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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

    Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?

    I had just returned home (the day before) after being in the hospital for several days for pneumonia (again), and was sleeping. I sleep with the radio on, and it's normally set to a jazz station, that has very, very brief news broadcasts. (I live in Calif, so it was very early out west.)

    Soon after the first plane hit the WTC, the radio station switched its signal to a live news radio station in town, and the multitude of voices talking soon woke me up. At first, I was very disoriented, due to a combination of factors -- illness, medication, lack of sleep...and the event itself.

    Within about 15 minutes or so, I finally became fully aware of what was going on, and went out to my living room to turn on the TV. I called my brother (in the same town) to alert him, and he came over to my home and watched TV with me.

    I had several distant relatives, friends and internet acquaintances who worked/lived in the New York City area, and it took several days before I knew that they were all okay.

    Regarding SG1, we later found out that they were shooting the opening scenes of 'Menace' that day...and that's why Teal'c has no lines in the opening scenes.

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      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

      Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
      I tutored one of my boys at the time. Afterwards I went to my job and made a trip to the nearby department store. In the electronics department there was a TV on and people had gathered around it.
      I saw a skyline and lots of smoke and simply assumed that it was a major fire.

      When I arrived at my job they had the radio on and told me what had happened/was happening.

      My first thought was that not even Hollywood could think of such an atrocity.

      Just a side note: the boy I tutored on that day was in 7th grade I think.
      The English textbook for that grade had the twin towers on the cover. It already had the towers on the cover back in the 80's when I was in that grade.
      Knowing how slow they are with updating those books, it probably still has.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

        Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
        I lived in Cali at the time, so it was early. My clock alarm was set on a classical music station and it went off playing music like normal. Then the piece was interrupted by a news flash and I heard them talking about a plane crashing into tower #1. It hadn't fallen yet. I was still living at home, so I ran into my parents' room and switched on their TV, waking my mom up. She didn't believe me when I told her at first, but then, watching it on TV, it was incredible. I remember the towers falling and I was covering my mouth in disbelief that this could be happening on American soil. I was horrified. And then a small part of me started being worried that it would affect my wedding, which was scheduled for the 29th, 18 days later. Trivial, I know, but there you go.

        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

        SG-1 FanFiction
        Sanctuary Fanfiction


          Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
          I entertained myself with this , so you all might be as well.

          As the description states, this video is my entry to MGM's little thing they have going. For some reason I don't know the answer to, I used the user name "CrazyMonkey7" on the site, but I introduced myself as Falcon anyway. If the site will ever let me upload it, hopefully they won't think I stole it.

          PS - I turned my bright fan light on before I shot that, so I don't know why the heck it's so dark (stupid digital camera). Also, I blame youtube for that wako stuff going on. Here's the rapidshare for anyone interested:

          Falcon, great vid! It's a very candid and funny one too. Good luck with it!

          What? No instant gratification? I opened the spoilers expecting to be, well spoiled but came only upon the links. Meh. Me and my impatience with things. Great pics! Sam/Amanda's expressions are always a delight.

          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          I was in my first year of Uni and just had orientation to get to know stuff and on the 11th I felt sick and so I stayed home, just laying in bed when mom called me to tell me to turn on the tv and I was totally shocked. I remembered that I watched news all day long and in the evening and I know mom had a meeting and she cancelled it and we watched it together and tried to call my sis who at that time lived in New York for work. I remember not getting through but when we heard her voice I was never so relieved before... and I remember that I thought about all those people who never got a phonecall from there loved ones...
          All very shocking. It still feels like it just happened only a year or so ago but it has already been 7 years...

          And why I actually did drop by...Does anyone of the fanfiction reading people know a good Sam fic for the first episode of SGA season 5??? preferable a tag or a re-write...Thanks
          *tackle hugs* Your back! where is that glue?


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

            Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
            I was living in Phoenix at the time and a friend from back home in MN was out to visit. We'd been planning on driving to LA that day to watch a taping of a TV show. We were up and getting ready to leave when she got a call from her boyfriend. We turned on the TV just as the second plane crashed, I believe.

