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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by suse View Post
    So if Amanda Tapping had been cast on SG-1, but not as Sam, who would she have played?

    Ignore the gender of the characters in the movie.

    interesting question.

    jack or daniel. both would work.



      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      interesting question.

      jack or daniel. both would work.
      Agreed. Jacqueline O'Neill or Danielle Jackson.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Originally posted by Melora View Post
        She confirmed in her interview in the latest SG Magazine that there is a possibility that she will have a cameo in it. I guess it all depends on her schedule and when they shoot it. She also said that she is definitely going to be in the SG-1 movie no matter what.
        this is wonderful news, on both counts/movies!!

        something amanda said recently (it might be in her kamil audio interview) that she wasn't sure how much of the 3rd movie she could be in, because of scheduling/sanctuary. that kind of bothered me, because sam IS stargate for me. but, what you said above (the highlighted part) makes me feel VERY good.

        thanks, melora.



          Originally posted by Alan View Post
          How so? It can't be edited as easily as Wikipedia can it?
          yes it can. also remember Joe said
          TJ writes: “With all this talk of the SGA movie, I was surfing on IMDb and saw there’s a listing up for it…”

          Answer: As the actors pointed out at the recent mewhosits Con (that my spell-check changed to Methodist Con), there are no deals in place as of yet [Dec 08].

          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            this is wonderful news, on both counts/movies!!

            something amanda said recently (it might be in her kamil audio interview) that she wasn't sure how much of the 3rd movie she could be in, because of scheduling/sanctuary. that kind of bothered me, because sam IS stargate for me. but, what you said above (the highlighted part) makes me feel VERY good.

            thanks, melora.
            Yes, thanks melora!

            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
            I had no idea IMDB was so easily edited by outsiders. I thought it was a rock solid, professionally edited site. Shows what I know.

            And me remember? That's a larf.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              this is wonderful news, on both counts/movies!!

              something amanda said recently (it might be in her kamil audio interview) that she wasn't sure how much of the 3rd movie she could be in, because of scheduling/sanctuary. that kind of bothered me, because sam IS stargate for me. but, what you said above (the highlighted part) makes me feel VERY good.

              thanks, melora.
              I thought I should perhaps provide the entire quote to prevent any possible confusion. I also thought what AT says about BW was very sweet.

              From March/April 2009 SG Magazine:
              "I'm hopefully going to be a part of both [movies]! There's a possibility of a cameo for me on the Stargate Atlantis movie! It's not confirmed by any stretch, but obviously with the Stargate SG-1 movie shooting at as well... I don't know how it will work. Even if Sanctuary is shooting at that time, we'll make it work! This is going to sound so hokey, but I would do anything for Brad Wright. Ever since I met him, that man has been in my corner, so if he said 'There's a Stargate SG-1 movie and we're shooting it NOW!' I'd be like, 'OK! I'll be right there!'" - Amanda Tapping

              I believe that it is pretty clear that no contracts have been signed. But it is also pretty clear that TPTB have approached at least RDA, AT, MS, and CJ to be in the SG-1 movie. I can only assume they also asked AT if she would be interested in doing a cameo role in the SGA movie. However, I don't know when the interview took place and things sometimes change. I would recommend that no one get their hopes up until the contracts are signed, the cast lists are officially announced, and the movies go into production.


                I think Amanda could have had a lot of fun with any of the Stargate characters. There could potentially have been a lot of fun with her playing Teal'c (although Teal'c would have definitely been an intimidating warrior in a different way) but that kind of straight faced humour and gradual adjustment of language and culture over the series would have been fun for her I think. Not to mention the arse kicking coolness of Teal'c

                Daniel would also be a good one.

                I don't think she could have played Jack because she was too young for that at the start.
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  Hi Everyone,

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  I think of all of you as my (wayward) children.

