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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
    When Sam joined Atlantis as Commander
    she received a promotion to full bird Colonel. They briefly touched on it when I think it was Sheppard who congratulated her when she first got there. So now she's above Cam. It'll be interesting to see if they make more movies how they handle the difference in rank. Technically, Cam can't "lead" Sam anymore...Yeah!
    An officer with a lesser rank can give orders to an officer with greater rank if the officer of lesser rank has been given command of the mission or operation in question. In this case, the officer with the greater rank is obligated to follow orders.

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

      Happy B-day from me too
      Have a great day!!!


        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        An officer with a lesser rank can give orders to an officer with greater rank if the officer of lesser rank has been given command of the mission or operation in question. In this case, the officer with the greater rank is obligated to follow orders.
        I suppose that could happen, but I would think it would be very rare that the Air Force would put a lower ranking officer in charge of a mission when a higher ranking officer was also on the mission given their fairly equal skill set.



          Originally posted by ames View Post
          Better watch out for residual damage Sun -- as talented as I am, sometimes I miss... and yes that AT lady is most definitely the coolest
          I'm not scared of any residual damage.

          ...y'know, this might explain why sarcasm is learned so quickly in my family -- it's a survival tactic! (I love my family, really, I do! )
          Sarcasm in my family is an inherited trait.

          Hey, I'm the one who got shunted aside here, remember???
          *grumbles about new-found status as 'other woman'*
          Don't pout ames, it's not pretty. *hugs*

          HIPPIE BIRDIES To all celebrating birthdays recently and in the past.
          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            you'll find us. there'll be this gaggle of giggling women clustered in a conversation pit in the lobby, probably with a laptop and a container of chocolate on the table in the middle

            that'll be us

            cause we'll be the biggest group there i believe

            LOL! You took the words right out of my mouth!

            From my memories of occasionally walking through the lobby, I'd say just look for the largest group of women sitting together and laughing and chattering a lot. And yes, you are the biggest group there this time as well.


            Who is currently up to her shoulders in paperwork, plans, printouts and schedule tweaking!!! Need more hours in the day.....<mutter..mutter..>
            To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


              *sigh* All this talk lately of AT3 is really making me wish I was going. If the airfare wasn't so gawdawful much, I'd have already made plans and bought my ticket. Two mega trips planned this year is bout my limit I think.

              I do hope everyone going has a fantastic time and takes lots and lots of pics to share with the rest of us stuck behind.

              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

              Happy Birthday from me too! Hope the pressies and spoiling are enormous and you have a great day!


                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                Me three

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  "Can't we all just get along?" says sft, plaintively

                  For those of you who were around during these race riots, can you fill in some of the details? I think the man who said that was named Rodney something. He had been arrested and tried, and he made the statement after the verdict was handed down.
                  I'm sorry, I was only joking, I didn't mean to cause offence

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                    For me, the key character point for Sam of 100 Days whether you go for ship or not, is that Sam has over-stepped the military boundaries in her relationships where her team-mates are concerned. She's too close; she's working all-out to get someone home in part because of her personal feelings for them; because she misses them. Not because she's ordered to; not because its part of the mission. Sam isn't conforming to her military boundaries despite her knowledge about appearances and acting responsibly - she's allowing her feelings to seep through and affect her working behaviour. That's why Janet (regardless of any other connotation a viewer wishes to interpret in the scene) asks if its a problem - and why Sam at the end acknowledges with that pained look (as all her efforts seem to be dismissed quite rudely by her rescued team-mate) that perhaps she has allowed her personal feelings to affect her.

                    If you ship Jack and Sam you're probably going to assume that part of Sam's motivations were because those personal feelings for him were also of the romantic love kind and not just friendship - although both interpretations seem valid to me within the context of the canon of the show.

                    Even so, if 100 Days had Daniel or Teal'c missing, I can see the same story; that Sam would have worked hard to bring them home; she would have missed them; she would have built a machine from scratch and reinvented particle physics to bring them home. She would have worked night and day to do it; she would have fallen asleep in her lab after exhausting herself; forgotten to eat at times; she would have been focused on getting them home especially because she had been the one to leave them behind even if she'd had no choice. And Janet might have had to remind her to take a break; to get some rest; to eat every once in a while.

                    And, I can also see once she'd gotten them home, she might have been exhausted enough, overcome with the relief that it was finally over and she had them home, to faint in the gate-room - and been absolutely mortified that she had.

                    So, it's not that scenario that I find necessarily OTT or OOC. Perhaps the fainting in the gate-room is a little overly dramatic but depends on how it would be written whether its believable or not.

                    I have to admit my main problem with a lot of 100 Days fics, is the assumption that Sam is furiously mad or completely emotional wrought about Jack and Laira as a couple and his walking away from her. That reaction I find (even as a shipper) to be OOC.

                    While I can see Sam being a little bit peeved he hadn't thanked her for her efforts, I always imagine that she would more naturally tell herself to get over it - as her CO he doesn't have to thank her after all. (even if its only good manners to do so). And I think Sam would think any slightly annoyed feeling on her part is another sign she's slipped over how she should feel about her CO (whether friendship or other).
                    I always enjoy your thoughtful posts.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      I'm sorry, I was only joking, I didn't mean to cause offence

                      Don't worry you didn't Polar Bears and Penguins get along fine on this thread, we even like to tease each other...PengYn we (Jan and I) like to tease a lot

                      my fanfic


                        Celandine and others wondering about airfare... have you checked prices with companies like "Zoom"? They're low cost carriers that do transatlantic flights. We've recently been looking at San Diego this summer, and with summer on-peak prices I can still get a round trip including taxes for under $1000 (not bad when other airlines are quoting nearer $3000). Just a thought
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          Is that from "Smokey and the Bandit"? brothers were quoting that movie all weekend...totally nuts!!
                          That was actually a quote from when Sally won an award, she gushed "you like me, you really like me" I think it could have been for an Oscar, but I'm not sure

                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                          Happy Birthday from me too

                          my fanfic


                            Thanks for the birthday messages everyone. They are very much appreciated.

                            sig by starlover1990


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              Celandine and others wondering about airfare... have you checked prices with companies like "Zoom"? They're low cost carriers that do transatlantic flights. We've recently been looking at San Diego this summer, and with summer on-peak prices I can still get a round trip including taxes for under $1000 (not bad when other airlines are quoting nearer $3000). Just a thought

                              I don't know where they would be flying from but I used It searches all the airfare sites like expedia and priceline, etc and shows you the cheapest fairs from all of them. Just fyi.



                                Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
                                Thanks for the birthday messages everyone. They are very much appreciated.
                                Happy Birthday! I love your new sig!
                                sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                                I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.


