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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Carterfan View Post
    Hi, newbie here wanting to jump in on this. I always thought that Sam really lucked out in having the superior officers she had in O'Neill and Hammond. She rarely had to go against them because they had a similar moral compass. Jack, though happy to shoot through nearly everything, always listened to both Sam and Daniel and became as effective a leader as he did in large part due to his unique team.

    We all saw what Sam would have been like if she felt her superiors were just plain wrong. "The Path not Taken" pretty much says it all. Sam respects the heirachy of the military, but won't go quietly along if its against her principals. She's pretty stubborn and feisty when she wants to be. At least that how I saw it. Also, I always thought there as wild side that was never explored. I mean, the woman is an expert lock picker. She rides a classic motorcycle. She can't be that straight and narrow. And what about all that unauthorized hacking she seemed very comfortable with whenever it served SG1 or saved the world. But the thing I love about her is that she doesn't use her considerable cerebral powers for self gain.

    I saw Sam as someone who respects the hierachy of the Military, but those she respects personally have to earn it and when they do, she's incredibly loyal. But when people like Kinsey, Bauer, or Maybourne comes along, she can be quite distainful.

    Anyway, hope no one minds my little ramble. Its nice to finally find a place to read and post about my favorite fictitious character and I give 95% of the credit to Amanda Tapping, and 5 % to the creators.
    Well said.

    Originally posted by ames View Post

    Hey Eh-T ... I don't think I got adopted as a neice
    Was that because I was relatively well-behaved ... or was I just too bouncy to catch still long enough to admonish with your special badge/pin? LOL!

    Must have been the latter because it was definitely not the former!

    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
    Hi everyone

    OT -
    I've been feeling realy down the last few week's it's been happening on and off it's like one week i'm fine happy the next i'm in tear's the reason i've been feeling like this is i found out my best freind scince high school has been acting the whole time like she cares she has been calling me a freak behined my back i've been feeling realy lonley and today she called me i couldnt speak to her

    I watched Sanctuary today i love watching REQUIEM and THE FIVE they tolk my mind off stuff and we set up the christmas tree today that was fun i have christamas card's but no one to send them to later on i'm gonna watch Atlantis season 4 but i can never decide which eps to watch lol

    I better go grab dinner

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Hi! Hope this post finds everyone well and happy!!!

      I'm just dropping off an invitation for an upcoming event (respectfully spoiled for those who are not interested):


      Hugs to all!!!


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        ^Cool idea. I wonder if the Air Force does charity work for the public. Isn't it the Marines that do Toys for Tots? I could see Sam doing something for an AF charity (at least when she's on Earth) . Of course the USAF *does* track Santa from NORAD.
        Tracking Santa from NORAD is great and loads of fun. These days, I wonder if Santa is an abnormal?

        Yes, the USMC and Reserves organize Toys for Tots. It is a wonderful organization and all proceeds go to the kids.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          ^Cool idea. I wonder if the Air Force does charity work for the public. Isn't it the Marines that do Toys for Tots? I could see Sam doing something for an AF charity (at least when she's on Earth) . Of course the USAF *does* track Santa from NORAD.

          Since you've mentioned Norad, I thought I'd post the link to a relevant fic by Sky. Wrong Number is one of my favorite SG-1 Christmas fics.

          In memory of Deejay.
          May we all be so well loved.


            awe. thanks
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              awe. thanks
              Great story Sky Love the punchline. Woulda' greened ya but it won't let me so I send you a hearty round of applause for a job well done.


                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                Hi everyone

                OT -
                I've been feeling realy down the last few week's it's been happening on and off it's like one week i'm fine happy the next i'm in tear's the reason i've been feeling like this is i found out my best freind scince high school has been acting the whole time like she cares she has been calling me a freak behined my back i've been feeling realy lonley and today she called me i couldnt speak to her

                I watched Sanctuary today i love watching REQUIEM and THE FIVE they tolk my mind off stuff and we set up the christmas tree today that was fun i have christamas card's but no one to send them to later on i'm gonna watch Atlantis season 4 but i can never decide which eps to watch lol

                I better go grab dinner
                ((helenmagnus23)) im sorry to hear that someone who would call themselves your friend has committed such a betrayal...

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                ^Cool idea. I wonder if the Air Force does charity work for the public. Isn't it the Marines that do Toys for Tots? I could see Sam doing something for an AF charity (at least when she's on Earth) . Of course the USAF *does* track Santa from NORAD.
                i can see sam participating in an AF charity at chrissy as well
                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                  What do you think the reaction at NORAD would be if SG1 took the cargo ship up on Christmas Eve, de-cloaked, and NORAD got an actual radar signal?

