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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I think she meant the place where Sky posted her fic. Although I'm not sure what link she gave, I know she's posting on the SJ fanfic site.

    Heebie Jeebies eh?
    I stand corrected, I was thinking the notification here. And yes--heebie jeebies, the willies etc.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      I stand corrected, I was thinking the notification here. And yes--heebie jeebies, the willies etc.
      lol Jckfan I was thinking the same as you... I know it happens occasionally penguins and polar bears on the same wave length (with the latest pics JanSam posted the penguin being stolen/eaten maybe I should be worried ) ... Here and Emerald city isn't a J/S Site either... maybe as SamJackShipLover suggested sky posted elsewhere too.


        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
        Posted pictures of my Stargate room on my LJ:
        Wow. That's amazing. Are all the pictures autographed?

        (Note to self: remove autographed picture of AT and EH-T which I stuck in drawer upon return from holiday)

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
          lol Jckfan I was thinking the same as you... I know it happens occasionally penguins and polar bears on the same wave length (with the latest pics JanSam posted the penguin being stolen/eaten maybe I should be worried )
          hee hee. I found something.. y'know.. as I tend to do. I tell ya it makes me think twice about wiping my shippy goo on them again.

          Ordinarily I'd post the cartoon here but I'm giving you the link to my LJ to see it because I'm not sure the "B" word is allowed on the forum unless you're quoting Jack talking to Anubis



            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Awesome!!! Oh wow...if only I could have a Stargate room...that's brilliant!!

            I have seen worse...or rather I have seen more in one room than that but I wouldn't call it ridiculous...and who's worried about the expense...there's a lot of memories and good times had up on those can't put a price on that!

            I have a special album for most of my pics...I have 2...correction...3 that are framed and on of the team, on of me squeezed in between Carmen Argenziano and Don S Davis and the most recent and most treasured one of all...a picture sent to me from EH-T of Amanda, personally signed and addressed to me...I posted this is the Gabit thread...I hope EH-T doesn't mind I link it here...
            I also keep the rest of my things packed up in a box or hanging in the wardrobe...I don't have a lot of SG stuff per se but what I do have I treasure!
   books and dvd's are all now stored in one cupboard with all my other sci fi related stuff!! I call it my sci fi cupboard!
            And my i pod that I got for mothers day has been officially named "Spottie" was gonna be called Carter then I said no...Tappinator but then settled for Spottie...I think it will draw less attention that way!

            Anyhoo...I just wanted to say a huge thank you to EH-T for the most wonderful gift...I'm truly a very lucky person and I am forever grateful for what you did for me...thank you so much!
            I also want to send a big huge hug to Tracy...coz you need it sweetie!


            Anyone else need or just want a hug??? I'm in a huggable mood today!!!
            I would love to stay and chat but I'm already way past my expiration date...I'm pooped!!
            Night night all, take care and have fun...hope you've all had a great weekend!!
            Hugs backatcha!

            Just thought it would provide a little encouragement when saving for AT4. I know you would have loved to be at AT3 so thought this was the next best thing to actually meeting Amanda. She was very kind and was impressed you sent a donation (as did many of you) to the Hearing Dogs even though you could not attend the event.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              it's not ridiculous. it's her room and she can do whatever she wants with it

              some might say that spending hours and hours and hours playing games is ridiculous
              you seem to have misunderstood me.

              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
              The framing, collecting, or the cons? HEH

              Creation Con is very expensive, and there have been three of those, but Comic Con is WAY cheap. And AT3? expensive...but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The photo ops I paid for at the cons aren't too bad, money-wise. And the ones at Comic Con with AT and Cliff YAY.

              And the frames are only $1 a piece at Dollar Tree.
              yeah, I figured teh conventions themselves would be pricey but I thought those pictures and the signatures go for a bit too.

              I didn't take offense to it. I know it was meant in a "that is SO over the top but cool" way. At least, that's how I took it. If not...don't burst my bubble. LOL


                -PengYn - keeper of the shippy goo

                Is that where it went to
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  I think she meant the place where Sky posted her fic. Although I'm not sure what link she gave, I know she's posting on the SJ fanfic site.

