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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    Where I'm at it was about 36 degress F this morning. BRRR!!! Yeah not cool in LA, but freakin' COLD!

    Safe journey back to Minnesota!
    That's not cold. On Thursday we're supposed to have temps around 10 with 50mph winds. Just a wee bit chilly me thinks.
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      That's not cold. On Thursday we're supposed to have temps around 10 with 50mph winds. Just a wee bit chilly me thinks.
      Well, if we're comparing temps - it's going to be -13 F tonight(that's -25 C) , and we've had light snow all day. Makes me want to stay home and watch Stargate all day.





          One of my pet peeves is the response of "oh that's not cold!" when talking about it getting near freezing in L.A. In the big picture, yes, that is not cold (I grew up in Minnesota, so I do know what cold really is - like when it's -20F and a wind chill of -40F and school is canceled simply because it's too cold).

          But see, I moved to California for a reason. Because it's where 33F is considered 'freezing'. When it's 85F and sunny on Thanksgiving Day (less than 2 weeks ago), it's a bit of a rude awakening to wake up to temps that cold. I'm just sayin' I am very much acclimated to warmer weather and will have to bundle up for my trip to Disneyland tomorrow because it will only get up to about 55F.


            Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
            I miss the snow so much it's so hot here on OZ

            Thank you everyone i'm feeling a bit better it still hurts at times but i do feel alot better thankyou (Hugs)
            glad to hear you are feeling a bit better (helenmagnus23)

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            We had an unseasonably warm November and the weather was still quite warm and snowless when I got home from AT4. I was biking to work until 10 days ago but now we have a bit of snow and I'm back to walking. (-20C today)
            it was 35C where i work today and still 33C when i left work at 5pm whats 55C between hemisperes

            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
            BTT: I got a new iPod and since the Apple offers to have it engraved for free I had them engrave "AT rocks!" on it.
            OK, so it's sort of on topic.
            hehe, coolies... what did the engraver say when you told them what to write?

            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Well, I'm in a rather bad mood.

            I wasn't going to say this but before I came here to write about my dream, I went to my e-mail and I found a message from GW, it said someone had tried hacking into my GW account. I was so hurt ans shocked, I didn't know who it was at first, but I looked into it, and found that it was my own cousin who tried accessing my GW account.

            Stupid me, I was tired, on some meds for my wrist and foot, and I my cousin was there wit me, normally I NEVER let anyone watch me on GW, but he's a big Stargate fan, and he wanted to join GW, so I was showing him the site. And me, against my better judgement, I actually logged on in front of him, so he saw my password, or part of it. Bottom line I took a nap, and he took my lap-top and tried logging in as me.

            Problem is, he missed part of my password so he tried guessing it, but he failed 5 times, then the system locked him out. I was so hurt and upset, I can't trust him right now, and I had to change my password. Now I really know how helenmagnus23 felt when her former friend hurt her like that.

            God knows what else he did, I can't believe I trusted him, almost everything someone tells or shows him he tries to use for himself. He's also tried opening my e-mail, locker at school you name it. I HOPE to God my GW account is the only one he went after.
            sorry to hear that (rocky)... it sux when people try to hack your accounts, i know, someone once hacked my myspace... even worse that it was a family member

            on a brighter note thanks for the lovely card, kind words and the coin

            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            Hey everyone,

            Just a quick to thank Nearly Circular, Sky, KatJoy, Cel, Ames, Scifithinker and Rocky for the beautiful Christmas cards!

            OT Why I've not been posting much...

            I've been in rehearsals for panto that's why I'm not posting much right now. The run starts on Thursday for 9 days, hehe I'm excitedly nervous. So will try and come here when I can over the next week and a bit. But just wanted to let you all know why I'm quite on the posting front, and that I'm OK.

            Oh and no snow here either, I'm glad b/c my wheels don't like snow lol.


            youre welcome julia and good luck with rehearsals!

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEEP!!!
            Last edited by katjoy; 09 December 2009, 01:13 AM.
            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              Hey everyone,

              Just a quick to thank Nearly Circular, Sky, KatJoy, Cel, Ames, Scifithinker and Rocky for the beautiful Christmas cards!

