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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
    She's beautiful. It's interesting because Seasons 1-3 and 9-Present are when her beauty shines the most for me. LOL - don't know what happened in the middle. She wasn't NOT pretty in the middle years, just not as beautiful as she was in her youth and in her late thirties/early forties.

    I'm no big Carter fan, but Amanda is a lovely person and it shows in nearly every moment she's on the screen.
    I always thought it was the makeup- the wrong foundation or blush color can drain a face of "vitality".


      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
      I really love 200. That scene would have made SO much more sense if I hadn't waited until this year to see Farscape. HEH
      I know what you mean...I didn't even recognize Teal'c and Sam the first time through! What's really funny about that scene is that, of all the characters, Sam and Vala should have switched!

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
        I could control my dream, basically all I had to do was think of a person and they would come walking down the street, three guesses who I thought of....
        Aw, how sweet, you thought of me!



          .......Sure you keep believing that.....



            Happy Birthday Frostfox



              Hello, folks.

              I'm hoping for a little bit of help. I've finally gotten the time to start watching my Stargate DVDs and have been getting into the commentaries. So can someone point me to good commentaries that actually have, you know, the actors in them - whether it be AT or any of the others. Almost every episode I've picked so far has been the directors, writers, editors, camera people, special effects supervisor etc etc. And while it's interesting, they can tend towards the boring.

              I've already watched Death Knell, Line in the Sand, and... I think there was one other that had actors. Oh, Grace I think... and maybe another. Doesn't matter what season or anything, I'm not going in order.

              Thank ye kindly.


                burgers from room service may or may not be 'healthy', however, they are relatively 'safe' food to order

                I don't know about you guys, but everytime i ate at the 3 magpies i'd get a 'wonky tummy'... i think it's the water. after AT2 i had a tummy upset that lasted for weeks after i cae home. this last time i worked to avoid tap water as much as i could and stuck to bottled as much as possible and i had a lot less issues.

                I also think that it's the fat in foods that i have issues with. I don't consciously eat a low fat diet, i just kinda avoid it...and then eat at a place where they don't worry as much about the fat and my tummy reacts a bit
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Woe is me. I have never had an Amanda dream.

                  I am bereft.
                  You might not have had a sleeping type dream, but you had a dream to see Amanda at ST3. And you did it.

                  And now your paying and paying and paying.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

                    Yep I tried to green you and it wouldn't let me... Sadly I think you absolutely right. Give her a good episode and then
                    slam the character at the end. JM & RP said they wanted to show out how inept Woosley was at dealing with people and they thought that was a great way to show it . *heavy sigh* I just wonder if they even thought about what that did to a beloved character after 11 years. You're right Hammond got a much better send off in Lost City! I was expecting something like that.
                    It's more reaction (onscreen) than we got when they decided that command needed to be given to the LMAH. Though I'd imagine
                    the reaction wasn't all that different.

                    I actually can forgive how they got her off the series. I'm not happy, but I can forgive it. Though I rather expect - instead of using the issue for drama - Woolsey will be mostly accepted by the third ep.

                    What I'm having a harder time with is this is the third time she's been "Shaft"ed out of a command even though she's competent. (Unlike others I could mention.) It's offensive. And TPTB seem to think it's okay to do it to her. I shudder to think why. <<Wonders what would happen if the writers/producers/showrunners of the show had all those titles taken away and were just...writers. Would never happen. >>

                    Last edited by suse; 17 July 2008, 07:54 PM.
                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      You might not have had a sleeping type dream, but you had a dream to see Amanda at ST3. And you did it.

                      And now your paying and paying and paying.

                      True. And it was awesome. Truly awesome. Did I mention it was awesome?

                      I really want to go to AT4 now.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Happy Birthday FrostFox!
                        I hope you have a great day!

                        As far as Commentaries done by actors.
                        You might try the ones that Chris Judge has written I think he did commentaries for at least one of them... AT did the commentary for Resurrection the one she directed so she talks about the camera shots and things like that, so that may not be one you want if you don't like the technical stuff (me I love it. Very interesting stuff )... she also did commentary for the Road Not Taken and Covenant I believe. She has done quite a few. CJ had done a few. Not sure about the others. I don't have my DVD's in front of me.
                        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 17 July 2008, 07:50 PM.


