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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    It was a beautiful post and she seems at peace with herself and her situation - what a brave soul. And how blessed she is to have the opportunity to say goodbye ... amazing grace.

    When my cousin was dying of cancer, I sent him flowers because he loved flowers so much. I couldn't help but think - why do people wait until loved ones leave us before sending flowers? I am so glad that Dee was able to enjoy our Samandan delivery yesterday. Life is about being in the moment and Dee has grasped every precious minute these past months, days, hours. What an example for all of us.

    Let's keep sending our prayers and thoughts of peace to her and her family.

    Amanda's own kindness has created a unique community of fans here on the internet, the friendships formed and acts of caring ... very special indeed. Remember our friend, Atteria, too who also fought the good fight and helped to create our motto, "hic comitas regit".

    Peace, CG xxoo
    So very true, nice idea and still think from time to time of Atteria and her wonderful pictures of cakes!


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY UBER!!!!!!! Ihope you have a great day


        *Sending Prayers and Thougts to Rocky + DeeJay (+Fam)*



          I'm out for the night...I would just like to send my love to Deejay and her family and to everyone here and all of Deejays friends.
          It truly saddens me that we must say goodbye to a wonderful person who has bought much happiness to others and has inspired us all...and who is a friend we all hold dear in our hearts.
          I don't want to say goodbye. I'm sorry but it's just hard you know?
          I thought I should pop back in and say goodnight to everyone before I sign off. I also wanted to let you all know that my heart goes out to each and everyone of you who is feeling the same as I do.
          I'm so grateful that I have family here with me now who have listened to me tell them about Deejay and everyone here and how we've banded together for Deejay and her family. I truly wish I could hug you all.
          I'm going to go have another drink for Deejay. And maybe get another hug from hubby who has been surprisingly wonderful.
          Good night everyone. Take care and stay safe.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            I'm out for the night...I would just like to send my love to Deejay and her family and to everyone here and all of Deejays friends.
            It truly saddens me that we must say goodbye to a wonderful person who has bought much happiness to others and has inspired us all...and who is a friend we all hold dear in our hearts.
            I don't want to say goodbye. I'm sorry but it's just hard you know?
            I thought I should pop back in and say goodnight to everyone before I sign off. I also wanted to let you all know that my heart goes out to each and everyone of you who is feeling the same as I do.
            I'm so grateful that I have family here with me now who have listened to me tell them about Deejay and everyone here and how we've banded together for Deejay and her family. I truly wish I could hug you all.
            I'm going to go have another drink for Deejay. And maybe get another hug from hubby who has been surprisingly wonderful.
            Good night everyone. Take care and stay safe.

            that's a beautiful sentiment, Chelle. Isn't it amazing how Deejay's plight has brought everybody together, even more so than before?
            "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night



              Happy B-day Uber!!!! Hope you have a great time!!!

              This week I'm officialy 6 years fan of Amanda It's been 6 wonderful years *grins*



                happy birthday hon
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Hey guys

                  I understand, some thinking I shouldn't have to make my posts so long from a 70 page thing on Microsoft word, but I'm going to cut that down for my sake . But you see, I sorta have to do it for 3 reasons:

                  1. Amanda of course

                  2. You guys

                  3. Well, there's something you should now about me you see
                  I am Amanda Tapping , I use this ID to look and talk to my fans on the board, to keep everything it stable, and privacy. I thank you all for being such wonderful fans and....
                  I'm kidding, I'm not Amanda, could you imagine? But really, something is going to happen to me soon, something that could change my life forever.

                  I should have said this earlier, a little while back, I had yet another accident at work , but this time something heavy fell on my, knocked me out, and that was it. When I woke up, I was at the hospital and I was bleeding from my head . Long story short, I now need to have surgery on my back to fix the damage in July, because I get bad headaches, my hands start shaking, and my legs go numb. However, they'll be close real close to my spine, and there's 3 possible outcomes:

                  1. I lose about 30% use my legs

                  2. I lose all mobility in my legs

                  3. Or I don't lose any mobility, and I stay as I am now

                  I'm not really nervous now, I'm actually a lot more nervous about my last exam tomorrow . But yeah, I'm hoping for the best, I'm even nervous I'll lose some use of my hands.

                  Ever since I heard about Deejay, I feel for her so much, and I have a close idea of how scared she must be, I'm still praying for her, I even asked my class to say a prayer for her today. She is a brave, and wonderful young lady. But like her, I have you guys for support, I'm so glad I'm apart of this wonderful family . Sky, Sally, Juila, Sofie, Chelle, Kriss, S/J, J/T, Jumper one, ChopinGal, Ann, JanSam, Mandy All you guys (Sorry to those I didn't mention) have helped me so much since I joined, but I never really felt like I've probably thank you, so thank you all. I hope I've brought something to this great thread, other than my huge love for Amanda, and my epic long posts.

                  You know, a friend of mine from work asked me, "What would you rather be blind, or deaf?" And right away, I thought of Amanda, I couldn't imagine losing my sight, or hearing. He said he'd go deaf, I however couldn't los either. Without sight, I couldn't see Amanda's beautiful and wonderful face and smile, or her at all . But without my hearing, I wouldn't be able to hear her beautiful and wonderful voice and laugh. I guess, all my good will and spirit comes from her. If I do lose my mobility, I still have you guys, and Amanda. Bye, oh, and as for the 70 page MSW thing, tomorrow I'm going to post a very important part of it, it's short. Well bye now, off to study my last exam.

                  Rocky *sending positive vibes your way* and good luck with your exam too.
                  Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                  Thanks for posting the news on DeeJay, Sky. I saw it over on lj. Having watched my aunt battle breast cancer I know how hard this time is for DeeJay and her family. My thoughts and prayers are with them all.

