amazing thing about Sam and also quite a nice segue from the earlier talk about Uni and learning. Sam was always about discovering new things, exploring new thoughts, never happy to say she's learned enough in life. She was always found tinkering in her lab on gadgets, knowing that the information she learned would only be beneficial for the SGC. If she struggled with an answer to a problem, it clearly showed outwardly I might add too. Those times, she threw herself even more so into finding a solution, even staying up late into the night. Perhaps this mindset is why it's difficult to pinpoint an exact moment in an ep where her tweaking caused a problem. She made sure she knew her stuff before attempting anything and hence, not many mistakes to tell.
                            I really liked those time when they showed Sam struggling with a problem in that way, like in Matter of Time, Learning Curve, Redemption, etc. Given the constraints of TV the heroes are usually going to come up with solutions unrealistically fast, but it's nice when they can occasionally show how difficult the scientific process really is.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            if this is a bad place to ask this, a mod should delete this post.

                            does anyone know what's up with podcast #6? it seems to only be 8 something mins long.

                            i'm d/ling all the ones i've missed (6-13), but #6 is the only one messed up.
                            If downloading from the website doesn't work you can try getting it from iTunes.

                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            If you were as smart as Sam, what field would you want to be in?
                            Theoretical physics, esp string theory. I've dipped into with Brief History of Time and Elegant Universe, but really understanding the math and equations behind it all would be awesome.



                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              If you were as smart as Sam, what field would you want to be in?
                              Forensics...I love that stuff. Or anything to do with space...deep space radar telemetry would be nice. But I don't think I would like to be a physicist...theoretical or not.
                              Cool question suse!
                              BTW, GW is starting look a little more GW-ish again! Go Darren.

                              Sky...where can we go to give Darren support through this transition with GW...knowing there are probably a few members out there who won't be happy with the changes...I just want to tell him that even though the initial change scared the bejeezus outa me, I understand that it had to be done and am hoping that all goes relatively smoothly for him. Can't be easy changing a forum like this. Cheers.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                And Celandine get up at 5am everyday, and it doesn't work.
                                Five days a week I'm already up at 5am and will have been up for at least 17 hrs by this point. Grave shifts are lovely.

                                Hang in there. Think positively about your experience and it'll work out foryou.

                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                If you were as smart as Sam, what field would you want to be in?
                       doubt about it. My major is Psychology with a minor in forensics. The workings of the mind fascinate me to no end and combined with the detail investigation and tests used for solving crimes and I'm literally quite happy.

                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                                If downloading from the website doesn't work you can try getting it from iTunes.
                                I was going to say the exact same thing. Great minds and all.