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          Oh yeah Robert Picardo has nothing but praise for Amanda and I have nothing against him at all!! I actually really like him and a lot of fans knew Amanda was moving on to star and be one of the EP of her own show... That's a great achievement! I think that's why JM and PM didn't really put any thought into her leaving, they think well the fans know it's coming so lets juice it up a little.

                          What I mean by Sam redeeming herself. She had a pretty bad experience in the Gate Room. You have the soldiers in the gate room and the technicians standing in the Control Room listening to her being relieved of command. These are people that she worked with or they worked for her when she was at the SGC. Her service record now shows she was relieved as Commander of a base. Where does she go from this point? How does she redeem herself? Does she tell the IOA board off? Does she uncover the IOA is corrupt? Does she get Landry's job? Does she go back to Area 51? What's next for Sam. Does she captain a ship? I think going back to SG-1 would be a demotion IMO.
                          Well Ann
                          you're right, she now has something like that on record, and what's worse is that she has it for the wrong reasons. I still can't believe she was disrespected like that, and have you seen the SGA homepage on the Sci-fi page? Woolsey is now in Sam's place, it hurts even to look at that . I mean, Sam's first day, she got straight to work, laid down the rules to Ronon, and -- I just don't see what she did wrong. But as to your question about what happens to Sam, as much as I would like to see her tell the IOA off, she's too good for that, but like I said Continuum takes place before the season is over, so whether we hear something then, or in this season, it'll still be good. But I just want to know what she'll do about her hair when she comes back? I wouldn't like to see her go back to Area 51, Landry's job maybe, and while going back to SG-1 would seem like a demo, I really wouldn't mind going back if I were her. I mean she's back with her team/family/friends doing what she does best, saving the day and exploring the galaxy, I could think of worse things.

                          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                          Rocky what do ya mean with "it's a guy thing" don't be shy, (like we said in class) trow it into the group) cause some say it's NOT a guy's thing I don't know what you talk about (now, maybe if ya do I realise what ya mean Rocky, cause sometimes I'm slow in understanding.

                          First Sam cameto was an insult to Sam and Amanda IMHO. In Letters from Pegasus one phrase: if I blinked my eyes I didn't even notice it. But they latter more than corrected that fault.

                          I hope Sam can come back. I'm always a flexible Amanda fan lol I mean all I ask that in Atlantis Sam can be seen in 3-4 episodes a season, but if by Amanda avaiblability that ain't possible, sure NP. But "humiliating" her that way.... is that the way ya thank an Actress who played Sam for 11 years and always listend to "the house"? If she did had to "leave" command I'd rather had Landry telling her, or Jack or someone else she knows.
                          Well Daivy I was just trying to be funny, and I'm actually not shy coming here because I feel like I can trust you guys . Hmm Daivy, what did you mean by "cameto" and the "Letters from Pegasus"? but I do agree, it was an insult, and a very wrong one by that. But yeah, I never even thought of "humiliating" until now, after 11 years of hard work, always being on top of her game, even bringing Olivia to work with her, this is the send off she gets? I'll tell you, they're are a lot of mad and disappointed fans out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if fans have send letters or whatever to express their displeasure, I may even do that once I get the right info, you should too Daivy. Like I said uo there to Ann Continuum takes place before the season is over, so whether we hear something then, or in this season, it'll still be good, and Amanda is definitely slated for an episode or 2 in the second half. Any further appearances will be wholly dependent on Amanda’s schedule. So hopefully than or earlier we'll know something.

                          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                          BTW Rocky, you had 2 more dreams about her? I think your cheating me with "Dream Amanda" lol. Just Kidding. As long as we can tell 'em further eh.

                          Oh yeah one more thing: I went to the doctor and he said I'm suffering from a dieseace with no cure: Amanda Tapping itis. And she told me it's spreading... I think the syptomps are: seeing her beauty, her '' the girl next door' attitude, the loyalty, the SAM liking the... If you have any of these symptomos, go to your local Doctor IMMEADIATLY

                          Amanda has 16 vote's on that person of the year site

                          The site is also avaible in English, you prolly need to scroll way down, yes WAY down.
                          you know me, Amanda's always on my mind Who knows maybe I'll have another Amanda dream tonight? I love those dreams, they're I'm with Amanda or Sam, or Helen who ever she is at the time . Plus these dreams are probably the closest thing I'll ever get to Amanda, so I gotta make the best of it. And hey, that illness you said you had, I think I have it too, I even have the same symptoms and everything. Btw, I looked at that link, and I couldn't find Amanda.