                  Heebie Jeebies eh?
                  i posted it on the samandjack always site and someone sent me feedback, kinda taken aback that i'd put sam and teal'c on the s&j archive.

                  I didn't write it with any pairing in mind beyond the UST of the misdirection of what sam was doing and the double entendres of their words.

                  but i do see how people could see a sam/teal'c slant i guess...if they squinted
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                    Is that where it went to

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    I didn't write it with any pairing in mind beyond the UST of the misdirection of what sam was doing and the double entendres of their words.
                    That's how I read it. So I went back and read it again and put my Teal'c goggles on.. yeah okay if you squint whilst holding a magnifying glass. I really enjoyed it either way. It was the double entendres that had me lol-ing


                      that's one reason i put a lot of my stuff on the sam and jack site, even though it's not full fledged ship, just to support the point that 'sam and jack' doesn't necessarily = sex and babies.

                      sam and jack can also refer to friendship or comradeship. THe site's for ALL aspects of the pairing
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        That's how I read it. So I went back and read it again and put my Teal'c goggles on.. yeah okay if you squint whilst holding a magnifying glass. I really enjoyed it either way. It was the double entendres that had me lol-ing
                        Yeah what she said lol!


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          that's one reason i put a lot of my stuff on the sam and jack site, even though it's not full fledged ship, just to support the point that 'sam and jack' doesn't necessarily = sex and babies.

                          sam and jack can also refer to friendship or comradeship. THe site's for ALL aspects of the pairing
                          Exactly! I have read all kinds on that site... have for a long time... I like the site too because there is a variety.

                          I like fics that have Jack/Sam toeing the line but never cross it. I like the friendship that they are starting to think more could be there, but they aren't sure. There have been a few fics that I enjoy where Jack and Sam are in other relationships and the other is happy for them! Sure there is J/S UST, but their friendship is more important to them, and because when the fic was written they were on the same team. They didn't split up the team and they didn't make one or the other character looking bad being jealous. A lot of those are the older fics...and of course there are really good resolved fics as well there, but as I said a variety is always good.
                          Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 26 May 2008, 02:55 PM.


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            I get zatted daily at the point where I swear...on the bad days you can actually see the blue flash from the static electricity as it jumps out toward you...and boy when it smacks smarts!!!!
                            But given that we are Samandans...would it be fair to say that we are all positively charged??
                            Hahahaha brilliant theory! I will go with that!

                            My flash is a yellowy white colour hehehe. Hahahaah maybe different spark colours mean different things hahaha


                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                              Posted pictures of my Stargate room on my LJ:

                              Cool room!!! I still see wall though... Where's your next con to add to the trophy room??? I need to get my pics up on the've inspired me..... some still need frames! argh..



                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Wow. That's amazing. Are all the pictures autographed?

                                (Note to self: remove autographed picture of AT and EH-T which I stuck in drawer upon return from holiday)
                                No, no...just the first pic. Siggies on one side, photo ops on the other. I like to keep the photo ops without siggies.

                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                                yeah, I figured teh conventions themselves would be pricey but I thought those pictures and the signatures go for a bit too.
                                The autographs are included for the price of the con at Creation (for the most part. I paid $20 for Corin's) and I printed the photos for the autographs myself. I got all my autographs in person. I've never bought a an autographed item, other than the 10 Years of Stargate book already signed by Chris Judge and Joe Mallozzi. I've gotten other signatures in it since, just cuz it seemed right. LOL The photo ops at Creation are usually $35-55 a piece, unless you count Ben Browder or Claudia Black. $70! GAH. I can't really afford that all at once.

                                Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                                Cool room!!! I still see wall though... Where's your next con to add to the trophy room??? I need to get my pics up on the've inspired me..... some still need frames! argh..
                                LOL Next is Comic Con, and I am betting the SG panel, since it will be for Continuum, will be signing a Continuum poster. Unless I see anyone new I probably won't try for any photos with anyone.

