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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    it was when they thought she was dead. now i haven't watched the ep in a while, but...

    when teal'c thought she was dead, he showed grief for a moment. when daniel came aboard and asked about sam, teal'c told him and he showed grief for a moment. daniel and teal'c were even able to joke just before jack came around. and when jack came back into consciousness, he was *so* upset he played with the lights on the ship. later on, daniel tried to tell him something and jack just said 'i know', or something like that, but we don't know 'what' exactly daniel was going to tell him. we didn't SEE the grief of everyone dealing with sam's death. and it wasn't a 'possible' death, they really thought she'd died. and when they thought they saw her in the fuzzy video, where was the 'emotion' of thinking she'd made it?

    i liked how they reacted to finding her out on the dirt, but even that could have been more.

    i found this to be the case of the director not doing his job properly.

    i've seen daniel/ms fans getting upset about this kind of thing before, but it was the first time i saw it done with sam. (well, if one can ignore the guys not tending to sam while she was lying in agony at the end of '2001')

    Oh I so agree with you, Sally, about the inadequate show of concern, particularly from Jack. In response to Daniel, he said, 'I know, I am fine, really'. And then he played with the light. However I am not sure the director was at fault though. Didn't Peter Deluis say something like, AT always follows direction, Chris & Michael sometimes, but RDA never?

    I also agree with Tagger on 2001. What a terrible show of insensivitiy! Peter DeLuis said in his commentary for this episode that he had asked the actors to show more concern but they refused.

    And I agree with Sky as well, given these guys' lack of sensitivity and empathy, any comfort they'd come up with would be anything but clumsy and awkward.


      Originally posted by tagger View Post
      I guess the most noticeable blank I saw was 2001; the guys standing there seemed weird the first time I saw it, and it continues to feel totally off to me. Too much laissez faire on the part of the guys while Sam was injured on the ramp - it would seem more natural for someone to go to her while she was hurt.

      The episodes with 5th, I actually never noticed a lack of concern for Sam? Might just be me, though.

      Maybe I mentally filled in the blanks and at the end, I loved all the guys finding her. I go through SG1 episodes here and there pretty regularly depending on my mood, but I can't remember the name of the episode with 5th. Gah.

      Anyway, for some reason, I didn't feel the gaping lack of concern like at the end of 2001. Now, I'll have to look at it more closely.

      Welcome back to all the AT3 travellers. Glad everyone is getting home safely and thanks for everyones' pics and reports. Fun!
      Agree! Poor Sam. No sympathy haha


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        go play on orbitz or travelocity to check the air fare. it varies from location. i'd GUESS for the us folks, 700-1000 depending on when and where you fly from

        the tickets were what? 200 pounds? or was it three? i don't recall. the hotel is 75 pounds a night, including breakfast, at the con rate (fri, sat and sun night)

        so, i would guess (bearing in mind that the us dollar SUCKS right now and 1 pound = $2 us, budged 1500 - 2000 dollars for a trip, which owuld also give you money for food and the like

        but, also bear in mind, that it's money spent over months. buy the tickets in, oh let's PRETEND that AT4 is in August 2009. Y ou'll buy your tickets in october when they go on sale (and can i repeat that i'm pulling dates out of my hat here????), then buy your air fare in may maybe, the hotel in august, so it's money spent over almost a year, not just one huge chunk
        To be honest, I doubt AT4 would be in August...

        Firstly, by pushing it back to November time again, the G4 will give themselves more time.

        Secondly, on purely budget related issues, it is cheaper all round to do something in November than in the summer months. Hotels are cheaper, flights are cheaper... it brings the costs down and allows the G4 to do more spectacular stuff. I have a feeling the budget would have been very tight this year if it weren't for the first part of Amanda's trip being covered by Fox.

        And it's not just a case of it being cheaper to accommodate Amanda. By having the event when prices are cheaper, they are going to attract more attendees as well.

        I could be seriously wrong, but I have a gut feeling of an autumn / winter date rather than late summer. What with money issues and competing with the "big" cons, I don't think Gabit would do it.

