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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Über View Post
    Those are from an interview she did with a talk show last year, I think. She was talking about joining SGA and she also discussed Sanctuary.
    Dang. I can't find the interview anywhere. My bad? I'll have to keep searching...


      Hahah "McKay and Mrs Miller" was on last night. Love the first few scenes with Amanda and McKay. I could easily watch those two for hours and hours, nay days, on end hee hee.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i like mckay, but in small doses. too much of him running around like a hamster on speed and i'm ready to switch off the set.

        when he's in 'ranting rod' mode i fight the urge to send him ritalyn and tell him to just chill out

        can you imagine how sam woudl be if she was the loud and abrasive female? ranting at Jack when he orders her to do the impossible? or lecturing hammond in a strident tone?
        Hehe. Perfect mental pic.

        Sam like McKay. Yikes!

        From my perspective, I still think a double standard exists...

        AT has done a great job in creating a strong female character who is NOT a b**&^.

        *Note the innocent smiley.*

        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Though this isn't the thread for it (oops!) I can't help but agree with you. I've always loved McKay's goofy sense of humor and the way his mind works is fun to watch.
        Rallying through blisters sounds like a line in a CV

        In my opinion, heroism is an unselfish, unplanned act and could basically encompass a myriad of scenario's. I mean, Sam wouldnt have to put herself on the front line with a P-90 to be a hero. All she would have to do is put herself in a place where thinking of others would be first and foremost and that could take place in her lab building some technogadget to benefit the team and SGC as a whole. It can be a very passive and unseen job is what I'm getting at. No risking of her life involved.
        Myriad of unselfish acts sounds like a resume addition, too.

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i think heroism isn't a willingness to die, but the mindset that 'this needs to be done, and i'm the person to get it done' and you just do it.

        you don't wait for permission or to find someone else, you just do it.

        which is why it's sometimes so hard to write a 'real' hero because it's too easy tio 'overcompensate' your hero with recklessness and stupidity.

        Jack was a hero because he just got the job done. and if it meant putting himself in harms way, so be it. but if the escape route presented itself, dude, he was gonna take it. he didn't havve a deathwish as much as he just knew that - to get the job done - he'd have to risk his life.

        sam is the same way. doing what is needed, but not being reckless about it.

        shep and Cameron sometimes lacked that discretion. they don't always have that reluctance that a person would expect.

        we saw in trio, that sam had the willingness - she had hundreds more off world hours and experiences than the other two - to risk herself. but she didn't do it for bragging rights, she just did it because she knew what to do.

        but as soon as she couldn't do it, she backed down and let others. because that's what jack had to have done with her, let her learn how to do stuff by him standing back while she fumbled a bit as she learned
        Holy crap.

        Great post. Totally agree with the OTT hero stereotype error. Subtle is still heroic.

        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        My hubby can't stand McKay...I mean he really can't stand my hubby he's a whiny sooky whimp!

        I feel the same way, sorry.
        Now I understand why they said have to think about helping you first because you are no good to anyone else if you are dead. Ok...I can see that...but in my head I kept thinking that in the event of a real emergency...I know I will not be thinking about saving my own a$$ but rather in helping get as many people to safety as I possibly could...and the frustrating thing is that we'd only get one or two people to assist and that would be it...we wouldn't be able to go back to assist any further...but...I think it's natural instinct to not think about you and think about others and go render I right???...and I'd want to go back into the burning building and keep helping...and I know many others would dilemma...are we all born heroes??
        Should we do what we're told...follow the regulations/guidelines or do what instinct tells us???
        Have you ever been in a situation where you've put yourself in danger to help someone else??
        Would you??
        Would you consider yourself a hero if you saved someone from a situation that put your own life at risk?
        It's funny coz quite often you hear about these kind of people who do exactly that and they all say the same thing..."I'm not a hero"
        How do you think Sam sees herself??
        Personally, I don't think Sam does see herself as a hero...I think she sees herself as someone who got the job done. I also think she's proud of what she's done...and what she does!! As we all are. To me Sam is a me Amanda is a hero...and as corny as it sounds...a lot of you are heroes depends on how you interpret what makes a person a hero.
        Here is something I read about a year ago (as if I could come up with something this good hehe)

        "When we think of heroism, what comes to mind? Firemen rushing into the World Trade Center on 9/11, certainly. Maybe racecar drivers or mountain climbers. We see a lot of men. Wait - adventure-seeking and risk-taking is not heroism! Let's figure out a definition: Heroism consists of courageous actions undertaken to help others, despite the possibility that the actions may result in the helper's injury or death. Suddenly we see female heroes. Statistics on the Righteous (those non-Jewish individuals who helped Jews during World War II), living kidney donors, Peace Corps volunteers, and Doctors of the World - all people doing acts that require courage rather than physical strength - show participation of women equal to or greater than that of men."
        (quote from a book on personality traits by Linda Edelstein, PhD. Original citation: Becker, S. “ The Heroism of Women and Men” American Psychologist. Vol 59(3) April, 2004.)

        Women are underestimated at times.

        Heroism and courtesy are different for me.

        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
        Quint Studer


          Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
          Hey Suse and Chelle, I found your shirt:

          Why thank you ma'am!!!

          I'm saying good night for the night...hubby and I are off to check out some new computer desks...and hopefully some new carpet as well!!!...did i ever tell you how I really don't like all??
          Anyway...I have a message from Chopingal...she says to pass on a big hello to all the Samandans and says to say sorry she hasn't been in lately but she has a few things happening at the moment that require her attention.
          I'd like to take this opportunity to send her some hugs and best wishes...the more the merrier folks!!

          Take care everyone, be safe and have fun!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            HI SAMANDAN FAMILY !