                  Edit: I love Washington State and Wales!
                  Mummy EH-T!!
                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Anyhoo, love the posters starlover...thank you for the pics Lies...not sure about Amanda's dress though...honestly??? I don't like it. But her hair has definitely gone blonde again...I wonder if they will keep it blonde for the show? I'm not sure if I have asked this here or not, but do you think Helen's hair went dark as a result of the vampire blood?? Looking at Tesla and well all of the Five, they all...except John...seem to have dark hair...could that be a bi-product of the blood??
                  Night all. Take care and have fun! (((Samandans)))
                  OOh I hadn't thought of the bolded part Chelle but that would be a cool reason!! As to Amanda's dress its not the best I've seen her in.
                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                  Happy Birthday to you!! And to JuliaR too!!
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                  What i find the most frustrating, re sam's life, in the past few years, the first scenes that get cut for time are interaction scenes. Look at Ripple Effect, what we got vs what Joe posted that got cut. the scenes that got cut were, by and large, scenes that fans had been saying 'yeah, cool eps, too bad they didnt' do.....' and they were scenes with sam and janet or sam and martouf or other interactions.

                  I've lost count of times when, during commentaries, we've heard 'yeah, there was a scene between.......but it got cut for time.

                  It seems that, from an editing standpoint, character interaction takes second place to effects and booms and glitzy stuff.

                  the thing is, those character interactions are what made the show so great to begin with. more fanfic was spawned from a 30 second wordless exchange between sam and jack in Upgrades than any battle scene.

                  The character moments are what make a show interesting and give it more depth than any amount of explosions can.

                  and in those character moments, we could have had some of sam's issues addressed. Little throwaway lines like 'cassie's home for spring break this weekend' or imagine the wealth of emotion we'd have gotten from a sam and vala scene where sam talks to her about being a host and how they've dealt with it, or sam and vala talking about Adria and children and futures and all that

                  those are the 'boring character interactions' that the editors/directors/producers cut first, but they're the richest and 'best' scenes for fans (at least those of us whose first love isn't 'wow, look at that blow up')

                  If they had left/put some of these in, i think all the characters would be richer and we'd have some inkling about how the characters felt about some of this stuff
                  Well said Sky

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    I heard "Simply Irresistible" on the radio this AM. That title sounds like a description of Amanda. Any other song titles that you think say "Amanda" or "Sam"?
                    "Suddenly I see" by Katie Tunstall...always has me thinking of Amanda!! That and "Every little thing she does is Magic" by the Police...I think it's by the Police! I have more but it's late-ish and I have yet to have dinner so my mind is not all here...ok, that came out wrong!
                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Basically, what I'm saying is the SGC has been put in danger a LOT, Sam doesn't need to go off-world to be killed, it can happen right there at the SGC.
                    If she had a "normal" military job, maybe, but doind what she does for a living, I don't know if she's ready to bring a child into the world with all that going on.
                    I mean Chelle, when you meet Amanda for the first time, and she's wearing that, what would you do?
                    Still love you (as a friend). *Hugs*
                    Okely dokley...first don't have to work in the military to be at roisk of being killed...I'm at risk every time I hop into my car and drive to work...does that mean I shouldn't have children?? I know her risk would be greater given her job description but when you look at life, we're all at risk every soon as we wake up. Life can't stop....dreams should not be put on hold or given up normal job can guarantee you safety to raise your children. Just saying!
                    If I met Amanda and she was wearing that dress...well of course I wouldn't say anything. I don't mean to sound judgmental on her choice of dress...I just thought that dress wasn't that....nice!
                    And I love you too a friend of course!!!
                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    So if Amanda Tapping had been cast on SG-1, but not as Sam, who would she have played?
                    Ignore the gender of the characters in the movie.
                    I could see her as Daniel or Janet. It would have been fun though to see her play Vala!!
                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    Hey guys! I've just been looking at Amanda's profile on IMDb and it's saying that she's going to be featuring in the Stargate: Atlantis movie! If that's right then it's obviously fantastic news!
                    Anybody else hear anything on this?
                    Originally posted by Melora View Post
                    She confirmed in her interview in the latest SG Magazine that there is a possibility that she will have a cameo in it. I guess it all depends on her schedule and when they shoot it. She also said that she is definitely going to be in the SG-1 movie no matter what.
                    I had heard the same thing...funny thing was, I was just talking to daughter about it last night. I hope we get to see a really good descent amount of Sam in the SG1 movie...and if she's in the SGA movie then that would be awesome...but if not...well...than I can live with that. What I mean is that a cameo is just that...I much prefer a part with more substance than just a cameo. Of curse I could be wrong.
                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    I wouldn't trust IMDB as a reliable source
                    Especially after the last fiasco...I trust no one. Well I do trust some folks but admittedly, I have trust issues at the moment!
                    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                    I don't think she could have played Jack because she was too young for that at the start.
                    I agree. I don't think she could have played Jack or Teal'c. I'm so glad that she got to play Sam and not any other character though...can you imagine if she had been Janet...then Heroes happens...shudder the at the thought!!
                    Night all. (((Samandans)))
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                      I highly doubt her hair will ever be blonde in show for anything other than flashbacks. Because remember, Amanda wants Helen to be nothing like Sam, that's why she has the accent, the hair, all of that. As for the drees, I was a little unsure about her dress at first, I like it because it makes her look... what's the word... I don't know.... Also, one of the first things I noticed is that she's showing less "leg" than usual .
                      So, a "leg man" are you Rocky? What was that Felger said about Sam? "one of the greatest minds of our generation...and a pair of legs that won't quit." ?