        *waits for the G4 to come in and stomp all over her theory*
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          they're danged if they do and danged if they don't no matter what they choose. do it after school starts and they'll be deluged with 'but taht's not fair, i go to school and can't come because of that'. there's also the weatehr to consider. IIRC, one reason AT3 was in may was because - at AT2 - Amanda wanted to have a con when the weatehr was nicer rather than in november.

          At the end of the day, Amanda's schedule and what the hotel has open will govern the dates far more than affordable air fare or convenience
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            And here are (probably) the last Q&A's from AT3. It's now really starting to blur and I'm not sure everyting was actually said at AT3, or that I imagined it or read it in an interview

            I have a friend who also was there, looking over my whole file, with the Q&A's I posted here already (I already changed bits and pieces because of comments people made, thanks) so I can post a good and as complete as possible document into my LJ. So, comments are appreciated!

            Q20: there was a question about accents, not sure what exactly, about Helen Magnus, and if she could “do” a couple of accents now
            A: I’m not going to “do” some accents now! They will come out naturally over the weekend, or not (they did ). I think here she talked about, how the “company” (by lack of better word) that picked up Sanctuary asked if Helen Magnus HAD to be british. Amanda was like geez, did you watch it? Jack the Ripper, old england (etc, don’t remember) of course she has to be british.
            Amanda also talked how she hadn’t decided on the final accent for Helen. They started shooting next week, so “whatever accent will come out then, that will be it”. And later in the weekend she kept coming back on that (maybe old-indian, scottish etc, was fun).

            Q21: what would Sam do if she won the lottery
            A: buy acres and acres of land around a certain cabin in Minnesota! (audience screams). In fact, she might buy a cabin there too! Buy her way into a relationship. (lol). She also added something like geez, did I say that? Well, it was the first thing that popped in my mind, so I’ll stick with it!
            (and later, at the auction, one of the items they were selling was an Jack O’Neill BDU shirt. She puts it on and parades around. She said “you know what they say about men with long arms .... “ audience sreams “no!! They have long sleeves”. Haha. She also said “I would be wearing this when I wake up at Jack’s in the morning”).

            Q22: what is the best and what is the worst thing tptb did for your character Sam?
            A: (immediately) the best was definitely giving her a relationship with her father. The worst?? I don’t know. I think I’ll have to come back on that one (someone shouts Pete). No, she didn’t think Pete was bad for her character, cause he was a full functioning, adult, relationship Sam got to explore. So that was good. Then she thought what a very bad thing was, having Sam say yes to his marriage proposal right after the mission in the factory, and then kissing him too. Amanda REALLY didn’t like that, even took it to the writers “Sam would never do that”, but they wanted to keep it in.
            Then she asked that person what they thought the worst thing was, and they agreed. Then later someone got back on it and asked:

            Q23: I think the worst thing tptb did for Sam was not giving her command in S9, what do you think about that?
            A: (I think she didn’t want to say out loud that she didn’t agree with that decision, but behind the mic she was nodding a lot.) Then she talked some more about that, how they should’ve make Cam a higher rank, so it would be clear. And that in fact it was like Cam said himself in some ep, that he didn’t really command the team anyway.

            Q24: what citizenship (nationality?) do you have
            A: I think she said she has both british and canadian, and her father has british, canadian and US.

            Q25: what era would you want Helen Magnus go back to, to explore more
            A: she said they were going to explore some new characters in the series (I think like Einstein), and she liked that. Then she said they should go to the start of MacGyver lol.

            Q26: would you rather play in Gone with the Wind or ?? (don’t remember) and who would be your leading man
            A: she would rather play in Gone with the Wind, I think she said something about having the right age now (??). And of course Clooney would be her leading man. Then there was this huge pause whilst she imagined it, which she snapped herself out of and said "Oops, and I'm back." ... and then we lost her again, she said "To the ether!"

            Q27: can you describe each member of the cast from SG1 and SGA in 1 word?
            A: ohhhh (long thinking), I really can’t do that just like that. I would want to describe them with a really good word, I could say about Chris Judge “big”, but that doesn’t do him justice. I will come back on that one (but she never did).

