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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    And I totally agree to your comment as well. Nice that we're all on the same page. Stuck was a dramatic opposite to what AT has ever played in the past so I can understand her interest in playing the part. Isnt every actor stretching the limits of what they can do professionally anyways?

    The sex scene was..well just sex. *shrug* What I loved about the movie was how on such a small scale (an elevator fcol!) a whole movie could revolve around and take place. That takes real talent if you ask me cos your not benefited by scenery or impressive action (things blowing up) that might hold a viewer captive. The movie all revolved around the minuscule...being the characters intimate lives. The depth of the feelings told through each character's story and lines was brilliant and much, much harder to act out in comparison to some movies we have today with a mega-million budget to benefit from...seriously!
    I agree Cel
    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

    I'm so looking forward to seeing her as the "star" in Sanctuary. I wonder if her name will go above the title in the credits?
    Oh I really, really hope so. We wouldn't have Sanctuary without Amanda.

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Hey Everyone,

      Hehe, I was watching Solitudes yesterday to chelle
      I wondered if Sam's first fall, from the DHD down to Jack, was Amanda?? But would she have been allowed to the big fall from the hole Sam had made all the way to the bottom??? I know the actors did more of their own stunts in the early seasons but the way Sam fell made me think it was Amanda at the top before Sam started to fall and after laying at the bottom, but not during the big fall? What does everyone think? I agree about their clothes to
      I remember Amanda answering questions about those falls. I know she did the one from the DHD - not sure about the other. Probably not, I think. She did say that she collected a lot of bruises from that episode.

      Sam did mention that they had thermal blankets when she was listing what they had, so I would assume that that was what they would be laying on. Wind chill is a great factor in frost-bite (I think) and as they were inside the crevasse they would have been somewhat sheltered. I think that they must have been there several days.

      The point I always think about is that the SGC is in Colorado which is in the centre of the North American continent. Jack and Sam were in the Antarctic - the SOUTH polar region. When they found them, the General, Teal'c and Daniel flew to where they were and got there before they were rescued. Did they go by Concord? Transport planes would have taken many hours to get there. I remember when our forces were going to the Falklands and they had to re-fuel the aircraft several times in the air. A large dose of Poetic Licence methinks!

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by silly sally View Post
        'Stuck' is crap, if only for the botch editing/directing that allowed Amanda's 'nip slip'; I don't think Amanda would be too pleased to learn that such a craptacular piece is being sold...
        I actually loved the movie. I thought it was very uncomfortable, which is how the audience was meant to feel. It makes you deal with issues you might not otherwise, and even the sex scene is meant to make you uncomfortable. It didn't, for me, as it was Amanda, and JR, and I adore them both, but I can see what it was designed to do. It also showed their acting chops, and that they can break away from the characters we've known them to play in the past.

        For a low-budget film I felt it was excellent.

        And yes, as others said, Amanda was a little shocked at the film being available, (especially since I don't believe she's getting a penny from it, unfortunately. I bought mine the first time Lindsay sold them, a long while agai, and wondered about that at the time) but I believe it was more that she was surprised Lindsay would release it, since it hadn't been released before. I think we were all, Amanda included, shocked that it ever saw the light of day.

        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        Wow, am I the only one here who lives in Canada? I hope you guys can come to Canada, it's cold, but Amanda makes it right . It's odd now that I think about it, I live in Canada with Amanda, but I'll never get a chance to meet her .
        Never say never, my friend. My best friend thinks the same thing (she lives in Duncan), but unbeknownst to her I plan to change that come March.

        You just never know.


          Ehm what are you guys talking about when discussing Stuck? I read some comment Amanda made and, out of respect for her, I don't watch that movie. That's also why I made an alternative to the (pages ago) Samandan TV scheduele . Unless you Samandans give your "blessing" to me seeing it. What scene is it? I'm 21 so, (this is mean without an insult) ya don't need to tell me the kids version of it.

          Rocky, During every AT convention at the Rennaisance Hotel, I'm as close to Amanda as I'll ever be, the distance London-Tongeren included.

