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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    she had her child before s9. olivia was born in march, which is why she missed the first 6 eps

    if you look closely at the end of s8, you can see that sam starts to wear her BDU blouse again instead of just a t-shirt, and that's why geek sam was so frumpy and they wore robes in moebius, and she had that shawl thing and her leg crossed in the fishing scene, it was to disguse the bump

    What you saw after that in the beginning of season 9 is her - since she was nursing - not starving to dump the baby weight overnight.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Daughter got her learners permit today so she is now allowed to drive a car with a fully licensed driver. She got 31/32 on her test!! I is one proud mama.
      Apart from that, it was just another lovely wintery day...just not cold enough. I think it got to 13C today. But at least we have some rain!
      Night folks. Have a great weekend and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
      13°C where you live in Australia Chelle? Here we just had a heatwave of temperatures arround 27-30°C. And no, no rain, not even thunder.

      Congratiolate your daughter Chelle, getting one's learners permit is one step away from having a lovely pink document that says "driving license" (at least in Belgium it's a pink / salmon orange document). And I have a full driving license Just I don't think I can drive in Australia or the UK you drive on the wrong side of the road Nah just kidding, I don't think I can drive with a car that has the steering wheel on the right, driving left or right won't be that difficult for me, just the steering wheel.

      BTW Helen is a very clever woman, who definatly knows how to drive a car. So, incase she'd drive herself, what car would she have? A big luxury car, like a Bentley, or like Amanda's new car, the sport version of the Audi A4, the
      S4? Maybe Helen would drive in a Jag(uar) ?
      Audi is a good make, you shouldn't worry about the quality

      I'm a Toyota driver myself, but when Amanda buys something, ANYTHING it's always very good to excellent quality

      Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        she had her child before s9. olivia was born in march, which is why she missed the first 6 eps

        if you look closely at the end of s8, you can see that sam starts to wear her BDU blouse again instead of just a t-shirt, and that's why geek sam was so frumpy and they wore robes in moebius, and she had that shawl thing and her leg crossed in the fishing scene, it was to disguse the bump

        What you saw after that in the beginning of season 9 is her - since she was nursing - not starving to dump the baby weight overnight.
        Thanks for the clarification. I think she looked "glowing" in S9. I was wondering.
        I Believe
        My FanFiction


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          So......Is there anything new and exciting going on in Samanda Land?

          Just kidding!

          I go away for a couple of months and look at the excitement!!! Meals with AT, Hugs with RDA, lots of winners, a new ficathon. Goodness, what an impact AT has on the world.

          I do miss Sam though.
          Me too. Welcome back BTW!

          Funny, I used to know the exact date when anything SG1 came out on DVD and was at the store that day. Same with Season 4 of SGA. Since Sam wasn't in season 5 much and with all the other stuff going on this week, I totally missed the release date on season 5 of SGA. I did pick it up yesterday because it does include some Sam and it does complete the collection.

          I listened to the commentary for S&R but no discussion of the last scene that we, for the most part, hated. MG did say how much he loves AT and the Sam character and how filming the season opener was bittersweet because she was leaving. He said if he had his druthers, he'd have liked the episode to be 90 minutes and give Sam a scene one-on-one with each of the other cast members. He did comment that the final scene with Rodney was a bit of a goodbye and wrapped up their relationship which had matured over time. Andy Mikita talked about how wonderful AT is.

          I've seen part of the director's special on that ep and there's a funny bit with AM joking about how horrible it is to work with AT and they can't stand to be in the same room together. All the time AT is standing right beside him nodding in agreement. They also comment on her leaving the show.

          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          Yours and the winner's were simple and beautiful. The others were too busy. Bragging well deserved.

          I just noticed that neither MTM or SE are sold out yet as there are still links up to register for tickets. Or do they just keep taking registrations even if they're sold out and simply put the names on the waiting list?
          I'm in agreement with those who said that they are probably just waiting until they've gone through all the registrations to make sure there is no duplication before they can finalize the numbers. ((Mumsey))

          Originally posted by rderoch View Post

          And some are stranger than others.
          Yes but I still talked to you, didn't I?

          BTW, did you sign up for the SE and/or MTM?

          Welcome Mis. Understood!

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            There's a very good interview on the Gateworld home page with Michael Kopsa, who played General Kerrigan in "Prodigy" and "Proving Ground". He has some nice things to say about Amanda.

            MK: That was great and my scene primarily with Amanda Tapping, who is got to be the sweetest.