            We decided to make the drive anyway. For me, I just needed something to keep me away from the TV and sane. We made it all the way to the CA/AZ boarder when we called and found out the taping we were going to had been canceled, so we turned back (we were just going to drive back that night anyway).

            My friend (and her parents) were stuck in Phoenix and ended up having to rent a car and drive back to Minnesota.

            I flew home about a week and a half later. My friends thought I was crazy. I was flying home for an Irish Dance competition. I had started Irish dancing until after I'd gone away to college, so my family had never seen me dance. It turned out the be the one and only time my mother saw me Irish Dance, so I am glad I went.

            And now I am going back to bed since the work pager is no longer going off.

            *iz tired*


              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              I was a week and a half off being 19, I remember writing in my journal that I was kinda scared what would happen next.
              I would have just turned 31. My greatest fear was for my two children who were asleep when the events unfolded. Niki was almost 9 and Tom was only 5. I recall David and I checking in on the kids after the initial attack. It was such a surreal moment standing there watching them sleep while on the other side of the world, people were dieing and going through hell.
              We were scared about what would happen next too. I was scared about David having to leave us if it came to that, scared about the kids and how they were going to deal with what was happening, scared that it would happen in our own backyard.
              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
              I entertained myself with this , so you all might be as well.
              As the description states, this video is my entry to MGM's little thing they have going. For some reason I don't know the answer to, I used the user name "CrazyMonkey7" on the site, but I introduced myself as Falcon anyway. If the site will ever let me upload it, hopefully they won't think I stole it.
              That was great Falcon...had to laugh when you mentioned that you were a dude...and later Amanda!!! Good one!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i wrote one, Changing of the Guard, just follow the link to Emerald CitY
              and i know i've read at least a couple more, i just can't pull the titles out at the moment
              Changing of the Guard
              I keep your fics close by Sky. I love them!

              I have to say I'm touched at the stories you've all shared about where you were on 9/11/2001. Thank you all.

              Just been into the Sanctuary thread and Falcon has posted that the Sanctuary site is once again up and running....well kinda...with the most awesomest preview!!
              Just in case you haven't been to the Sanctuary thread, I thought I should mention it here!
              Sanctuary for all
              On that note, I shall bid you all a good night as I get my butt to bed in preparation for a weekend ahead of working...I have an awful feeling that this weekend is gonna be a doozy work wise...and I'm rarely wrong with my feelings about work!!
              Night all, take care and have a lovely weekend.
              Last edited by Chelle DB; 12 September 2008, 03:41 AM.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i loved that part.

                i bet they all had such fun filming this ep.
                After watching Farscape this scene is too too funny too

                I had not seen FS prior to watching SG-1 so when I first saw this ep I didn't get all the jokes and after I delved more in the fandom and after watching FS this is hillerious must have been fun for AT to play such a different character like Chiana whom I adore some hate Chiana just like some hate Vala. I like Sam but sometimes I wish the writers would let her be a little looser so we could see Sam's emotions more often Daniel got most of the emotional stuff but I always apreciated AT's expressions
                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  Yeah, AT did a great job as Chiana. As long as I view that episode as not a real episode I can enjoy quite a bit of it.

                  On another note: I had an idea for what Sam might be up to now that she's not commanding Atlantis. I figure the AF recognizes her command skill even if the IOA doesn't, so they might have assigned her to command a new offworld shipyard. What do you guys think? I could see some of our talented fic writers coming up with a good story based on that premise. hint, hint I can certainly see her working on an assignment with SG1 under certain circumstances--perhaps *she* would be the one requesting *their* services.


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Yeah, AT did a great job as Chiana. As long as I view that episode as not a real episode I can enjoy quite a bit of it.

