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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    Are we twins or something? I so think he deserved more than the punch as well.
    Me too...but unfortunately my mind just took me to a TOTALLY different place.


    Darn that man and his looks.


      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      I doubt they scanned the photo, I am sure they used the digital file, not a scan of a print. And if it is a scan and it didn't pick up the detail, then TV guide needs to buy a new scanner. A $100 scanner could do better than that. I still maintain that it is a bad photo shop.
      From what I remember when I looked at the pic yesterday morning (darn, I am having a hard time keeping up with this thread) is that it looked like either too much make-up in combination with ****ty lightning or it was touched up.
      On the other hand, it could just be that the print is cr@p because the color is off.
      I also seem to remember a B5 group shot from way back then where they overdid the whole lot of 'em.
      So, yeah, I'll go with that. TV guide photoshoots are the su**.

      They must be trying real hard to kill natural good looks.

      TNT way back did a B5 photoshoot for the season 5 promos. They released promo cards in two version. In the first one you could definitely see a couple of wrinkles on Bruce's face.
      In the second version, the upped the light and voila, gone were the wrinkles.
      Anyone interested in these pics let me know and I up them.


        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
        Me too...but unfortunately my mind just took me to a TOTALLY different place.


        Darn that man and his looks.
        Maybe she hit him because he DIDN'T take his shirt off.
        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Very true, they also managed to make Landry look like an idiot, it was his responsibility to make sure she was locked out of the system.
          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
          That wasn't the only time Landry played the idiot. LitS - since when is Vala an expert in Ancient technology, so much so that her oppinion is more important that Sam's? The saddest part was that Sam ended up paying the price.
          True and true...I think that pretty much all the characters have been screwed over by the writers to a certain degree.
          Vala was brilliant IMHO in Bad Guys and in The Shroud...but there have been times when she's been written like some silly school girl who is soooo ditzy it makes you cringe.
          Sam got bitten too. How about that whole fiasco in The Fourth Horseman with Orlin...and both Landry and Lam were so disrespectful to Sam with that stupid stupid comment about Orlin and Sam having a personal relationship...forgetting that he was a grown man back then...totally unprofessional IMHO.
          I realize that time plays a huge factor in what we see in each episode but surely they could have written something a lot better than Sam capitulating to Ba'al.
          Originally posted by JanSam View Post

