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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Oh yeah, Part 4: More AT3/Amanda and related stuff

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    hey everyone,

    I've just gotten home from the best weekend ever!!! AT3 was absolutely incredible!

    First I'm sorry I didn't post while I was in London, I couldn't reach the keyboards in the Ren's business centre LOL, should have asked a Samand for help shouldn't I? *headdesk*

    I really don't know how to describe this weekend it was an amazing experience ! I met so many wonderful people, I won't name everyone because right now I might get screen names and real names confused as sleep deprived as I am just now, I had a great time with you all, my fellow gabiteers thanks for the craziness It ROCKED!!

    Being able to meet Amanda this time around without being to sick, she absolutely blew me away! Amanda has always been my hero but if its possible she's an even bigger hero to me now. Amanda really is a one in a million. I really don't know how to explain what it felt like to meet Amanda, from sitting next to her at the cocktail party and shaking from my head to my feet, to hugging her at the photo session (that was a really big thing for me ) and actually being able to say two sentences to her at the autograph session without babbling -to much - was great.
    Amanda was sooo goofy too, I loved when she called RDA during the auction it was amazing, I squeeeeeee'ed! LOL.
    I loved all the Q&As there were some really great questions, I wish I could remember some of them, ah well hopefully someone else will.

    The G4 are amazing people they keep everyone happy, they work so hard all year round to make sure we all have a fun and memorable weekend, I know its one weekend I will never forget and I can't wait for AT4!!

    Bring it on!!!

    I wanted say so much more but my brain isn't working, I need sleep I think


    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Hi everyone

    Congrats everyone!

    ((((((((Becky))))))))) huge hugs, thank you (and everyone else) from the bottom of my heart I just had the best weekend of my life

    I think I need get one of them for next year too

    I'm still working on my pics and con report, hopefully I'll finish it before AT4 LOL

    Hey Julia, that was a great story, I'm so glad you had a great time at AT3, from what I've heard so far, it was the best weekend ever. I'm even gladder you had the great honour of meeting other Samandans and the one and only Amanda. I'm so grateful you were able to meet and have fun with her without being sick, and that you were able to say more than two sentences to her, which is more than I could have done . I believe you when you say Amanda blew you away, I can imagine how incredibly overwhelming it must have been to meet her, meeting your heroes is, but I'm glad you handled it so well, you even got a hug out of it . If I got a hug from Amanda, I don't know if I'd be able to let her go .

    I'm very happy to hear that Amanda is an even bigger hero to you now, and that you consider her one in a million. Did you tell her that? It's cool that you can't find the words to explain what meeting Amanda meant to you, because it's not about words, it's more about feelings and emotions, and they're hard to describe. Anyway, thanks a lot for telling us about your weekend, and I'm very glad a true Amanda fan (you) was able to meet her hero .

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I'm home as well. Still totally overwhelmed by everything. Loved meeting you guys, so many people were there. The chocolatetasting was great (I just ate a pengyn for dinner ) I hope the picture will get posted.

    *sigh* Amanda is so wonderful. You just have to love her. I could sit and listen to her answer questions all day. They went from Stargate, to Sanctuary, to Stuck (oops) to personal, to goofy, to serious and back again. I didn't take any pictures and that gave me the possibility to just sit back and take everything in. So much was said, Amanda got really personal at times, I think she'll make a difference in peoples life and after this convention (which was my first ever) I know she will do so in mine.

    OK, now I'm crying.

    Because I was the very last person to get the autographs, I got both my items (my pic (in which Amanda looks great, and I look as good as can be expected standing next to her lol) and my wallpaper) personalised. I didn't think it would mean that much to me, but it does.

    And the G4 and everyone who helped: THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I'm so happy you're going to do an AT4!! It will give even more people the chance to meet the wonderful woman that is Amanda Tapping.

    *sigh* so sad that it's over.
    Aww SJ, good story, I'm glad you had a lot of fun with Amanda and your friends, and that this was your first con. You don't have to tell anyone how wonderful Amanda is, we all know, and yeah, its not hard to love her . I wish I would have been there when Amanda was talking about Stargate, Sanctuary and everything else. I hope the things she talked about wasn't too personal where she couldn't told it together. But I'm glad to hear you think that she'll make a difference in people’s lives, and yours. Truth is she already has, to countless people, I mean look at some of the people here. Amanda is always able to touch someone in any which way, she can tell a really funny story, or a close and personal one. That's what makes her so human, and so close with her fans, she lets them into her life, and opens up to them, and them to her.

    Sorry to read that you're crying, I'd be crying too. But at least you got to meet and get an autograph from Amanda, so that makes it all better . I hope to see your pic with Amanda and wallpaper. Even though I wasn't there I also thank G4 and everyone who helped in making that weekend a great and fun one for everyone there. I also hope one day I'll also be able to meet the wonderful woman that is Amanda Tapping.

    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    Sleep deprived. Gah.

    Can't form coherent sentence. Should be sleeping.

    Words cannot describe the weekend.

    I was able to get my drawing signed and I received the best compliment and artist could ever receive. AT said that it was the best drawing she has seen done of her. She said that I was the only one who has been able to capture her face accurately so that it truly looked like her. I was speechless.

    And that generous soul buying the auction items and giving them away was our very own Eh-T, who I will forever be indebted to for helping me find my poster tube (that contained my drawing) when I had inadvertently left it some random place (I lost several things over the course of the weekend, but luckily all but one (my badge!) were returned to me).

    But everyone I met this weekend was beyond lovely.

    It's incredibly late here. I must get to sleep (probably should have hours go). I will post my pictures and write more about it at a later date. I still have a week and a half left of my trip!
    WOW, I'm so glad to hear Amanda loved your drawing of her, and she's right, it does look so much like her . If that were me, I also would have been spechless. And yeah, a compliment like that from her is the best thing that could happen to an artist, it would have been the best compliment of my life if she said that to me. Congrats .

    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    Woke up in Philly with some more AT3 memories ...

    As TJ already mentioned, Sanctuary's filming format will be about 75/25 green screen/real sets. Amanda said that they plan to build certain rooms, like Helen's and Will's offices, etc. and that they will film on location at a deserted mental hospital at which point I asked if it were the set where they filmed Sam Carter trapped in Desperate Measures. The answer is "yes" and AT said that the place is so creepy that there are certain parts of it which no one seems to enter ... ghostly doings?! Anyhow, S3M are going to shoot a lot in and around the mental hospital. So there will be more real-life frames this time around for the episodes.

    Amanda also shared that, now that she's a brunette, she seems to be treated differently and that led to a discussion of "who has more fun in the board room - blondes or brunettes"? My paraphrase but AT said there were women in her gym who never spoke to her and became chummy after she became a brunette. And I think she feels more assertive in her role as exec producer as a brunette exec producer too. Perceptions and stereotypes of cute blondes. Do men take darker-haired women more seriously? That's the question of the day ... go to it, Samandans.

    Oh, after some prompting, she chose George Clooney to play "Rhett" to her "Scarlett O'Hara". Now there's a great mental picture and Scarlett was a ... brunette, eh? Well, there goes the aforementioned theory. Rhett told Scarlett he didn't give a damn.

    I think Amanda is so ready to let 'er rip with Helen. She seems so excited about the many possibilities to come - such as Helen's associations with famous historical characters like Einstein and Churchill and FDR. She's hoping they can incorporate those connections into the storylines.

    Must go back to bed - I got up at 5:30am and my friends are still sleeping! Carry on, campers.
    good story. I didn't know that Amanda finds that hospital so creepy, and "ghostly doings?!", right . I am glad to hear that they'll be making a real office for Helen though. And that part about the gym was cool. I think it's cool how Amanda feels she's being treated differently as a brunette, I do wonder why thought those women at the gym never spoke to her when she was blonde. Maybe they were intimidated by her breathtaking beauty ? And as for the "Do men take darker-haired women more seriously" question, I've always taken Amanda seriously, but blonde or not, she's very smart and strong, great qualities for a exec producer. I'm so happy she gonna direct, produce and star, she really is ready to become big. GO AMANDA!.

    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    Hi everyone. I've tried to do it justice, but not sure if I did as I'm sure I forgot so many things.

