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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    There's a very nice interview (watch it if you can he's got some great expressions) with Martin Wood on the main page.

    It ties into Samanda, he talks about Sanctuary and filming in the Artic. Very minor spoilers for the movie if you know anything about what they filmed up there. The first thing he mentions is Amanda, because there's a pic of Helen to the right of him.

    I fangurl Martin Wood.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      I love the longer locks. I think my all time favourite is in early season Small Victories and WoO!! I loved that hair style!!
      I do love the new longer hair in Atlantis too. I love the bangs...wish I had bangs like that!
      And I do love the darker hair too...but if I had to choose my most favourite hair colour...then I would have to say I prefer the blonde over the length...the long over the short...but that's just what I think.
      I love the natural curl in her hair too...Amanda has beautiful hair. And the best smile in the world...IMHO!!
      I think the longer hair in season 4 adds some class...but of course AT is always classy! Yeah, the natural curl in her hair looks good, I hate when my hair gets so long that it starts to curl. LOL. Sometimes, I get lazy and don't let it get cut...and the way I style it...I could put an eye out with it when I go two months between cuttings. ANYWAY...enough on my hair.


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post

        To put my two pennyworth in on the subject of TPTB and fan reaction... While they are eager to please the fans (to sell the 'product') they don't care about the (to them) niggly little details that have so upset some of us here. As for Joe, I have nothing but contempt for him and his blog. He lives to tease and stir up the fans. He always has, since the first time he came to a con and realised how passionate we can be. He drops his little bombs and then sits back and watches the 'fun'. I personally don't like being used like that.

        I can certainly understand your feelings. I have never seen Joe at a convention but I don't get the same impression from his blog as you do. I enjoy his sense of humour. He does make some pretty caustic remarks but the ones I have seen have all been in response to pretty ridiculous comments made on his blog. Perhaps I am biased by his support of Sam/Amanda (how's that for staying on topic Sky?) when she moved over to Atlantis. That small but very vocal group of anti-Carters were pretty brutal and his was wonderful in coming to her defence. He and Paul were the ones who wanted Sam on Atlantis. I agree they could have given Amanda more to work with but I think they were conscious of the group complaining SG1 would be taking over. I do believe we would have seen more of her in season 5. As a fan of the show, I like the insight into Atlantis that his blog provides. Besides, he was the one who brought us bloopers and deleted scenes. As you know, I did not like the end of S&R and let him know. I did rant a bit but he didn't respond in kind, he picked out part of my comment and suggested there would be more in The Seed. I give him credit for that.

        As for The Seed:

        While I am glad they acknowledged Sam and the good job she did in command that still doesn't change my mind about the poor way her exit was written. I also thought the team took her removal a little too easily. No confrontation with Woolsey, no anger. I expected more out of the characters of McKay and Sheppard. We know Rodney's history with Sam and he is a whiner by nature. I expected whining over her removal. Sheppard has always been one to challenge authority and since he had more respect for her than any commanding officer he has ever served under you'd think he'd protest more.

        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
        As far as seeing Carter promoted, I'm not afraid to say I loathe the idea. Why? Because we already know the commander position (be it of a ship OR a base) is not seen as often on screen. Now, of course, that being said, I understand we are technically just dealing with movies here...but look what happened with Jack? I am ok with him not being active in Season 8, and being gone completely (save for an episode or two or five in SG-1 and SGA) in 9 and 10...but a lot of folks stopped watching, some of which still watch 1-8 now, and have NEVER watched 9 and 10. Some of us on this very thread.

        What about the fans who despised Unending and Ark of Truth for the simple fact that Jack O'Neill wasn't in it? Forget the fact that the plot arc had nothing to do with him...They just felt he should be there (did I mention I didn't?).

        Do we really want to lose another big portion of fans who only watch for Carter?

        I ADORE AT. That's common knowledge. I think. But I watch the show for the show. Both of them. Do I miss Jack? You betcha. Do I miss Sam's presence on Atlantis? Sure do! But I will keep watching, because I love the show/franchise itself. And I loved SG-1, even without Jack.

        But there are those who would/have give(n) up on the franchise completely without certain characters, Carter being one of them.

        As I've said, I share your concerns about Sam in command.

        I will watch season 5 of Atlantis because I said I would as a response to the support they showed to Sam/Amanda when she came to the show. I am a woman of my word. I also hope for redemption of the ending in S&R with a further appearance in the 100th episode. Besides I'm over the initial anger and ranting.

        I am a fan of SG1 and kept watching without Jack. However, if Amanda had left at the same time I would have stopped watching (I don't bother watching the first few episodes of season 9 on DVD). I was only an occasional viewer of SGA before Amanda joined the show. I am just not as invested in the characters as I was with SG1.