            GW: Did you enjoy working with her?

            MK: Oh, she's fantastic. She is Canadian, and I don’t think it's because she is Canadian but maybe it helps. She would welcome every actor on set warmly. There was never a sense of "I am the big star here and you are just a fill-in for the day." There was never a sense of that, and both on set and in the make-up and hair room. You know, it was very positive. And, to this day, she'll remember me. If not by name, then by "we did that, General Kerrigan, right?"


              Happy Independence Day



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                she had her child before s9. olivia was born in march, which is why she missed the first 6 eps

                if you look closely at the end of s8, you can see that sam starts to wear her BDU blouse again instead of just a t-shirt, and that's why geek sam was so frumpy and they wore robes in moebius, and she had that shawl thing and her leg crossed in the fishing scene, it was to disguse the bump

                What you saw after that in the beginning of season 9 is her - since she was nursing - not starving to dump the baby weight overnight.
                Oh yeah, I remember how in Citizen Joe you could tell her tummy was getting a bit... big , and now that I read your post, you're right about Moebius and what she wore and all. But I she didn't look any different in the Reckoning episodes. Oh well, I think she looked great at the end of S8 and I never really thought about the shawl and her crossing her legs to hide her baby bump until now .

                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                I listened to the commentary for S&R but no discussion of the last scene that we, for the most part, hated.
                You're 100% right on that . To this day, that scene still hurts me, and I could go and talk about it, but that's all history now.

                MG did say how much he loves AT and the Sam character and how filming the season opener was bittersweet because she was leaving. He said if he had his druthers, he'd have liked the episode to be 90 minutes and give Sam a scene one-on-one with each of the other cast members. He did comment that the final scene with Rodney was a bit of a goodbye and wrapped up their relationship which had matured over time. Andy Mikita talked about how wonderful AT is.

                I've seen part of the director's special on that ep and there's a funny bit with AM joking about how horrible it is to work with AT and they can't stand to be in the same room together. All the time AT is standing right beside him nodding in agreement. They also comment on her leaving the show.
                That's great to hear, I love how all those people said those things about Amanda , and I also wish Martin could have gotten his wish and made S&R 90 minutes, more Sam screen time . I don't have the S5 DVD, but when I get it I'll be sure to listen for the commentaries .


                  during the end of s9, sam held a lot of folders, stood in front of a lot of chairs, sat down, etc

                  i know they taped a lot of stuff out of order, and i don't recall which eps it was, might have been reckoning, due to her other miscarriages, she wasn't really telling anyone she was pregnant until she was far enough along to hope that it'd last, but then there was a scene with lots of gunfire and she was concerned about the concussion of the weapon in her hands, and she talked to the weapons master and she wore some extra padding, just to be extra safe.

                  dunno if it was reckoning or not, but that fits an episode with lots of weapons fire.

                  and yeah, in citizen joe you could see her starting to blossom.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    during the end of s9, sam held a lot of folders, stood in front of a lot of chairs, sat down, etc

                    i know they taped a lot of stuff out of order, and i don't recall which eps it was, might have been reckoning, due to her other miscarriages, she wasn't really telling anyone she was pregnant until she was far enough along to hope that it'd last, but then there was a scene with lots of gunfire and she was concerned about the concussion of the weapon in her hands, and she talked to the weapons master and she wore some extra padding, just to be extra safe.

                    dunno if it was reckoning or not, but that fits an episode with lots of weapons fire.
                    She hasn't even had the baby yet, and already she's being a good mother .

                    and yeah, in citizen joe you could see her starting to blossom.
                    Actually, I think she started to blossom in Prometheus Unbound.

                    Btw everyone, remember my little baby cousin Ethan? Well other than that scare he put me through a couple months back, I think some of you remember me writing about that. Well, I felt like sharing a little vid of me and him in my uncles car from a little while back - Little Ethan

                    He's sitting there watching Elmo, you don't see me, but you can hear me talk to him, and if you tell him you love him, he says "you" .


                      Originally posted by EH-T
                      Funny, I used to know the exact date when anything SG1 came out on DVD and was at the store that day. Same with Season 4 of SGA. Since Sam wasn't in season 5 much and with all the other stuff going on this week, I totally missed the release date on season 5 of SGA. I did pick it up yesterday because it does include some Sam and it does complete the collection.