    AT3 - con report
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    how do you get amanda off stage?????
    Wow, thanks for that PengYn, I enjoyed reading it. And Sky, what in the world is that thing?

    (Yeah, To Be Continued again)


      Ok, Part 5: Even more AT3 and Amanda related stuff

      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      Okay, let's see what I can remember. Brain is a little fried, but I shall try!

      QUILT: The quilt was huge and amazing. I don't have a picture on me, but Amanda was beside herself and in tears. When they presented the quilt, they explained the concept, then showed a video composed of all the photos sent in. There were lots of giggles and "awws" as we recognised both friends present and those who couldn't be there! Amanda was so overwhelmed by it. The design had large squares with hearts in them. Each heart was framed by people's names. It was beautiful.
      I've seen pics of the quilt, and your right, it is huge and amazing . I'm very glad Amanda like it, but I hate reading when she cries , but at least they're tears of love . Do you have that video of the quilt? I'd like to see it. I wish I could have been there to see Amanda's face when she saw the quilt and vid.

      Questions: There were a real mix.

      She was asked again about her openness with regards to her personal suffering and she talked about her miscarriages again, saying how important it is that miscarriages are not a taboo subject and that women need to talk. She feels really strongly about it and encourages people to share their stories.

      She was asked about Stuck... specifically how to get hold of it. Apparently Amanda had NO idea that Stuck was being distributed. I think Lindsay Bourne is in trouble. She also told the story of how THE scene was a lot longer than she thought and of Alan's embarrassment when he was sat next to JR watching it.

      What else? There was a mixture of Sanctuary versus SG1. Some Sanctuary stuff included how if she could explore any era, she would go back to just before McGyver (I can never spell that word!) and befriend RDA. She also talked about how Sanctuary is going to be 75% green screen and 25% live set. The first scene she was going to shoot was a night shoot out on location. And she talked about her research for Helen and how she loved to research the implications for women doctors in Victorian England and did a lot of research on Blackwell, who was Helen's real life counterpart.

      Sam questions included the obligatory ship questions, some stuff about favourite Atlantis episode, loads of things. She talked about how during Trio, when they were both in the... hole (sorry, don't watch Atlantis, so forgive me!), they created Stargate: The musical, and did a rather funny demonstration, dancing across stage and singing.
      I'm very proud of Amanda being so brave and strong talking about her miscarriages and how she suffered, I can imagine how hard it must have been for her talking about something so hard and painful that happened more than once . I hope it didn't hurt her too much, and I hope it didn't bring back sad memories she had at the time, that speaks a lot about how great and open Amanda is, so bravo to her. I'm also proud of her for sharing it and saying women need to talk about it because it's true. My dad used to tell me before my grandmother had him (he's the oldest) she had 2 miscarriages. And after he was born, and to this day she hugs him close and tight, thanking him for being here. Sometimes I wonder if that's how Amanda is with Olivia, I mean she's Amanda first child, and that can't be replaced. I've only seen one pic with them, and that's one of my most favorite pics, because you can see the love between them. And that's why I love hearing stories about Amanda and Olivia by Amanda herself, or someone else.

      I can imagine Amanda's reaction to Stuck, I recently saw it by accident and... I don't know, what did you guys think?

      Thanks guys. I wonder what was going through her head sitting next to Alan and JR while. watching the movie. It's cool to hear that Amanda is doing research for Helen like she did for Sam, and I didn't know Sanctuary was 75% green screen. Does Amanda ever stop working? And Amanda was talking about Trio, and she was dancing and singing on stage, sweet.

      Q&A: At AT2, Julia kept shoving pieces of paper at Amanda to get her off stage. This time round, they upped it a bit. At the end of each session, a huge 5 minute warning appeared on the screen. Then there was a one minute countdown timer. At the end of that, something happened. Session one saw a slide that said "You have not left the stage in time, you will be exterminated". And a Dalek appeared and ran across the stage, going "exterminate". Session two, she had to sing Mary Poppins, session 3 she got a threat that the penguin would get blown up (boy did THAT get her off stage quick) and session four she got "looks" on big screen from Julia.

      Videos: This year the videos were made by the staff especially. They were a mixture of Sanctuary, SG1 and Atlantis and a few other ones too. The opening DVD was a beautiful one charting the career of Amanda character by character. One of the vids was also the announcement for AT4.

      Auction: The auction was funny as always. I've already mentioned the phone call, but there were some other memorable moments, such as when Amanda got presented with the "pregnancy pants". One of the items donated was a pair of trousers that Amanda wore for the photoshoot when she was pregnant. She had the elasticated tummy etc and was really embarrassed by it. She kept trying to sell them to the pregnant lady in the audience.

      Right, I'm trying to remember stuff, but I'm really overwhelmed. It's not that I'm trying to be unhelpful, I'm just really bad at sorting the memories out. I'm sure I'll come up with more!
      Amanda had a timer to tell her when to get off stage . Poor Amanda, she had to answer her questions fast because she knew she'd get blown up by that "thing" . I really wish I could have been there when they were showing that video of Amanda's career to her, I'm sure it was a beautiful vid. I mean I've seen vids like that on Youtube, but to see one with Amanda herself and you guys at AT3 would have been perfect. I wonder what Amanda was thinking about when she was watching her life via her career on screen like that, looking at all the characters she's played. Maybe watching that vid she was thinking about all how and where she started, where she is now, and what she had to do to get here. Now that I think about I think about, I think "Wow, has it been that long?" Oh, and it announce AT4, awesome. Btw, is there anyway I can se this vid?

      "Pregnancy pants"? I never knew she had pics of her when she was pregnant, where are they though, does anyone know? Or does anyone have any pics of her with those pants? How cool and sweet was it that Amanda tried to sell her Pregnancy pants to a pregnant lady in the audience? Good post Tracy, and thanks.

      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
      You guys have done a terrific job of sharing the AT3 highlights.

      I have pics of the Quilt of Many Hugs which actually has our Samandan motto, Hic Comitas Regit and translation embroidered in the middle along with many, many names of fans - Amanda said that she plans to cuddle with Olivia under this quilt and think of her amazing and generous fanbase. It took Kay/Mumsey and Becky weeks to create this huge huggy honey of a quilt! Kudos!

      Speaking of generosity, yes, it is true that Eh-T actually bid on three auction items and then, demonstrating the kindness that Amanda values, actually gave the items away to other fans. Amanda was in awe of this act of generosity and we should also celebrate such generosity.

      I was "gifted" again by a fellow Samandan who paid for my trip to AT3 and, yes, kindness does reign here! It's unbelievable how so many of us have supported and helped each other through our connection to Amanda. She's like a magnet, drawing the best from people.

      I have pics of the Quilt of Many Hugs which actually has our Samandan motto, Hic Comitas Regit and translation embroidered in the middle along with many, many names of fans - Amanda said that she . It took Kay/Mumsey and Becky weeks to create this huge huggy honey of a quilt! Kudos!

      I look forward to seeing your pics of the quilt, I've already seen it, and it's so big. Aww, how sweet was Amanda for saying she plans to cuddle with Olivia under this quilt and think of her amazing and generous fanbase? I can imagine the both of them lying under the quilt giddying like

      Another laudable moment: Amanda shared that a father treated his teen daughter to the weekend event as a reward for her excellent grades in school - I got to meet dad and daughter too while doing a steward stint at the main-hall doors. Lovely. I don't think dad even knew who Amanda was but could be wrong. He, of course, was charmed by end of event. Amanda was so touched that she phoned her own dad just to tell him what was happening.

      And then I met a 17-year old boy from Germany who was jumping out of his shoes as he had won the tea with Amanda raffle and had just attended. Another winner was also a first-time attendee from the states - they were glowing. Believe me, I know what a high it is as I had the good fortune to win the tea raffle last year along with dipsofjazz - who was here this year too.

      There were about 140 first-time attendees and many older folk, men and women, added to the diversity. One gent totally won Amanda and us over as he had composed a Sam-Carter song and Amanda got him to come up to the stage to share it. What a sweet moment! LOTS of sweet moments.