          What do you think a series of "what ifs"

          - What if there was a comedy with Amanda in it, and the other cast members were Samandans.
          - What if there was a documentary: excursions with Amanda and her Fans. Which cities / Countries would we go to. (For practicle reasons, no traveling hotel costs, or airplane costs, just if the rule'd be: if everyone who participates in it would donate 10 bucks to Unicef or DWB (Doctors Without Borders, Médecins sans frontiers) we'd a ) have a great time with Amanda and b) we tried to make people happy (Unicef or MSF donation), so we'd have fun with an eased mind
          - What if the next movie was partially shot in my town.
          - What would Amanda say / do when we named one of our kids Amanda (If I ever have the change I do that)
          What if....

          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            The "scene" which you mention Sally, actually didn't worry me at all. I never saw Martouf and Sam in the characters of Bernie and Liz. I think JR was superb in that role. It's a great movie.
            maybe if i'd seen the entire movie, or if i'd been able to see scenes before and after to get a feel on their characters, but that scene's all i've seen (besides some little clips), so the essence of their characters is lost on me.




              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              I disagree about Stuck...strongly...because even though it was obviously done on a very small budget...the story was actually quite intelligent and thought provoking. The music was elevator music...almost aptly chosen but not very nice to listen to...but the message in it...I thought it was great.
              With regard to "the scene"...I do wish it was edited at that one point only because we know about Amanda's nudity for her and the fact that some n00b has now put it on YT...for that reason I wish it had been edited. I don't watch it for that scene...I've seen it 3 times now...once on my own, once with hubby and once with a friend of mine who's a member here in GW...and for me one of the best parts was when they were telling their stories...I like Fred Henderson...when he warms up...he's good!!
              So yes...while it was done on the still was great.
              you might feel better to know that the copy of that scene is poor and i didn't even know there was a slippage of nipple there. you really couldn't tell from that poor copy.





                search and rescue

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                As much as I have a problem with the ending--mostly because I don't think they'll follow up on it-- or follow up well--I don't think it makes Sam look incompetent at all. Woolesy says
                "different skill set." I interpreted that as them going for civilian rather than military command. Typical stupid IOA moves again is what I see the decision as.
                i didn't feel it made sam look incompetent either. the ioa hired her and then they essentially fired her. they're jerks and woolsey's the least of the jerks. he's in for a rude awakening, though, on how commanding really works. can't follow the rule book word for word when faced with the things they're faced with.

                we'll see how they follow this storyline, because i'm hoping their decision bites them in the butt.

                but what i'm *really* hoping for is sam moving on to something great! though commanding atlantis was great....

                COMMANDING THE SGC!





                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                  I'm so looking forward to seeing her as the "star" in Sanctuary.
                  me too!!!

                  it's one of the things making losing sam on atlantis bearable.

                  I wonder if her name will go above the title in the credits?
                  oh no... don't make me wish for this!




                    my copy of Continuum has just arrived! Things often come early from, but this is super-early! Guess what I'll be watching this weekend?
                    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      great list!!
                      Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                      Rderoch's list if fabulous.
                      Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                      Rderoch, thanks for the list!
                      You're welcome!

                      If anyone spots any errors, let me know.

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      I disagree about Stuck...strongly...because even though it was obviously done on a very small budget...the story was actually quite intelligent and thought provoking. The music was elevator music...almost aptly chosen but not very nice to listen to...but the message in it...I thought it was great.
                      With regard to "the scene"...I do wish it was edited at that one point only because we know about Amanda's nudity for her and the fact that some n00b has now put it on YT...for that reason I wish it had been edited. I don't watch it for that scene...I've seen it 3 times now...once on my own, once with hubby and once with a friend of mine who's a member here in GW...and for me one of the best parts was when they were telling their stories...I like Fred Henderson...when he warms up...he's good!!
                      So yes...while it was done on the still was great.
                      I don't remember seeing any Amanda nudity in the scene. The way it was filmed you never actually see anything.

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      I agree chelle I hold my copy of Stuck as special and I think I'm very privileged to have it. Its a fantastic movie. But I don't think Amanda knew Lindsay Bourne was selling it.

                      I agree about cherishing my copy of stuck. And no, don't think she knew it was available.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      Stuck would be perfectly suited as a stage play. Since it's basically one set all through. I do think the writing needs to be tweaked a bit, tightened up and the like. You could definitely tell that it was a 'three day shoot' or whatever it was.

