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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by siles View Post
    I've heard that while penguins' numbers are on the rise, polar bears are threatened by extinction
    Perhaps some cross-introduction is needed. Polar bear numbers will then rise as penguin numbers fall...


      Samanda--the magical land where fans of Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping (and now including Helen Magnus) hang out

      Samandan (Samandans, pl)--inhabitant of said land; also known as subject of Queen Amanda

      All that's required to enter the Kingdom is a declaration of appreciation of Amanda Tapping and her work. We have had many new immigrants to Samanda lately. The Samandans are pleased.


        Originally posted by katjoy View Post
        Ditto! Hope your able to enjoy it as much as possible, considering your present predicament.

        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

        Happy Birthday Melora!
        Hope its a brilliant day for you!

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        or yanks like me, in the UK, my phone doesn't work so while i bring it, it's turned off for the duration adn only turned back on in Chicago at the air port

        it does work in canada, but at .69 cents a minute i leave it off most the time

        (my plan isn't an international one, maybe that will change before SE and MTM)
        I took my phone but it pretty much stayed stashed in my bag for the duration as my phone plan didnt work overseas at AT4. Not really much of a problem, but I was limited to emails to hear from friends and family which wasnt the best option.

        Case in point. While gone, I didnt hear about my grandma passing away until almost a day later due to my mom being technically challenged when it came to computers and the general frantic-ness of the situation in our family.

        I vowed I wouldnt let something like that happen again so upgraded my mobile the other day to a global one. Yay new gadgets! Not only can I now make and receive calls from almost anywhere in the world, but I can call/text friends all over the world in the comfort of my own home as well to keep in touch.

        And my phone will remain OFF during the SE q & a's and all future cons as well.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          Samanda--the magical land where fans of Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping (and now including Helen Magnus) hang out

          Samandan (Samandans, pl)--inhabitant of said land; also known as subject of Queen Amanda

          All that's required to enter the Kingdom is a declaration of appreciation of Amanda Tapping and her work. We have had many new immigrants to Samanda lately. The Samandans are pleased.
          JckFan, I know the word will probably don't exist but: since we all love Queen Amanda: shouldn't we call it a " Queendom"

          And yes the Samandans are very pleased. Your looking at a very pleased Samandan. Welcome newcomers!

          BTW.... do we need to pay some kind of "Taxes", I havn't paid any .... will the ISRS (Internal Samandan Revenue Service) let me pay a fine? I paid with pictures, is that enough Or do we pay taxes in the form of "giving green"

          I love it here Jckfan I always look forward coming here. It's THE place for Amanda news. And for making new friends

          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            Originally posted by Daivy View Post
            JckFan, I know the word will probably don't exist but: since we all love Queen Amanda: shouldn't we call it a " Queendom"

            And yes the Samandans are very pleased. Your looking at a very pleased Samandan. Welcome newcomers!

            BTW.... do we need to pay some kind of "Taxes", I havn't paid any .... will the ISRS (Internal Samandan Revenue Service) let me pay a fine? I paid with pictures, is that enough Or do we pay taxes in the form of "giving green"

            I love it here Jckfan I always look forward coming here. It's THE place for Amanda news. And for making new friends
            Taxes for Samandans? How about watching Sanctuary episodes?


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              Hey everyone, I wasn't going to come on for a little while considering what happened to me yesterday, but I had to since yesterday was my 2 year anniversary on GW. And I knew I had to come by.

              Oh, and as for that thing that happened to me, I'm actually in the hospital right now. Yesterday during work my buddy got back at me for a prank I did to him, he surprised me by coming at me with a water gun in the back , I ran down the stairs that lead to the basement, but the stairs were wet, I slipped and fell down like 6 feet.

              I landed hard on my left wrist, broke that and my foot. And to add insult to injury, my buddy didn't know how bad I was actually hurt and he kept shooting me with the gun . After I realized I couldn't get up, my wrist was killing me and I needed help, my friends took me to the hospital, and now I'm spending my GW anniversary in a hospital, on a computer next to my room . I don't blame him, I guess I had it coming, I mean I did pour maple syrup and sugar in his Pepsi . At least it wasn't my right hand, I use that to type, but I can still use my other hand a bit, and oh I have to use a wheelchair because it hurts to much to use a crutch. I'll be home maybe tomorrow with my own lappy, and I won't need a wheelchair when I get home, and tee good thing is that I won't need to wear cast for long either.

              And btw, my buddy has SO got something coming his way when I get back on my feet.
              Yikes, ((hugs)) and I hope you get better soon!

              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
              Happy Birthday Melora! Hope you have a great day!