      As JuliaR says, it's all about the people and Amanda's connection to her fans. Amanda tells us that it's our energy that she reflects, kind of a mutual admiration society, eh? I can't help but think what a boost of energy we gave her this weekend as she goes back to begin work on her new series. It was perfect timing to support her! No date yet set for the AT4 - we have to give G4 time to recuperate.

      To those of you who have not yet had the chance to experience a GABIT event, save your pennies - it is truly a different kind of con - just like I told the customs agent at the airport - it's a "family reunion"! The entire staff are so welcoming and they and Amanda actually REMEMBER you!

      That's it for now - must get some sleep - jet lag and all that. Peace, CG

      PS Teryl Rothery was at another event in London and Amanda left a message for Teryl to phone her on the cell phone but, alas, Teryl must have been too tied up to follow through. At least, we got to hear RDA on the cell!

      Originally posted by parsifal View Post
      One of Amanda's interviews last week.
      Oh uh, it's not working . Is there any other way to get to it?

      (You gotta be kidding me, To Be Continued again)
      Last edited by Rocky89; 27 May 2008, 09:10 AM.


        I can't believe I'm here, Part 6: Still more AT3 and Amanda related stuff

        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
        Maybe I should add that Saturday night I drank half a bottle of gin and was rather drunk. I had a quarter, then went downstairs, then got thirsty again, went up to my room and drank more. This means that not only is saturday night somewhat blurry, but Sunday morning went something like this:

        Sunday morning Brain Transcript:
        Amanda. Pretty.
        Must. Wipe. Drool.
        Amanda. Pretty.
        Amanda got dark hair.
        Amanda had dark hair yesterday too.
        Brain becoming more coherent.
        OW! Sam Fans Loud.
        Amanda funny.
        Head hurts, but Amanda funny.

        I didn't touch on the cocktail party, so I really should do that as well. It was amazing. First of all, the place settings were just beautiful. There were a mixture of different themes: some Sanctuary, some Stargate, some misc tables. We were on a table called London Lights with Antoa, Mandy, Jan and a few others. It was nice because we all kind of sort of knew each other. The centre piece was a beautiful wrought iron latern which had pictures of Amanda in it that lit up in different colours, thanks to a colour changing tealight. It was amazing. And this year, one person from each table "won" the centre piece and could take it home.
        "Amanda, Amanda pretty, Amanda got dark hair, Amanda funny", great description . I wish I could have seen the cool pictures of Amanda on that iron latern, I can almost picture it. And as for the music, I wonder if Amanda picked out some of the sings.

        Our table was introduced as the "Sanctuary table" because most of us were Sanctuary fans. She sat down and talked about the centre piece because it was absolutely stunning (I kid you not) and she volunteered to arm wrestle the winner for it. Then we all started chatting about various Sanctuary stuff. She was telling us how she was filming on Monday, but she wasn't speaking (her schedule got changed later on so she isn't filming til tomorrow). It was just a comfortable chat, rather than anything in particular. We didn't really discuss the individual charms, the conversation just flowed.
        "Sanctuary table"? Cool, was there a Stargate table there? I'm sure Amanda was really pleased at all you Sanctuary fans, and I can't believe she actually sat down next to you . If that were me, I would have pulled out her chair for her, than cleaned the sit . What centre piece are you talking about Tracy ? And did Amanda really want to arm wrestle the winner? I would have let her win right away. I'm glad she changed her schedule; she needs some time to rest, and to be with her family, and cuddle with Olivia under the quilt . I'm glad you were able to have a comfortable chat with her, I would have been frozen stiff while looking at her beautiful face, and sparkling blue eyes .

        The story behind the baton / swan interview the other day? Apparently she had agreed to do an AoT interview and all of these crazy questions came from nowhere. The Fox representative went "So yeah, we're here to talk about Ark of Truth" and the interviewer kinda said, "Yeah, I'll look it up online, I've got everything I want. Bye". We told Amanda that we liked the interview, though. She was kinda worried about it when we discussed it at the cocktail party, but we said how it was nice to see an interview that was so different and original.

        No-one had a baton, sadly. So that just didn't pan out, I'm afraid.
        I didn't know she did an AoT interview for Fox, and what was a fox representative doing there, and why was she worried? Glad you guys told her you all like her interviews. Aww, no baton, oh well.

        Oooooh, remember another question! Amanda spent ages talking about filming in the arctic and the million and one ways to die. She was talking about how clever polar bears are and how they play peek-a-boo so that you can't see their eyes kinda shimmering. And how one of the crew got frost-lung - like frost bite on your lungs from inhaling too much cold air. And on her first day, she left things on the floor of the hooch and her toothpaste was frozen.

        She's absolutely taken with that experience. Just to hear her talk about it is amazing, and she spoke about seeing the Northern Lights and so on. So yeah, that was something she talked and talked and talked about. Which was cool.

        Apparently we'll see loads of interviews coming out soon. There were over 30 interviews done while she was in London, apparently, so she was kept busy. However, much to the chagrin of Fox, who were paying for her to be there promoting AOT, everyone wanted to know about Sanctuary instead. Exciting, huh?
        Oh yeah, I remember Amanda saying that in her last interview with Kamil, she said she would probably spend ages taking about her time up there. I've read and heard interviews with her talking about it, but you guys were so lucky to be there and listen to her talk about it in person. She's right though, there is a million and one ways to die there, and the polar bears . I'm very glad she had an awesome experience up there; did she have pics of the trip? And Wow, she saw the Northern Lights? I could sit back and let her talk all day about that? I'm looking forward to hearing those interviews of hers. But where will they come up? But poor Amanda had to use frozen toothpaste, but she still has an award winning smile.

        God, she is absolutely beautiful

        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        Oh my, I hope you'll be okay, I'm going to PM you a bunch of my favourite Sam/Amanda pics, but I only wish I could send you Amanda herself to see you . I'm glad that out of anyone in the world, you'd pick Sam to help you recover, and I'd do the same. I always think of Amanda and/or Sam when I need help, she's like my symbol of hope and peace, and makes me feel like everything’s going to be okay, and there's no reason to be afraid (I hope that didn't sound lame) . Good luck on that Stargate marathon. Get well and let Sam take care of you.
        Originally posted by sanctuary4all View Post
        Nope didn't sound lame to me at all! When I am freaking out or bummed, I think of her & settle down, smile & get the strength to keep on throughout my day. I have been soaking up all the smiling photos of Amanda from AT3 and getting some much needed chuckles from the stories. I have been getting more & more bummed & nervous about impending surgery and all that entails and I keep thinking of Amanda. She brings a smile to my face through the tears. I know I haven't had the chance to meet her in person yet, but I have decided that she must be an Angel. With all that you folks say about her & the way you describe her... she just has to be. That much kindness and love and absolutely genuine.

        Oh I wish you could too! Of course, I might fall over from a heart attack at that point, but I will be in the hospital anyway,'s all good LOL

        Thanks again for the well wishes and I can't wait to see the pix Thank you for that also.

        That was such a great and nice thing to say about Amanda Pam. I agree 100%, Amanda always gives me strength, and just thinking about her brings a smile to my face, it's not as bright or pretty as hers but it's okay. And your right about her, she may in fact be an angel . I mean, she is made of awesome. Wherever she goes throughout the world, Amanda spreads a smile and touches the heart of everyone she meets with her innate virtues of cheerfulness and enthusiasm always feels people with such good feelings. In my opinion she has the qualities of an angel.

        I thank Amanda, from the bottom of my heart, for simply being the best, and for adding to the joys of the world. And you know what? Amanda brings out the best in all over us, were all reflections on Amanda's spirit and heart, compassion, love and kindness. Where would we all be if Amanda wasn't around? I don't know, I'm just glad she's here. You know what Pam, I'm gonna send you more pics of Amanda for your surgery. Btw, if Amanda came to visit me in the hospital, I'd get out of bed, take a shower, put some really nice clothes on, and roll out the red carpet .

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        thanks for the advice (including the sweeties that have pmed me) , but i just can't do it. but like i told some friends, since i met amanda at a comic con years ago, i could always do that again. so, hey, amanda, GO TO COMIC CON AGAIN!!