                      I listened to the commentary for S&R but no discussion of the last scene that we, for the most part, hated. MG did say how much he loves AT and the Sam character and how filming the season opener was bittersweet because she was leaving. He said if he had his druthers, he'd have liked the episode to be 90 minutes and give Sam a scene one-on-one with each of the other cast members. He did comment that the final scene with Rodney was a bit of a goodbye and wrapped up their relationship which had matured over time. Andy Mikita talked about how wonderful AT is.

                      I've seen part of the director's special on that ep and there's a funny bit with AM joking about how horrible it is to work with AT and they can't stand to be in the same room together. All the time AT is standing right beside him nodding in agreement. They also comment on her leaving the show.
                      I got my season 5 of Atlantis a couple of day's ago i havent watched S&R yet partly becase i'm finding it hard to watch season 5 and becase i didnt want sam to go i have watched The Seed and Broken Ties though they were ok i like how Daniel is in a couple of eps and seeing Todd but for me this season doesnt feel the same as the others .

                      Is Sam in alot of Enemy at the gate or is she in a little bit ? the reason i ask is becase i havent seen it yet
                      (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                        Hey guys, how are things? Well yesterday I nearly "died". Let me explain.

                        Some friends of ours (my parents and me) invited us over for steak . So after dinner, she (the mother of a friend who invited us) asked me if I wanted to watch some TV. And since they have digital TV, I said: yeah sure.

                        After she explained to me how it works, I flipped trough the diffrent channels. I originaly wanted to see Dad's Army on BBC 2, but the tennis game between the Williams sister was on (but I already knew who won so why rebroadcast the whole game). As I further flipped trough the channels (I knew this company had the Dutch "Sci Fi Channel" (I don't think Holland switched over to the Sy Fy spelling).

                        I found Sci Fi, and with this guide you can see what's on after the current program. It was Sanctuary! So when I wanted to view the Sci Fi channel, it appeard to be a subscription channel (so you must pay to view that channel).

                        Rocky, I was thinking of you, cause I was going trough some heavy Amanda withdrawing symptoms, and this is just one thing you have when you "deliciously suffer" from TAE.

                        I was very dissapointed , I actualy came so close to watching Amanda's new show, and when I am it's a facking (need to stay polite) subscription channel! I'm so angry on that company for making Sci Fi Holland a subscription chanel. After needing a lot of acceptance time not going to see Sanctuary, I checked out what episode it was.

                        I nearly "died". It was Requiem, Amanda's best performance ever! (OK Delivering a baby can be number 1 but you know what I mean

                        I now really hope that 2BE will broadcast it too, cause digital TV here is not, like in the US the only avaible format. And if ya ask my mom, she'll postpone digital TV as long as she can .

                        BTW Does anyone know when S5 of Atlantis is out in Europe (English release date or Dutch release date) I know it's avaible now in the US. And when is the Sanctuary box set out in Europe (English / Dutch region)?

                        So you now understand why I nearly "died".
                        I just hope I don't see Sanctuary first on the French language La Une (Helen speaking French to Henri (sorry Henri). Yes I have a lot of issues with "dubbing" (a lot of acting goes lost this way).

                        I'll hop in later today OK? Cause I wanted to be here last night when I discoverd I couldn't watch it. With my Samandan friends