          Yay!!....That is good....real good!! Can't get enough of Sam smacking Ba'al!!
          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          I also liked....Sam to Ba'al "Says the brainiac who spent three days trapped in that force field."
          ...Sam is so much more relaxed...I love it when she comes out with funny little one liners like that!!
          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          Y'all have been great about latching on to what Sam does in desperate situations...but I'm talking about something we've never seen on the show. Totally helpless Sam. A Sam who is unable to move (chained down, paralyzed, taken as a host, etc.)—how would she deal with being completely without options?
          I've been enjoying everybody's opinions on what Sam would or wouldn't do also...I've been holding back my own opinion,.
          I personally think that Sam would do what ever she possibly could do in any given situation. I think she'd at first act instinctively and calmly and try to find a way around the problem., But I also think that she would panic, get scared, and maybe even cry given the right circumstances...she is after all only human. Ok, granted...she's a super human in many ways but she's still going to feel like most of us do.
          I'd be worried if she didn't show these kind of emotions.
          If Sam were out of options, I don't think she'd give up entirely. Depending on the circumstances, she may get angry, frustrated, know...the normal stuff!!
          I know I'll probably get my ass kicked for saying so, but I don't think Sam is impervious to showing her emotions. I think she does a great job in keeping calm and collected in the middle of a crisis but I'd like to think that she would also break when the going gets exceptionally tough.
          I know this sounds weird and all, I just can't seem to get it down right in words...Sam's tough...but she's not unbreakable.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i just posted this in the sanctuary thread, but i'm going to here too because part of the idea started here and HERE is where amanda fans are.
            i had the most awesome sanctuary/helen dream!!
            k, i was watching a new ep of sanctuary. i don't really remember the beginning much, other than i know there was some kick butt helen and stuff. but here's where the real juicy stuff starts...
            i *know* this comes from skydiver bringing up what kind of drunk sam would be (and ppl's answers). so the scene starts with helen sitting at a table, alone in a room. she's *very* drunk, and she's doing this because of her loneliness. she's very sad . i remember speaking to someone who was watching with me, that i was very impressed with amanda's acting in this scene. amanda was having helen put in a lot of effort to carefully poor her drink into the glass. that's how drunk she was.
            then helen gets a call and i know who it is, because earlier in the ep, some very cute guy was helping helen's group with something. i got that he's worked with them before. oh, and the actor playing this character is dale midkiff. ( in this ep, though, he had lighter, kind of sandy colored hair.
            Sooo, helen and this guy are talking on the phone and i say to myself that i wish they were lovers. then helen says to him, 'i miss you'. sitting their watching this scene, i get a big old smirk on my face. then the scene quickly changes to helen and cutie pie rolling around on the bed together. now what i don't get is that with my dirty mind, why were they clothed and not really getting it on! (shakes head at self ) but they *were* lovers and i was enjoying this. hehe.
            now the rest kind of goes off, because i can remember thinking while watching the rest of the scene, that i hoped amanda never got too thin like some of those hollywood actresses get. then i suddenly say out loud that amanda/helen sounds like the actress donna mills. (google her to see what she looks like. i've said before that she could have played sam's mom easily)
            then, i wake up and can't wait to tell everyone about my dream! but it's a dream within a dream, so... but i was glad i'd recorded the ep so i could not only watch it again, but give you guys details. oh, and i think the ep was called 'conversion'.
            THEN, my stupid alarm clock went off and i 'really' woke up! and i groaned when i did (because it was 4:30am *and* i wanted the dream to go on! )
            before i went to work, i came back into the room and wrote out some notes. i can still see the images (especially helen drunk) in my head. cool!
            k, done, bye.
            ...that was brilliant. I haven't laughed so hard in ages...I'm choking here!!! I wish I had a dream like's a bummer when you have to wake up though!
            That's a great idea though for a future Helen storyline. Helen drunk and maybe instead of that fella you saw, it could be Druitt!!! Yay!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
              From what I remember when I looked at the pic yesterday morning (darn, I am having a hard time keeping up with this thread) is that it looked like either too much make-up in combination with ****ty lightning or it was touched up.
              On the other hand, it could just be that the print is cr@p because the color is off.
              I also seem to remember a B5 group shot from way back then where they overdid the whole lot of 'em.
              So, yeah, I'll go with that. TV guide photoshoots are the su**.

              They must be trying real hard to kill natural good looks.

              TNT way back did a B5 photoshoot for the season 5 promos. They released promo cards in two version. In the first one you could definitely see a couple of wrinkles on Bruce's face.
              In the second version, the upped the light and voila, gone were the wrinkles.
              Anyone interested in these pics let me know and I up them.

              I just looked at the current TV Guide (pg 69 for those who have it and are wondering, it's the special double issue June 30 - July 13). IF this is the image being discussed. I don't think it is that bad. So they obviously airbrushed any lines off her face, but really, it's not that bad. I don't understand what the fuss is about. If it's not that image...I still don't understand what the fuss is about cause I don't know what image is being talked about.