        Oh Sally, honey, if you have the chance to meet Amanda again, you take it. I would looooooooooooooooooooooooooove to meet Amanda, but I'd be phenomenally SCARED!!!. I'd be- all at the same time. But I probably don't think I deserve to meet someone as great as Amanda, I don't think I would live up to her very high class, I mean she's special, and I wouldn't do anything to bother her in anyway. But, at least I know her through you guys.

        Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
        My Sam and Jack season 3 icons are now up on my livejournal. As always, there are plenty of just Sam and snurchable as long as I get credit.

        Find the rest here.
        Oh Sam, you have so many faces. I'm going to start making a folder on my lap-top filled with Amanda/Sam icons, avatars and what not. Thanks Krissie

        (I don't believe it, To Be Continued again and maybe again)


          Chevron 7 locked, Part7: AT3 and Amanda Q&A’s

          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          First myt posts I made yesterday on the shipthread, it has some Q&A stuff. In spoilers if you're not interested.

          Hi Guys!!

          Just checkin in from AT3. Don't have much time, cause the interacces is real expensive.

          Just wanted to give you the latest news on the Q&A's we had today. Maybe someone beat me to it, I don't know.

          A french girl had Amanda say: General, I love you (and in French also). It was pretty stupid imo. But the french girls were all happy.

          My friend Tel asked about the picture of Daniel in Sam's office (cause Amanda had said yesterday that it's from the wedding in 200), so Tel asked 'does that mean Sam and Jack are married for real'. My interpretation about her answer and her opinion about it in spoilers:

          No, they are not married for real, but she didn't say they aren't together. She asked who were shippers (lots of people) and who were really anti ship (only a handfull of people). She said the series were not really the place to have a relationship between Sam and Jack .... but .... she said the movies (maybe/probably) will be I got the impression Amanda isn't pro ship atm ... it's just not a big deal to her. I think tptb didn't really take a stand in it, and were stringing the shippers along with the little hints and stuff we got in the last couple of seasons.

          But, it does bode well for the movies. I'm not sure about Continuum, but AoT is doing better than expected, so hopefully there will be more movies and we'll get some real ship.

          Someone asked about the pictures in her office and luggage yesterday,
          Amanda talked around it (that the prop people decided on the pics, and that she herself would have taken a different kind of pics).

          More to follow ....

          PS: Amanda rocks!!!!!!!!!! And I'm sure you already heard she's a brunette. It looks stunning, and I got used to it real fast. They were showing some SG clips, and I already found Sam a bit strange looking lol.
          A french girl asked her that eh? I found a similar Youtube vid of her doing that- colonel I love you Thanks for posting these Q&A's SJ, and you're right about Amanda's new hair, she looks stunning .

          OK, the rest. I'm sure this has already been covered, but maybe you would like to hear again

          Yesterday Amanda mentioned a couple of SQUEEEEEable things, without being promted to do so.

          1. When asked what Sam would do is she would win the lottery, she (immediately) replied she would buy cars and acres of land around a certain cabin in Minnesota. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! She also said, she might be buying the neighbouring cabin, and she then made a comment that she would buy her way into a relationship, We were all bouncing in our seats

          2. At the auction she modelled a Jack O'Neill jacket. She put it on and paraded around (she's so cute) and she said something like 'well, this is what I would wear when I wake up at Jack's' Major SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!

          PS: If I post more about AT3 it will be at the Sam thread. I'm starting to get a bit nervous, I get my autographs this afternoon (my picture turned out ok )
          Amanda thinks Sam would buy races cars and acres of land around a certain "cabin" in Minnesota. Hmm, I wonder why . I would be bouncing too if hearing Amanda say that, hmm, Amanda doesn't use her fame and money to manipulate, but it looks like Sam would . And I've seen pics of Amanda with Jacks jacket, and she does look cute, and how lucky would Jack be seeing her dressed like that every morning?

          Couple of Q&A’s, pretty random .... ()= me, and I sometimes I have trouble with english ....

          Q: If you got to be 1 of the 4 elements, which would it be
          A: water (without any hesitation, well 1 of the charities is Waterkeeper, so that’s no surprise). She said she liked the idea of wind too, because it gets to be everywhere. But (her brain works fast lol) she said, if she would be water, she could (not sure about the english word) become a cloud, move, rain, become a cloud again etc.

          Q: how do you prefer to eat your orio cookies
          A: take 1, split it. Take another one, split it and put the 2 fillings together. She said she wouldn’t buy the double stuffed one, cause that would make her feel her guilty.

          Q: can you tel us something about your artic experience
          A: (she told some of the stuff we all have read before, how wonderful an experience it was. I thought she was really sweet about it, and you just could feel her excitement). She told that on her first day, she didn’t know you don’t store you toothpaste near the floor (it was frozen), you don’t keep your shoes on the floor (way too cold) and you don’t sleep with your face in the heater (as that can kill you).
          She told that RDA came in for the last 3 days of shooting, and by then her and Ben B. Already bonded. RDA was his usual self, cool and collected lol.

          Q: what is the most wonderful moment in your life, you would want to share with your grandchilder (something like that anyway)
          A: Grandchildren?? Snif ....
          A: It's the obvious things, the birth of Olivia, her wedding day, buying their first house, getting her first job. But also the little things (mmm little?) like waking up in the artic with frozen toothpaste.
          (I think she also mentioned something like that important moments are the moments you are really IN the moment. No expectations from others, it’s your moment. She went like “yep, giving birtht Olivia (making a painfull face and noise), I was so IN the moment).
          A1: I guess being water would be cool, but I also like the idea of wind, because she's right she could be everywhere, and here with me

          A2: Amanda eats her orio cookies like my Goddaughter . And poor Amanda thinking she'd be guilty buying the double stuffed one .

          A3: I always love hearing Amanda tell stories about her time in the arctic, and you're right, you can always hear and feel her excitement when she talks about it. Poor Amanda, frozen toothpaste, cold feet, face in front of the heater, but she took it like a champ . I'm wish could have been there longer than 3 days, but I'm glad though Amanda and Ben got to bond.

          A4: Grandchildren?? . I think it was so sweet and loving of Amanda to mention Olivia like that, I'm glad too hear that she would want to share things to her grandkids about Olivia than her career, Amanda amazes me even more. I bet Amanda's looking forward to those days, Olivia's wedding day, her first house and what not. Amanda's stories about Olivia are always so sweet, words of a great mom right there. But who could forget the frozen toothpaste?, I'm sure the grandkids will like that story. And oh, I so wish I could have seen Amanda's face when she said “yep, giving birth to Olivia"

          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          okay, like everyone else my brain is fried and well I am so sleep deprivated that it isn't funny anymore but I just wanna say:

          Amanda is the most amazing, caring and kind woman I have ever met! she is so amazing! She really is just herself, nothing more and nothing less.

          I can honestly say that this is the best weekend ever! I mean not only did I meet Amanda but also did I meet some amazing people over the weekend.

          Thanks for an amazing weekend everyone, I am already missing all of you. But I would say see you all to AT4

          And to those who weren't able to go, hope to see you next year! and pics and stuff will come later
          I know how you feel Eve, I so sleep deprivated fom writing these posts, but I'd do a 1000 of them for Amanda. I know I've said this 1000's of times, but I'll say it again, Amanda really is the most amazing, caring and kind woman ever!!! She's so pure hearted and sweet, inside and out, I wish there were more woman like her in the world, if there were, the world would be a much better place to be. I'm glad Amanda has her AT cons, she deserves those times to be happy and loved with all her fans. I only wish it was more than once a year. I always thought there should be an AT day, but an AT weekend is even better .

          (Since I don't have enough room to post anything else subject, I just have to say To Be Continued again and maybe again)


            Chevron 8 is locked, Part 8: AT3 and more Amanda Q&A’s

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            Some more Q&A's ...