                            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                            Unlike some of us (and I include myself here), Amanda makes a real effort to eat foods that keep her trim and healthy. I don't know how she manages it, but I envy her ability to do so.

                            Oh, and rderoch...

                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            I wore my "Amandaholic" shirt to Comic Con last year and Damian (Kindler) said I am addicted to Amadahol.

                            I really love 200. That scene would have made SO much more sense if I hadn't waited until this year to see Farscape. HEH
                            If they could bottle the wonderfulness that is Amanda, I would definitely be addicted to Amandahol.

                            Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post

                            So basically....its Wildberry???

                            Ummm. Yup

                            Originally posted by sbz View Post
                            Hello, folks.

                            I'm hoping for a little bit of help. I've finally gotten the time to start watching my Stargate DVDs and have been getting into the commentaries. So can someone point me to good commentaries that actually have, you know, the actors in them - whether it be AT or any of the others. Almost every episode I've picked so far has been the directors, writers, editors, camera people, special effects supervisor etc etc. And while it's interesting, they can tend towards the boring.

                            I've already watched Death Knell, Line in the Sand, and... I think there was one other that had actors. Oh, Grace I think... and maybe another. Doesn't matter what season or anything, I'm not going in order.

                            Thank ye kindly.
                            In spoilers for length.

                            Season 4
                            Small Victories-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            The Other Side-Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            Upgrades-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            Crossroads-Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            Divide and Conquer-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            Window of Opportunity-Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            Watergate-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            Scorched Earth-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            Beneath the Surface-Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            Point of No Return-William Gereghty, Jim Menard, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
                            Tangent-Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            The Curse-Andy Mikita, Peter F. Woeste and James Tichenor
                            The Serpent's Venom-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            Chain Reaction-Martin Wood, James Tichenor and Jim Menard
                            2010-Andy Mikita, Peter F. Woeste and James Tichenor
                            Absolute Power-Robert C. Cooper and Peter DeLuise
                            The Light-Peter F. Woeste, James Tichenor and Andy Mikita
                            Prodigy-Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie - Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie sing the theme song
                            Entity-Alan Lee and James Tichenor
                            Double Jeopardy-Michael Shanks and James Tichenor
                            Exodus-James Tichenor, Jim Menard and Joseph Mallozzi

                            Season 5
                            Enemies - Martin Wood, James Tichenor
                            Threshold - Peter DeLuise, Christopher Judge, James Tichenor
                            Ascension - Martin Wood, James Tichenor, Amanda Tapping
                            The Fifth Man - Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie
                            Red Sky - Martin Wood, James Tichenor, Amanda Tapping
                            Rite of Passage - Peter DeLuise, James Tichenor
                            Beast of Burden - Martin Wood, Jim Menard, James Tichenor
                            The Tomb - Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie
                            Between Two Fires - Bill Gereghty, Jim Menard, James Tichenor
                            2001 - Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi, James Tichenor
                            Desperate Measures - Bill Gereghty, Jim Menard, James Tichenor
                            Wormhole Extreme! - Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi, James Tichenor
                            Proving Ground - Andy Mikita, Jim Menard, James Tichenor
                            48 Hours - Peter Woeste, Andy Wilson
                            Summit - Martin Wood, Joseph Mallozzi, James Tichenor
                            Last Stand - Martin Wood, Robert Cooper, James Tichenor
                            Fail Safe - Andy Mikita, Paul Mullie, Jim Menard, James Tichenor
                            The Warrior - Peter DeLuise, Dan Shea
                            Menace - Martin Wood, James Tichenor
                            The Sentinel - Peter DeLuise, Gary Jones
                            Meridian - William Waring, Jim Menard
                            Revelations - Martin Wood, James Tichenor, Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie

                            Season 6
                            Redemption Part 1 - Martin Wood and James Tichenor
                            Redemption Part 2 - Martin Wood and James Tichenor
                            Decent - Peter DeLuise, Peter F. Woeste and Gary Jones
                            Frozen - Martin Wood and James Tichenor
                            Nightwalkers - Peter DeLuise and Peter F. Woeste
                            Abyss - Christopher Judge, Martin Wood and James Tichenor
                            Shadow Play - Peter DeLuise and Peter F. Woeste
                            The Other Guys - Christopher Judge, Martin Wood and James Tichenor
                            Allegiance - Peter DeLuise, James Tichenor and Gary Jones
                            Cure - Andy Mikta, Damian Kindler and Jim Menard
                            Prometheus - Peter F. Woeste, Andrew D. Wilson and Rick Dean
                            Unnatural Selection - Andy Mikita and Jim Menard
                            Sight Unseen - Peter F. Woeste, Andrew D. Wilson and Rick Dean
                            Smoke & Mirrors - Peter DeLuise, James Tichenor and Gary Jones
                            Paradise Lost - Robert C. Cooper and Michael Greenburg
                            Metamorphosis - Peter DeLuise and James Tichenor
                            Disclosure - Don S. Davis, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
                            Forsaken - Andy Mikita and Damian Kindler
                            The Changling - Chistopher Judge and Martin Wood
                            Memento - Peter DeLuise and Damian Kindler
                            Prophecy - William Waring, Peter F. Woeste and Rick Dean
                            Full Circle - Martin Wood and Jim Menard

                            Season 7
                            Fallen - Michael Shanks, Martin Wood and Jim Menard
                            Homecoming - Michael Shanks, Martin Wood and Jim Menard
                            Fragile Balance - Peter DeLuise and Damian Kindler
                            Orpheus - Peter DeLuise and Peter F. Woeste
                            Revisions - Michael Shanks, Martin Wood and Jim Menard
                            Lifeboat - Peter DeLuise and Peter F. Woeste
                            Enemy Mine - Peter DeLuise and Gary Jones
                            Space Race - Andy Mikita, Jim Menard and Damian Kindler
                            Avenger 2.0 - Amanda Tapping and Martin Wood
                            Birthright - Peter F. Woeste, Jim Menard, Mark Davidson and Robert Davidson
                            Evolution Part 1 - Peter DeLuise and Gary Jones
                            Evolution Part 2 - Peter DeLuise and Amanda Tapping
                            Grace - Peter F. Woeste, Jim Menard, Will Waring, and Mark Davidson
                            Fallout - Martin Wood, Paul Mullie and James Tichenor
                            Chimera - Will Waring, Peter F. Woeste and Damian Kindler
                            Death Knell - Amanda Tapping and Peter DeLuise
                            Heroes Part 1 - Andy Mikita and Andy Wilson
                            Heroes Part 2 - Andy Mikita, Robert C. Cooper and Andy Wilson
                            Resurrection - Amanda Tapping and Will Waring
                            Inauguration - Peter F. Woeste and Michael Greenburg
                            Lost City - Martin Wood

                            Season 8
                            New Order Parts 1 and 2 - Andy Mikita and Gary Jones
                            Lockdown - Will Waring and Jim Menard
                            Zero Hour - Peter Woeste and John Lenic
                            Icon - Peter Woeste and John Lenic
                            Avatar - Martin Wood and Christopher Judge
                            Affinity - Peter DeLuise and Dan Shea
                            Covenant - Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
                            Sacrifices - Andy Mikita
                            Endgame - Peter DeLuise and Dan Shea
                            Gemini - Will Waring and Jim Menard
                            Prometheus Unbound - Andy Mikita
                            It's Good to be King - Paul Mullie
                            Full Alert - Andy Mikita and Paul Mullie
                            Citizen Joe - Andy Mikita
                            Reckoning Part 1 - Peter DeLuise
                            Reckoning Part 2 - Peter DeLuise
                            Moebius Parts 1 and 2 - Peter DeLuise