              OT Why I've not been posting much...

              I've been in rehearsals for panto that's why I'm not posting much right now. The run starts on Thursday for 9 days, hehe I'm excitedly nervous. So will try and come here when I can over the next week and a bit. But just wanted to let you all know why I'm quite on the posting front, and that I'm OK.

              Oh and no snow here either, I'm glad b/c my wheels don't like snow lol.


              Enjoy the Panto, who are you playing? And the rehearsing is almost as much fun as the shows themselves.

              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
              Sorry to be dense, but what is a "panto"?
              Pantomime -



                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                Quick (very OT) question for Oz residents.
                In the UK our kids have a 6 week school holiday in the summer usually from the last week in July to the first in September. Do they have the same in Oz, incorporating Christmas?
                Our kids get two weeks for Christmas and, I think, one or two for Easter. (It's a long time since my kids were at school!) They also get a week three times a year for half term.
                Just curious.
                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                Hi Mumsey
                Yes they do here they usually start here in OZ 12 Dec to the 26th January it's sometimes slightly different depending on the school for eg my sister's year finished a couple of week's earlier before the rest of the school .
                I think it's the same for Easter over here and then they get a couple of week's in end of June to July and September to October it's different for a some school's here some finish earlier than other's .
                I hope this is ok it's been a while since i was at school
                It also depends on the state in which one resides...

                Term 1
                1 February to 26 March
                Term 2
                12 April to 25 June (26 April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday and 11 June will be a student free day)
                Term 3
                12 July to 17 September
                Term 4
                4 October to 17 December

                Term 1
                27 January - 01 April
                Term 2
                19 April - 02 July
                Term 3
                19 July - 24 September
                Term 4
                11 October - 17 December

                Term 1
                27 January - 1 April
                Term 2
                12 April - 25 June
                Term 3
                12 July - 17 September
                Term 4
                4 October - 10 December

                Western Australia:
                Term 1
                1 February - 1 April
                Term 2
                20 April - 2 July
                Term 3
                20 July - 24 September
                Term 4
                12 October - 16 December

                South Australia:
                Term 1
                27 Jan - 1 Apr
                Term 2
                19 April - 2 Jul
                Term 3
                19 Jul - 24 Sep
                Term 4
                11 Oct - 10 Dec

                Northern Territory:
                Term 1
                27 January - 1 April
                Easter break 2 April - 5 April
                Term 2
                12 April - 18 June
                Term 3
                20 July - 24 September
                Term 4
                4 October - 10 December

                Term 1
                Schools in the North and North West - 9 February
                Schools in the South - 10 February to 28 May
                Term 2
                15 June - 3 September
                Term 3
                20 September - 16 December

                And it depends on the school and year soon as Niki finished her last exam, she was off...and Tom finished today...but they have to go back for their school reports next week...even though technically they should be at school til December 18.
                Private schools have totally different start and end times again. But generally speaking Aussie schools are off for anywhere from 6 - 8 weeks for the Christmas/summer break. Plus term breaks and public holidays...all which make it hard for working mums who have to find childcare for their kids...but that's another story!
                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey everyone,
                Oh and no snow here either, I'm glad b/c my wheels don't like snow lol.

                That's because we didn't get to pimp your ride and put snow tyres on...or chains!!
                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                Sorry to be dense, but what is a "panto"?
                A panto is a pantomime - a play!
                You need four-wheel drive and snow tires on that machine maybe even a plow on the front
                See??? Need I say more Julia??? Elegant in it's simplicity...or is that the other way around??

                Good luck with the panto Julia!
                Oh and me thinks Sam would either stay on base while the weather was too bad to drive in, or definitely hitch a ride with Jack in his lovely big and honkin' truck!!

                Happy birthday Neep!!

                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                  All the best! Hope you're having a lovely day!
                  you're so cute when you're slurring your speech but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave

                  'What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches.'