            Q: what did change in your life because of motherhood
            A: Everything (with a big sigh)
            A: (paraphrasing) She said that since having Olivia, she would be able to kill if someone would hurt her. Not thinking of circumstances that made that person do it, no, just kill.
            (I think she said that she gave an esosomething answer (sorry, don’t know the english word), but that it’s just true, that when you are a parent everything changes, and people in the audience who are a parent would know).
            I agree 100%. Let me make an important comment here, Amanda had always been very protective about Olivia, and know Amanda would do whatever she has to do to keep her safe. I mean Amanda waited so long for Olivia, she suffered I think 3 miscarriages, and Amanda wouldn't let anything happen to her baby girl. I think a relationship between a mother and daughter is unique because Amanda has a little miniature version of herself and friend to love and play with. That's a very strong bond, and nothing can come between this-

            One more important thing, like you wouldn't want to mess with Sam, you don't want to mess with Amanda or Olivia, because Amanda will mess you up will bad. I mean take a look at "Action Mom"-

            (Protecting Olivia)

            Stay away from her you b****!

            : Hell have no fury like a mothers punch!
            Both: Agreed!

            Q: did you ever corpsed on stage (I’m not sure what that means though)
            A: she told about a theathre production she was once in, and the show ran for a looong time. The guys she was playing with, was bored of it and would say completely diferent lines and would give her an evil grin (with his back to the stage). She pretended to give him the finger behind the mic.
            She also told about another production, the woman who would enter the stage in front of her, always “passed wind” right before going on stage, leaving Amanda gagging and trying to remember her lines behind her.
            Good for her, I hope she put that fool in his place. I would have given him an evil grin if I were there . "A woman woman who would enter the stage in front of her, always “passed wind” right before going on stage, leaving Amanda gagging", hmm..... Sounds like a story on the SG-1 set.

            And she told about the Vagina Monoloques. That she got a different monoloque than she thought she would (my angry vagina). She decided to make it a funny monoloque though (quote) “because vagina’s are funny” (lol). Anyway, she was very busy at the time, so she didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. She was mixing things up (funniest quote of the weekend) “there’s no naquadah in a vagina” (insert much laughter).
            She knew there were a bunch of fans coming to see the show, and first she thought “wow, cool they are coming to see me” and then she thought “darn, they know ME and are coming to see ME). She told when entering the stage, she passed a door, and it was the very first time she really wanted to run. Just hit the streets and run for a loooong time. But, she didn’t. She made it on stage, did the monoloque, and ... blanked. She forget her lines (I don’t rememer exactly, but I think she said she picked it up again, and people didn’t really notice). She said, the second night she rocked though.
            I'm still typing out more, so much was said

            Angry vagina? Naquadah vagina? . I wish I could have seen this, was this on TV? Or does anyone have a link to a vid if there is one? The only vid I've seen is that e-talk vid in Youube. Anyway I'm so glad she did it that way, it's only right. And when is she not busy? But yeah, I'm glad she didn't run away for a long time on the streets. I would have been scared out of my mind if I forgot my lines, but at least she remembered, and she came through for her fans yet again. GO AMANDA!!!

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            her point was, i think, a miscarriage is certainly a physical event, and most certainly an emotional one, but it's made all the harder by the image that it doesn't happen all that often. it makes the woman feel like she's some sort of failure on 'one of a dozen' people this year that have lost a child.

            yet, in reality, there are hundreds if not thousands of miscarriages across the country on a daily basis. Some of the pregnancies are so early that the woman doesn't even really know that she was pregnant in the first place, thus just thinks it's a really heavy period, when she's actually miscarrying the child.

            some, of course, are more traumatic and difficult because the pregnancies are further advanced and can, in the worst case, seriously endanger the woman's life.

            but one reason a woman feels so alone and ostracized is because, having a miscarriage, seems to be a secret and not something that people talk about, so the woman feels alone, when she's actually experiencing something that's quite common and ordinary

            and yes, amanda knew that there were tons of folks that couldn't make it.

            and, as soon as the G4 recover and sleep and question their sanity , i'm sure that AT4 will get a date and planning will begin
            I agree Sky, like I said before, a miscarriage is always something that leaves a scar on a womans heart. My grandmother sometimes talks about hers, and talks about how she would be crying every night. She had 2 miscarriages before my dad, and to this day tells my dad, his 2 brothers and sister how much they mean to her. I'm so sorry Amanda had to suffer that, but I'm so happy that Amanda has Olivia in life, because like I said up there, Amanda has a little small verison of herself, and a little friend to talk to play with. I hope when Amanda doesn't think about that too often, after all, she has 1 little reason not to.

            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            LOL at the toy baby adventure. It's very good experience! Yes for the same reason I have tremendous respect for mom's and how much they do behind the scenes and the juggling act that do. I don't know how Amanda was able to come back so soon and keep her sanity.
            Because Amanda’s the best!

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            And I'm still typing out stuff from the Q&A's lol. Soooo much was said. But it's starting to blur, so if anyone thinks I made a misstake or remembers more that was said, let me know. When I'm done I'm going to post the whole file in my LJ.

            Q: on the show, you have picked a couple of locks, could you pick a lock for real?
            A: nope. Those locks were all fake. Oh my, you don’t have a lock with you do you?? (luckily not lol)

            Q: if you could hack into any site in the world, which would it be
            A: that’s a difficult question. I don’t know. I will come back on that. What site would you hack?? (don’t know what was said).
            Later she came back on it and said that she didn’t know that if she could hack anything she could hack it (as in it’s just not the right thing to do).

            Q: what would you do if you were invisible (although I’m not sure if this was a seperate question)
            A: mmmmm, I’m not sure. I did an interview recently, and they asked what superpower I would want to have and I said invisibility. But I’m not sure what I would do with it.

            If I remember correctly, at the auction she said something like: wait, if I would be invisibible, I would sit in Jack’s office, listening to his phonecalls and hacking into his private e-mail.

            Q: her favourite episode to shoot in Atlantis
            A: Trio. She said that her and Jewel and David H had great fun (although there was a lot of dirt and she’s afraid of heights). They had come up with Stargate Titanic – the musical (and Amanda pretented to be David singing (and dancing lol) “The Wraith, the Wraith, the Wraith, the Wraith are a very bad race, are a very bad race”).

            Q: We know who Sam would choose, but who would you choose: Brad Pitt or George Clooney
            A: (lots of laughter) Can’t I have both? One here *indicates her right* and one here *indicates her left*.
            (more laughter)
            A: Hmmm George Clooney and Brad Pitt standing naked in front of me...
            *audiences screams*
            A: Uh, err...George Clooney and Brad Pitt standing in front of me!! She would pick Clooney.

            Q: Can you say in english and french “general I love you”
            A: (with a bit of a, how do you say it, sulty? voice) “general, je t’aime” and “general, I love you”

            Q: I recently watched the movie The Void (Amanda pulls a face), was that you in that scene?
            A: (here, Amanda uses the word boobies a lot!). But no, it wasn’t her. It was her back, but not her boobs. Actually, one day she got a whole folder (or something) with boobies to choose from. She went for realism .... “would they believe that??” “naaaaah”, It was a bit weird meeting the women who “played” her boobs.

            Q: in that same light, how did you film that scene in Stargate where you emerge from the Replicator wall
            A: it was cold!!!! And I was covered in goo. I wore some shorts and *indicates something to cover her breasts* and it was cold!! I should have asked my boobdouble for that one!!
            HA, Amanda would spy on Jack if she was invisible, why not, he did it to her in 200 . I'm not surprised that Amanda's favourite episode is Trio, every vid I see of it she looks like she's having a lot of fun. Wow, Amanda would like to see George Clooney and Brad Pitt naked eh? Who would ahve thought she'd have such a dirty mind .

            I recently watched the movie The Void (Amanda pulls a face ), was that you in that scene?
            A: (here, Amanda uses the word boobies a lot!).
            : I hope so. I can imagine Amanda searching for her boob double, it must have been a cool meeting.

            Q: in that same light, how did you film that scene in Stargate where you emerge from the Replicator wall[/B]
            A: it was cold!!!! And I was covered in goo. I wore some shorts and *indicates something to cover her breasts* and it was cold!! I should have asked my boobdouble for that one!!

            That was one of my all time favorite episodes!
            I kidding, I have seen a vid on youtube were Amanda talks about running around half naked. Good times. Btw, what was she using to cover her... hmm...girls?

            (I think I'm almost done here, To Be Continued)
            Last edited by Rocky89; 27 May 2008, 03:49 AM.


