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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Thanks for that Mandy.

    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    hey guys!!!!

    what's happenin' with the lovely Samandas these days?
    Nice to see you back.

    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Just have to say AT is beyond awesome. Such a generous, caring and gracious lady.
    Well said. I can only echo those comments.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      a lot of that is attributed to the writers just not thinking. If they had been thinking they could have said something like 'i knew she was up for it but this is the first time i get to announce it' or 'the first time i get to announce it as commander of this base' or whatever

      then again, for those that hate sam, no matter what you do, someone will find fault with it and her. And i don't mean this towards anyone personally just....for some, sam could get killed off and they'd still complain that she took too much screen time to die.
      They already did for "The Last Man"


        Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
        Why is that? Because the Canadian Army only has green/wood camo?
        When the Canadian Army was deployed to Afghanistan as part of the NATO mission they only had green camo uniforms. Not great camo in a desert area (where they were deployed). Took TPTB a while to get them proper uniforms.

        Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
        Hahah definitely hilarious! heehee

        Hahah my favourite scene is the puppet scene. I think I actually had to hit the pause button when I watched it for the first time cause I couldn't breathe. Walter is the best! He is such a dumb geek in that scene. Love when he says "I feel so stupid" hee hee cute!
        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

        200, I love that ep, its soo funny! I have a few favourite scenes, I love the puppet scene, Walter and Hammond make me laugh "make it spin", "I feel so stupid"
        And Sam's reproductive organs line made me shudder in COTG but each time they use it now, I laugh.

        Amanda is a wonderful caring person...
        She Rocks!!!


        I know some people don't like 200 but I agree with you. I don't consider it a real SG1 episode but it makes me laugh. I also love the puppets, especially the scenes you mentioned.
        Last edited by EH-T; 11 June 2008, 02:35 PM.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Guys I forgot in my last post to say:

          Thank You to Ambermoon for my lovely avatar!

          Isn't it pretty? I love it!

          Very pretty!

          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          So, was I the only one who grumbled when Jack promoted Sam upon being promoted himself? I can totally understand if he offered a strong recommendation, but that act just stung of favoritism to me. Especially since it wasn't even the next episode. I know there's no evidence that Sam's not the most qualified, but there's also no evidence that Jack just doesn't see anyone but SG-1. But then, I've always protested a little to SG-1's clique status...I support the overlooked people.
          Originally posted by atfan View Post
          You have to understand just because Jack technically presided over the ceremony, he did not promote Sam her officer promotion packet went to the LT Colonel boards and she had all the qualifications to acheive the rank including time in grade,time in service, education level leadership experience etc to get the rank of LT Col. also given her unique position she was more than likely an early candidate for promotion due to her awards and commendations as well as combat experience. The board publishes the list of officers promoted and then it is up to the command when the actual ceremony and promotion takes place usually a few months later.
          I'm going to defer to atfan who obviously knows whereof she speaks. However, I can understand your point MerryK as all we got to SEE was Jack saying he took the promotion so he "could do cool stuff like this".

          Originally posted by Edb View Post
          It truly is a weird and wonderful land this Samandaland of ours. No Alice but a remarkable woman named Amanda who can take nearly sane and slightly grown up people and morph them into licking, laughing, smacking, noodle chasing, cookie tempting, Gutter dwellers near The Dark Side. She has armed us with humor, compassion, kindness, and generosity to fight the daily battles that life sometimes throws at us and and to live that life to the fullest seeing much beauty and love in it. All Hail Amanda!!! Lead us onward and downward to the Gutter near The Dark Side armed with noodles and cookies, laughing and licking all the way.
          Amen, sister!

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            So, after only photoshopping Sam / AT for aaages, I really needed some Jack in the mix So, in spoilers cause it ain't on topic, but I think Jckfan will like

            Oooooooo, "wipes drool from keyboard* holy crap! I mean, ahem, nicely done,SJSL... yes. very very nice.

            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
            They already did for "The Last Man"
            :rollseyes: people are idiots...
            she can't even die right? give me a break!

            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

            SG-1 FanFiction
            Sanctuary Fanfiction


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              With Fathers' Day this weekend--do you think before they repaired their relationship, that Sam called Jacob on Fathers Day?

              After he was Tok'ra-fied, what do you think Sam did for Father's Day? What does a Tok'ra need, anyway? A new tripe suit? New lace up boots?
              Hahah good question! tripe suit heehee...mmm tasty.
              I never knew Father's day dates are different around the world? Huh, well there you go!


                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                It truly is a weird and wonderful land this Samandaland of ours. No Alice but a remarkable woman named Amanda who can take nearly sane and slightly grown up people and morph them into licking, laughing, smacking, noodle chasing, cookie tempting, Gutter dwellers near The Dark Side. She has armed us with humor, compassion, kindness, and generosity to fight the daily battles that life sometimes throws at us and and to live that life to the fullest seeing much beauty and love in it. All Hail Amanda!!! Lead us onward and downward to the Gutter near The Dark Side armed with noodles and cookies, laughing and licking all the way.
                Teehee. The mental image is growing out of control....

                So....what is with the noodle...and a wet one at that....?




                    Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                    Teehee. The mental image is growing out of control....

                    So....what is with the noodle...and a wet one at that....?
                    Dunno.............newbie here but have been warned to watch out for Skydiver's "Wet Noodle of Doom!" And if what's with the noodle ... and a wet one at that sounds scary, what's with OKRA???????? That's downright threatening!


                      Originally posted by nolamom View Post
                      Is That A Cat????????????????????


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        I'm going to defer to atfan who obviously knows whereof she speaks. However, I can understand your point MerryK as all we got to SEE was Jack saying he took the promotion so he "could do cool stuff like this".
                        Yup. I hope I didn't come across like I was trying to argue the point...just the impression. I wonder, though, what the writers were trying to portray, and if they talked to their AF advisor.

