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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    Even though I don't ship these two, I can appreciate a sig done very well.
    why, thank you!
    Originally posted by Über View Post
    Hey stranger. Just thought I'd pop my head in and say, "Howdy y'all!"

    so ...

    HOWDY Y'ALL!!!
    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
    gooooood mooorning Sam-thunkers. I made something you might like

    wish you all a b eatiful pre-weekend ^^
    my god, that is... stunning doesn't even begin to cover it! whata way to start my b-day weekend!!! thanks Fannie!
    Originally posted by Neesie View Post
    Completely off topic (I just want to gripe):

    It's supposed to be spring!! Yet it's snowing so hard I can't see across the street!! Grrrr! I'm tired of snow.
    That sucks.
    we've had the most dreadful winter in southern ontario. at one point it was 6 feet of snow! SIX FEET I TELL YOU!! and there still this one tiny pile of it in my neighbour's yard, away from the sunlight... cuz today it was about 22 degrees celscius for a change


      Originally posted by Neesie View Post
      Completely off topic (I just want to gripe):

      It's supposed to be spring!! Yet it's snowing so hard I can't see across the street!! Grrrr! I'm tired of snow.
      You poor thing! Where are you? We are FINALLY into spring in Michigan. Thought it would never come this year.

      I feel your pain.
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        Becky's like that too. We had a hurricane hit us one night way back in 1987. It levelled thousands of trees in the south of England and caused untold damage to buildings. We lost half the roof tiles from our house and they were ripped off right over Becky's room. You couldn't walk in the street that morning without treading on shattered roof tiles.

        She slept right through it! Inch thick concrete tiles flying off just a few feet above her and she didn't stir. I still don't sleep well on windy nights.


        OT Harry Potter question:
        Would this be the time when the giants and Voldemort's supporters tore up that area? JKR has amazing attention to detail, even down to the hurricaines and the earlier drought.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          why, thank you!

          HOWDY TO YOU TOO!!

          my god, that is... stunning doesn't even begin to cover it! whata way to start my b-day weekend!!! thanks Fannie!

          That sucks.
          we've had the most dreadful winter in southern ontario. at one point it was 6 feet of snow! SIX FEET I TELL YOU!! and there still this one tiny pile of it in my neighbour's yard, away from the sunlight... cuz today it was about 22 degrees celscius for a change
          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          You poor thing! Where are you? We are FINALLY into spring in Michigan. Thought it would never come this year.

          I feel your pain.
          In spoiler for off topic:

          I am living on a mountain in the Cascades (in Washington). I worked at a ski resort for the winter, we got over 500" of snow this season. It's been fun, but the resort is closed, the lifts are off, and it's still snowing!!! ::great big sigh:: It just really irks me 'cause I was really hoping to get off the mountain this weekend, go see the Pacific, maybe even go to the rain forest (who knew there was a rain forest in Washington?!?!). This is my last weekend before I fly home. Oh well, there's always next year.
          No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

          -Helen Keller


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            that is probably the only things she can cook then eh, of course that would make sense for Sam. she can't cook but the things that are the hardest to make, she is able to make.

            And what does it mean 'make a mean soufflé'?? Maybe it means to Sam that it does taste okay, compared to other stuff she tried making. To be honest I don't think Sam has much time to cook or to explore that side of her.

            Although we know as a kid she must have loved it. I mean she was making cookies when her dad told her that her mom passed maybe that was the time when she stopped cooking... who knows
            Maybe she can only do complicated stuff like sufle, but not something simple like boiling eggs. Cause like the Asgard lost the ability to think in simple terms and needed humans to help againts the Replicators, Sam will need someone dumber to help her cook. Hmmm...maybe McKay knows how to cook.


              Originally posted by suse View Post
              OT Harry Potter question:
              Would this be the time when the giants and Voldemort's supporters tore up that area? JKR has amazing attention to detail, even down to the hurricaines and the earlier drought.