                        Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Congrats on the learners permit I'm sure you are proud . 31/32, that's better than what I could get .
                          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                          Congratiolate your daughter Chelle, getting one's learners permit is one step away from having a lovely pink document that says "driving license" (at least in Belgium it's a pink / salmon orange document).
                          Thank you...Niki says thank you too. She didn't want to do the test but hubby and I pushed for her to do it at this time. Here in Oz, you have to do a minimum of 120 hours driving before you can get your drivers license...and I'm trying to encourage her to develop some independence so that when she hits 18, she can go for her license and get herself from "A" to "B"....not that I don't like to help her out but part of growing up is becoming independent of your hard as that seems....for her and us!
                          13°C where you live in Australia Chelle? Here we just had a heatwave of temperatures arround 27-30°C. And no, no rain, not even thunder.
                          And I have a full driving license Just I don't think I can drive in Australia or the UK you drive on the wrong side of the road Nah just kidding, I don't think I can drive with a car that has the steering wheel on the right, driving left or right won't be that difficult for me, just the steering wheel.
                          I'm a Toyota driver myself, but when Amanda buys something, ANYTHING it's always very good to excellent quality
                          Heat waves here hit around the 35C mark and above. 13C is chilly but nt that bad...well not for me anyways. I wish it were cooler.
                          Its funny you mention about driving on the wrong side of the road. I had an argument of sorts with my older brother about hiring a car when we get to Germany but he reckons I wouldn't be able to handle driving on the wrong side of the road. I hate it when people have so little faith in you and they make no secret of it. I think I could give it a shot but I've been outvoted.
                          As for the type of car...I've driven an Audi and thought it was way overrated. I would not, by choice, buy an Audi. I actually have a 1991 Saab and she goes like a rocket...but she's getting old and costly now. The Toyota is awesome...haven't you heard???...Toyota Hilux...unbreakable! I want the Toyota they used on Top Gear. I'd love to have a new Toyota Landcrusier but one four wheel drive is enough for this family so the next car is going to be either the Volvo I love or a new Toyota Camry.
                          Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
                          Hi Guys
                          Was wondering if anyone knew when AT had her baby during Season 9. From what I could see she was heavily pregnant at the beginning but during Camelot she doesn't look pregnant.
                          Am I wrong? Just wondered.
                          Thanks for any help
                          The only heavily pregnant woman I recall being on the set was Claudia Black in season 9. As already mentioned, Amanda's "bump" was well hidden.
                          (The shipper in me wishes things were different though...that "bump" could have been something special for Sam and Jack...but alas that was not to be)
                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Btw everyone, remember my little baby cousin Ethan? Well other than that scare he put me through a couple months back, I think some of you remember me writing about that. Well, I felt like sharing a little vid of me and him in my uncles car from a little while back - Little Ethan
                          Cute!! You know my Niki was that small not so long she's the one behind the wheel.

                          Nighty night Samandans...take care all and enjoy the rest of your weekend...or if like me it's over, have a lovely week!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Ok...I had to pop back here to get my promotion. Well at least I hope that's what happens when one reaches 8000 posts!!!
                            I just couldn't go to bed and risk posting tomorrow in another thread for this most auspicious moment!
                            So...uhm...I assume most of you have seen the pics from Tokyo?? Notice how bright and cheerful Amanda looks...even in the rain!!!?? I love her's so contagious...if Amanda's smile were a virus, I wouldn't mind being infected for life!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Thank you...Niki says thank you too. She didn't want to do the test but hubby and I pushed for her to do it at this time. Here in Oz, you have to do a minimum of 120 hours driving before you can get your drivers license...and I'm trying to encourage her to develop some independence so that when she hits 18, she can go for her license and get herself from "A" to "B"....not that I don't like to help her out but part of growing up is becoming independent of your hard as that seems....for her and us!
                              my parents pushed me to get my learners and license too [thank goodness i didnt have to do the 120 hours deal] and im forever grateful... id be lost without my car

                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Heat waves here hit around the 35C mark and above. 13C is chilly but nt that bad...well not for me anyways. I wish it were cooler.
                              Its funny you mention about driving on the wrong side of the road. I had an argument of sorts with my older brother about hiring a car when we get to Germany but he reckons I wouldn't be able to handle driving on the wrong side of the road. I hate it when people have so little faith in you and they make no secret of it. I think I could give it a shot but I've been outvoted.
                              As for the type of car...I've driven an Audi and thought it was way overrated. I would not, by choice, buy an Audi. I actually have a 1991 Saab and she goes like a rocket...but she's getting old and costly now. The Toyota is awesome...haven't you heard???...Toyota Hilux...unbreakable! I want the Toyota they used on Top Gear. I'd love to have a new Toyota Landcrusier but one four wheel drive is enough for this family so the next car is going to be either the Volvo I love or a new Toyota Camry.
                              and the humidity, especially in queensland, arrrgggg... having said that give me heat over cold any day...

                              yeah i hate that too, you dont know unless you try how you would do trying on the other side of the road...

                              gotta love uk top gear the stuff they did to that hilux was classic! we have all the dvds...

                              my bro just got a 2007 toyota camry... for my next car id like a toyota yaris [sedan] or hyundai i30...
                              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                                Well, incase I remember it correctly , the Toyota Camry was called: Best Car of North America in 2007 or 2008. Or Best selling car in North America I'm not sure.

                                + For our American friends, they also have a Camry Hybrid

                                Think someone can convert Amanda to "the greatness that is Toyota"
                                Cause she converted us to "the greatness that is Amanda Tapping".

                                If Amanda Tapping is a virus, never cure me Doc, I like this disease

                                Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!