                        For the whole shower thing...I think it's like Vala's humor. Yeah, sure, it's funny, but it's not the kind of humor I want to be promoting. I laughed at the shower scene, but I was squicked at the same time because it made Jack both immature and without self-control over his impulses.

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          So, after only photoshopping Sam / AT for aaages, I really needed some Jack in the mix So, in spoilers cause it ain't on topic, but I think Jckfan will like

                          Whatever gave you that idea? *bats eyes innocently* me likes.


                            Howdy! I was asked to come over here and clarify Air Force Officer Promotions in regards to Sam's promotion to Lt. Col. I didn't have a chance to go back and see what was discussed, so if I take this in a totally different direction, I apologize now!

                            I was an Air Force officer for eight years so I have some experience in this matter. Air Force officer promotions are done through a board process. Commander's can't just decide to promote an officer they like, at any given time. The board looks at all promotion eligible officers (which is basically determined by your total commissioned officer time), and rates them 1-however many. Then they decide how many they need to promote over the next year or so, and the first however many then are "Selected" for promotion. They'll generally divide that number up by 12, and spread those promotions out over the next year. So, say they decide to promote 600 Majors to Lt. Col, then the board will look at all eligible Majors' packages (consisting of their job history and performance reports), rate them all, and select the first 600 for promotion. Then, the first of every month, they'll promote 50, in order from 1-600. When you have been Selected for promotion, you are still your current rank, but you know that you will be promoted, sometime in the next year. This is fairly simplified, but I don't want to confuse the issue with insignificant details.

                            So, the only influence Jack would have had on Sam's promotion, would be her performance reports, which would also have been signed by General Hammond, not just Jack. Plus, as her commanding officer, he is her advocate. It's his job to make her sound like she walks on water. He did swear her in, but that is not the same as selecting her for promotion. The show did make it seem like Jack was the one who decided to promote her, but that is not how it's done in the real AF. Granted, this is a TV show that can do whatever they want, but when it comes to this kind of stuff, TPTB seem to like to follow AF procedure. So, when Jack said that he got to do really cool stuff like promote Sam, I took that to mean that the really cool stuff was performing the promotion ceremony.

                            Hope this clarifies things, if not let me know.

                            Oh and SAM RULES!


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Didn't Jack say something like, now that I'm promoted, I'm really happy that I can do this ... and then name Sam for promotion? I always interpreted that as he was glad he could be the one to give her the pin (or however that is called), I really never thought he decided (then and there / or earlier) to promote her.

                              The shower scene was cute on one hand, on the other hand it creeped me out ... so wrong. And I really don't think Jack would do that to Sam, so it was deminishing (?) to his character too.
                              About the shower thing, i mean, all of 200 was one big crazy ride, so it definetly worked with the tone of the ep and it certainly made some people (including myself) laugh, despite the slight creepy-stalker-ness about it. Jack would never do that to Sam, and this is apparently a clip from something that happened a while sgo, but was never actually 'shown' in an ep. I think it was ok to have put in because it's kinda like it never happened.... even though it did.
                              Does that make any sense at all, or should i just shut up now?
                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              I just wanted to share the new banner I made - hope you like it
                              oh, that's lovely!!!!!!
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              a lot of that is attributed to the writers just not thinking. If they had been thinking they could have said something like 'i knew she was up for it but this is the first time i get to announce it' or 'the first time i get to announce it as commander of this base' or whatever

                              then again, for those that hate sam, no matter what you do, someone will find fault with it and her. And i don't mean this towards anyone personally just....for some, sam could get killed off and they'd still complain that she took too much screen time to die.

                              last i knew that was a MAYBE

                              my gut???? if she shows up it will be as an unofficial guest, solely there to help rick with his 'stage fright'. kinda support him like she did at avalon

                              and it also depends on her schedule. She'll be working on sanctuary then and who knows if she'll have the time

                              i wouldn't say it wont' happen, but don't get your hopes up either, unless and until you see some sort of official announcement
                              ok, who could hate Sam?????? seriously! who could hate such an amazing person? Seriously!? (i gotta stop Grey's Anatomy-ifying this thread)

                              good night guys! *hugs*

                              oh, and did i mention that

                              AMANDA ROCKS!!!!


                                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                                Wrong, Brunettes have more fun, we just don't have to brag about it like Blondes do.
                                Na not even.

                                Originally posted by ames View Post
                                Actually, that was quite helpful! Thanks
                                ...not that there's anything wrong with confusion - this is *me* speaking, after all - confusion is like a middle name! LOL

                                Don't forget the panda option - they swing both ways
                                Sky's noodle = bad, cookies = good, greens = great, blueygoodness (aka blue jello) = awesome, licks = wet (except for lilferret's, apparently!), Amanda Tapping = rocks!!!
                                Jan and Mandy keep the hazmat suits, Tracy has the liquor cabinet keys (although Neep seems able to get in there without any assistance ... hmmm).
                                Dark side has cookies. Seems unfair. Then again, dark side also has comfy gutters. I think. Wait - are the gutters on the dark side, or do we have to choose between gutters and cookies? Gah! Hmmmm.... then again, no one has actually determined where the dark side is, or what it is the dark side of, so maybe it's not such a bad thing? *ponders* We'll go with that
                                I think the gutter is the border between the light and dark side......Its like a Panda....swings both ways

                                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                                I just wanted to share the new banner I made - hope you like it
                                Ohh thats pretty

                                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                                Dunno.............newbie here but have been warned to watch out for Skydiver's "Wet Noodle of Doom!" And if what's with the noodle ... and a wet one at that sounds scary, what's with OKRA???????? That's downright threatening!
                                Oh it is....fear the noodle....


