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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by morjana View Post
    SG1 - Vote for Samantha Carter - Paley Center:

    At the Paley Center:

    Star Trek Smackdown: Kirk vs. ...?

    Who Could Out-Lead Kirk?: A Paley Center Poll

    Is Kirk really the über-commander, the greatest leader in the history of science fiction on television? You tell us. Below we offer twelve alternatives, along with snarky comments intended to jog your memory (and, perhaps, sway your vote). If we left out your own personal favorite, offense intended. But you can write in below and tell us all about it.

    Most importantly, cast your vote for whomever YOU think is the strongest candidate to go mano-a-mano with Kirk for the title of best TV sci-fi leader. The results of this poll will help shape the contents of a special Paley Center event in New York on May 7—a “Star Trek Smackdown”—at which our handpicked panel of sci-fi experts will debate whether Kirk is in fact God, as so many of his disciples seem to believe, or whether he is merely a Denethor-like pretender to a throne that rightly belongs to someone else. (Bonus: When you vote, you'll get access to an exclusive clip of Gene Roddenberry speaking at a Paley Center event.)

    So go ahead and vote. After all, resistance is futile.

    One of the candidates is:

    Samantha Carter
    (Amanda Tapping)
    Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis

    Brainy and brawny, Carter had a Ph.D in theoretical astrophysics and logged over 100 hours in enemy airspace during the Gulf War—need we say more?
    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Carter, brawny? Kick butt, yes--but brawn is not a word I'd associate with Sam. Oh well.
    Perhaps they made brawny as in... I have no idea .

    But the rest is all true .

    On another off topic, but sort of on topic AT note. I was reading an interview with her where she was talking about loving her work. I thought, I should take a page from her book. I've been letting some of the cr** that goes along with my job get me down. But I really do love what I do. I should focus on the positive and let that energize me.

    Not that AT's my guru or something but she does seem to have a great attitude.
    That's a good attitude, Amanda's no guru, but she brings out the good and positive side in people .

    (Repost from the Sanctuary thread)

    Originally posted by antoa View Post
    I finally got through all my convention pictures and posted them! Yay!

    Clicky Here for Pictures!
    Direct Link to Amanda Pics

    Now I just have to get through all the pictures from touring and post those too!

    The usual disclaimer applies. These are my pictures. Please do not use them or post them elsewhere (or upload them elsewhere) without my permission. Please do not remove the watermark. Thanks!
    Wow, those are awesome, I love the one's with Chris and Ryan .

    OMG, Amanda looks so beautiful .

    This one is awesome-

    She looks like she's picking her nose here-

    She looks stunning in this one-

    Goofy here-


    Love this one-

    The lemon-

    What was she saying here?-

    What Amanda's doing here is very wrong-

    A face as super beautiful as hers should NEVER be covered .

    I REALLY want to see Amanda in a dress (as do we all ) and I REALLY want to see her win. *crosses fingers*


      Hi all!
      I come bearing a gift of sorts.,
      Today I went to the city to meet a friend who had been so lucky to go to the Vancouver con. So we met up for a hot coffee for me ...and a chat and of course I wanted to hear all about her trip.
      So imagine to my utter shock and surprise when she presents this to me...which I have also posted in the Gabit thread. I'm over the moon...and higher!!

      I'm sorry but I thought it would be fun to share. You might have heard my squee this afternoon!!
      And this evening when I showed hubby and the kids!!
      Anyhoo, after a not so great week, this was just the best thing ever. I don't know how I can thank Beth enough. How do you thank someone who does that for you?

      Antoa...great pics...I'm still going through them though...but wow...awesome...and soooo many!!! Thank you for sharing!

      Id love to play more but RL is demanding other things. Night night all, take care and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        Hi all!
        I come bearing a gift of sorts.,
        Today I went to the city to meet a friend who had been so lucky to go to the Vancouver con. So we met up for a hot coffee for me ...and a chat and of course I wanted to hear all about her trip.
        So imagine to my utter shock and surprise when she presents this to me...which I have also posted in the Gabit thread. I'm over the moon...and higher!!

        I'm sorry but I thought it would be fun to share. You might have heard my squee this afternoon!!
        And this evening when I showed hubby and the kids!!
        Anyhoo, after a not so great week, this was just the best thing ever. I don't know how I can thank Beth enough. How do you thank someone who does that for you?

        Antoa...great pics...I'm still going through them though...but wow...awesome...and soooo many!!! Thank you for sharing!

        Id love to play more but RL is demanding other things. Night night all, take care and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
        OMG! So that's what that noise was .
        I clicked the first vid and I thought, "That's cool, she's got a vid of Chris, Emilie and Ryan." But then, I saw the second vid, and BOOM, you can imagine my reaction when I saw that pretty little face, I think you may have heard me squee .

        Chelle, you are SOOOOOOOO freaking lucky to have a friend like that , if I were you, I'd thank her every single day, because in a sense, she gave you a video autograph from Amanda . Oh, and you got a kiss from Amanda .