                            Season 9
                            Avalon - Andy Mikita & Robert Cooper
                            Avalon, Part 2 - Andy Mikita & Robert Cooper
                            Origin - Robert Cooper & Jim Menard
                            The Ties That Bind - William Waring & Joseph Mallozzi
                            The Powers That Be - William Waring, Joseph Mallozzi & Martin Gero
                            Beachhead - Mark Savela & James Rorick
                            Ex Deus Machina - Martin Wood & Joseph Mallozzi
                            Babylon - Peter Deluise & Gary Jones
                            Prototype - Robert Cooper & Alan McCullough
                            The Fourth Horseman, Part 1 - Andy Mikita & Damian Kindler
                            The Fourth Horseman, Part 2 - Andy Mikita & Paul Mullie
                            Collateral Damage - Will Waring & Peter Woeste
                            Ripple Effect - Joseph Mallozzi & Michelle Comens
                            Stronghold - Peter Deluise & Gary Jones
                            Ethon - Damian Kindler & Barclay Hope
                            Off The Grid - Alan Mccullough & Jim Menard
                            The Scourge - Joseph Mallozzi & Michelle Comens
                            Arthur's Mantle - Alan Mccullough & Jim Menard
                            Crusade - Robert Cooper & Peter Woeste
                            Camelot - Martin Wood & Amanda Tapping

                            Season 10
                            Flesh and Blood - Robert C. Cooper, William Waring & Jim Menard
                            Morpheus - Joseph Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                            The Pegasus Project - William Waring & Jim Menard
                            Insiders - Alan McCullough & Peter F. Woeste
                            Uninvited - William Waring & Jim Menard
                            200 - Brad Wright, Robert C. Cooper, Martin Wood & Jim Menard
                            Counterstrike - Joseph Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                            Memento Mori - Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                            Company of Thieves - William Waring & Alan McCullough
                            The Quest (Part 1) - Joseph Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                            The Quest (Part 2) - Paul Mullie & Andy Mikita
                            Line In The Sand - Alan McCullough, Jim Menard & Amanda Tapping
                            The Road Not Taken - Andy Mikita, Alan McCullough & Amanda Tapping
                            The Shroud - Robert C. Cooper & Andy Mikita
                            Bounty - John G. Lenic & Jim Menard
                            Bad Guys
                            Talion - Andy Mikita & Christopher Judge
                            Family Ties - Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                            Dominion - Alan McCullough & William Waring
                            Unending - Robert C. Cooper, Jim Menard & Amanda Tapping
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              great list!!

                              ok, from the pov of someone that's listented to a lot of them, well through s6 or 7

                              jim menard is fascinating only if you're a film student. He gives great detail, just not quite the detail your average fan wants to know

                              the disclosure commentary is worthless. gary jones isn't credited, but he did it with don and the two fo them talk about anything and everything but the episode

                              peter deluise seems to have an obsession wiht constipated looking jaffa, so his commentary jumps in the gutter at the first opportunity and never gets out...personally, the potty humor gets kinda old kinda fast for me

                              martin wood's commenary are good, so are amanda's and chris'. never listened to MS's. jim menard's dry commentary gets kinda boring, PdL just gets on my nerves with the potty stuff, joe's are okay, so are paul's - he's pretty quiet.

                              I can't remember about tichenor's or the other folks'
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                That's great to hear Ann, I'm glad you got S4 set. As for me I'm still thinking on whether I should by S4 now and the others seasons later, or wait until the show ends and by the complete series when it comes out. What do you guys think, should I wait or what? I'm very glad to hear that they spook very highly of Amanda, about how she was great and how she was always prepared, that's our Amanda, that's what they and we'd come to expect from her .
                                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                                I am going to wait. That way I won't waste my money on multiple seasons and I can just buy the whole thing like you can now with SG-1. Although...that's a lot of money at one time!
                                Well, I did it, today I went out and bought the S4 DVD at HMV. I went there, I saw it, and I couldn't help myself I wasn't going to buy it, I was going to leave, I was going to wait until the show ended and buy the whole series in one set just like with SG-1, but you know why I did it? I just had to, I did it because this was Amanda/Sam's last season, and I did it for her, because it's Amanda

                                I still haven't seen it yet, but I will, and between now, and until the show ends, I'm not going to buy the other DVD's, I really want to because I want to hear Amanda's commentaries and such, but when I do buy the Atlantis set, I'll have both the complete SG-1 and Atlantis series' on DVD *YAY*

