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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    [QUOTE=Skydiver;8673577]my thoughts on continuum

    responses inside box


    daniel was a little snarky, then again, sam was a LOT snarkier than usual.

    Yes, she was now that you say that. Many more emphasized negative reactions than I remember seeing, military reserve seemed less apparent. Maybe it was the absence of Jack

    daniel freezing his foot...i know it was likely something added in to account for MS not wanting to go to the arctic, but it just seemed a bit clumsy - less natural and rather forced

    I thought Sam and Cam leaving Daniel on the ice was a little abrupt too. Didn't seem to flow quite a smoothly as most of the other scenes/plots.

    i like how it ended up being sg-1 saving earth from its own selfishness

    Good point! Hadn't thought about that.

    maybe i'm sensitive, but it seemed to me that we saw a lot less of 'jack' and a lot more of 'rick' saying jack's lines. little too flippant at times...seemed to me that rick was having a blast and jack o'neill never really surfaced until we got special ops jack in the arctic

    I liked AU Jack much better too and agree he seemed more like 'classic' Jack. I saw a lot of RDA peaking through the regular Jack and several of his lines seemed like they were trying to foce a laugh. Kind of the same effect as some of Mitchell's lines in Season 9.

    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    I couldnt agree more. Kinda thought I was the only one who felt this way too. Jack just didnt sound like Jack..not his voice, but just the way he presented himself. He was too predictable and the classic goofiness about him just wasnt there for me. For example, he mentioned cake again and usually that would get a chuckle from me cos he always has a way with tone and facial expressions, but this time the way the line was delivered seemed rather forced. I miss the old Jack.
    Me too But, still it was good to see him

    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Ok, reading quickly again (or I need new glasses I read it as "Teal'c in the morning"
    That could be good in the morning too

    I can't believe I'm still on a high from the movie! Either I need to get a life (which I KNOW to be true) or the movie was just that good. I'm still excited two days later. Maybe it is just that this movie restored my faith in the franchise. Or.....

    ...maybe it was seeing Sam fly the F-15. OMG that is still just so cool


      it was very enjoyable.

      not perfect, but fun and i too had the 'wow, i enjoyed it' euphoria after it was done
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Mousie View Post
        Hot chocolate all the way baby! Nothing beats a nice cup of choccie.
        Oh tottaly with ya there....

        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        Wagamama does a chocolate fudge wasabi cake. The combination of hot and sweet means it tastes a bit like ginger. A bit It's tasty.

        Last time I had chai latte it was lovely (there's an amazing tea place in the next town, serves amazing tea in see-through teapots and cups ) but it gave me a headache. Don't know why
        that sounds......DISCUSTING, I think I'll pass thanks

        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        Welcome to Samanda EvanstarSRV

        Evening Samandans

        Entertainment weekly did a few Comic Con portraits. My shippyness aside (well - maybe not completely *snort*) isn't this just gorgeous!!

        Taken from HERE
        GAH!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!

        Those are awesomeness, thanks PengYn

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Thank you kindly. All those RDA pics! sighs happily. I greened you for a previous post so couldn't again.

        RDA, AT & CJ make jckfan a happy camper.

        ETA: I hit another posting milestone without noticing until someone pointed it out. Missed posting it here, but it was in the RDA Thunk Thread, so that 's good too.
        WOW Congratz on the 7000 posts, thats lots......

        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
        Who's that guy? I'm sorry...but Amanda is dayum HOT in this pic. RDwho?
        HEHE, its true though
        Last edited by Amanda_Tapping_Fan; 02 August 2008, 12:47 AM.



          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          Intermission or not, some movies end up having pacing issues because the creators can't "kill their darlings" as the creative industries put it. In other words, they love all the scenes so much that they can't see objectively what really needs to be cut out for the sake of the story. I was surprised to hear that stuff was cut from Continuum, because it already felt a little padded to me—my inner editor was whispering "cut, cut" at several parts. Definitely had parts that needed to speed up. So I'm with RC on that point.