          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          OMG! So that's what that noise was .
          I clicked the first vid and I thought, "That's cool, she's got a vid of Chris, Emilie and Ryan." But then, I saw the second vid, and BOOM, you can imagine my reaction when I saw that pretty little face, I think you may have heard me squee .
          Chelle, you are SOOOOOOOO freaking lucky to have a friend like that , if I were you, I'd thank her every single day, because in a sense, she gave you a video autograph from Amanda . Oh, and you got a kiss from Amanda .
          Yep!! I gotsa a kiss!!! And Chris, Ryan and Emilie called out my name and Ryan said he loves Australia...I believe he was actually born I kinda feel just a wee bit elated right now!!

          Still going through antoa's pics....full of Amanda awesomeness!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Those are wonderful Chelle, and you so deserve them!



              Chelle, that's SO cool!!! Yay And so so nice of your friend!


                a warm and fuzzy sam and jack fic
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Perhaps they made brawny as in... I have no idea .

                  But the rest is all true .
                  I looked up the definition of "brawny", and part of the definition is "strong" and "powerful" ... and both of those words fit Sam. So I'm going with that part of the definition, even though "brawny" sounds just weird.


                    brawny is more a term i'd use to describe teal'c. brawn = bulky
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      brawny is more a term i'd use to describe teal'c. brawn = bulky
                      Exactly. Something like that was in the definition of the word, too. But I wouldn't use it to describe Sam.


                        Hey Everyone,

                        I'm having a day off from studying today. My brain is tired lol.

                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        I finally got through all my convention pictures and posted them! Yay!

                        Clicky Here for Pictures!
                        Direct Link to Amanda Pics

                        Now I just have to get through all the pictures from touring and post those too!

                        The usual disclaimer applies. These are my pictures. Please do not use them or post them elsewhere (or upload them elsewhere) without my permission. Please do not remove the watermark. Thanks!
                        Thank you so much for posting them antoa! They're great!
                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Hi all!
                        I come bearing a gift of sorts.,
                        Today I went to the city to meet a friend who had been so lucky to go to the Vancouver con. So we met up for a hot coffee for me ...and a chat and of course I wanted to hear all about her trip.
                        So imagine to my utter shock and surprise when she presents this to me...which I have also posted in the Gabit thread. I'm over the moon...and higher!!



                        I'm sorry but I thought it would be fun to share. You might have heard my squee this afternoon!!
                        And this evening when I showed hubby and the kids!!
                        Anyhoo, after a not so great week, this was just the best thing ever. I don't know how I can thank Beth enough. How do you thank someone who does that for you?
                        Id love to play more but RL is demanding other things. Night night all, take care and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
                        Thank you so much for sharing your really special gift with us Chelle, its so cool!!!

                        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          I made certain you weren't in any of the pics. I even cropped you out of the one with the mountie.
                          Was I in that one? Oh, ya, I forgot you girls made me do it. I'm such a tourist!

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by Kickoutwoolsey View Post
                            Hmm, I think i could see Paris Hilton, or Britney Spears, or maybe even Lindsay lohan playing Carter in the future if they ever made a remake of sg-1 . Or what about CB stepping down from playing vala, and takes over as sam carter?

                            What am I nuts? They would DESTROY one of the best, if not, the best tv character ever! Amanda tapping is and always will be sam carter .
                            <<gouges out eyes>>

                            Seriously, I think Linsey Lohan might have the talent to pull it off. The others.... no. Just, no. If she manages to clean up. She was really good in the remake of Parent Trap. And she was a tween then.

                            But she needs to grow up first. And I don't mean physically.

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Hi all!
                              I come bearing a gift of sorts.,
                              Today I went to the city to meet a friend who had been so lucky to go to the Vancouver con. So we met up for a hot coffee for me ...and a chat and of course I wanted to hear all about her trip.
                              So imagine to my utter shock and surprise when she presents this to me...which I have also posted in the Gabit thread. I'm over the moon...and higher!!



                              I'm sorry but I thought it would be fun to share. You might have heard my squee this afternoon!!
                              And this evening when I showed hubby and the kids!!
                              Anyhoo, after a not so great week, this was just the best thing ever. I don't know how I can thank Beth enough. How do you thank someone who does that for you?

                              Antoa...great pics...I'm still going through them though...but wow...awesome...and soooo many!!! Thank you for sharing!

                              Id love to play more but RL is demanding other things. Night night all, take care and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
                              Hey, that is tres cool. What a very lovely thing for your friend to do.

                              It's OT but can I just say how very kind it was of Emilie U, Chris H, Ryan R and Robin D to show up at the GW dinner after a very long day of shooting. They took time to speak with fans, sign autographs and take pictures (and make the odd video ). Some of them also attended the fan party after even though the had to film early the next morning. They were also very kind when they learned we were coming on the set tour the next day. They seemed genuinely happy we were coming. Lovely, lovely folk.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Hey, that is tres cool. What a very lovely thing for your friend to do.

                                It's OT but can I just say how very kind it was of Emilie U, Chris H, Ryan R and Robin D to show up at the GW dinner after a very long day of shooting. They took time to speak with fans, sign autographs and take pictures (and make the odd video ). Some of them also attended the fan party after even though the had to film early the next morning. They were also very kind when they learned we were coming on the set tour the next day. They seemed genuinely happy we were coming. Lovely, lovely folk.
                                Well, Chris apparently didn't get the memo and didn't know that we were going to be there

                                We got copies of the memo they sent out about our visit.