              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Samanda--the magical land where fans of Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping (and now including Helen Magnus) hang out

              Samandan (Samandans, pl)--inhabitant of said land; also known as subject of Queen Amanda

              All that's required to enter the Kingdom is a declaration of appreciation of Amanda Tapping and her work. We have had many new immigrants to Samanda lately. The Samandans are pleased.
              LOL, well said, and yes welcome to all the newcomers! Though AT likes Grand Empress now, so maybe the Empire of Samanda?



                Originally posted by siles View Post
                Taxes for Samandans? How about watching Sanctuary episodes?
                Well I was "just asking" it.. I don't think every Samandan in "the real world" has the luxury of watching Sanctuary so I propose a "tax" in the form of...

                Hugs! We need to hug our loved ones so: your "tax" will consist of hugs (or for the male population, giving hi fives to eachother)

                Man I never tought of saying it but: I LOVE payig taxes in the Kingdom of Samanda.

                Otherwise, Samanda is the only Nation in the world where it's inhabitants don't have to pay taxes: YAY!

                BTW I hope the bottles of water are of the brand "Amanda", Yep in our local Aldi (German grocery store chain) we can actually buy bottled water of the brand "Amanda", that's the only water I drink

                Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!



                  Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Samanda--the magical land where fans of Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping (and now including Helen Magnus) hang out

                    Samandan (Samandans, pl)--inhabitant of said land; also known as subject of Queen Amanda

                    All that's required to enter the Kingdom is a declaration of appreciation of Amanda Tapping and her work. We have had many new immigrants to Samanda lately. The Samandans are pleased.
                    Hmmm...sounds like we need to contact the makers of the Oxford/English dictionary and have them add a few new Samanda, Samandans, Factuary, Distinctuary, Addictuary, and Fictionary....any others you can think of??
                    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                    LOL, well said, and yes welcome to all the newcomers! Though AT likes Grand Empress now, so maybe the Empire of Samanda?
                    I was gonna say that!!! Definitely the Samandan Empire...lead by the Grand Empress Amanda Tapping!!!! I was too consumed with watching a season 1 ep of Stargate's really kinda weird watching Amanda with short blonde hair...cute but weird!

                    Happy Birthday Melora!

           I got an email today from a dear friend I've known since we went to high school together and I thought that here (and twitter)would be a great place to share the sentiments of that email. Sorry fella's but it is for the ladies only...but I guess it could be shared with you guys too!! If you change a few words that is!
                    So to all the Samandan women, here's to you!

                    Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says~~
                    "Oh Crap, She's up!"

                    Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
                    So love the people who treat you right.
                    Love the ones who don't just because you can.
                    Believe everything happens for a reason
                    If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
                    If it changes your life, let it.
                    Kiss slowly.
                    Forgive quickly.
                    God never said life would be easy.
                    He just promised it would be worth it.

                    I am only as strong as the chocolate I eat, the hair spray I use and the friends I have.
                    To the cool women that have touched my life.. Here's to you!

                    I'm going to cross post this to the Gabit thread as this applies to many Gabiteers whom I had the pleasure in meeting at AT4...I only wish I could have said these words personally to each and every one of them.
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      I was gonna say, look at my avatar

                      that's a quote so....Empire of Samanda, or maybe it should be Samandus (SAM anANDa magnUS
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I was gonna say, look at my avatar
                        that's a quote so....Empire of Samanda, or maybe it should be Samandus (SAM anANDa magnUS
               lets add to the list of new words that should be in the English it the Oxford dictionary or whatever...


                        Feel free to add any Sam/Amanda/Helen words as they come.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Samanda--the magical land where fans of Sam Carter and Amanda Tapping (and now including Helen Magnus) hang out

                            Samandan (Samandans, pl)--inhabitant of said land; also known as subject of Queen Amanda

                            All that's required to enter the Kingdom is a declaration of appreciation of Amanda Tapping and her work. We have had many new immigrants to Samanda lately. The Samandans are pleased.
                            I hereby declare an appreciation of Amanda Taping and her work!

                            Now if only someone could 'splain the Penguin and Polar Bear thing.


                              penguins like sam and jack ship
                              polar bears don't

                              and since the animals live on opposite sides of the planet, never the twain shall meet...cept there are the pandas.....bears with the black and white of the penguins so they like both pro and anti ship
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                penguins like sam and jack ship
                                polar bears don't

                                and since the animals live on opposite sides of the planet, never the twain shall meet...cept there are the pandas.....bears with the black and white of the penguins so they like both pro and anti ship
                                Pandas Rule!!
                                Penguins & Polar Bears drool!!


