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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Yeah I was thinking that too. Sometimes I wish the whole world would look at this thread because it would show the power of love and humanity and what happens when people put aside their differences and come together from all around the world, because we care about each other. Samanda love at its finest and most special, IMHO.
    ((((((Deejay and Family)))))))
    Well said Julia. This place makes the world so much nicer...brings out the best in us.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    I read her post on LJ last night and she basically told everyone goodbye and..i still tear up thinking about it.
    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    Me too. I'm touched that she took the time and effort, and I know it was a true effort, to answer those of us she could.
    I don't know what to say. I'm just...I'm so sorry to all the Samandans out there who know and love Deejay. And for her family...I'm so sorry.
    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    When I first read her post I was teary. Then I had to read it again this morning when she replied to my comment, and I started again. I think it's something special to have been on this thread these past few weeks. I don't know if it makes sense, but I feel closer to everyone as a group now, even more so than before. Deejay has done something very special here and I'm glad we've had this time to celebrate her, and swop stories, and send our support. My hugs and prayers go out to her and her family in this time.
    It makes perfect sense PengYn.
    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
    I think that's beautifully put. Just wanted to share this poem with everybody, it was written by British comedian Joyce Grenfell, who was also a very spiritual woman.

    "If I should go before the rest of you,
    Break not a flower, nor inscribe a stone,
    Nor, when I am gone, speak in a 'Sunday' voice,
    But be the usual selves that I have known.

    Weep if you must, parting is hell,
    But life goes on -- so sing as well."

    It seemed so appropriate for the mood of the thread today. I'm sure Deejay would want us to be the "usual selves" that she has known.
    I know what you're saying and I agree but I don't feel like being my normal self...I'm just gonna go and sit down and let myself be sad...this is really hard and I don't know why...well I mean I do but I don't...sorry.
    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
    I should have said this earlier, a little while back, I had yet another accident at work , but this time something heavy fell on my, knocked me out, and that was it. When I woke up, I was at the hospital and I was bleeding from my head . Long story short, I now need to have surgery on my back to fix the damage in July, because I get bad headaches, my hands start shaking, and my legs go numb. However, they'll be close real close to my spine, and there's 3 possible outcomes:
    1. I lose about 30% use my legs
    2. I lose all mobility in my legs
    3. Or I don't lose any mobility, and I stay as I am now
    I'm not really nervous now, I'm actually a lot more nervous about my last exam tomorrow . But yeah, I'm hoping for the best, I'm even nervous I'll lose some use of my hands.

    You know, a friend of mine from work asked me, "What would you rather be blind, or deaf?" And right away, I thought of Amanda, I couldn't imagine losing my sight, or hearing. He said he'd go deaf, I however couldn't los either. Without sight, I couldn't see Amanda's beautiful and wonderful face and smile, or her at all . But without my hearing, I wouldn't be able to hear her beautiful and wonderful voice and laugh. I guess, all my good will and spirit comes from her. If I do lose my mobility, I still have you guys, and Amanda. Bye, oh, and as for the 70 page MSW thing, tomorrow I'm going to post a very important part of it, it's short. Well bye now, off to study my last exam.
    Geez Rocky! What the heck are you doing to yourself dude???

    Please take care and stay safe. Good luck with your last exam. Please let us know what's happening.
    With regard to your epic posts that have had me laughing at times...please don't feel the need to respond to all the posts...we just love you popping in to say hi...but I do understand that sometimes you may feel that you really want to make that effort...and I do appreciate that.

    I have often wondered if I were to lose one of my senses, which would it be? I still find it hard to choose...I think I would prefer to loose my sense of smell or taste but if it were between sight and hearing...I'd probably choose sight. I can see things with my eyes closed. Not the same I know but that's just how I feel about it. The one thing I would never want to lose feelings.
    And on that note...I need to go for a bit...
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping



      we'll always remember you.
      Last edited by majorsal; 18 June 2008, 06:37 PM. Reason: would be nice to get it right the first time. or the tenth, for crying out loud!



        You too are in my thoughts and prayers Rocky... for your surgery and your final exam!

        I too will keep Deejay and her family in my prayers! Deejay is one of the most courageous people I know... Like many of you I teared up after reading her entry on her LJ and the responses she gave. *hugs*


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

          I too will keep Deejay and her family in my prayers! Deejay is one of the most courageous people I know... Like many of you I teared up after reading her entry on her LJ and the responses she gave. *hugs*

          Me too. She is a very courageous person and an inspiration, to say the least.

          Thanks for keeping us informed on this thread, Sky. Much appreciated.


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            luckily, mitchell grew and changed.


            <<raises brows>>

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i'm really going to miss sam on atlantis. i really feel s6 was going to be a steady and good season for sam.

              but i also think amanda made the right decision.

              I think that as well but did you mean season 5? Who knows she may be in some episodes in season six as well if they are renewed. I am looking forward to Sanctuary she is great in that an longer TV episodes will be wonderful. Her future is bright.
              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
              There's a tag on some folks' sigs (Mandy, Suse and Oober come to mind) that reads "Deejay's Angels." There should be some news soon about how we can help.
              I do the Susan Kohen race for the cure in memory of my mom who had breast cancer and died.