              Wow, I have gone where no man has gone before. Part 9: AT3 and the last of Amanda's Q&A’s

              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              And here are (probably) the last Q&A's from AT3. It's now really starting to blur and I'm not sure everyting was actually said at AT3, or that I imagined it or read it in an interview

              I have a friend who also was there, looking over my whole file, with the Q&A's I posted here already (I already changed bits and pieces because of comments people made, thanks) so I can post a good and as complete as possible document into my LJ. So, comments are appreciated!

              Q20: there was a question about accents, not sure what exactly, about Helen Magnus, and if she could “do” a couple of accents now
              A: I’m not going to “do” some accents now! They will come out naturally over the weekend, or not (they did ). I think here she talked about, how the “company” (by lack of better word) that picked up Sanctuary asked if Helen Magnus HAD to be british. Amanda was like geez, did you watch it? Jack the Ripper, old england (etc, don’t remember) of course she has to be british.
              Amanda also talked how she hadn’t decided on the final accent for Helen. They started shooting next week, so “whatever accent will come out then, that will be it”. And later in the weekend she kept coming back on that (maybe old-indian, scottish etc, was fun).

              Q21: what would Sam do if she won the lottery
              A: buy acres and acres of land around a certain cabin in Minnesota! (audience screams). In fact, she might buy a cabin there too! Buy her way into a relationship. (lol). She also added something like geez, did I say that? Well, it was the first thing that popped in my mind, so I’ll stick with it!
              (and later, at the auction, one of the items they were selling was an Jack O’Neill BDU shirt. She puts it on and parades around. She said “you know what they say about men with long arms .... “ audience sreams “no!! They have long sleeves”. Haha. She also said “I would be wearing this when I wake up at Jack’s in the morning”).

              Q22: what is the best and what is the worst thing tptb did for your character Sam?
              A: (immediately) the best was definitely giving her a relationship with her father. The worst?? I don’t know. I think I’ll have to come back on that one (someone shouts Pete). No, she didn’t think Pete was bad for her character, cause he was a full functioning, adult, relationship Sam got to explore. So that was good. Then she thought what a very bad thing was, having Sam say yes to his marriage proposal right after the mission in the factory, and then kissing him too. Amanda REALLY didn’t like that, even took it to the writers “Sam would never do that”, but they wanted to keep it in.
              Then she asked that person what they thought the worst thing was, and they agreed. Then later someone got back on it and asked:

              Q23: I think the worst thing tptb did for Sam was not giving her command in S9, what do you think about that?
              A: (I think she didn’t want to say out loud that she didn’t agree with that decision, but behind the mic she was nodding a lot.) Then she talked some more about that, how they should’ve make Cam a higher rank, so it would be clear. And that in fact it was like Cam said himself in some ep, that he didn’t really command the team anyway.

              Q24: what citizenship (nationality?) do you have
              A: I think she said she has both british and canadian, and her father has british, canadian and US.

              Q25: what era would you want Helen Magnus go back to, to explore more
              A: she said they were going to explore some new characters in the series (I think like Einstein), and she liked that. Then she said they should go to the start of MacGyver lol.

              Q26: would you rather play in Gone with the Wind or ?? (don’t remember) and who would be your leading man
              A: she would rather play in Gone with the Wind, I think she said something about having the right age now (??). And of course Clooney would be her leading man. Then there was this huge pause whilst she imagined it, which she snapped herself out of and said "Oops, and I'm back." ... and then we lost her again, she said "To the ether!"

              Q27: can you describe each member of the cast from SG1 and SGA in 1 word?
              A: ohhhh (long thinking), I really can’t do that just like that. I would want to describe them with a really good word, I could say about Chris Judge “big”, but that doesn’t do him justice. I will come back on that one (but she never did).

              At 1 point, Amanda had told about her many pregnancies and miscarriages, she was very open about that. I don’t remember if there was a question to bring that on though. Later someone asked:

              Q28: we all try to ask professional questions, not get to personal, yet you told us something very personal earlier ... and how difficult was it to work with mostly men on SG1 when you were going through this.
              A: I just think it’s very important that women talk about this, there’s so much shame involved, and there shouldn’t be. If I can help other women by talking about this, I want to do so. I already had women, here at this weekend, come up to me and talk about it.
              A: all people on SG1 were very supportive and understanding.

              Q29: something about women in a male world of filming
              A: she did say things are a bit of a boys club. When she asked, way back if she could direct an episode, it was at the same tme Michael Shanks asked. He got to direct an episode in S3, Amanda had to wait till S7. She said “I’m not saying it’s because he’s a man, and I’m a woman ... but it was the only difference I could see”. She told some more, about how she prepared to direct, study stuff, join some of the directors at their work.

              Q30: Someone asked about the Puff and Ruffle, and whether or not it would be ok to mention it to RDA at Gatecon
              A: ohhh, please do!! And film it for me! I can’t wait to see what his reaction will be (and maybe I imagined this part, but did she also say that he’ll probably deny it??)

              In the same line:
              Q31: Do the guys from Atlantis Puff and Ruffle
              (I'm really not sure about the answers though ...)
              A: (thinks). Haha, can you see David do that? Nope. Joe does, but just a little, cause he’s happily married, 3 kids.

              Q32: (I’m not sure about the question, but I remember the answer lol)
              A: She said something about how she didn't seem to have as much trouble being type cast and getting roles out of Science Fiction as she had worried she would, and that in her new film she was the mother of a boy with autism, and that she had a nephew(?) with autism so knew a little about it already, and the rest of her research was from books and from the net. She told how she definitely had a degree from Google University lol.

              Q33: something about stunts, what was the most difficult stunt
              A: she talked about the one where Daniel’s house blows up (with Osiris, and Pete also there), how it was very difficult. A lot of glass (which of course had been changed to stunt glass). They had practised it a lot, and they all had rubber guns to carry (because the real ones were only allowed on the final take). So when the final take was there, she jumped to the ground a bit too fast or something and hit her head with the gun. She said how everyone would always worry about her during stunts, when they’re over “someone check Amanda”.

              Q34: Sam has a couple of pics in her office in Atlantis, did you have any say over them?
              A: I really liked she got to have these pictures, and no, I didn’t have a say in them. The props department did that. If I could choose, I think I would’ve picked different pics for the guys, more informal. Daniels pic was from the wedding in the 200th ep. I did put a mug of the Waterkeeper Alliance in her office, I think that makes sence. Atlantis ... Water ... Waterkeeper. I thought it made sence for Sam to have a mug like that. And tptb were OK with that.

              Q35: if Daniels pic in Sam’s office in Atlantis is from the ep 200 does that mean Sam and Jack are really married?
              *audience screams*
              A: If they are, we forgot to film the honeymoon!! Lets call Rick, so we can film it!!
              *audience screams some more*
              A: but no, they are not really married. I don’t think the series would’ve been the right time and place for them to have gotten together, but the movies definitely will be!
              Q36: what role other than Sam would you have liked to play on SG1
              A: Janet Fraiser
              So far 36 questions (with a little help from my friends *blows kiss*). But I'm sure there were lots more. Next time I'm going to take notes lol.
              Whao, where do I start commenting? At the beginning I guess .

              Q20: I'm sure whatever the accent is will be great. She always sounds so cute when she starts talking british or english or whatever it is . I kinda wish and hope they could make Helen a english accent with blonde hair .

              Q22 and 23: I think the first best thing tptb did was make the Sam character and the 2nd best thing was giving the part to Amanda. The rest was all Amanda . I can't really think of anything bad tptb did (no not Pete) but I think it was not giving her more centered episodes. I also wish Sam was more in charge in S9, but I felt she and Cam were more like co-leaders, while O'Neill was always just the leader. I am glad though she lead SG-1 in S8. Just a thought.

              Q28 and 29: I'm glad Amanda feels like she can talk about things like that, and she's right. For years Sam's been the only woman on the team, and Amanda in the cast. I'm glad she had Janet as a friend. And like she said, she directed in S7 because she needed more experience, while Michael thought he was ready at the time to direct.

              Q30 and 31: I also hope someone tapes Ricks reaction to that question at Gatecon. And I'm a little surprised that David doesn't Puff and Ruffle.