              I'm just saying....
              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                baal sooooo deserved that
                Actually, he deserved a kick in the nuts, but the punch is so much more lady like and fun to see
                OMG!! *chokes on coffee*...this coming from you Sky...OMG...and here I was thinking you were different!! In a good way of know...the woman of reason, the one who is cool, calm and collected??? Boy was I wrong!!!
                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                Me too...but unfortunately my mind just took me to a TOTALLY different place.
                Darn that man and his looks.
                Yeah...he is kinda...nice!!!
                Not Ba'al...Cliff...lets get that straight...Ba'al = bad ass dude...Cliff = YUMMY goodness!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Hehe, IT haven't noticed that all the advisors have internet access. Yay! Posting from work for the win!
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i just posted this in the sanctuary thread, but i'm going to here too because part of the idea started here and HERE is where amanda fans are.


                    i had the most awesome sanctuary/helen dream!!
                    <snip for length>

                    that is an awesome dream! I want a dream like that...mind you I did have a dream last week in which a lot of Samandans had cameos and it was set in a mental hospital

                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    The portion of your comment "would have died had she not been rescued" brings to mind those two knuckleheaded so-called scientists who were trying to kill Sam when Jack came to the rescue. Cold, calculating, heartless people who saw Sam as nothing more than a lab rat, and felt she should just lay down like a good girl and let them dissect her (as though they were doing her some kind of favor?). Wow, ... not sure where that came from, but I think those two should have been given a taste of their own medicine and see how well they would have liked it!
                    I think those too characters highlighted something subtle. Is it easier for really smart people to lose their moral compass? Cos those two guys were totally off the moral compass, along with old Adrian yet while he was doing it to save his life they were doing it partly for money but also I suspect partly because they wanted to's not a part of your brain you can turn off. We've seen elements of that from Sam, like a Matter of Time and I guess what I am pondering is how hard it would have been for Sam to take a slightly more morally dubious path in life. Especially when she was younger and no doubt holding a lot of bitterness and general resentment.

                    Ooh Evil Sam AU fic!

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Hehe, IT haven't noticed that all the advisors have internet access. Yay! Posting from work for the win!
                    YAY! I am glad you have the internets...but please don't stop drawing cartoons in paint
                    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                    My Fanfic~My Femslash


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      ...that was brilliant. I haven't laughed so hard in ages...I'm choking here!!! I wish I had a dream like's a bummer when you have to wake up though!
                      That's a great idea though for a future Helen storyline. Helen drunk and maybe instead of that fella you saw, it could be Druitt!!! Yay!!
                      Haha Mmmmm *double eyebrow raise*


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                        LOL Yes in an attempt to change the subject to something more positive. Some of my favorite pictures.


                        Amanda and Martin on the set of the movie. They just look like they are having fun.

                        Sam in Lost City... one of my favorite eppy's

                        The introduction... the scene that started it all.

                        I like Urgo... That was a funny episode.

                        Sam in the elevator after leaving Cassie... That was a powerful scene
                        I've steadily been buying the individual season box sets to replace my video collection as I no longer have a video player, and these photo's remind me how great the older episodes are. I haven't watched many of the old ones for ages and it makes me want to watch them again.


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          I know

                          If we're not careful this could lead onto fav hairstyle, which could go the same way as the weight/boobs/height trilogy of the last couple of weeks. Don't want to scare any more people, right?

                          Personally whilst I do like her new lnger hair, both blond and brown, I really liked her 'do from S4 Small Victories through to Upgrades. I prefered it to the really short look.


                            Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                            Personally whilst I do like her new lnger hair, both blond and brown, I really liked her 'do from S4 Small Victories through to Upgrades. I prefered it to the really short look.
                            Heehee me too. But Amanda being Amanda can pull off any hairstyle really.....*bitterly mumbling*


                              Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                              Heehee me too. But Amanda being Amanda can pull off any hairstyle really.....*bitterly mumbling*
                              I know what you mean, but when it comes to the styles we see in the shows it really helps to have a staff of stylists and makeup artists on hand. We could all look as good if we had a stylist following us around!


                                Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                                I know what you mean, but when it comes to the styles we see in the shows it really helps to have a staff of stylists and makeup artists on hand. We could all look as good if we had a stylist following us around!
                                You mean you don't have an entourage of stylists and make up artists?
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

