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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    The opening times for reg are all in the 24 hour clock to avoid any confusion, and are as listed on the FAQ as follows:

    Good Luck everyone!

    Thanks for the info! I shall be waiting with my finger poised and hoping the internet link in the hotel is working

    And Good luck to you guys too! I know how much energy and time and effort goes into these things. You're going to have a busy day!
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Delurking to ask you guys a question...

      Does anyone happen to have a list of episodes Amanda did the audiocommentary for? I know I've listened to them all, but I never seem to remember all the eps...

      I could search the web, but I'm short on time and figured that there's an easy way to try first

      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Delurking to ask you guys a question...

        Does anyone happen to have a list of episodes Amanda did the audiocommentary for? I know I've listened to them all, but I never seem to remember all the eps...

        I could search the web, but I'm short on time and figured that there's an easy way to try first

        This was posted a while ago...

        Go to the bottom of the post.


          Originally Posted by Rocky89
          Just dropping off a new SyFy commercial, courtesy of Prion on another thread, it's SyFy's new online ad:

          Sanctuary, or more specifically Amanda and Robin are at 1:35
          It's one of the MOST magical and wondrous SyFy commercials I've ever seen
          I so want to see it but i'm unable to at the moment given how limited my internet is i cant watch any vid's without going over my limit does any have any pic's from it? if they do i'd love to see

          I had a Sanctuary dream last night it was so awsome the Nubbin's were on the loose again and they had multipled double they were all over the Sanctuary it was madness at one point i was being chased by a bunch of them i ran into one of the holding area's but it was in the shoe woop's i heard a shuffiling then a strange growel i slowly moved back untill i hit the glass i quickly looked out the glass to see if there was anyone outside i saw Helen/Amanda i was banging on the glass she saw me then i heard the growl behind me i turned around and it was this big slimy dog like creature it was about to get me when it heard little sqeeks the Nubbins they attacked it i ran for the door Helen opend the door i ran onto her we boath saw the nubbin's had eaten there way through the metal door i was about to run when she grabbed me and pointed me in the safer direction we ran we got to a door but it was locked we could hear the Nubbin's comming fool on i tried everything to open the door but it wouldnt budge then we heard someone on the other side i was yelling open the door! open the door! then the door opend and i woke up DO'H! i nver got to see who it was

          I so hope i get to see who it was

          I got my season 5 of Atlantis yesterday i havent had a chance to watch it yet but hopefully later tonight i can

          AMANDA TOTALY ROCK'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Just dropping off a new SyFy commercial, courtesy of Prion on another thread, it's SyFy's new online ad:


            Sanctuary, or more specifically Amanda and Robin are at 1:35

            It's one of the MOST magical and wondrous SyFy commercials I've ever seen . Amanda and Robin's cameo is short, but very sweet, and I loved the glass effect , and their smirks were so cute . I'm glad the queen was there to complete it.
            thanks for the link... neat ad... AT and robins part was too cute... and loved the glasses bit, that was cool

            Originally posted by staceyde View Post
            Just wanted to drop by and say AMANDA TAPPING ROCKS....
            HERE HERE
            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              Just dropping off a new SyFy commercial, courtesy of Prion on another thread, it's SyFy's new online ad:


              Sanctuary, or more specifically Amanda and Robin are at 1:35

              It's one of the MOST magical and wondrous SyFy commercials I've ever seen . Amanda and Robin's cameo is short, but very sweet, and I loved the glass effect , and their smirks were so cute . I'm glad the queen was there to complete it.
              Thanks for sharing that Rocky. Loved the short bit with Amanda and Robin, but funnily enough, the part that caught my eye the most was the scene at around :34 where the football is thrown with the staircases. Totally reminded me of an M.C. Escher print.

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Thanks, I really enjoyed it. Of course, I loved the part with Amanda and Robin! I liked how they had some of the channel's other stars just mingling around. I believe I saw some SGU characters as well.
              Yeah, I noticed Lou Diamond Phillips in there at one point. Still can't believe he was cast for SGU...


                So my folks and I have finally restarted our SG marathon (cracked open S4 of Atlantis, after which we have S9 and S10 of SG1 waiting...) and Mom (of all people) is totally stoked for SGU I'd say it was a conversion success Now if only I could have convinced them to watch the series' in the proper orders ... sigh. Ah well, who needs continuity, right? LOL

                I totally am loving Sam with longer hair, I must say (Then again, I'm fairly sure I'd love Sam bald and in a sack, but that's beside the point!)
                I mean, the first time I met Amanda in RL she had the long blonde locks, so it wasn't a huge visual shock that way, but still - I thought this'd be an appreciative place in which to mention it
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Hi Guys,

                  Just wanted to Wish everyone who's pre-registering for Gabit's SE and MTM events good luck!!

                  Those of us staying at home are gonna have a party here right?