                    On another note: I had an idea for what Sam might be up to now that she's not commanding Atlantis. I figure the AF recognizes her command skill even if the IOA doesn't, so they might have assigned her to command a new offworld shipyard. What do you guys think? I could see some of our talented fic writers coming up with a good story based on that premise. hint, hint I can certainly see her working on an assignment with SG1 under certain circumstances--perhaps *she* would be the one requesting *their* services.
                    In my mind though I know others disagree I still feel like area 51 Research & Development are the best for her. Her running the department and lab and being the commander of that base she would have the scientific backround to talk to her fellow scientiists and she has the rank to be involved in how these things will be tested and if SG-1 found some thing she would be the one to check it out to see how it could come back to work on it.
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                      After watching Farscape this scene is too too funny too

                      I had not seen FS prior to watching SG-1 so when I first saw this ep I didn't get all the jokes and after I delved more in the fandom and after watching FS this is hillerious must have been fun for AT to play such a different character like Chiana whom I adore some hate Chiana just like some hate Vala. I like Sam but sometimes I wish the writers would let her be a little looser so we could see Sam's emotions more often Daniel got most of the emotional stuff but I always apreciated AT's expressions
                      Excellent photos! Amanda looks brilliant, they both do.
                      I wasn't totally blown away with episode, but I love all the details the costume and set people put into every scene.

                      In agreement about the bold sentence, the only time Amanda was allowed to show Sam's emotions it was overblown romantic tosh, I would have loved see more of Replicater Carter, more variety for her skills, loved to see her flex her acting muscles properly rather than just when she was mooning over 'Sir'. Even loosing her best friend and her Dad, it had to be all about the greatest love story ever told, yawn, rather than using those events to add to Sam's depth and give Amanda chance to show us what those losses really meant. More "Line in the Sand" please (though the make up team let her down in this one, Amanda's natural good looks and glowing health showed through way too much) her acting was top notch, you could feel Sam's pain.

                      They kept the script for "Lifeboat", which they wrote in season six, until MS returned as they knew he would rise to the acting challenge. I wish they had challenged Amanda in the same way. I'm hoping Sanctuary might give her a chance to really shine. I want it to open doors for her to do some non-genre stuff too; SF is good fun, but she deserves wider recognition too.



                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        My story of September 11, 2001:

                        I was stationed in Washington, D.C. We were mostly isolated from the outside world, working in a special room, and somebody came in saying a plane hit the WTC. Not knowing any other details, somebody said it was 'probably just some idiot in a Cessna who couldn't follow a flight plan'. We continued working without a second thought.

                        About 15 minutes later, the person came in again and excitedly said a second plane had hit the other tower. At that point, we knew the US was under a deliberate attack. But, since the problem was far away in NYC and we were under a deadline, we kept working.

                        About 15 minutes later, I happened to walked out of the isolation room to my desk for something and my phone rang. I remember staring at the phone and debating whether or not to answer it. Normally, I would not have answered the phone due to our tight security conditions. However, I did pick up the phone. It was my Mother in Colorado.

                        She asked if I was OK and I said 'yes, just busy'. She said 'but I was just watching the Today Show and a bomb went off at the Pentagon only a few seconds ago'. I assured her I was OK and went to tell everybody what had happened. Ironic isn't it. To find out something happened so close from your Mother 2,000 miles away.

                        We had to secure everything before we could evacuate. While securing everything, we heard more explosions. Later, we found out these were sonic booms from jets arriving to fly cover, but we didn't know that at the time. We thought it was more planes crashing into DC buildings. The fog of war at its best.

                        On the way home, I saw the smoke and flames billowing out of the west side of the Pentagon. After seeing the direction of the debris field, I realized a few degrees down angle higher and the plane would have landed on my office.

                        When I got home, many of my neighbors, who were mostly in the US Marine Corps, had already pulled down their USMC flags (which flew constantly on every household) and replaced them with US flags. That's when I knew just how big the day's events were and that we were at war.

                        Because the families didn't want others to know their husbands (and some wives too) were away at war, they replaced their USMC flags with US flags. I also saw many Marines (both men and women) playing with their kids in the front yard before they left with their units. By 4pm that same day, the USMC knew who was responsible, knew where to go, had already called up reserves, and initial units were deployed.

                        Other neighbors taught/worked at the FBI Academy. I thought since all other schools and businesses were closed, they would come home too. The Academy did close, but every teacher, student, administrator, etc. went into DC to investigate the crash site. They made three piles: one for body parts, one for plane parts, and one for everything else. On-the-job training for five straight days.

                        As horrific as September 11 was, September 12 and 13 were simply awe-inspiring. The parents were worried about the kids, but it was the kids who lifted the parents up. They lined all the roads in lawn chairs holding signs saying 'Honk for America', 'Honk for my Dad', 'Go USA'. They had impromtu parades, decorated everything with streamers, and built cardboard towers and Pentagons.