              I could give you the information on that if you want?
              Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                Now that it's officially Oooooober's birthday, in our time zone

                Happy Birthday Oooooooooooooober
                I got you a few things

                For your Birthday:

                and after your birthday


                Hope it's a good one

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Now that it's officially Oooooober's birthday, in our time zone

                  Happy Birthday Oooooooooooooober
                  I got you a few things

                  For your Birthday:

                  and after your birthday


                  Hope it's a good one
                  Happy happy Happy Birthday
                  Your Royal Oooooberness!

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    <<raises brows>>


                    it's alright, suse.




                      Originally posted by atfan View Post
                      I think that as well but did you mean season 5? Who knows she may be in some episodes in season six as well if they are renewed. I am looking forward to Sanctuary she is great in that an longer TV episodes will be wonderful. Her future is bright.
                      yes, i meant season 5. i'm very scatterbrained today...




                        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                        You know, over-confident is probably a better definition than arrogance. I don't see arrogance as much more negative than over-confidence, but I think it puts off most people. Also, I'm getting a wee bit frustrated by this "Yes she does, but..." Of course! That's exactly how people in real life are, a mixture of successes and failings even in the same area. But we can admit someone's failing in real life without qualifying it with something positive...can't we do that here too?

                        This discussion got me thinking about characters in other fandoms who were similar to Sam and how fans treated them...any Firefly fans here? Sam reminds me a lot of Simon Tam from that show—very brilliant to the point of being rather unrealistic in their general area of expertise, very well aware of it (while also being humble in many cases), and pretty much his only mistakes coming from issues with forming romantic relationships. Except in the Firefly fandom, Simon is pretty much dismissed as a character because of his mixture of brilliance, confidence, and lack of romantic success.
                        I agree, we are all a mix of successes and failures, and we all have many facets to our personalities.

                        Fictional characters do, too, to some extent, especially a character with an 11 year run. So when I think to myself Sam is this way, the other half of my brain says well, what about when Sam behaves another way...

                        Sorry if it irritated you. I liked the discussion you started.

                        Yes, Simon drove me nuts, he was very one dimensional, but we only had one season of him (cue chinese curse word), so he may have eventually rounded out as a character...
                        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                        Quint Studer


                          Originally posted by Edb View Post
                          There is an event called Relay for Life. I don't know if it is an event held throughout the US or not. I do know that it is held in towns across Wisconsin and just starting out in Illinois. I've participated in it as cancer has touched my family as well. You merely pledge to walk a certain length of time, usually on teams. The money raised goes toward cancer research. In our town it is a big event with teams from the schools, businesses, the local hospitals, orgainizations, neighborhoods, etc. all walking around a path to raise money for cancer research. People buy luminaries (paper bags with votive candles inside) for cancer survivors and those who did not survivor. The luminaries are lit and placed all along the walking path. At dusk the luminaries are lit and the names of all the people are read. In addition to the reading of the names the luminaries have the names of the people written on them. It is quite a moving experience. The beginning of the event starts with all the survivors and their caregivers walking first around the path to the thunderous applause of all the participates. Since this is a small town a lot of people know each other. The Relay for Life begins around 6 at night and continues throughout the night until around noon, the next day. It is quite profound to walk at 3 in the morning following the light of the luminaries. I believe our town raised nearly $200,000 for cancer research.
                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          We have it here too. Here is Deejay's one from the event I ran in earlier in the year:

                          When I sent the photo, Deej said it gave her happy tears at a time when most of them were unhappy ones.

                          Our Relay For Life (Waterloo Region, in Ontario) was this past Friday. I didn't get a pic of my luminary (wasn't nearly as picturesque as yours anyway Neep ), but I did put one out there for Deejay as well Every little bit helps, after all. For those of you who may not be able to participate athletically, you can also help out by volunteering. Donations of time, ingredients and labour are important too ... I usually do food service, foot-traffic control, and luminaries (building, distribution, sales, lighting, etc). Our event officially runs for 12 hours, plus set-up and striking time. This year I had to leave early due to a migrane, but still - whatever you can give is as worthy as the next person's gift as well!

                          My heart goes out to Deejay and her family ... best wishes to give you buoyancy for the next part of your journey!

                          Rocky - I'm sending happy healing vibes your way!

                          Ooooooobes, happy bday! *<;-D The previously discussed package went into the post this morning - let me know when it arrives please! (The last one took just shy of a week to reach its target so I'm thinking early next week?)

                          ...and now it is past time for me to be in bed, so I'll bid all my fellow Samandans adieu! *waves* Pleasant dreams!
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            cross posted from the samanda group since i know that folks don't always visit that

                            I pray Deej passes gently from here on her way there. I know she will fly straight into God's loving arms. I pray for comfort for her family.

                            My heart is sad.
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Hi Samandans

                              I just wanted to say how inspiring and loving you are. You treat people you don't know with the same love expected for a family. Know that you are extraordinary people



                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                Me too. I'm touched that she took the time and effort, and I know it was a true effort, to answer those of us she could.

                                Wow i don't know what to say other than what a truely beautiful spirit DeeJay is!
                                Thankyou scifithinker for the link.