            Originally Posted by Mary-Jane
            Hahah "McKay and Mrs Miller" was on last night. Love the first few scenes with Amanda and McKay. I could easily watch those two for hours and hours, nay days, on end hee hee.
            I watched that last night to Amanda and David are so funny when there together i laughing so much watching the there part the bit i love the most is when McKay's sister call's him Meridith i love the look Sam gives him and how she cant believe his first name is Meridith lol

            I'm watching at the moment THE RIPPLE EFFECT multiple Amanda's i love this eps i love any time travel and alternate timeline eps i'm a huge fan of those
            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


              gooooood mooorning Sam-thunkers. I made something you might like

              wish you all a b eatiful pre-weekend ^^
              Last edited by Fainne; 18 April 2008, 12:55 AM.


                Originally posted by Über View Post
                oi, that was my line ;|


                  Darn! I missed the Uber sighting

                  Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                    Darn! I missed the Uber sighting
                    Never mind that....did you see AD??
                    It's always good to see some old familiar faces pop back in...haven't seen ForeverSG1 or Mini for a while...or Spaz!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Never mind that....did you see AD??
                      It's always good to see some old familiar faces pop back in...haven't seen ForeverSG1 or Mini for a while...or Spaz!!
                      Do we gave to go away to be cool?

                      Slighlyt drunk.

                      Here is a youtube video. When it loads. Load! Load!


                      Me Amandatappingfan and Spacegirlnz and my twin sister.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by tagger View Post
                        Myriad of unselfish acts sounds like a resume addition, too.
                        heh..touche. Funny thing is that I actually talk like that. I wasn't trying to use big words to impress you or anyone else. *blames loves of reading*

                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        gooooood mooorning Sam-thunkers. I made something you might like

                        wish you all a b eatiful pre-weekend ^^
                        Beautiful is an understatement here. What better way to begin the weekend! Well done on your sig Fainne.

                        As to "MacGyvering" gadgets? I join in the chorus of one who's tinkered with tv's, computers and a slew of other electrical things. dad works on tv's for a living so watching him take the backs off them as a kid taught me no fear in this department. I regularly tackled anything that I felt wasn't working to my standard.

                        I guess we all have a bit of Sam in us which is the unifying factor which attracts us all to this amazing woman.

                        Ooh and a bit of ot here...

                        We had a 5.4 earthquake this morning! Kinda strange to have one where I live (Indiana) but there is a fault line that runs along the Ohio Basin area. Records show it rumbles to live about every 30-40 years.

                        Anyway, around 430ish this morning I was doing my normal surfing and felt the whole upstairs where I stay shake back and forth and the door in the jam rattled back and forth for 20-25 sec or so. Was the weirdest feeling and right away I was like, "That's and earthquake!" The science geek in me got all excited.

                        Ooh and welcome back Ooober!


                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                          Ooh and a bit of ot here...

                          We had a 5.4 earthquake this morning! Kinda strange to have one where I live (Indiana) but there is a fault line that runs along the Ohio Basin area. Records show it rumbles to live about every 30-40 years.

                          Anyway, around 430ish this morning I was doing my normal surfing and felt the whole upstairs where I stay shake back and forth and the door in the jam rattled back and forth for 20-25 sec or so. Was the weirdest feeling and right away I was like, "That's and earthquake!" The science geek in me got all excited.

                          Ooh and welcome back Ooober!
                          It hit us too apparently. I guess I slept through it. I'm also the one who after a massive thunderstorm overnight with falling branches, electrical outages, etc has been known to say innocently: "did it rain?"

                          Sam: I had picked up signs of Ooober, but they're gone now.

                          jckfan waves wildly. Hi Ooober!


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            Do we gave to go away to be cool?

                            Slighlyt drunk.

                            Here is a youtube video. When it loads. Load! Load!


                            Me Amandatappingfan and Spacegirlnz and my twin sister.
                            Hehehe .... I just opened the video, and my mom (who's sitting at the next computer, b/c it's her day off) jumped and was like "what the HECK is that???" so then I was trying to explain that it was my crazy lil NZ sis and her twin sis (who, I suppose by definition, must be my *other* lil NZ sis...?) and two other girls from fandom ... but being in NZ, this was the easiest way to communicate ...well, I found it amusing, anyway

                            And to bring myself back onto topic: AT rocks!!!!
                            *2 more weeks ... must sort out travelling....eep!*
                            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                            ames on facebook
                            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              It hit us too apparently. I guess I slept through it. I'm also the one who after a massive thunderstorm overnight with falling branches, electrical outages, etc has been known to say innocently: "did it rain?"
                              Heh! When I lived in Berkeley, one night I woke from a sound sleep thinking, "Earthquake!" But I didn't feel anything... and there weren't any sirens or anything, so I went back to sleep thinking I must have been having a weird dream. But later that day I found out that there had, indeed, been an earthquake. Unfortunately, while I must have felt it in my sleep somehow, I still don't really know what one feels like.

                              My LJ


                                Hey everyone

                                Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                                That's a great pic
                                Originally posted by Über View Post
                                Hey stranger. Just thought I'd pop my head in and say, "Howdy y'all!"

                                so ...

                                HOWDY Y'ALL!!!
                                Ooober!! *waves*

                                About Sam and Rodney, I love their relationship from the beginning, I didn't like Rodney in 48 Hours but then we weren't supposed to, but he brought out the 'unrestrained' side of Sam which was very funny. I love the way their relationship has evolved over the years.

                                As to having Sam and Amanda moments, I don't think I've had a Sam moment because I'm not brainy enough LOL. Amanda moments, hmmm, well I think about her a lot when I'm in new situations you know, the 'what would Amanda do' moment, I like to think/hope I have the same sort of compassion for others as Amanda has too.

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