            At 1 point, Amanda had told about her many pregnancies and miscarriages, she was very open about that. I don’t remember if there was a question to bring that on though. Later someone asked:

            Q28: we all try to ask professional questions, not get to personal, yet you told us something very personal earlier ... and how difficult was it to work with mostly men on SG1 when you were going through this.
            A: I just think it’s very important that women talk about this, there’s so much shame involved, and there shouldn’t be. If I can help other women by talking about this, I want to do so. I already had women, here at this weekend, come up to me and talk about it.
            A: all people on SG1 were very supportive and understanding.

            Q29: something about women in a male world of filming
            A: she did say things are a bit of a boys club. When she asked, way back if she could direct an episode, it was at the same tme Michael Shanks asked. He got to direct an episode in S3, Amanda had to wait till S7. She said “I’m not saying it’s because he’s a man, and I’m a woman ... but it was the only difference I could see”. She told some more, about how she prepared to direct, study stuff, join some of the directors at their work.

            Q30: Someone asked about the Puff and Ruffle, and whether or not it would be ok to mention it to RDA at Gatecon
            A: ohhh, please do!! And film it for me! I can’t wait to see what his reaction will be (and maybe I imagined this part, but did she also say that he’ll probably deny it??)

            In the same line:
            Q31: Do the guys from Atlantis Puff and Ruffle
            (I'm really not sure about the answers though ...)
            A: (thinks). Haha, can you see David do that? Nope. Joe does, but just a little, cause he’s happily married, 3 kids.

            Q32: (I’m not sure about the question, but I remember the answer lol)
            A: She said something about how she didn't seem to have as much trouble being type cast and getting roles out of Science Fiction as she had worried she would, and that in her new film she was the mother of a boy with autism, and that she had a nephew(?) with autism so knew a little about it already, and the rest of her research was from books and from the net. She told how she definitely had a degree from Google University lol.

            Q33: something about stunts, what was the most difficult stunt
            A: she talked about the one where Daniel’s house blows up (with Osiris, and Pete also there), how it was very difficult. A lot of glass (which of course had been changed to stunt glass). They had practised it a lot, and they all had rubber guns to carry (because the real ones were only allowed on the final take). So when the final take was there, she jumped to the ground a bit too fast or something and hit her head with the gun. She said how everyone would always worry about her during stunts, when they’re over “someone check Amanda”.

            Q34: Sam has a couple of pics in her office in Atlantis, did you have any say over them?
            A: I really liked she got to have these pictures, and no, I didn’t have a say in them. The props department did that. If I could choose, I think I would’ve picked different pics for the guys, more informal. Daniels pic was from the wedding in the 200th ep. I did put a mug of the Waterkeeper Alliance in her office, I think that makes sence. Atlantis ... Water ... Waterkeeper. I thought it made sence for Sam to have a mug like that. And tptb were OK with that.

            Q35: if Daniels pic in Sam’s office in Atlantis is from the ep 200 does that mean Sam and Jack are really married?
            *audience screams*
            A: If they are, we forgot to film the honeymoon!! Lets call Rick, so we can film it!!
            *audience screams some more*
            A: but no, they are not really married. I don’t think the series would’ve been the right time and place for them to have gotten together, but the movies definitely will be!

            Q36: what role other than Sam would you have liked to play on SG1
            A: Janet Fraiser

            So far 36 questions (with a little help from my friends *blows kiss*). But I'm sure there were lots more. Next time I'm going to take notes lol.
            Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 12 May 2008, 06:27 AM.


              Originally posted by jz9 View Post
              And I agree with Sky as well, given these guys' lack of sensitivity and empathy, any comfort they'd come up with would be anything but clumsy and awkward.
              I hope you don't add Daniel to "those guys"...I think he's been shown to be quite adequate in that area, and not only for Sam (Janet, Sarah, Vala, Kera, Shyla, Sha're...).

              ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
              ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                Gosh I seriously don't know what to say apart from blush....

                It's always a difficult speech to write and every year I spend a very long time writing it, but equally every year I just let my heart write it and usually that feeds my inner voice. Thank you for saying it reflects what you all feel and think about Amanda. That means a lot.

