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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Time for a big SQUEEEE!

    Of topic though, sorry.

    I'm nominated for a Hugo again! In fan artist, obviously. Rather happy, as you can guess!
    Not expecting to win (I have two, where would I put a third?) but it really, really is an honour to be nominated.
    If you don't know what a Hugo is, well, it's the SF convention version of an Oscar, it's been awarded for over 50 years. it's kind of a big thing for me.

    Is happy bunny.

    No freakin' way?! That's not an "honour," that's A BIG FREAKIN' DEAL!!!

    Oh, how very cool for you. Congrat's. *Pol runs off to check the Hugo site*
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      I'd like to go to the set and watch a few hours of filming.Then maybe lunch. Maybe bring a couple friends along.That would be perfect.
      There's that "b" again, Antoa

      I think I would go your route. Cos, in all honesty, if it was a choice between spending a day with friends I rarely saw and spending a day with Amanda.... I'd choose my friends.

      Yeah, it's fun to spend a couple of hours with Amanda, I'm sure... but I don't really know the woman. And though she's probably as lovely and genuine as she seems, and she does appear to have a knack of making people feel at ease, I'm not sure I'd be entirely comfortable spending a whole day with someone who probably hadn't chosen to be with me, who I didn't really know... especially if I, on the other hand, had the chance to hang out with someone I know, like and rarely got to see.

      Guess what I'm saying is that if I was faced with the choice of spending a day with only one of the three Amandas (AT, Antoa and my Sanctuary Viewing Buddy Amanda)... no friends, just the two of us doing stuff, and it had to be a whole day.... I would probably choose Antoa. And we'd hit a con. A bloody good one.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.




          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
          Time for a big SQUEEEE!

          Of topic though, sorry.

          I'm nominated for a Hugo again! In fan artist, obviously. Rather happy, as you can guess!
          Not expecting to win (I have two, where would I put a third?) but it really, really is an honour to be nominated.
          If you don't know what a Hugo is, well, it's the SF convention version of an Oscar, it's been awarded for over 50 years. it's kind of a big thing for me.

          Is happy bunny.

          You have every right to be a happy bunny!! That is fantastic, big CONGRATS!

          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          Hi guys, just dropping off my question of the day for all you good people.

          If you got the chance to spend the day with Amanda, and you could have anything you want happen, what would you do? Take her to a theme park, go fishing, go through a hike in the woods?

          Anything you want .
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          go for lunch with her, go shopping, then have dinner together. just basically hanging out and talking about *everything* and anything.
          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Hmmm...anything I want hey??? Well I'd probably be inclined to just sit and chat with her. But I'm not sure about all day though. I'd feel guilty about taking up her time. Of course if she wanted to sit and chat all day then that would be perfectly fine with me.
          And maybe we'd goof around with our camera's and take really goofy pictures of our day together. I mean really goofy!!
          But really, what I would love to do is just get to know her and let her get to know me too. It would fun.
          I know...I'm boring...but I don't like shopping and when I go walking I don't like to talk too much as I try to concentrate on keeping my breathing even and theme parks are just too crowded. Fishing is great but I prefer to do that with hubby and the kids.
          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          I'd like to go to the set and watch a few hours of filming.Then maybe lunch. Maybe bring a couple friends along.That would be perfect.
          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i would love to hang out at the set and just watch the magic happen. see the real people behind the magic

          jsut sit in a corner and watch
          You know, funny you should mention this. As you may know, Antoa, PengYn, SamJackShipLover et moi are going to the Vancouver con in less than two weeks. We were not at liberty to disclose this previously but now have the OK. We have arranged this kind of cool add on to our activities. We are going on a set tour to see some filming of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping.

          P.S. This is not a joke.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Hi Everyone,

            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Hi guys, just dropping off my question of the day for all you good people.

            If you got the chance to spend the day with Amanda, and you could have anything you want happen, what would you do? Take her to a theme park, go fishing, go through a hike in the woods?

            Anything you want .
            I'd just like to spend time chatting to Amanda that would be great! Then maybe go with her to the Sanctuary set and sit and watch quietly.
            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            Wouldn't it be cool to have the members of Samanda go to the set and watch for just a day and have lunch with the cast and crew. A girl can only dream can't she!?
            *nods* that would be cool!
            Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
            Happy Birthday from me too!
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            You know, funny you should mention this. As you may know, Antoa, PengYn, SamJackShipLover et moi are going to the Vancouver con in less than two weeks. We were not at liberty to disclose this previously but now have the OK. We have arranged this kind of cool add on to our activities. We are going on a set tour to see some filming of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping.

            P.S. This is not a joke.
            Oh wow!!! (squeeeee for you all!!) Hope you guys have fantastic time! That's sooo cool!!

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              You know, funny you should mention this. As you may know, Antoa, PengYn, SamJackShipLover et moi are going to the Vancouver con in less than two weeks. We were not at liberty to disclose this previously but now have the OK. We have arranged this kind of cool add on to our activities. We are going on a set tour to see some filming of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping.