              Q32: Oh Amanda, doing research again for a role . Is there ever a time when she's just lazy? Probably not.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              ok, at the con, amanda said that she likes to chill on the couch and watch movies with olivia.

              so....sam time. Sam's home and she's not gonna work. So let's say she has a lazy saturday afternoon to kill

              what would she do?
              Ha, Amanda and Olivia chilling on the couch, what are they watching, Barney or Stargate episodes?

              Q34: I'm glad she has a mug of the Waterkeeper Alliance, makes sense since she works on Atlantis around water . Speaking of which, I have a good pic of the pictures in her office and I have some questions about them, and I'll ask them in the spoiler bar:


              To her right you can see pics of Cassie, someone in a tax and her fishing with Jack. That's a mistake actually, that pic was taken with them fishing at the end of S8, they were alone at the time, so how and who could have taken that picture, and from that angle?

              Also to her left is a Saturn Award, you can't see it much, but that's what it is. Does anyone know if that's Amanda's own award or the shows?

              Q35 and 36: So that was around the time she called Rick, cool. And now I'm looking forward to the movies even more now. And I think it's cool Amanda would have like to play Janet, she could pull it off, but she is Sam Carter, no one else could have made that role as big, popular and loved. But could you imagine Teryl playing Sam?

              (Crap, I ran out of room to write anything else, so you know what this means)


                Whoa. Part 10: AT3 and Julia's closing speech to Amanda

                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                I'm still a little brain-fried but I think funniest moment for me was Amanda saying "As powerful as they are, there is no naquadah in a vagina." I want that on a T-shirt.

                Now if only I can remember why she said it lol.

                The most memorable moment for me is the moment just before you go up to her at the photo session. I walk up and my heart pounds. And then you just sort of take hold of her and hug her lol.

                Most heart touching moment - Julia's closing speech. By the third line I was asking the person next to me for a tissue. The way she talked about what Amanda meant to her, of her graciousness and kindness was most certainly echoing the sentiments of every person in the room, and also every fan who couldn't be there. My eyes couldn't stay dry. By the time Amanda came on to say goodbye I was a goner.

                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                I copied it onto a Word doc and threw it in the file with all my pics and vids from the weekend. That way, whenever I want to go back to the fun moments, I will find the speech given to Amanda there and can read and be happy again. It was deeply emotional and a very special ending to an awesome weekend. *sigh*
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i read 'julia's speech' from AT3, transcribed on


                it was a VERY moving speech and absolutely beautifully written. no wonder amanda cried!

                i'll never get to go to these cons, so it's wonderful when everyone gives their reflections on their experiences.

                i've adjusted to the dark hair, but i still prefer the blond. but the pictures taken show just how beautiful amanda is, inside and out. we're so lucky to have amanda in our lives.

                JULIA'S SPEECH:

                Before I thank Amanda. I’d like to say something about my fellow G4 directors. You know, you can have an idea, a dream or a plan, but until you meet people who understand the dream and share it and step forward and have the guts and the determination to join with you to make it happen, it’s only going to stay an idea. When I met Becky and Kay and John back in 2002 and they stepped forward with those guts and that sheer determination, who could have guessed that we’d be here in 2008 at the end of Amanda’s third weekend Event.

                It took a shared belief in that vision of what conventions could really be like, of how people deserved to be treated – attendees and guest alike, and specifically Amanda and her own fans. It took courage for us to get Gabit up and running and keep it on the road, and it’s taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears – from all 4 of us – and more importantly a huge amount of friendship and bucket loads of trust in one another. I think if I could sum the G4 up it would speak to that determination, friendship, loyalty and trust. That is in essence, at its very heart. I’ve never had the chance to say that before in public to them. So I’d like you all to put your hands together and join me in thanking them, from my heart, for making Gabit what it is and always will be.

                And now, Amanda. Oh yes, you thought you’d escape…
                This has been seriously hard to write. Because it’s hard to sum up what you mean to thousands upon thousands of your fans all around the globe, and it’s hard to verbalise what you mean to those of us who have come to know you over the years. Words probably aren’t enough, but since they’re all I have, they’re going to have to do.

                Every one of your fans would probably give a different reason as to why they’re your fan and stay so loyal to you. But when you talk to them you begin to understand that essentially there is a shared reason. And that is that you’ve quite simply won their hearts. You’ve become a part of your fans’ lives in so many ways. Both in the characters you’ve played, and as a fellow human being, even though they only meet you at these Events.

                From your interaction both on your website and in interviews and at conventions, you’ve conveyed your humanity and your compassion and your willingness to listen, and you’ve demonstrated that you share in spirit their fears and their excitements and their joys as their lives have moved on as yours has moved on over the years.
                Sam Carter became their role model. For your younger fans especially she is the woman that their parents would be proud of. And more importantly the woman they would be proud to be. And for your older fans she became simply the woman they related to, aspired to be like, cheered for week after week and cried with as over a decade of their lives moved on and Carter’s did too. These women were affected simply because of Carter. But more importantly, simply because of you.

                So you made a difference. A real difference. In so many lives. And Amanda, if you tell me that Carter the character could have made that difference anyway, whoever had played her, I’d argue with you and I’d tell you you’re wrong. So very wrong.
                Because it was what you imbued her spirit with, what you gave to her personality as she grew as a character and a woman, that made that difference. It was you, Amanda Tapping the woman, who gave Samantha Carter, the woman, what she needed to grow and become the character she became. So, no. No one else could have been the Samantha Carter who inspired all those people. Only you.

                Now, in steps Dr Helen Magnus. And your fans were amazed and thrilled and in awe as you brought them a character so different to Sam Carter that it was easy to forget for a moment that you played both characters. Such is your skill as an actress. The future promises to be exciting as your original and loyal fans settle down and get themselves comfortable for a new look at their favourite actress and your new fledgling fans settle down beside them.

                But perhaps more important of all is that you’ve showed them more. You’re Executive Producer on Sanctuary. It’s your show. You’ve shown your fans - and dare I say it , those who aren’t your fans - that not only can you hold your own, but you can lead in a male dominated industry, and embrace and push forward an innovative, ground breaking concept. That takes vision and guts and it takes a passion. A combination you have in spades.

                Amanda, the reality is that 250 fans are prepared to travel across the world to see you. And that’s only part of the story. Because what makes your fandom special and what makes these events special is that you’ve brought people together. Because, as well as seeing you, they come to see the friends that they’ve made through supporting you. That is what makes being a part of your fandom so very special. That you’ve unknowingly brought together people from all the corners of the world and united them as friends. Because they are like minded. Because they are your fans. And they reflect your qualities. That is a huge testament to you as a person.
                And speaking of friendship. Back at the beginning of Stargate you were interviewed in a magazine and you were asked about what you wanted to be remembered for in your life. Among the things you said, was that you hoped to be remembered for being kind and most importantly for being a good friend.
                So, on a personal note, in answer to that, I want to tell you that I’m proud to have you as such a wonderful friend, because you are, quite simply, the loveliest, kindest and most loyal friend that anyone could wish to have in their lives.

                So. Thank you. From everyone in this room. For taking time out of your life to spend these weekends with your fans. Thank you for everything you give them. Over and over again. We hope you’ve enjoyed yourself and that you take home the warmth and the love that has been here all weekend and that it stays warming your heart until you’re here again.
                For all that you are, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, actress, producer, director, comedienne, writer and ambassador, I have only seven words left to say. Amanda Tapping – you’re quite a woman.

                Great story PengYn, I wish I could have been there for that there is no naquadah in a vagina line, I also wonder why she said it. I can imagine how nervous you must have been going up to Amanda and getting a picture and a hug . If that were me, my heart would be pounding too, and if she asked me my name I'd be like at the same time, than the first words out of my mouth would be "I love you" And getting a hug from her, I probably wouldn't be able to let her go .

                I posted the speech to help make my point, I really wish I could have been there to at least hear that speech, I've read it, it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever read about her, no wonder Amanda cried . I hate seeing her cry, or reading about it, but at least they were tears of love and warm and good feelings . I'm sorry you needed a tissue, but your right, everything she said was like echoing the sentiments of every person in the room. It was like Julia was speaking on everyone's behalf.