                As to Me So Lovely. A complete joy to write. It literally poured out. 17 diverse women's voices reflecting all that we *all* feel about ourselves but often don't talk about, and essentially what we feel about others. It's been a project from my heart and I know that Mini feels the same directing it. It would be lovely to see you and any other Samandans in the audience supporting us. I know most of the Gabit staff, G4 and many of my friends are flying out to see it so I am surrounded by their love and support and am blessed by that.

                I'd better run before Sky kicks me off for being off topic...<running>

                She's gonna kick me off for it too, heehee! But I just REALLY wanted to thank everyone who visited our site after I posted on Friday and sent us love, encouragement and/or bucks for the production! We've raised $200 since Friday towards the mount of the show!!! YAY!! THANK YOU.

                Every bit helps hugely and lets us give more to the charity. You guys are so generous and amazing, especially after so many folks already came back from AT3 and donated generously there also.

                So I just wanted to say again, LOVE YOU GUYS. And if anyone has yet to read our little (ahem) plea post in the OT thread, please drop on by and take a peek! I hope a lot of you can find a way to come join us in August for the show!!


                Huge Hugs & Kisses*
                mini(the agog)geek

                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  Comic Con is July 23 - 27 in San Diego, CA

                  Gatecon is in August 21 - 24 in Vancouver

                  Thanks!! Don't think I can go to either of those, but it's nice to dream about it!
                  sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                  I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    these stories would have been awesome to see.

                    you know, as much as i loved 'death knell', i wish more time would have been spent on 'sam's' ordeal. i felt that with 'desperate measures' too.

                    Originally posted by shipper hannah View Post
                    I agree. Both times felt like they were over too quickly. They could have done more with the storyline.
                    I've often thought that SG-1 could benefit from more "to be continued" episodes. Doctor Who does it, BSG does it, lots of shows do it quite regularly. It would allow a little more exploration of the characters/storylines and also limit the need for more storylines per season.

                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    I hope you don't add Daniel to "those guys"...I think he's been shown to be quite adequate in that area, and not only for Sam (Janet, Sarah, Vala, Kera, Shyla, Sha're...).

                    I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that she was mainly talking about the writers for SG-1. "Da boys club". They don't do touchy feely emotions well, never have.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      ya know, with the boys not being 'upset' i really didn't have an issue with it. they had a job to do, and the clock was ticking and that trumps 'a moment of silence for a fallen friend'

                      the boys compartmentalize, and grief over sam wasn't thrown away, it was just set aside until they'd have time to deal with it appropriately
                      I agree that they compartmentalize, but perhaps a *bit* more concern would have been in order imho.

                      I thought Teal'c/CJ did the best. He looked absolutely striken when the replicator ship was destroyed, presumably with Sam onboard. Daniel was hoping there was a chance she was still alive and quizzed the Asgard on it "but there's a chance." Jack didn't really show much concern til they were on the planet. But then he rarely lets on what he's feeling. Just look at how he was when Daniel was dying.

                      ETA: ok, I just contradicted my first statement.
                      Last edited by jckfan55; 12 May 2008, 01:36 PM. Reason: big typo--don't type when hungry :D


                        Hi all! I'm back!! OMG...can i just start by saying...Amanda looks great with the dark hair...but I will miss the blonde...just a little bit!
                        Thank you to everyone for the event pics and reports thus far...I'm so happy you all had a great time...I'm going to be there next year...OMG!!! year is not so far away...I'm deliriously happy!!!
                        A huge happy birthday to those who have celebrated recently!!