              P.S. This is not a joke.
              OMG I was about to explode keeping the squee inside. Gah!


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                You know, funny you should mention this. As you may know, Antoa, PengYn, SamJackShipLover et moi are going to the Vancouver con in less than two weeks. We were not at liberty to disclose this previously but now have the OK. We have arranged this kind of cool add on to our activities. We are going on a set tour to see some filming of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping.

                P.S. This is not a joke.
                Oh wow! That's fantastic. What a wonderful opportunity. Enjoy yourselves and you know we want a full report (or at least as much as you're allowed to tell) when you get back.


                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  OMG I was about to explode keeping the squee inside. Gah!
                  That's not good for you, you got to let it out! (squee!)

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    That's not good for you, you got to let it out! (squee!)
                    It's nice to see something like this going to dedicated fans, rather than just someone with more money than sense (not that I can imagine spending that amount of money to meet anyone!).
                    I'm sure you will have a splendid time.

                    Thank you for everyone for the congratulations over the Hugo nomination, I'm still on cloud nine.
                    And it helps that loads of my friends have also got nominations (Neil and Charlie in the Novels category, Farah and Paul in Best Related Book, Patrick in Best Editor, Long Form, Claire and Mark, Chris and Mike in Fanzines, Chris, David, John and Cheryl in Fan Writer and of course, the other fan artists.
                    I really won't win but I'm planning on going to the con so I get to go to the pre and post Hugo parties (remind me to tell you about the time Terry Pratchett didn't have in invitation to the post Hugo party so blagged his way in on my ticket!) and, as you are nominated by other fans, it really means something to get the nod, win or lose.



                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      You know, funny you should mention this. As you may know, Antoa, PengYn, SamJackShipLover et moi are going to the Vancouver con in less than two weeks. We were not at liberty to disclose this previously but now have the OK. We have arranged this kind of cool add on to our activities. We are going on a set tour to see some filming of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping.

                      P.S. This is not a joke.
                      That's fabulous, just make sure that Creation doesn't get wind of this. They're (unfortunately) not too fond of stuff like this. Have fun!

                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      OMG I was about to explode keeping the squee inside. Gah!
                      Is that the noise I heard earlier today? You finally exploding from holding in the squee?
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        That's fabulous, just make sure that Creation doesn't get wind of this. They're (unfortunately) not too fond of stuff like this. Have fun!

                        Is that the noise I heard earlier today? You finally exploding from holding in the squee?

                        Sanctuary doesn't have a contract for cons with them ( yet). What it might do is bring the show to their attention. I'm of two (or more) minds at to whether this is a good thing.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                          Thanks ppl


                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            Sanctuary doesn't have a contract for cons with them ( yet). What it might do is bring the show to their attention. I'm of two (or more) minds at to whether this is a good thing.

                            Uh Oh! You all know that if two or more of suse's minds ever actually are in agreement we're all in a LOT of trouble!


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Uh Oh! You all know that if two or more of suse's minds ever actually are in agreement we're all in a LOT of trouble!
                              Considering how much we tend to agree on certain things (along with Mandy and occasionally Jan) I think at LOT of trouble is in the making!

                              Last edited by suse; 21 March 2009, 04:27 PM.
                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                I wrote a very short piece that touches on the issue:

                                Title: No Unfamiliar Longing
                                Author: scifithinker
                                Rating: 13+
                                Categories: Sam Carter
                                Spoilers: Enigma
                                Archive: Ask, please.
                                Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate SG-1; I make no money from this story. For entertainment purposes only.
                                Summary: Sam aches to be touched.

                                No Unfamiliar Longing

                                Today, she aches to be touched.

                                The legacy of grief and genius, this skin hunger is no unfamiliar longing.

                                She remembers Jonas. Their relationship lasted far beyond its natural shelf life because he touched her, even if only to extract his orgasms at the expense of her own. With eyes wide open, she paid the price of his self-absorpsion far longer than was healthy in exchange for mediocre sex and an occasional hug. She may not have been the most emotionally aware, but Jonas's egomania was hard to miss after those first few heady months when he'd made an effort to suppress it. She'd finally screwed up the courage to break the engagement two weeks after she brought home a scrawny cat from the animal shelter.

                                No longer scrawny, Schroedinger was the only living creature that touched her, and she was inordinately grateful that she'd picked a cat who was generous in his affection. Those moments with him draped around her neck, purring in her ear, kept the hunger at bay for many a lonely evening. He was exactly what she needed, but since her transfer to Cheyenne Mountain, she is no longer what he needs.

                                She gave Schroedinger to Narim last week, and today, she aches to be touched.

                                Sam's job would leave Schroedinger without consistent care and attention. She knew Narim would treasure and care for him. It's what I would want for my cats. I adore my cats, but I would give them away if it were best for them.
                                This brought tears to my eyes. It's the only thing I miss being single. My kitties bring me joy and they touch my heart many times a day and, of course, it is lovely to fall asleep feeling a purry friend by my hip. I also have thought of what to do if I could no longer care for them (and them for me).