                  "Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality. And the protections that we have, for religion --we protect religion-- and talk about a lifestyle choice! That is absolutely a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. At what age did you choose not to be gay?" (Jon Stewart, The King of Common Sense)


                    it's like one year we went up to minnesota for vacation. and they had a heat wave, it was 90 degrees with low humidity. coming from the midwest where we experience 100 degrees with 90% humidity, this was nothing.

                    but the minnesotians were literally dropping like flies. they weren't acclimated and couldn't tolerate it
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      That's not cold. On Thursday we're supposed to have temps around 10 with 50mph winds. Just a wee bit chilly me thinks.
                      True 10 is colder than 36, but in Southern California, 36 without any heat is pretty damn cold. That and the fact that it is very RARE for it to get THAT cold here.
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                        Well, I'm in a rather bad mood.

                        I wasn't going to say this but before I came here to write about my dream, I went to my e-mail and I found a message from GW, it said someone had tried hacking into my GW account. I was so hurt ans shocked, I didn't know who it was at first, but I looked into it, and found that it was my own cousin who tried accessing my GW account.

                        Stupid me, I was tired, on some meds for my wrist and foot, and I my cousin was there wit me, normally I NEVER let anyone watch me on GW, but he's a big Stargate fan, and he wanted to join GW, so I was showing him the site. And me, against my better judgement, I actually logged on in front of him, so he saw my password, or part of it. Bottom line I took a nap, and he took my lap-top and tried logging in as me.

                        Problem is, he missed part of my password so he tried guessing it, but he failed 5 times, then the system locked him out. I was so hurt and upset, I can't trust him right now, and I had to change my password. Now I really know how helenmagnus23 felt when her former friend hurt her like that.

                        God knows what else he did, I can't believe I trusted him, almost everything someone tells or shows him he tries to use for himself. He's also tried opening my e-mail, locker at school you name it. I HOPE to God my GW account is the only one he went after.

                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                        Hey everyone,

                        Just a quick to thank Nearly Circular, Sky, KatJoy, Cel, Ames, Scifithinker and Rocky for the beautiful Christmas cards!

                        OT Why I've not been posting much...

                        I've been in rehearsals for panto that's why I'm not posting much right now. The run starts on Thursday for 9 days, hehe I'm excitedly nervous. So will try and come here when I can over the next week and a bit. But just wanted to let you all know why I'm quite on the posting front, and that I'm OK.

                        Oh and no snow here either, I'm glad b/c my wheels don't like snow lol.



                        Excellent reason for not posting. Have a great time!

                        With regard to the cold, antoa is right, it is all relative. The further south you live, the more you think "how can they stand the cold". Even where I am, I think I could never live in the northern part of my province, too cold!
                        BTW, never get into a cold competition with a Canuck, we'll always win. Case in point, -32C this morning with the windchill. On the bright side, frost is very pretty.

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEEP!!! Hope you have a wonderful time. In honour of your birthday, you will not get the badge today!
                        Last edited by EH-T; 09 December 2009, 06:35 AM.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Blizzard conditions here today, but not too cold--yet--only in the 20s. Keep your fingers crossed for me and others that we keep our power. Power outages are becoming an issue in some areas.


                            Hey everyone,

                            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                            Sorry to be dense, but what is a "panto"?

                            You need four-wheel drive and snow tires on that machine maybe even a plow on the front

                            So...... Sam had cars and motorbikes. How do you think she got to work in bad weather?

                            Personally, I think Jack came by with the snow plow on the front, cleared her driveway, then gave her a ride to the SGC. But that is just me
                            A panto is usually a play with lots of comedy, singing and audience participation.
                            Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                            Happy Birthday Neep!!!
                            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                            Enjoy the Panto, who are you playing? And the rehearsing is almost as much fun as the shows themselves.

                            Pantomime -

                            Its an in house written panto, its called "Cowboy Joe - The Panto" and I play the mail wagon, lol.
                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post

                            That's because we didn't get to pimp your ride and put snow tyres on...or chains!!

                            See??? Need I say more Julia??? Elegant in it's simplicity...or is that the other way around??

