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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey Everyone,

    *hugs everyone*

    *waves at Minigeek, Oooober and tsaxlady* you guys came to play in the Samanda toy box, YAY!

    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

    I'm not sure about this. I'm one of those penguins that don't think Grace was Sam and Jack's daughter and she's destined to be born. And like you said, Sam will have to work fast to have a kid(s). What I can see is "another Cassie". If they run into a kid thats lost everyone I think Sam will be willing and able to give him/her a home, like she couldn't do with Cassie.
    Yeah I can see Sam doing something like that now, although I would like to see her have kids, she'd have to be kinda quick though, I think adopting an 'off world' child is much more Sam.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    I see grace not as sam's future child, i see her as sam's 'inner child'...a part of her that she's ignored and quashed in her 'growing up' too soon.

    i think, after mom died, jacob had little use for a little kid - or that's how sam felt - and i think she felt the need to try and take her mom's place, so she didn't spend her childhood playing, she was a 'young lady' from the day of the funeral.

    I think she rarely just has fun, and that's what grace was trying to show her, that it's ok to have fun.
    I agree with Sky, I think Grace was Sam's 'inner child' she helped Sam not get hooked on the problems she had but to 'let go' as Amanda herself said its about "being in the moment" I think that's one of the things Grace was trying to show Sam, that if Sam stopped trying to think so hard then the answer would come.

    I agree about after Sam's Mum died, Sam 'grew up' real fast and didn't really grieve for her Mum. I'm trying to write my first fic and that's what its about, if I ever finish it.

    EDIT: Great icons sofie

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Chelle, I'm not sure bush fires would effect me the same as they would for you. I've been close to area's around here that were affected by fire and have been captivated by the activity and view, but it was more curiosity/morbid fascination on my part I think. I'm more of a weather geek, but I guess if I squinted my eyes a bit I might be able to see the weather relatedness behind it all.
      Me too!!! I love the weather...sometimes I feel like know...loves the weather station and all...I love going into the BOM site and sussing out the latest weather and watching the long term for the fires...I think the scariest part is the smell of the smoke...I love watching it from a distance and all but when I smell that smoke, I get all weird...more so than normal that is...I think it all stems back to Ash Wednesday back in 1983...having lived so close to the fires back then I think it still haunts me to a certain degree today!
      What's there to understand?? Love the pictures...from whence did they come???...if you don't mind me asking??
      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      i feel the same with all of this. i can't see sam even wanting to drop all of her careers (military *and* scientist). while i'd prefer 'jack' to retire (if one wants to believe they'd get together), i could see sam deciding to settle things down so she could have a family.
      here's a question: do you think sam would have kids?
      answering the question, i think she would. but i think she'd need to start like NOW for not only getting pregnant, but the for the chances of the baby coming out healthier.
      Hmmm...must I strain the brain at this ungodly hour???
      Ok...first, I think that Sam will always have a role in the AF...even if and when she retires.
      Second, I have to admit, that I do see Grace as a possible fututre child of Sam and Jack...and shippyness does get the better of me at times but I just think that idea would be cute...but...that is not to say that I'm open to other ideas as to who Grace might be...I do like the idea of Grace being Sam's inner child per se...but I still like my theory that Grace is the child that she and Jack might one day have...whether in this reality or another...sorry, but that's just how I happen to feel about it.
      Third, I'm kinda wondering why Sam can't have it all...the career, the family and the social life...why not???
      So, my hope is that if it is something that Sam would dearly love to have...a family...then I would hope that that is what she gets...I'm kinda like that though...I'm like to see everyone get what they want in life. If Sam were to have children, then I would think she would need to consider having them very very's not just the viability of her eggs that she should think's not easy having kids...the whole birth process is hard and then the whole rearing them...I see friends and family members who are starting their families now and they are a lot older than I was when I had my babies...while I understand it's not always black and white in these circumstances, I'm glad I had my kids while I was in my 20's and not starting now in my late 30's...because now, hubby and I are starting to enjoy each others company in a different light...and the kids are getting more and more independent and hubby and I are still young enough to enjoy it...I know this might not make much sense and please don't think I'm saying that people shouldn't have children later in life, I guess what I'm saying is that Sam isn't getting any younger and if she were to have children then she should start now-ish!
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i harken back to something AT said in an interview with david, that sam would reach a point where she sat up and realized 'dude, i'm all work and no personal life...and it can't be that way, i need to find a balance'
      there is still plenty that she can do with a family and job at the same time. a research position for example, or running the sgc recruitment program, or teaching. I think, in a certain way, we've already seen sam 'slowing down' with atlantis a bit. she's fine with staying on the base and letting the others do most of the work.
      Exactly...see...should have just let Sky answer for me!!
      Heck, if I can juggle a family and work, then Sam can do it blindfolded!!!...I mean she's way better than me!!!
      Originally posted by Über View Post
      I prefer licking.
      Did someone say licking????
      One for the polar bears...

