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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
    *cautiously pokes head into thread*

    Hello all! I've been a lurker in this forum and especially this thread for almost 6 months now and today I finally caved and became a GW member. All of your conversations were too much fun not to want to get a little involved in.

    I didn't start watching Stargate until Season 9 began, but Sam Carter quickly became my favorite character and I only loved her more after catching up on the previous 8 seasons. And everything I read or see about Amanda Tapping just confirms what an awesome person she is, definitely one of my favorite actresses now.

    Anyhoo, just thought I'd drop in to say hello and to thank all of you for the many hours of fun all of your posts have given me. Cheers!

    *quietly slips back out of thread*
    Hey Welcome

    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
    Ooooh really? Well my personal favorite is the mocha frap...and my favorite hot drink is the white chocolate mocha. And I don't even LIKE white chocolate!

    OK, totally OT. Well not totally. But...

    OH gosh that sounds good......I love coffee but I'm not aloud to drink it.....Ok refrase I dont alow myself to drink it.....Or alcohol, or anything with caffine, eucaliptus or sucks......

    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
    Hi everyone !

    I got my CONTINUUM dvd today yay i'm so excited i havent watched the movie yet but i've watched the special features all i can say so far WOW i so cant wait to watch it and i love the artic stuff i was watching it with my dad today on his lunch break he cant wait to see it yay!

    Oh and today i watched ASCENSION i love this eps and i love seeing Sam and Orlin together he is one cute ancient, boy is Amanda lucky there is one bit that still gets me every time i watch it's the part is when Orlin does the sharing thing with Sam i got the feeling it was more than just showing his feelings for her .

    OH I just love that good



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      my thoughts on continuum

      sam couldn't go looking for dad, he was likely dead from cancer. although she could have at least asked after him

      I would have liked to have gotten a bit more about what they did during that year, what jobs did they take etc.

      i'm surprised that cam - going back to 1929 - evidently stayed alive and died a natural death. I almost expected him to - once he saved the ship, to convince his grandfather to keep his mouth shut, to dump the bodies out the hole in the boat, then to jump himself, thus making sure that he couldn't accidently muck up the timeline

      daniel was a little snarky, then again, sam was a LOT snarkier than usual.

      I agree, i would have liked to have seen colonel jack o'neil lhelp the, but maybe rick wasn't available?

      daniel freezing his foot...i know it was likely something added in to account for MS not wanting to go to the arctic, but it just seemed a bit clumsy - less natural and rather forced

      i like how it ended up being sg-1 saving earth from its own selfishness

      it seems silly, since 'sam' was so easily recognized that no one said 'color your hair girl'

      maybe i'm sensitive, but it seemed to me that we saw a lot less of 'jack' and a lot more of 'rick' saying jack's lines. little too flippant at times...seemed to me that rick was having a blast and jack o'neill never really surfaced until we got special ops jack in the arctic

      all in all, it was very enjoyable and a good movie
      I couldnt agree more. Kinda thought I was the only one who felt this way too. Jack just didnt sound like Jack..not his voice, but just the way he presented himself. He was too predictable and the classic goofiness about him just wasnt there for me. For example, he mentioned cake again and usually that would get a chuckle from me cos he always has a way with tone and facial expressions, but this time the way the line was delivered seemed rather forced. I miss the old Jack.


        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
        *cautiously pokes head into thread*

        Hello all! I've been a lurker in this forum and especially this thread for almost 6 months now and today I finally caved and became a GW member. All of your conversations were too much fun not to want to get a little involved in.

        I didn't start watching Stargate until Season 9 began, but Sam Carter quickly became my favorite character and I only loved her more after catching up on the previous 8 seasons. And everything I read or see about Amanda Tapping just confirms what an awesome person she is, definitely one of my favorite actresses now.

        Anyhoo, just thought I'd drop in to say hello and to thank all of you for the many hours of fun all of your posts have given me. Cheers!

        *quietly slips back out of thread*

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        me? never!

        i work at starbucks, so i'm interested.

        Nice save .....

        I don't like coffee, I'm a tea person. We don't have many Starbucks here. Maybe in the big cities and the airport. I'm not sure.

        And green tea lemon flavoured is my favorite No calories too!


          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

          Nice save .....

          I don't like coffee, I'm a tea person. We don't have many Starbucks here. Maybe in the big cities and the airport. I'm not sure.

          And green tea lemon flavoured is my favorite No calories too!
          ohhhh....Does it have Caffine????



            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

            Nice save .....