          However, I am extremely ticked that we didn't get deleted scenes. I squee for deleted scenes—how dare they not include the scenes if they talk about them! Grr....

          And if any of them are Amanda scenes... No, I should just shut up now—I was okay with the movie, really, I just need to keep repeating that to myself.
          I agree that deleted scenes would be a plus, but it wasn't clear to me whether the "character moments" were even shot. It could be that they were part of the original script, but were cut before the filming started.



            man, i wish those two got along better.

            dude, can you see the body language??? so stiff, so sad
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
              Welcome to Samanda EvanstarSRV

              Evening Samandans

              Entertainment weekly did a few Comic Con portraits. My shippyness aside (well - maybe not completely *snort*) isn't this just gorgeous!!

              Taken from HERE
              You beat me to it.

              I LOVE the composition of this photo, the chiaroscuro (a term in art for a contrast between light and dark). Where he is dark, she is light. Absolutely gorgeous.

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              Intermission or not, some movies end up having pacing issues because the creators can't "kill their darlings" as the creative industries put it. In other words, they love all the scenes so much that they can't see objectively what really needs to be cut out for the sake of the story. I was surprised to hear that stuff was cut from Continuum, because it already felt a little padded to me—my inner editor was whispering "cut, cut" at several parts. Definitely had parts that needed to speed up. So I'm with RC on that point.

              However, I am extremely ticked that we didn't get deleted scenes. I squee for deleted scenes—how dare they not include the scenes if they talk about them! Grr....

              And if any of them are Amanda scenes... No, I should just shut up now—I was okay with the movie, really, I just need to keep repeating that to myself.
              I thought MW said in the BTS that there had been more with Carter. They spent so much time on Mitchell, all we got of Sam was her buying store brand fruit loops. Not cool.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              man, i wish those two got along better.

              dude, can you see the body language??? so stiff, so sad
              It is sad isn't it. I can't imagine how tense it must have been on set with none of them getting along.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
       that first sip you had was one to remember!
                Hahah yeah I absolutely hate wasabi cause the first time I had it I thought it was avocado and had quite a mouthful....silly, silly girl.......

                But the tea was actually quite refreshing...

                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                Oh, don't get me started on tea! I can be a positive tea bore if you let me.
                Though the idea of 'cookies and cream tea' scares me somewhat!
                There must be 20 different flavours of black, green and herbal tea in the cupboard.
                Hahah it's a little strange.

                Actually at the moment I am in love with "Coffee Tea". It's amazing!! Has the smell of coffee but doesn't give me an heart attack when I drink it.

                Aww. I love that photo of Rick and Amanda. Adorable!


                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  You beat me to it.

                  I LOVE the composition of this photo, the chiaroscuro (a term in art for a contrast between light and dark). Where he is dark, she is light. Absolutely gorgeous.<snip>
                  Couldn't have put that any better myself.

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                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    I LOVE the composition of this photo, the chiaroscuro (a term in art for a contrast between light and dark). Where he is dark, she is light. Absolutely gorgeous.
                    I was just thinking that! It's perfectly composed and contrasted!!! I get so excited when I see little things like that....
                    Everything is balanced from their hair to their pants. Hee I'll stop analysing now and put my little artistic brain to sleep!


                      those that were there...was he wearing white pants, or do you think they had him change?
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        those that were there...was he wearing white pants, or do you think they had him change?
                        He had on light khaki's but a different jacket than he wore at the panel. Amanda changed. At the panel she had on white jeans and had a white tank under the shell.



                          so they both changed, which speaks to the skill of the EW photographer
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            so they both changed, which speaks to the skill of the EW photographer
                            yep. I think so.



                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              Welcome to Samanda EvanstarSRV

                              Evening Samandans

                              Entertainment weekly did a few Comic Con portraits. My shippyness aside (well - maybe not completely *snort*) isn't this just gorgeous!!


                              Taken from HERE





                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                                Don't worry Sally I got ya . WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW what a pic, I'm so going to be talking about this soon.