      And one for the non polar bears....I don't have a penguin penguins have tongues????

      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
      Hey sweet Samandans!!
      just popped in to HUG everyone.
      and partake of the licking.
      er... maybe not that part.
      (( LOVE ))
      Holy Hannah!!!
      Did you all see that???
      It was the Geek-meister!!
      She returns!!!
      And I missed it....

      Originally posted by ames View Post
      So are you saying all Germans are crazy then?
      Uhm....I was always under the impression that Germans were a little parents are both German (but mum has French and Polish in her as well) says that makes us kids German too...I'm confused!!
      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      *Sticks tongue out and runs through thread with eyes shut*
      Heeee! How many did I hit?
      Hah!!! Missed me...I was at work while you were running around with your tongue hanging out!!!

      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      *pokes nose into thread before bedtime*
      Neep's running amok again!!
      What do you mean "again"??? The girl never stops!!!
      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      *sets tongue traps*
      Ouch...that sounds painful!!!

      I had so much trouble coming in tonight...not sure if it was me or the site...but considering I had no problems with other site I'm thinking it was GW again.
      Hubby and kids have returned form weekend is back to normal...almost!!
      I had a dream last night about AT4...I posted it in the Gabit thread but let me just say that it was awesome and I really really can't wait for next year!!!
      Gotta choof...night night folks, take care and stay safe.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        I see grace not as sam's future child, i see her as sam's 'inner child'...a part of her that she's ignored and quashed in her 'growing up' too soon.

        i think, after mom died, jacob had little use for a little kid - or that's how sam felt - and i think she felt the need to try and take her mom's place, so she didn't spend her childhood playing, she was a 'young lady' from the day of the funeral.

        I think she rarely just has fun, and that's what grace was trying to show her, that it's ok to have fun.
        I didn't think she was her physical future child either, although i could never decide between gas cloud entity, or just a pure unhindered interface her mind created to help her solve/rest from the problems.


          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Uhm....I was always under the impression that Germans were a little parents are both German (but mum has French and Polish in her as well) says that makes us kids German too...I'm confused!!
          Germans are different from set of my grandparents were German immigrants, and the other side was half German, so that makes me technically3/4 German...but I wasn't anything like my grandparents when it came to those values that determine culture.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Chelle, the fires might scare the crap out of you but they make for beautiful sunsets over here
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post

              Like something with Amanda in it.
              I second, or third that.... Something with her being a brunette... something molded from online... maybe starts with an "s" and ends in an 'Ancturary'....
              I'm just saying....

              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Just read it for a few days. You'll get the feel. Then jump in and introduce yourself and add to a conversation.

              We're a good crew.

              It might help to be slightly ADD.

              Yes, it really does... let me tell you, having the hyper part in there(ADHD) really helps... because then you can get stuff done around the house while still following topics
              Love you guys....

              Originally posted by sofie View Post
              *pops in*
              *goes back to studying for her exams*
              Good luck studying for those exams... Hope they go well!!!
              I grabbed this little amanda icon, It was just so cute, nice work with all of them!!!
              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I see grace not as sam's future child, i see her as sam's 'inner child'...a part of her that she's ignored and quashed in her 'growing up' too soon.

                i think, after mom died, jacob had little use for a little kid - or that's how sam felt - and i think she felt the need to try and take her mom's place, so she didn't spend her childhood playing, she was a 'young lady' from the day of the funeral.