              OT HP
              not if it was in 1987, cos Harry was born in 1980, so that wouldn't fit...
              sigpicMy Fanfic


                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post

                my god, that is... stunning doesn't even begin to cover it! whata way to start my b-day weekend!!! thanks Fannie!

                thank you glad you like it. It's your B-Day weekend? Congratulations. My B-day was on 17 April


                  I just saw something interesting and wanted to get your opinions.

                  Lara Croft Tomb Raider was on TV this morning wearing black leather pants with funky strips across the knees. My eyes bugged out of my head and I immediately thought 'She stole Sam's pants!'

                  Do you suppose Sam's Atlantis black leather pants with the funky strips across the knees are an 'homage' to Lara Croft?


                    Happy Birthday, Happy Spring, and Congratulations to one and all with joyous events going on.

                    Go Sam


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Do we gave to go away to be cool?
                      Slighlyt drunk.
                      Here is a youtube video. When it loads. Load! Load!
                      Me Amandatappingfan and Spacegirlnz and my twin sister.
                      ...looks like you lot are having way too much fun!! Dang...wish I was there!!
                      Don't go exhausting Chris...he's mine next week!!
                      Have fun your priorities Em!! Good to know you gals pronounce Vala the same way I do...not so with the "Z" though!!!
                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      Becky's like that too. We had a hurricane hit us one night way back in 1987. It levelled thousands of trees in the south of England and caused untold damage to buildings. We lost half the roof tiles from our house and they were ripped off right over Becky's room. You couldn't walk in the street that morning without treading on shattered roof tiles.
                      She slept right through it! Inch thick concrete tiles flying off just a few feet above her and she didn't stir. I still don't sleep well on windy nights.
                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      I have slept through huge storms, earthquakes, the burglar alarm going off and the police arriving at our house in the middle of the night, lights flashing and everything.
                      No wonder I'm so buggered in the's a rare thing for me to sleep through storms or kids or fire trucks...I sleep best in the early hours of the morning...I swear I must be nocturnal!!!
                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                      "I'm a lousy cook, and I couldn't spin weave or dye if my life depended on it.
                      (quote is from Emancipation if you were wondering )
                      I was thinking of that same quote when I started reading the posts...I'm thinking that she was being a bit on the sarcastic side when she said that.
                      We know she can bake not only cookies but soufflé and macaroons!!
                      I'm betting that being the scientist and genius that she is, dyeing wouldn't be a problem...spinning and weaving...I bet if she was shown how, she'd pick it up easily...I don't think there's anything that Sam can't do!!
                      Originally posted by Neesie View Post
                      They say cooking is an art, and baking a science.
             does that mean I'm an artistic scientist??!!

                      A nice quick catch up tonight...just as well...being a Saturday night and all...I am a little too tired so I'm putting junior to bed then might lay down myself!!
                      Night night all, take care and have fun!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        thank you glad you like it. It's your B-Day weekend? Congratulations. My B-day was on 17 April
                        yeah, it's the 20th
                        HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY FANNIE!!!

                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        I just saw something interesting and wanted to get your opinions.

                        Lara Croft Tomb Raider was on TV this morning wearing black leather pants with funky strips across the knees. My eyes bugged out of my head and I immediately thought 'She stole Sam's pants!'

                        Do you suppose Sam's Atlantis black leather pants with the funky strips across the knees are an 'homage' to Lara Croft?
                        *tries to imagine Sam as Laura Croft* bleghhhh! that doesn't fit well with me.... but the pants! she so stole Sam's pants!

                        as for the 'homage' bit, I don't think it was entirly intentional by the costume dep.... maybe they just saw the design and liked it, but not like 'we're trying to realte her to Sam' kinda thing... cuz that would be wrong on so many levels....


                          Happy Belated Birthday Fannie!!
                          Happy Birthday Weekend john_and_teyla_for_life!!

                          I hope you had/will have a great birthday


                            aww, thank you ann_sgcfan and john_and_teyla_for_life my mom's birthday is on 20th too


                              Hi Everyone,

                              Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating!!

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                First, a belated wish -

                                Next, to a friend who hasn't been around in a long time, but who we hope will come visit us again soon.

                                And last but not least, another member of the family who we'd love to see more often.