                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        So if Amanda Tapping had been cast on SG-1, but not as Sam, who would she have played?

                        Ignore the gender of the characters in the movie.

                        Unfortunately, my first thought was somebody's wife. At the time of casting, that was the 'usual' role for women. I think that is one thing about AT as Sam Carter, she kind of broke some molds.

                        Now for the answer I would really have liked. I could see them putting her as Major Davis or the 'off-world love interest' very easily. Of the more main characters..........hmmmmmmm.........I don't know. With glasses she would be Daniel. I don't ever see her as Jack or Hammond. Janet, yes. A gate technician, yes. I could see her as Teal'c, but the character would have to be a little less 'physical' and more 'intellectual'. Or maybe I should say 'physical' in a different way. Nobody could ever hide AT's beauty.
                        Last edited by hisg1fans; 10 March 2009, 04:38 AM.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          So, a "leg man" are you Rocky? What was that Felger said about Sam? "one of the greatest minds of our generation...and a pair of legs that won't quit." ?
                          LMAO Rocky=Felger


                            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                            Unfortunately, my first thought was somebody's wife. At the time of casting, that was the 'usual' role for women. I think that is one thing about AT as Sam Carter, she kind of broke some molds.

                            Now for the answer I would really have liked. I could see them putting her as Major Davis of the 'off-world love interest' very easily. Of the more main characters..........hmmmmmmm.........I don't know. With glasses she would be Daniel. I don't ever see her as Jack or Hammond. Janet, yes. A gate technician, yes. I could see her as Teal'c, but the character would have to be a little less 'physical' and more 'intellectual'. Or maybe I should say 'physical' in a different way. Nobody could ever hide AT's beauty.
                            How about a villain? Hathor or Nirti?


                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              How about a villain? Hathor or Nirti?
                              Osiris!!! I think Anna Louise Plowman is just gorgeous!! I can so see Amanda playing Osiris if she had to play a villain.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                So if Amanda Tapping had been cast on SG-1, but not as Sam, who would she have played?

                                Ignore the gender of the characters in the movie.

                                I think she would have been a great Goa'uld... My favourite would have then been Apophis.
                                Mainly cause Apophis is a really amazing bad guy! I guess that has a lot to do with the fact that he is the first... It was a really good developed character. And he was more then just a bad guy. He had his own backstory and everything! I loved that about him.
                                And I think Amanda would do great as him, because (as she has shown us with RepliCarter - Sam Carter) she can make the differences between evil and good. And that is something Apophis had. He was evil but also tried to show his human side if he needed too...

                                Although I can see Amanda as Janet Frasier too, or even Jack and Daniel.

                                But if I could chose I would go for Apophis.. Cause I loved replicarter and the evil in her. And I think Amanda did an amazing job!! I think she should do the bad guy (or girl ) more.