                I think she rarely just has fun, and that's what grace was trying to show her, that it's ok to have fun.
                I agree! Grace is the part of Sam that would look at a falling star "Coz it's pretty" instead of "because it's the ratio of blah blah astrophysics blah blah magnets"

                Actually, reading back on your post, I think you've thought of something far more psychological than I had Grace is not only Sam's inner child, but the child she was never allowed (or never allowed herself) to be

                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Chelle, the fires might scare the crap out of you but they make for beautiful sunsets over here
                Gracious - I thought you said the flies make for beautiful sunsets...that seems gross and kinda disturbing ((((Eileen))))

                *is proud of self for delurking*


                  Umm - i'm a bit confused right now because of the licking thing. Do I have to lick everyone in here? Is it some kind of ritual? ^^

                  thank you sofie for those beautiful icons. i love amanda with dark hair. I wish she would keep them

                  Talking of germans: I believe noone really is 100% german, american , polish etc. i mean there's always been some kind of migration. So we all are one big family


                    Just smile and nod at the licking. If you're lucky, they'll forget about you.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      *licks all around*


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        sam and retirement

                        I think, a chunk of that will depend on her personal life. Whether you ship her and jack or not, i do think she's gonna reach a point where she's ready to turn the wild stuff over to the 'kids' and take a more 'safe' role.

                        I think she'll start to develop a fondness for the comforts of home.

                        even if she settles down and has a family, i see her staying in the AF in a support role. I still see her doing experiments or teaching at the academy while doing consulting work, something with decent hours that allows her to live her life.
                        I tend to agree. I've said before that I think she's a natural teacher, so I can really see her lecturing at the Academy. And at some point she'll want to be out of the field. In a way, the Atlantis post could be seen as a sign that she was ready to explore new career areas.

                        I also wanted to mention: for those of you who don't know or who could use a reminder--you can help provide free mammograms to women who can't afford them by clicking on
                        you can do it every day. The sponsors of the site make donations per # of clicks. As far as I know, it's totally legit.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                          I also wanted to mention: for those of you who don't know or who could use a reminder--you can help provide free mammograms to women who can't afford them by clicking on
                          you can do it every day. The sponsors of the site make donations per # of clicks. As far as I know, it's totally legit.
                          that's a real great idea. I'll click on it daily (if I don't forget).

                          Tracy Jane *towels herself off* I doubt they'd forget about me - but thank you for the warning^^


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            What's there to understand?? Love the pictures...from whence did they come???...if you don't mind me asking??
                            From some behind the scenes thingie. HEH I can't rememebr which! *looks* BTH? wth is BTH? I label things weird...

                            Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                            I second, or third that.... Something with her being a brunette... something molded from online... maybe starts with an "s" and ends in an 'Ancturary'....
                            I'm just saying....
                            Brunettes have more fun....


                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              Umm - i'm a bit confused right now because of the licking thing. Do I have to lick everyone in here? Is it some kind of ritual? ^^

                              thank you sofie for those beautiful icons. i love amanda with dark hair. I wish she would keep them

                              Talking of germans: I believe noone really is 100% german, american , polish etc. i mean there's always been some kind of migration. So we all are one big family
                              Just do what I do, when you see the licking start, don a hazmat suit...that should help

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                Just read it for a few days. You'll get the feel. Then jump in and introduce yourself and add to a conversation.

                                We're a good crew.

                                It might help to be slightly ADD.

                                Re. 'Just read it for a few days'. CHECK
                                Re. 'You'll get the feel'. UHM
                                Re. 'Then jump in' OUCH
                                Re. 'and introduce yourself' ROFL I tried, I stumbled and I fell. I sooo need a new user name !!!!!!
                                Re. 'and add to a conversation' READ ON ..

                                Retirement ??? YAY !!!

                                Btw, do you know how I can resize a pic, i.e. make is smaller ?

                                ADD ? EL (english lesson) please.

                                And thanks for explaining! I'm slowly getting TheQuoteFeel here.
                                Cassie: What do you see when you look at me now?
                                Sam: I see you ... and until your head starts spinning around,
                                and probably even then, I will still see ... You. [Rite of Passage]

                                Thanks for the lovely signature Jan!!