                        Congratulations to everyone who has celebrated any other significant event
               much has happened in the last 2 much more is about to happen!!
                        So...on with my little catch up before I head off to dreamland to dream about AT4!!!!...Yay!!!
                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                        I'm happy for you buying a new house chelle, hope it turns out great
                        Rocky! Your epic posts are just...EPiC!!!
                        We didn't buy a house...but we have upgraded into a much nicer's been newly renovated and I now have a kitchen and bathroom that all our guests thus far envy!!...tis so cool!!
                        We're still moving in so to speak...we have yet to assemble the office and set up the wireless internet...much to the children's dismay...but hubby did manage to set me up on some temporary internet set up as he could bear my whining no more!! pays to nag and cry once in a now it's catch up time!!
                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        Hi there penguins AND polar bears - two shippers on here right now, still panting after that unexpected phone call from RDA to AT while she was ONSTAGE - WE GOT TO LISTEN TO RICK - it was just great!!
                        Chelle, your penguins were a big hit at our chocolate tasting party last night with Sky and SJSLover and so many other Samandans! We even shared them with polar bears - that's how KIND Samandans are!
                        I would so loved to have been there!!! Someone shall have to write about the phone convo a bit more...I'd love to know what they chatted about!!
                        I'm glad that some of the polar bears got to enjoy the chocolates family and friends all think I'm nuts to send all that chocolate to one part of the world only to have it end up in another part...I'm just so grateful to have been able to "play" with you all in some small way even though I couldn't be there in person.
                        So...what shall I actually bring with me to AT4???
                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        The whole AT4 thing... there's not been a date set (or rather announced) as far as I'm aware, but I would assume it's going to be later in the year.
                        No-one had a baton.
                        "Goafer on crack" being one of them. And the phone call from RDA was hilarious as well.
                        RDA: What are you...
                        AT: ...wearing?
                        Hehe...she's finishing his sentences????...that's so sweet!!!
                        Pity about the baton year perhaps??
                        If AT 4 is held later in the year...that would be cool...the airfares are cheaper for me after peak and all!!....though Niki might be a little peeved if I miss her birthday.
                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        Okay, let's see what I can remember. Brain is a little fried, but I shall try!
                        QUILT: The quilt was huge and amazing. I don't have a picture on me, but Amanda was beside herself and in tears. When they presented the quilt, they explained the concept, then showed a video composed of all the photos sent in. There were lots of giggles and "awws" as we recognised both friends present and those who couldn't be there! Amanda was so overwhelmed by it. The design had large squares with hearts in them. Each heart was framed by people's names. It was beautiful.
               is it possible to see that video??...I'm thinking maybe I don't want to see it...dang...I'm just remembering that picture of me with that piece of material...J and I were positively giddy that night!
                        Didn't someone make a music video where we all got to contribute what we thought about Sam/Amanda along with a scene of our choice??? Did that get shown??
                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm still a little brain-fried but I think funniest moment for me was Amanda saying "As powerful as they are, there is no naquadah in a vagina." I want that on a T-shirt.
                        Hey...I got a brilliant idea...lets all wear t shirts with that on it to AT4!!! I reckon Amanda would love it!!!
                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        (Also posted over at the GABIT thread)
                        Well, having had two sleeps since staggering home, I still haven't had a proper
                        I want to say my personal thankyous to all you folk who travelled from near and far to take part in our little party weekend. As you can imagine, they are not easy to put together, and we do sometimes get to wonder why we put ourselves through it - then we see your happy faces and read your stories afterward - and we know!
                        Amanda's fans are the best we have come across in fandom! They share and spread the love (as Amanda herself said) and it sustains us. She is such a remarkable woman who gives everything she has, and she thoroughly deserves the love she gets back.
                        I also want to thank those of you who contributed charms to Sky's 'secret project'. That was such a sweet surprise and elicited (almost) the only close shave I had with tears - apart from coming out in sympathy with Amanda at the closing ceremony. They are beautiful and will be a constant memory of the friends I have made here and on the GABIT thread.
                        I love you all.
                        ((((Mega Mumsey hugs))))
                        (((Mumsey and the rest of G4)))