            I don't like coffee, I'm a tea person. We don't have many Starbucks here. Maybe in the big cities and the airport. I'm not sure.

            And green tea lemon flavoured is my favorite No calories too!
            I like coffee once in a blue moon because if I drink it I don't get to sleep that night for hours and I'm a jittery and wierder than usual.

            My personal favourite is black chai tea, brewed strong with milk and sugar...though I also love green tea and I drink tonnes of the stuff in winter when its cold. Staff get hot drinks for 50c (or free if you sweet talk the manager) if you bring your own container (as long as its not a bucket).

            I think Sam's an either or person, what she drinks depends on her mood, time of day and why she's drinking it. Tea in the morning or at home. Offers coffee if people come round. Drinks coffee that looks like tar when she needs or wants to keep going on something.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Hot chocolate all the way baby! Nothing beats a nice cup of choccie.


                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                *cautiously pokes head into thread*

                Hello all! I've been a lurker in this forum and especially this thread for almost 6 months now and today I finally caved and became a GW member. All of your conversations were too much fun not to want to get a little involved in.

                I didn't start watching Stargate until Season 9 began, but Sam Carter quickly became my favorite character and I only loved her more after catching up on the previous 8 seasons. And everything I read or see about Amanda Tapping just confirms what an awesome person she is, definitely one of my favorite actresses now.

                Anyhoo, just thought I'd drop in to say hello and to thank all of you for the many hours of fun all of your posts have given me. Cheers!

                *quietly slips back out of thread*
                Welcome to Samanda Evenstar! I hope you continue to delurk and jump often into the puddle of Samanda fun whenever your able to join us!

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                me? never!

                i work at starbucks, so i'm interested.

                I'm more of a tea drinker myself. I went to a bookstore a few years back and totally fell in love with a chai tea they had. Now, whenever possible, it's my choice of tea though I do love a good green tea as well.

                Last night though, I was drinking the coffee they had in the EDR just to keep mentally alert. Gotta love caffeine sometimes. I worked a 12 hour shift on the boat and didnt get home till 5 am. Couldn't believe they didnt have anyone to replace me! Ah well, the overtime will look very nice on my next check I guess.

                Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post

                Speaking of tea. I had a green tea the other day that tasted like wasabi.
       that first sip you had was one to remember!


                  My drink is most definetely strong black chai tea with soy milk and honey from the local farmers market mmmmmm... or a Soy Chai Latte if i'm out. Starbucks' are actually pretty good, I think...

                  Re/the wasabi green tea.... I had to once have wasabi ice cream for this "Amazing Race" kind of thing I did once... the place I got it from also has such lovely delights as (and sometimes in combo) Curry, Soy sauce, basil, vinegars, chillis, and the like. very interesting place to taste test at...
                  The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                  |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                    My drink is most definetely strong black chai tea with soy milk and honey from the local farmers market mmmmmm... or a Soy Chai Latte if i'm out. Starbucks' are actually pretty good, I think...

                    Re/the wasabi green tea.... I had to once have wasabi ice cream for this "Amazing Race" kind of thing I did once... the place I got it from also has such lovely delights as (and sometimes in combo) Curry, Soy sauce, basil, vinegars, chillis, and the like. very interesting place to taste test at...
                    Wagamama does a chocolate fudge wasabi cake. The combination of hot and sweet means it tastes a bit like ginger. A bit It's tasty.

                    Last time I had chai latte it was lovely (there's an amazing tea place in the next town, serves amazing tea in see-through teapots and cups ) but it gave me a headache. Don't know why

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Hi guys, I'm back. My internet was down for over 2 weeks due to phone company idiocy among other things, so I was without my right arm for a while.

                      Anyway, I've seen continuum twice now and


                      I really really liked it! There were some plot holes and some "okay, why did they do that?" moments, but over all it was really good!
                      -It was really nice to see RDA again playing our favorite snarkman. It was really interesting to see him get all serious on the sub.

                      -I loved Sam's reaction to O'Neill getting killed, both on the Tok'ra homeworld and once they were through the gate. Sweet of Mitchell to try and snap her out of it, but shouldn't Daniel have been doing that? He didn't really seem all that upset, and he's a civilian! Sam probably reacted strongly due to her "special" relationship with Jack. Heh

                      -When Daniel put his foot through the hole in the boat, shouldn't that water have been frozen? They weren't all that far down, and doesn't the ice extend several feet under the surface?