                            Good luck with the panto Julia!
                            Oh and me thinks Sam would either stay on base while the weather was too bad to drive in, or definitely hitch a ride with Jack in his lovely big and honkin' truck!!
                            Hehe! Next time Chelle you can pimp my ride, OK? boy that sentence sounds so wrong, hehe!
                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Blizzard conditions here today, but not too cold--yet--only in the 20s. Keep your fingers crossed for me and others that we keep our power. Power outages are becoming an issue in some areas.
                            *crosses fingers* you take care

                            Off to rehearsals soon.

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                              Well, if we're comparing temps - it's going to be -13 F tonight(that's -25 C) , and we've had light snow all day. Makes me want to stay home and watch Stargate all day.

                              And the win goes to Circular!

                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              One of my pet peeves is the response of "oh that's not cold!" when talking about it getting near freezing in L.A. In the big picture, yes, that is not cold (I grew up in Minnesota, so I do know what cold really is - like when it's -20F and a wind chill of -40F and school is canceled simply because it's too cold).

                              But see, I moved to California for a reason. Because it's where 33F is considered 'freezing'. When it's 85F and sunny on Thanksgiving Day (less than 2 weeks ago), it's a bit of a rude awakening to wake up to temps that cold. I'm just sayin' I am very much acclimated to warmer weather and will have to bundle up for my trip to Disneyland tomorrow because it will only get up to about 55F.
                              Yes, it must be a rude awakening to all the folks out there. A shock to the system. It's just funny to hear people say how cold it is when it's 40. Coming from Minn you definitely have experienced the gamut.

                              I think my aunt has made the most extreme moves I know of though. She moved from Michigan to Texas, then to Alaska, then to Hawaii, then back to Michigan and now she's in Texas again. Why anyone would leave Hawaii I don't know.

                              Don't you hate those negative numbers? It's actually been pretty mild here. We've been very lucky. Keep wondering when the remaining footwear will drop and we'll be plunged into the deep freeze. This will be the first cold snap we've really had this year.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              it's like one year we went up to minnesota for vacation. and they had a heat wave, it was 90 degrees with low humidity. coming from the midwest where we experience 100 degrees with 90% humidity, this was nothing.

                              but the minnesotians were literally dropping like flies. they weren't acclimated and couldn't tolerate it
                              Acclimation is the key!
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                So...... Sam had cars and motorbikes. How do you think she got to work in bad weather?

                                Personally, I think Jack came by with the snow plow on the front, cleared her driveway, then gave her a ride to the SGC. But that is just me
                                What??! Of course Sam would play hookey when the weather turned foul! Granted, she lives in Colorado and that might be nearly one day every week during the winter season, but still.

                                She'd switch off her mobile, build a cozy fire, turn on the tea kettle and stay wrapped in colorful, fuzzy socks and flannels watching dvd's and reading...till at least midday. Then, she'd put on layers of warm clothes and trudge outdoors for some fun. Snowballs, snow angels, snow forts (built with an analytical, detailed eye of course) sledding and then finally, when the last of the daylight was seeping out of the sky, she'd get out the shovel and make quick work of clearing the driveway for work the next day.

                                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                                Ah I get to stalk you here too, m'dear!

                                Happy Birthday Neeplet!
                                Hope you had a simply awesome day today!

                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Blizzard conditions here today, but not too cold--yet--only in the 20s. Keep your fingers crossed for me and others that we keep our power. Power outages are becoming an issue in some areas.
                                Ahhh wonderful! Snow! Crossing all digits for your power staying on though as that definitely wouldnt be cool. Heh, no pun intended either.

                                I had a fun experience going into work last night. Roads were wet and slushy and with the temps dropping and the lack of any good road salt, everything was freezing up pretty quick and became a bit slippery.

                                Right now, its still trying to snow and the wind has picked up substantially. Typical for the area I live in though. It's not really a blizzard as the snow isnt much, but it has gotten even nippier outside. Temperature atm is 23F. Good thing I have a nice stock of hot chocolate to carry me through. With miniature marshmallows. Nom.