                        Although I could not attend the event, I'm having a great time reading all about it and looking at all the wonderful pictures...thank you G4 for doing this for everyone...not only those who attended but those who are also reaping the rewards of the event vicariously through others!
                        Are there any pictures of the giving of the bracelets??
                        Are there any good close up pics of the quilt??
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        ok, at the con, amanda said that she likes to chill on the couch and watch movies with olivia.
                        so....sam time. Sam's home and she's not gonna work. So let's say she has a lazy saturday afternoon to kill
                        what would she do?
               thinks she might plonk herself down on the couch/sofa with a nice hot cuppa (be it tea or prefers coffee normally but when I'm not well I prefer tea...Earl Grey!!) and she'd read the latest issue of some physics magazine or just read the latest best selling sci fi novel on the market...or maybe she'd listen to some music!!
                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        Q21: what would Sam do if she won the lottery
                        A: buy acres and acres of land around a certain cabin in Minnesota! (audience screams). In fact, she might buy a cabin there too! Buy her way into a relationship. (lol). She also added something like geez, did I say that? Well, it was the first thing that popped in my mind, so I’ll stick with it!
                        (and later, at the auction, one of the items they were selling was an Jack O’Neill BDU shirt. She puts it on and parades around. She said “you know what they say about men with long arms .... “ audience sreams “no!! They have long sleeves”. Haha. She also said “I would be wearing this when I wake up at Jack’s in the morning”).
                        Q35: if Daniels pic in Sam’s office in Atlantis is from the ep 200 does that mean Sam and Jack are really married?
                        *audience screams*
                        A: If they are, we forgot to film the honeymoon!! Lets call Rick, so we can film it!!
                        *audience screams some more*
                        A: but no, they are not really married. I don’t think the series would’ve been the right time and place for them to have gotten together, but the movies definitely will be!
                        Well blow me down...I'm squeeing so quietly as the rest of the house sleeps...this is so....yay!!!...thank you Lies!!!
                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                        And if anyone has yet to read our little (ahem) plea post in the OT thread, please drop on by and take a peek! I hope a lot of you can find a way to come join us in August for the show!!
                        Huge Hugs & Kisses*
                        mini(the agog)geek
                        Mini...I have been meaning to get onto that for ages now...I will try my best to get onto it before we go away on Friday.

               moving is such a pain in the proverbial!
                        16 years of stuff to sort through and decide to keep or toss...3 truck loads of rubbish later...and we still have tonnes of stuff left over!
                        A belated Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out you mums to bipeds or what not!!...
                        My kids woke me up at 9am and we sat in bed and chatted about them when they were little and all the mischievous things they did...then we dragged out their baby albums and went through the pictures...the memories were just really grow up so quickly!
                        Then I had to roll my poor old and stiff body out of bed and choof off to work...hey...I got muscles now from all that lifting and shifting!!!
              's so nice to be home and online again...I missed being here so much!
                        Night all, take care, be safe and have fun!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          I've been trying and trying to think of something brilliant to say for days as I knew my next post was the big 5-0-0. Of course, now that the pressure is on, all I can think about is .....

                          "Okay. Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound.................Nothing comes to mind."

                          Or the more ubiquitous .........."I got nothin'."

                          Go Sam. Can't wait for July.....Sam in Atlantis....Sam in Continuum.....Sam in Season 4 DVDs......Amanda doing commentaries.


                            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                            I've been trying and trying to think of something brilliant to say for days as I knew my next post was the big 5-0-0. Of course, now that the pressure is on, all I can think about is .....

                            "Okay. Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound.................Nothing comes to mind."

                            Or the more ubiquitous .........."I got nothin'."

                            Go Sam. Can't wait for July.....Sam in Atlantis....Sam in Continuum.....Sam in Season 4 DVDs......Amanda doing commentaries.
                            Congrats on 500!

                            July is going to awesome!


                              Hi ALL! Newbie here with my very first post. I have followed this thread for several years now and finally got up the nerve to join. Decided it was time to add my voice to the many voices out there. Too cool to think that it will travel around the world with all of you. I'm a huge Amanda Tapping fan. She's the main reason why I started watching Stargate years ago. Have followed her (don't I wish) through the Stargate and now into Sanctuary. Am very excited about her venture into Sanctuary and the many, new opportunities it will offer her. Thanks to all of you,too, who have shared your wonderful stories about AT3 and Amanda. Felt like I was there at least for a little while.
                              Until later


                                Originally posted by KatG View Post
                                I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that she was mainly talking about the writers for SG-1. "Da boys club". They don't do touchy feely emotions well, never have.
                                Thanks Kat. You are right. I was actually *quoting* Sky, who was talking about the writers. I did not know how to quote from multiple posts, so I just wrote down what she had said. Sorry for the confusion.