                      -My friend who watched it with me the second time saw the sub coming up through the ice and was like "Yeah right", and so I explained to her that it was actually happening, and she was rather shocked.

                      -I loved snarky Sam sticking up for herself during the debriefs and her reaction when she was told she couldn't work in astrophysics anymore. I would really really have liked to have seen more of her life, though. I mean we got a pretty good shot of Cam's and Daniel's, but all we got of Sam was her buying Fruitloops (because she missed Jack?). We could have seen a lot more.

                      -Yay for flying an F-15! I loved that whole sequence!

                      -Que'tesh and Ba'al were awesome!

                      -Great fight scene on Praxia (wasn't that the name of the Klingon moon that blew up in Star Trek VI? I'm such a geek! ) Sucks that Sam and Daniel got shot, but I'm always up for a good whumping as long as it's not permanant!

                      -Good closure at the end. Moon base? I wonder how that would work with the whole non-disclosure thing

                      -As far as the rank thing, when the goa'uld ship flew over Sam's location, she called in and identified herself as "Colonel Samantha Carter". I know using colonel is a short form of Lt. Colonel, but in that instance she would have used the full titile. So the credits are just a typo and TPTB are probably rolling their eyes over how much we care about little things like that.

                      -Overall a great movie. TPTB did a good job this time, and though there are holes and things I'd like to see a little differently, that will always be the case with characters that we know and love so well.

                      I'm a hot chocolate girl myself. Don't really care for coffee or tea, though I have exceptions for both.

                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                      SG-1 FanFiction
                      Sanctuary Fanfiction


                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        *cautiously pokes head into thread*

                        Hello all! I've been a lurker in this forum and especially this thread for almost 6 months now and today I finally caved and became a GW member. All of your conversations were too much fun not to want to get a little involved in.

                        I didn't start watching Stargate until Season 9 began, but Sam Carter quickly became my favorite character and I only loved her more after catching up on the previous 8 seasons. And everything I read or see about Amanda Tapping just confirms what an awesome person she is, definitely one of my favorite actresses now.

                        Anyhoo, just thought I'd drop in to say hello and to thank all of you for the many hours of fun all of your posts have given me. Cheers!

                        *quietly slips back out of thread*

                        Given how little there was of Sam in season 9 it is a testament to the strength of the character and Amanda's portrayal that she became your favourite so quickly.

                        Lovely opening post, I hope we hear from you often now that you have taken the plunge!

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                          I think Sam's an either or person, what she drinks depends on her mood, time of day and why she's drinking it. Tea in the morning or at home. Offers coffee if people come round. Drinks coffee that looks like tar when she needs or wants to keep going on something.
                          Ok, reading quickly again (or I need new glasses I read it as "Teal'c in the morning"


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                            Given how little there was of Sam in season 9 it is a testament to the strength of the character and Amanda's portrayal that she became your favourite so quickly.

                            Lovely opening post, I hope we hear from you often now that you have taken the plunge!
                            My thoughts exactly.

                            Sam did have some good moments, but a lot of it imho was Amanda making the most of what she was given. Not in a showy way, just being being Sam as always & not "phoning it in" when her part was small. AT is a pro.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Ok, reading quickly again (or I need new glasses I read it as "Teal'c in the morning"
                              thats an entirely different conversation....*g*
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                                Yeah there are a lot of stores closing....

                                Hmmm I'm swaying towards a tea drinker....mostly cause I love tea over coffee Coffee gets me very anxious and STRESSED and makes me feel like I have a million deadlines due all of a sudden. Happy times!!. ANYWHO!

                                So yes, tea. Hmmm Chai perhaps? Or cookies and cream tea

                                Speaking of tea. I had a green tea the other day that tasted like wasabi.

                                I think Sam Carter would drink Earl Grey teehee
                                Oh, don't get me started on tea! I can be a positive tea bore if you let me.
                                Though the idea of 'cookies and cream tea' scares me somewhat!
                                There must be 20 different flavours of black, green and herbal tea in the cupboard.
                                There is also a neglected bag of frozen Starbucks coffee in the freezer; my best friend and her husband are both Starbucks managers, so get a bag each week as part of their perks. But it's a bag of Christmas blend from 2006! I don't drink much coffee.

                                Sam, I would think, would be a coffee drinker. We saw her in a coffee shop in one episode (with her boyfriend, in season 7? Season 8?) can anyone remember what she was drinking?
                                We know Daniel is a coffee monster, I can so see the pair of them bonding over the coffee pot late at night when they are burning the candle at both ends in the wee small hours.