        Originally posted by parsifal View Post
        Amanda was at the TCA Tour today promoting Sanctuary. Here's a couple of watermarked images for now.

        Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

        Oh, and after reading all your posts, and thinking about Sam's future, I posted my first message on Joe's blog *YAY*, I'm #83 and you'll see I spoke very highly of Amanda as always-- Joe's blog
        (To Be Continued)
        Nice comment Rocky!

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          I've been looking at this photo for quite a while now and it took me a while to figure out just what was so captivating (other than Martin's shorts, Amanda's smile, and cute little Robin that is ).

          Ask yourself:
          ................... How many times in your life have you seen photo of 5 people leading a world-wide, mega-million dollar project where the central figure, both literally and figuratively, is a woman?

          I've seen a handful of photos, but really very few of this magnatitude. And I'm not talking just in show business either. Yes, I know AT is the 'star' of the show and they intentionally put her in the middle for the photo opportunity.

          But, think about the photo from the 'behind-the-scenes' aspect. The woman -- through her brains, beauty, brawn, and beneficence -- has inspired the men, who are leaders in their own fields, to risk both their reputations and wealth publicly on her.

          This is a photo of power. Amanda's power to be exact.
          Now THAT is a fabulous post about that picture!

          No disrespect to those who commented on Amanda's look or hair colour (hey, I think she looks great too and I like her blonde or brunette) but isn't what hisg1fans said WAY more important?

          Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY hisg1fans!
          Last edited by EH-T; 22 July 2008, 07:39 AM.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Now THAT is a fabulous post about that picture!

            No disrespect to those who commented on Amanda's look or hair colour (hey, I think she looks great too and I like her blonde or brunette) but isn't what hisg1fans said WAY more important?

            Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY hisg1fans!
            Something more important than AT's hair???? *looks horrified*

            Both you and hisg1fans make valid points.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post

              As for The Seed:

              While I am glad they acknowledged Sam and the good job she did in command that still doesn't change my mind about the poor way her exit was written. I also thought the team took her removal a little too easily. No confrontation with Woolsey, no anger. I expected more out of the characters of McKay and Sheppard. We know Rodney's history with Sam and he is a whiner by nature. I expected whining over her removal. Sheppard has always been one to challenge authority and since he had more respect for her than any commanding officer he has ever served under you'd think he'd protest more.
              Very nice! I actually didnt even think of these points you brought up which though very true, just affirms in my mind once again on how shabbily Sam's whole dismissal/demotion/exit (whatever and however you see it as!) from Atlantis was.


                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                Quite the photo of Amanda and her boys. A woman in her element.

                Gosh! Will I go to jail (another year older that I am) admiring a very young looking Robin Dunne?
                Just goes to show people are like pools, both have a deep and a shallow end!

                Originally posted by suse View Post
                There's a very nice interview (watch it if you can he's got some great expressions) with Martin Wood on the main page.

                It ties into Samanda, he talks about Sanctuary and filming in the Artic. Very minor spoilers for the movie if you know anything about what they filmed up there. The first thing he mentions is Amanda, because there's a pic of Helen to the right of him.

                I fangurl Martin Wood.

                I fangurl Martin Wood too! (me=pool )

                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                Something more important than AT's hair???? *looks horrified*

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  Very nice! I actually didnt even think of these points you brought up which though very true, just affirms in my mind once again on how shabbily Sam's whole dismissal/demotion/exit (whatever and however you see it as!) from Atlantis was.
                  With all this debate about Sam's removal, I'm curious...being a writer, I often have embarrassing/awful things happen to my characters that are not their fault. However, I've gotten comments about how I was "cruel" to a certain character, or didn't do them justice. Is it possible for a writer to have terrible things happen without it seeming like they don't care for the character? Listening to the interviews, the writers/producers obviously love Carter and AT (no duh!), but would fans have agreed with their self-assessment if they had done Sam's dismissal in a different way, or would it have had to have been a positive thing for the character for fans to really feel the love?

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    With all this debate about Sam's removal, I'm curious...being a writer, I often have embarrassing/awful things happen to my characters that are not their fault. However, I've gotten comments about how I was "cruel" to a certain character, or didn't do them justice. Is it possible for a writer to have terrible things happen without it seeming like they don't care for the character? Listening to the interviews, the writers/producers obviously love Carter and AT (no duh!), but would fans have agreed with their self-assessment if they had done Sam's dismissal in a different way, or would it have had to have been a positive thing for the character for fans to really feel the love?
                    I do think Sam's removal wasn't handled well. It was handled as a last minute ditch, which I don't feel is respectful or fair to AT. I think simply telling Carter she's out at the end of the 1st episode of Season 5 was horrible, and no real reason was issued. To satisfy some, there was the line thrown in about Sam's success being her undoing. I will miss seeing AT in the Stargate Universe!