                Celandine, I also put important files and Amanda stuff into Word doc so I can look at it from time to time. I agree, that speech was a perfect ending to the weekend.

                I agree with you again Sally, it really was beautifully written, it's one of the best Amanda letters ever. I can't imagine how Amanda felt knowing how much she means to so many people, knowing all the love, respect and admiration people have for her. It's really a beautiful thing, I once said I could write pages of how I feel about Amanda on thread, and it wouldn't quite explain my feelings, but I feel Julia's speech does justice for Amanda . I'm glad you adjusted to Amanda's dark hair. And yeah, those pics show how beautiful she is, and you're so right-- we are very lucky to have Amanda in out lives. One more thing, I know this may sound silly, but who is Julia? Oh, here's 2 reports from Amanda's site from Kamil and a reporter named Katie about AT3:

                By Kamil: The emotions were high and when Julia finished speaking, Amanda was so touched that she was in tears. She went onto the stage to thank the entire Gabit team, the fans and pretty much everyone in the room, moved, in a voice shaking with emotions. It goes without saying that she did receive a standing ovation when she was on the stage and as she was walking out of the room.

                It felt like I, and many others, witnessed something truly special. An event where one feels that people's lives are being positively changed by the power and personality of one person - Amanda Tapping - being able to influence so many lives.

                Not only is Amanda an outstanding actress - she is, in fact, a life-changer.

                Reporter: Katie

                Huge thank you to G4 - Julia, Becky, Kay & John and everyone else for organising the whole event and helping whenever anyone had any questions. It was a great and memorable weekend. Congratulations! You guys are awesome!

                It was my first convention and I’m sure I’ll come back to the next one ? All the emotions were overwhelming and I had a wonderful time.

                Above all, really huge, huge thank you to Amanda Tapping! I have never met such a warm intelligent, open – minded, funny and beautiful person as her. She has this gift of making people comfortable and happy. I just hope we as her fans can make her happy too. I just don’t have word do describe how truly wonderful and unique Amanda is.

                So I’ll just say – thank you Amanda for coming to the AT3, spending time with your fans and for being yourself!

                (To Be Continued one more time)


                  Small easy part. Part 11: Some Side Stuff

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  not much to do, so i'm searching around for anything sanctuary related and came to this place - - with a couple of pics i've not seen before.

                  ~click to make pics bigger~
                  Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                  My Sam and Jack season 3 icons are now up on my livejournal. As always, there are plenty of just Sam and snurchable as long as I get credit.

                  Find the rest here.
                  Great pics you guys . I like those pics Sally, and thanks for the icons Krissie.

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  these stories would have been awesome to see.
                  on another note; i was on another thread last night and someone thought that maybe woolsey was going to be just a temp commander... does anyone think it's possible that sam could return as commander in s6, IF there's an s6? and from amanda's end, would that even be doable to handle starring in two shows, filming one after the other ends? i mean, would she even have any time off? (i'd hate to get excited about something that could never be)
                  I agree Sally, Amanda said she's in a couple of episodes of Atlantis, and I also hope she'll return one day either for a longer role, or the commander again. But like you, I don't want to get worked up about something, and it doesn't happen. Let's just be happy for Amanda

                  (Ok, last and best part coming up next)


                    Ok, I've saved the best for last. Part 12: AT3 Pics

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    Crossposted from the Gabit thread ...

                    I wrote a little (or not so little) report on AT3. It's in my LJ, maybe it's boring to others, but if you want to read it, it's here.

                    I'm almost done with typing out everything I remember from the Q&A's and will post that in my LJ as well. Will give the link here.
                    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    Amanda I got a pic of you. Gah I am still editting my other pics though, with over 800 pics I am trying to make a selection and putting my Raw files into Jpeg, it is harder then I thought but here is Amanda and her amazing drawing!

                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                    Thought I might not have any pix to share, but thanks to AmberMoon's generosity for allowing me to borrow her nice Sony SLR during some of Amanda's talks, I actually do have a few pix to share.... (Thank you again AmberMoon!!!)


                    (Full size pix are 600pixels high - click on the individual pic to get full res.)
                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                    Did I post this? I made it for a guy at work. That's me on the right.

                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    While sorting through and posting my pics, I decided that I MUST buy a new camera. Mine soooooo sucks. But, sucky or not, I will share. There are a few decent ones. They are just tiny compared to some of the great shots I've seen.

                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    OK, here the few that I uploaded. Clicky to embiggen.


                    Originally posted by sofie View Post
                    Kay so I'm uploading my AT3 pics now, but it's going really slow lol
                    Here are a few: if you use them please credit little preview

                    spoiler for size

                    I'll post more later
                    Originally posted by sofie View Post
                    *hugs* thanks Julia, it was a fantastic weekend. AT4 will just as awesome!!!

                    More pics

                    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post

                    Amanda on the phone with RDA during the charity auction at AT3
                    Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                    It was when they had it hanging up on display and also a pic of the center heart where Becky put QoMH....Hope that's what you were looking for. I have an up close pic where my name is and it has a few other hearts around it too. It's near the top left of the quilt, if you want to see that part of the quilt let me know and I'll post it or send it to ya.


                    WOW Thank all of you guys so much for the awesome pics of Amanda. She looks so beautiful with dark hair, and making all those funny faces. I love the pics of her at the auction, sat and sun, and I love the pic of her with the Carter bobble head doll. The Quilt looks so wonderful, I can't even imagine how long it took to make. And that Magnus cutout looks so cool. I can't believe I'm done; now I can rest until my next big post.

                    As for my closing statement I'd like to say thank you to everyone who went to AT3. With all the nonsense she's read on "Anti" boards, she needed this weekend with you guys. Thank you for giving Amanda a great, happy and wonderful time. She's a truly breathtakingly beautiful person inside and out, and a good and pure hearted person. She deserves every great little thing she gets, and I'm glad you all gave her this gift. You all gave her a big feeling of love and kindness, and you left her with fond memories. She's worked so hard, and she deserves more weekends like AT3, and soooooo much better in life. I wish I could give her that, but she's doing great alone. No wait, she not alone, she has her friends, family and us. So thanks guys for making Amanda feel as special and loved as she makes so many people feel.

                    Hey this my 214th post, cool. That's the same number of SG-1 episodes. Awesome.
                    Last edited by Rocky89; 27 May 2008, 03:43 AM.


                      Haha! I think it's hilarious that you included my pic with the photos of 'manda.

                      *pats Rocky*

                      Anyway... I have been a busy wee Neep with doing a lot of planning and organising. My plan:

                      When my exams are over in 3 weeks, I'm taking 12-18 months off uni. I'm going to switch to a full time position at work, but keep living in cheap student mode to save money. Then I'm going to have a 6-12 month working holiday in the UK I'm gonna be around for AT4!!! Whoo hoo!

                      Any advice on UK smoking cessation helplines/services and/or couches to crash on while I get my bearings would be appreciated!

                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                        OT Update on my Mum...

                        My Mum's been moved to a rehab centre, she still has no feeling in her legs or feet but she's getting lots of physical therapy to try and help her, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that things improve. We both thank you all for your prayers, vibes and thoughts, its really helping guys so thank you.


                        Keeping our fingers crossed too.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                          SAM: this is one competition I am not entering. but I wouldn't mind being the judge.
                          Me either!

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.



                            Ooooh, I'm so sorry Cam -- shouldn't have press that button. But no worry, I'm sure we'll find the button that will return your nose. Let's just hope these other buttons won't remove anything else that might protrude.

                            Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                              bitter? why would i be bitter?
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Haha! I think it's hilarious that you included my pic with the photos of 'manda.

                                *pats Rocky*

                                Anyway... I have been a busy wee Neep with doing a lot of planning and organising. My plan:

                                When my exams are over in 3 weeks, I'm taking 12-18 months off uni. I'm going to switch to a full time position at work, but keep living in cheap student mode to save money. Then I'm going to have a 6-12 month working holiday in the UK I'm gonna be around for AT4!!! Whoo hoo!

                                Any advice on UK smoking cessation helplines/services and/or couches to crash on while I get my bearings would be appreciated!

                                Whoo hoo indeed!

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