                        I went to a county fair on the 13th and the first kid to sell his champion market hog asked the auctioneer for the microphone. He said 'I want all the money for my hog to go to the families of those who died in the Pentagon'. The whole arena with about 500 people fell silent. The pig sold for $2,000, when normally it would have sold for $6-700. Every kid after him said the same thing. There wasn't a dry eye in the place.

                        The auction company set it up so people could bid without having to actually take an animal home. I was sitting near the entrance and heard two gentlemen, who must have been town leaders, talking. They called every businessman, town councilor and important person they knew getting them all to come down to the fair arena. Within 30 minutes, there 2,000 people bidding on kids' animals. They raised over $150,000 for the Red Cross that night. And it was all started by a 12 year old boy.

                        I don't remember much about the next few months, things are kind of a blur of activity. But, I do distinctly remember the first time I cried. It was at the end of January and I was watching the half-time show of the Super Bowl.

                        U2 was playing Streets with No Name with the names of all the people who died on September 11, 2001 scrolling on the backdrop behind them. Bono opened his jacket and showed an American flag in the lining. I just lost it. Four months of rage, stress, grief, and pressure just broke and flooded out. I know it sounds stupid, but I felt such a feeling of support from the rest of the world when he did that.

                        I consider the greatest heros of that day, the passengers on Flight 93 who took the plane down in Pennsylvania. Their actions saved hundreds, if not thousands, of lives on the ground in DC. As fast as the Marines were, those passengers were the first to fight back. There are many like me who were in DC that day and carry around a fair amount of survivor's guilt because they gave their lives for us.

                        And because they stood up that day for me, I will stand up to fight terror every day for the rest of my life.
                        Thanks for sharing that amazing story.

                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        I was in my first year of Uni and just had orientation to get to know stuff and on the 11th I felt sick and so I stayed home, just laying in bed when mom called me to tell me to turn on the tv and I was totally shocked. I remembered that I watched news all day long and in the evening and I know mom had a meeting and she cancelled it and we watched it together and tried to call my sis who at that time lived in New York for work. I remember not getting through but when we heard her voice I was never so relieved before... and I remember that I thought about all those people who never got a phonecall from there loved ones...
                        All very shocking. It still feels like it just happened only a year or so ago but it has already been 7 years...

                        And why I actually did drop by...Does anyone of the fanfiction reading people know a good Sam fic for the first episode of SGA season 5??? preferable a tag or a re-write...Thanks

                        Welcome back.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          And why I actually did drop by...Does anyone of the fanfiction reading people know a good Sam fic for the first episode of SGA season 5??? preferable a tag or a re-write...Thanks
                          Annerb's Closing Ranks
                          Post-Ep for SGA 'Search and Rescue'. Crossover with SG-1.
                          Complete - Stargate: SG-1 - Fiction Rated: T



                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            Annerb's Closing Ranks
                            Post-Ep for SGA 'Search and Rescue'. Crossover with SG-1.
                            Complete - Stargate: SG-1 - Fiction Rated: T

                            Oooh ... this is a good story. Very worth reading.


                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                              You're not creepy?

                              By the way, anyone sitting on the fence about going to see Amanda at the con in Vancouver in April, there is a notice in the con thread that only 40 gold tickets are left. They have just announced Joe F as an additional guest. So if you are planning to go you may want to order your ticket now.
                              Last edited by EH-T; 12 September 2008, 02:26 PM.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

                                Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                                I was at school in the morning, and when I got home, my mom told me what had happened. I couldn't believe it. Watched the news for the next week, totally shocked. And i was scared.
                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                                By the way, anyone sitting on the fence about going to see Amanda at the con in Vancouver in April, there is a notice in the con thread that only 40 gold tickets are left. They have just announced Joe F as an additional guest. So if you are planning to go you may want to order your ticket now.
                                JOE FLANIGAN?!?!?!? *THUNKTHUNKTHUNK* ohhhhh dammmnnnnniiittttt!!!!!!!! gotta get things sorted out to get tickets NOW!!!!!!!!