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me



                    23 minutes
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Hi Guys,

                      Just wanted to Wish everyone who's pre-registering for Gabit's SE and MTM events good luck!!

                      Those of us staying at home are gonna have a party here right?

                      you know, with AT4, we can have a 'virtual con' in the thread.

                      People can post stories, their favorite Amanda/Sam moments, favorite fic, wall papers, etc

                      we can try it out for AT4, and if it works, those that don't get tickies for Sanctuary can do the same, maybe just in the sanctuary thread rather than here
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        you know, with AT4, we can have a 'virtual con' in the thread.

                        People can post stories, their favorite Amanda/Sam moments, favorite fic, wall papers, etc

                        we can try it out for AT4, and if it works, those that don't get tickies for Sanctuary can do the same, maybe just in the sanctuary thread rather than here
                        Good idea Sky

                        Good luck to everyone trying to get tickets.
                        *wishes I was going*

                        *wanders off to register for the Virtual Con in the other thread*


                          Hey guys, I had a wicked Sanctuary dream last night, and it's the first big Amanda related dream I've had in a while, and I'd better hurry while it's still fresh in my mind. It may sound weird, but that's what dreams are.

                          In the dream, there's like a construction site around the Sanctuary, I think they were building a movie set . One guy was like the boss of the whole thing, and the funny thing is that the was a character played by Michael Shanks . He talked to Helen and she said she didn't like that they were around her property causing all kinds of ruckus . I don't remember the characters name, so I'll just call him Michael . He told Helen she didn't have a choice. As the dream went on, some of the Sanctuary's abnormals started causing trouble for the construction workers, like sabotaging the machines and stuff.

                          At one point, Michael had a little chat with Ashely, and of course she did his best to ignore him and give him a hard time, but then when it looked like he was about to walk away, he walked back to her and started asking her questions about her father, and asked what it's like to have one of the biggest killers of all time as a father. That's when she stormed off and walked out.

                          Near the end of my dream, a bunch of tiny little blue fairies , flew towards one of the biggest machines and went inside to sabotage them, and they did a good job because they started to shake up and then they exploded . I remember Michael running for dear life away from the explosion, then he jumps to avoid the blast hitting him. He gets up, and sees that all his machines have been blown up, and he actually starts to cry . But then Helen shows up and starts to rub it in his face .

                          I thought it was a cool dream, I think construction trucks were based on the real life construction trucks working loudly outside my house, and I guess it was kind of a subliminal message . Overall it was a good dream, that's all I can remeber, I wish I could remember more... but yeah, and I REALLY wish it could have just been a Helen and Rocky centric dream . HA, not even in my dreams.


                            cross posting in cast you guys don't see it

                            > Voting is now open for the Stargate Fan Awards. You can vote for your favorites until July 31st, 2009 at
                            > As in the past, anyone can view the nominated works, however, in order to
                            > vote, you must create an account and log in. You can register for an account here
                            > Please rest assured that we will not divulge your email address to anyone. We adhere to a strict privacy policy.
                            > NOTE: If you had an account last year or you nominated this year, you can simply login with the username and password that you created at that time. If you can't remember your account information, that's no problem. Just re-register. But, please, only vote from ONE account. Votes cast from multiple accounts by the same individual will all be deleted.
                            > Your account will keep track of your votes. You may log in at any time to see in what categories and for whom you have voted. Not only that but, should you change your mind, you can modify your votes as many times as you wish up until the closing date of July 31, 2009.
                            > For Nominees: You already have an account with your username-nom. Login to this account to view your nominations and the categories in which they were listed. We tried to use either your first or second choice categories but, in some cases, we moved works to optimize our categories. If you are unhappy with the final placement, please contact us and we'll remove it. We have a special icon that you can place next to your nominated work(s) on any website to let folks know that you are nominated for an award. We will have these icons available within the next few days. Please check the home page at
                            > This year, we have nearly 2000 nominations, embracing the SG-1 and Atlantis fandoms and encompassing both fan fiction and multimedia. So, if you're ready to settle down to read fan fiction, view fan art, or sit back and watch fan music videos, then head on over to
                            > We wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your ongoing patience and support. As always, it's been quite a learning curve for all of the team.
                            > Best of luck to the nominees and happy voting!
                            >> The Stargate Fan Awards Team

                            so, go and choose the works you like the best and cast your vote
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              Thanks for the info! I shall be waiting with my finger poised and hoping the internet link in the hotel is working

                              And Good luck to you guys too! I know how much energy and time and effort goes into these things. You're going to have a busy day!
                              I echo those sentiments.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                I can see becky and mumsy now, in about 2 hours, they're gonna collapse in the nearest lounge chair, equally relieved 'hey, SE is off to a good start, MTM is sold out, pshew, we did it'

                                and then it hits them, wow, so we got how many e-mails to send out next week????
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