                      If i was producing it on stage i would almost consider them starting the sex scene...intermission, then come back with it just over. less emphasis on the sex and more on the emotions of those involved. give it a little more feeling and heart

                      Having watched it, yeah, it's a total 180 from anything we've ever seen amanda in, so i think that's why she did it, to do something different. But i can also see why it's not gone anywhere (compare it to sanctuary, which is also a very non-sam role...sanctuary was made for a broad appeal so it's getting on the network, stuck is more nitch and it shows)
                      I think the sex scene is very important. (At first you think "WHOA, this is a different role for them", but then you forget it's them and get into the story.) I think the scene is a vital part of who their characters are, but each of them have very different reasons for their behavior.

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      I heard or read somewhere, cant remember which now, but Sam's last major slide down the ice was unplanned and all AT. She was just supposed to carefully scoot herself down toward the bottom to where Jack was, but being the clumsy that she is in real life, AT took a very dramatic fall instead. After they stopped filming and ascertained that she was okay afterwards, besides some bruising of course, they decided to keep the scene in as is...hehe.
                      That was exactly what I had heard. Did she discuss it during a commentary for another ep? One of those, "do you remember" moments? I seem to remember it being brought up as they were discussing an injury she received in another ep.

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      maybe if i'd seen the entire movie, or if i'd been able to see scenes before and after to get a feel on their characters, but that scene's all i've seen (besides some little clips), so the essence of their characters is lost on me.

                      Context is everything. It's a very powerful movie.
                      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                      William Shakespeare

                      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                        Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                        Ehm what are you guys talking about when discussing Stuck? I read some comment Amanda made and, out of respect for her, I don't watch that movie. That's also why I made an alternative to the (pages ago) Samandan TV scheduele . Unless you Samandans give your "blessing" to me seeing it. What scene is it? I'm 21 so, (this is mean without an insult) ya don't need to tell me the kids version of it.
                        Daivy, I don't think there's any reason to feel embarrassed about Stuck or be afraid of watching it for fear you will offend Amanda. From everything Amanda has said about the small independent film, the one thing that stands out for me is not the perhaps awkwardness of the material (which both cast and director have admitted it was meant to be like) but the fact that Amanda was/is immensely proud of it. Amanda is neither meek nor mild and if she'd had any reservations about making Stuck, she'd have chosen another project. It's worth watching, firstly because it supports Amanda's work outside of Stargate and secondly because it tells a very different kind of story. It's not something you see everyday, and whereas the writing could use some "tweaking", the characters are well-developed and real


                          hey guys- long time no see!

                          HAPPY B-DAY FROSTFOX!!!!


                            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                            I know what you mean...I didn't even recognize Teal'c and Sam the first time through! What's really funny about that scene is that, of all the characters, Sam and Vala should have switched!
                            yep, Sam certanly should have been Dorothy.

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              The point I always think about is that the SGC is in Colorado which is in the centre of the North American continent. Jack and Sam were in the Antarctic - the SOUTH polar region. When they found them, the General, Teal'c and Daniel flew to where they were and got there before they were rescued. Did they go by Concord? Transport planes would have taken many hours to get there. I remember when our forces were going to the Falklands and they had to re-fuel the aircraft several times in the air. A large dose of Poetic Licence methinks!

                              yeah, huge honkin plot hole. Not to mention, if it was winter in the south pole, nothing moves, the weather is too unpredictible and it's too cold.

                              but here was no way in hades they'd have kept sam and jack waiting for the 2-3 days it'd have taken them to get down there

                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                              And yes, as others said, Amanda was a little shocked at the film being available, (especially since I don't believe she's getting a penny from it, unfortunately. I bought mine the first time Lindsay sold them, a long while agai, and wondered about that at the time) but I believe it was more that she was surprised Lindsay would release it, since it hadn't been released before. I think we were all, Amanda included, shocked that it ever saw the light of day.
                              :Lindsay told us he was telling everyone, and obviously he forgot someone. however, I do know precisely how many were sold...i shipped them all out

                              and, after i got back from AT3 and we got the sanctuary address, i sent her a copy and told her how many he sold and what he was charging for them. What happens/happened is between him and her. but she knows what happened now
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                yep, Sam certanly should have been Dorothy.

                                What? I was talking about the Farscape parody...Sam is way more like Aeryn than Chiana, who is much more the Vala type of character. But Sam as Dorothy? I don't buy that. That's a good fit for Vala, or rather Vala's personna. I also don't buy Mitchell as Scarecrow—that should be Jack, since Mitchell acts like he has a brain.

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