                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      There's a very nice interview (watch it if you can he's got some great expressions) with Martin Wood on the main page.

                      It ties into Samanda, he talks about Sanctuary and filming in the Artic. Very minor spoilers for the movie if you know anything about what they filmed up there. The first thing he mentions is Amanda, because there's a pic of Helen to the right of him.

                      I fangurl Martin Wood.

                      Thanks for the info I really like MW as well so I will have to check it out! I'm glad he is the director for Sanctuary. He and Amanda seem to work really well together so does he and Robin (Will). I enjoy AT and MW's commentaries for SG-1 and Atlantis. I hope they do commentaries for Sanctuary as well that will be fun!

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                      As for The Seed:

                      While I am glad they acknowledged Sam and the good job she did in command that still doesn't change my mind about the poor way her exit was written. I also thought the team took her removal a little too easily. No confrontation with Woolsey, no anger. I expected more out of the characters of McKay and Sheppard. We know Rodney's history with Sam and he is a whiner by nature. I expected whining over her removal. Sheppard has always been one to challenge authority and since he had more respect for her than any commanding officer he has ever served under you'd think he'd protest more.
                      Yeah I was expecting a more too. It seemed very subdued although some very nice comments were made about Sam, it still didn't make up for the bad send off. According to RP in an interview one of Ronon's lines, that apparently got cut in the episode, was something to the effect "You have that many people on Earth and he is the best you could come up with?" RP just loved that line... and it is a funny line. It sounds like something Ronon would have said. It's snarky and the general attitude by most people that have dealt with Woosley in the past. I hope for those still watching the show they don't change Woosley too quickly. I like Robert Picardo and I think he can play Woosley wonderfully if he is given the material from the writers to keep that snarky love to hate character going... I however will only be back for 6th episode (McKay and sister and the Final eppy)

                      Bring on Sanctuary! All the articles that Morjana has been posting the last two days are have been great interviews! When is Comic Con? That will be another weekend with lots of interviews for Sanctuary. Is it October 3rd yet?!


                        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                        With all this debate about Sam's removal, I'm curious...being a writer, I often have embarrassing/awful things happen to my characters that are not their fault. However, I've gotten comments about how I was "cruel" to a certain character, or didn't do them justice. Is it possible for a writer to have terrible things happen without it seeming like they don't care for the character? Listening to the interviews, the writers/producers obviously love Carter and AT (no duh!), but would fans have agreed with their self-assessment if they had done Sam's dismissal in a different way, or would it have had to have been a positive thing for the character for fans to really feel the love?
                        Good question. I don't object to bad things happening to a character. Whump is good. Adversity builds character. What I do object to are things that OOC (Sam accepting Pete's proposal and smooching at a crime scene) or that make no sense and are done to service some other agenda (Sam not getting command of SG1 in season 9).

                        Re: S&R:
                        I have no objection to the IOA firing Sam. Had to be done because Amanda wasn't going to be available. The thing that irked me was that if this is the last time we see the character (I hold out hope for episode 100 but the longer they say "subject to her availability" the more likely it will be a cameo. Continuum I don't count because it was done before S&R and, as much as I would love it, I doubt they could get everyone back for a third movie since everyone has moved on to other projects.) then I wanted more than "we've decided to go with a different skill set". It also made the Woolsey character look bad and was staged badly, occuring in the Gateroom. Didn't necessarily have to be a "positive", here we have promoted you to the SGC commander kind of end.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Amanda interview:


                          Thanks to Prion for original post.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                            *snipped for length*

                            Bring on Sanctuary! All the articles that Morjana has been posting the last two days are have been great interviews! When is Comic Con? That will be another weekend with lots of interviews for Sanctuary. Is it October 3rd yet?!
                            Comic Con is this week/weekend. 7/24 - 7/27



                              Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                              Comic Con is this week/weekend. 7/24 - 7/27
                              Wish I could be there.

                              Not to further inflame the issues with Joe and his blog but here's an entry from (I believe) yesterday:

                              Moms2398 writes: First, I felt disappointed that we didn't see any REAL reaction to the news that Carter was being replaced by Woolsey.

                              Answer: Given that this episode takes place at least 3 weeks after the events of Search & Rescue (given the time it would take for Woolsey to arrive on the Daedalus), the team would have already had these discussions.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Wish I could be there.

                                Not to further enflame the issues with Joe and his blog but here's an entry from (I believe) yesterday:

                                Moms2398 writes: First, I felt disappointed that we didn't see any REAL reaction to the news that Carter was being replaced by Woolsey.

                                Answer: Given that this episode takes place at least 3 weeks after the events of Search & Rescue (given the time it would take for Woolsey to arrive on the Daedalus), the team would have already had these discussions.

                                And it all happened off-screen.......again