                  Do you think Sam would do something like that, with or without the guys?


                    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                    Hi everyone

                    OT -
                    I've been feeling realy down the last few week's it's been happening on and off it's like one week i'm fine happy the next i'm in tear's the reason i've been feeling like this is i found out my best freind scince high school has been acting the whole time like she cares she has been calling me a freak behined my back i've been feeling realy lonley and today she called me i couldnt speak to her

                    I watched Sanctuary today i love watching REQUIEM and THE FIVE they tolk my mind off stuff and we set up the christmas tree today that was fun i have christamas card's but no one to send them to later on i'm gonna watch Atlantis season 4 but i can never decide which eps to watch lol

                    I better go grab dinner

                    I'm sorry your having to go through this. People who are trusting sometimes never see the true nature of others and can be terribly hurt by a 'friends' deceptions. All I can say to help might be to just find and focus on what makes you happy and move past this hurt you experienced the best you can. You'll find another best friend and hopefully that relationship will be one that is mutually gratifying. Trust might take a while to rebuild, but I'm sure you'll get there eventually too.

                    I'm glad you had fun putting up the xmas tree and hopefully decided on which ep of Atlantis to watch. Take care hon.

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    A cross post from the Gabit thread:

                    Don't know what it is about me and auctions but I was involved in another last night. I have an annual Christmas party with friends and the tradition is for the women to draw names and make a gift for the person whose name you've drawn. This year we broke with tradition and were to each make a batch of cookies (placed in a nice tin or a container of your own creation) and bring $20.00. Everyone's money was pooled and there was a draw, however, you put your name in the draw along with the name of the charity of your choice. The winner then was to donate the cash ($300.00) to that charity. I named Sanctuary for Kids but didn't win.

                    The cookies were auctioned off and everyone received a set amount of play money (Canadian Tire money for those of you who know what that is). You could also bid above the limit of your Canadian Tire money but then you had to use real cash which also went to the charity. I ended up with a couple of batches of cookies which I will give to the folks in my office.

                    Not a bad holiday idea. A way to get baking and help others (what the season is all about ).
                    A very cool idea indeed.

                    A bit OT atm but....

                    WE GOT OUR FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON!

                    Granted its not much now, just a bit over an inch, but tomorrow they're forecasting a winter storm watch with snow totals of up to eight inches expected. Heeee.. I believe I see skiing for Christmas/New Years in my future *g*


                      yeah, we're going to get our first real snow of the season tomorrow, 3-10+ inches, depending on where you are and how the storm tracks

                      should be interesting
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        ^"interesting" is one word for it. So is *%^&#!


                          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                          Hi everyone

                          OT -
                          I've been feeling realy down the last few week's it's been happening on and off it's like one week i'm fine happy the next i'm in tear's the reason i've been feeling like this is i found out my best freind scince high school has been acting the whole time like she cares she has been calling me a freak behined my back i've been feeling realy lonley and today she called me i couldnt speak to her

                          I’m so sorry for you, someone who treats you like that is not a real friend. Try to find strength in the knowledge that you know you’re better than that, and will find someone who you really can call friend. *hugs*

                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                          WE GOT OUR FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON!

                          Granted its not much now, just a bit over an inch, but tomorrow they're forecasting a winter storm watch with snow totals of up to eight inches expected. Heeee.. I believe I see skiing for Christmas/New Years in my future *g*
                          OT snow

                          Contrary to popular beliefs living in the Nordic does not necessarily give you the privilege of white Christmases, however, it’s almost guaranteed to give you cold wet rainy days of Christmas shopping and fighting big puddles of mud and rain. This is so the way to finding that warm fuzzy holiday spirit

                          So, on the topic of Carter and Christmas and presents I was thinking of what sort of stuff she would receive. I’d probably be some symbolic things from her closest. Definitely something silly from Jack like a Homer pez dispenser. Yup, definitely


                            we get a white christmas around here once every 5-7 years or so.

                            our snow USUALLY lasts 24-48 hours and then melts
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              ^"interesting" is one word for it. So is *%^&#!
                              That's what I call it.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Neep and I made a special trip to find snow the other weekend when she was here.

                                As we were leaving Thor's cave () we spotted snow in the distance and decided to drive to it.

                                There wasn't much, but there was enough to make snowballs, one of which we brought home for my house mate.
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