                  Many hugs to all Samandans.

                  (Scapers in this group might recognize this...) In honor of DeeJay...

                  The goddess graciously receives to her bosom all those that pass from this existence, regardless of faith or belief.

                  She holds, however, a special place for those who travel this life as a journey.

                  DeeJay will surely harvest favor. Her life was a series of strides toward enlightenment. Casting off the chains of prejudice and hatred, reaching beyond violence and bigotry, she sought a balance of lasting inner peace. In her name --

                  May the goddess receive you with charity.
                  May the goddess sanctify your spirit.
                  May the goddess purify your soul.
                  May the goddess always recite your name on the whispers of the wind.

                  That was beautiful!!
                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  I'm out for the night...I would just like to send my love to Deejay and her family and to everyone here and all of Deejays friends.
                  It truly saddens me that we must say goodbye to a wonderful person who has bought much happiness to others and has inspired us all...and who is a friend we all hold dear in our hearts.
                  I don't want to say goodbye. I'm sorry but it's just hard you know?
                  I thought I should pop back in and say goodnight to everyone before I sign off. I also wanted to let you all know that my heart goes out to each and everyone of you who is feeling the same as I do.
                  I'm so grateful that I have family here with me now who have listened to me tell them about Deejay and everyone here and how we've banded together for Deejay and her family. I truly wish I could hug you all.
                  I'm going to go have another drink for Deejay. And maybe get another hug from hubby who has been surprisingly wonderful.
                  Good night everyone. Take care and stay safe.


                  Happy Birthday Ooooober!!!

                  Also, (((((((((((Deejay and family)))))))))))))))

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    I should have said this earlier, a little while back, I had yet another accident at work , but this time something heavy fell on my, knocked me out, and that was it. When I woke up, I was at the hospital and I was bleeding from my head . Long story short, I now need to have surgery on my back to fix the damage in July, because I get bad headaches, my hands start shaking, and my legs go numb. However, they'll be close real close to my spine, and there's 3 possible outcomes:

                    1. I lose about 30% use my legs

                    2. I lose all mobility in my legs

                    3. Or I don't lose any mobility, and I stay as I am now
                    Rocky, I'm so sorry you were hurt. Surgery is scary. I hope it goes well.


                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.




                        Happy Birthday Uber!!!

                        have a great day dude


                        ((((DEEJ + FAM))))


                          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                          I see where you're coming from, MerryK. Although I don't interpret those scenes in the same way you do I could see how one could do so. I might agree with saying that Sam is sometimes overconfident in her abilities, but I would also say that being right 9.9 times out of 10 is naturally going to lead an individual to be extremely confident in their own abilities, and rightfully so.

                          I wonder if gender doesn't play a role here. Research has shown that what people perceive as confidence in men is often perceived as arrogance in women, not only in leadership roles, but in the sciences, as well. This goes back to the age old perception that women should be submissive, pleasant, people-pleasers rather than leaders and scientific problem-solvers (in Sam's case).

                          It's fairly well documented that boys, generally, have fewer self-esteem issues than girls, and hence, behaviors differ accordingly. A girl or woman who exhibits the same self-esteem as boys or men is a bit unusual, and may be perceived as having self-esteem that is too high (ie. arrogant, overconfident) in comparison to her female peers.

                          Would we be having this conversation if Sam were a guy? I have to wonder...

                          Well, I would.

                          I personally find Daniel a bit more arrogant than Sam. But I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing. It's rather understated, but it's there. When you know that you're right (and when you're right 99% of the time), even if you don't know why you're right, there's a certain arrogance in insisting that you're right. If people know you, they may take it more as being very confident, rather than arrogance but again to me it's a very fine line.

                          I'm also married to a very "self-confident" person, who happens to be very intelligent. Most of the time this is not an issue, because 99% of the time, he is right, but the means of getting there sometimes comes across as arrogant. But again, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. A lot of it is how they deal with the feeling.

                          Not sure if that makes sense or not.

                          And on another note, just wanted to say that my prayers are with Deejay's family as they deal with this next step in DeeJay's journey. May they find the peace that Deejay seems to have found here at the end.

                          (((((Deejay's Family)))))




                              Hey all, just popping in for a quick hello... Just got back from holiday in Scotland visiting the honey.... man now the catching up starts....

                              I miss all you Samandans.....
                              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                                Hey guys! I wanna say I also posted a message on DJ's Live Journal, subject: Hey DJ and I signed it with Daivy. I hope I expressed well good things (I never lost a person this way I think);

                                I'll also said I still don't give up on her, so in that meaning I don't mis her. In the words of Waylon Jennings: It ain't over till it's over.

                                But in the next days / weeks, I'll miss her a lot. And need to accept it, and again I feel guilt, for not asking a DJ "sig" like some of you have. But y'all saw my get well card for her so I hope that counts too when thinking about her.

                                I hope I'm not inpolite or shelfish but, would anyone mind me asking DJ to eh ask Him to forgive my sins? Cause incase I am before the Purley Gates, scared like hell won't even say how scared I am on that moment. I may die in what 60 years, or 40 but still, I try to be a good person, have my "dark" sides now and then. But I try to be a good person.

                                If anyone minds this "religious" question through DJ I won't this. It's just.. I wanna do the right thing when I'm alive and, Amanda and DJ, Atteria already (if ya ask me) deserved heaven. And I'm honord, to know 1 of these listed people "personal / online".

                                I'll visit DJ's LiveJournal again, and here too, post something later today. See y'all then.

                                Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!

