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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Okay, I’m here to talk about all these comments about Sam in TLM. Part 1:

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    re last man BIG SPOILERS


    25 minutes in, sam, in command of her own ship, the phoenix, gets dead

    the hyperdrive goes boom, sam with a kamikaze maneuver that takes out 3 of michael's hives
    Sky, as soon as I read that, time just stop, I mean my heart just skipped a few beats, and I was like . So I kept reading to learn more about Sam and the ep. She has to be okay, or I won't be okay.

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post

    this doesn't sound like a 'fun' ep. weee.

    sally ((()))

    No it doesn't

    Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
    Last man

    Carter gets an infinitly better ending then she had in any of the SG-1 AU's (or supposed reality). Ok the hand gernade was probably equally good. This ep gave me hope for the character again. Though I didnt see the point of the Rodney hug.

    Hopefully this bodes well for her replacement next year.
    When she died in "Grace of God" It didn't really effect me, because she wasn't our Carter. But now I'm all worried about what's happened to her. I agree she had a better ending in this ep, but I hope it really isn't the end.

    About Sam's heroism:

    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
    Last Man: Sam finally felt like Sam to me in this ep, the last of the season.

    Just in time for the great big reset button. Not that I wanted her to stay dead, mind you, but the reset button as a plot device does get old...
    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
    You should watch it. Sam makes the decision to leave Atlantis on her own and fight. And the end moments really do justice to her character. I don't normaly cry because of movies or ever in RL, but this really hit me and I let a few tears. But we see Sam in the end of the ep so it's all good.
    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    lol ok so I am in the minority. no worries major spoilers ahead I thought it was a good episode. I loved hero Sam and the admiration you could hear in Rodney's voice. And their goodbye scene was touching. She wouldn't accept the IOA's new policy of protecting only Atlantis. So she set out on her own ship (that she, Rodney, and team spent weeks working on getting it ready to fly) to protect the galaxy. If she had bowed to the IOA I would have been hugely disappointed. And the fact that she saved her entire crew before taking out 3 enemy ships before she died was hero Sam at her finest.

    Ending was of course a cliffhanger that we all know the ending too... so the last little bit was ok could have been better. But over all a good episode.
    Very, very well said you 3. This was the Sam Carter we know, she puts her people and their needs first, not some dumb IOA policy. What she did was one of the most selfless things I've ever seen her do, she said good-bye to Mckay, and thanked him for all he's done for her, she didn't listen to the IOA, and she set out her own ship to fight, knowing very well she could die. But the one thing that really justifed her character was when she choose to save her crew by beaming them out, while she stayed behind to finish the job. She could have saved herself, but she didn't she did what she had to do to save her crew, and stop the Wraith. Now that was hero Sam at one of her her best, and that's why we've all come to love year all these years. Please, please let her be okay in S5.

    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    I'm with you emotionally, Sal. I love her blonde hair. But on a practical level I can see why she'd want to do it for Sanctuary. Maybe what they really need to do is have high wig budget, so they can get her a *really* good one. And/or a decision by Helen mid season to change her hair back to blonde.

    Who doesn't love her blonde hair?

    As for "Last Man." I thought the Sam part
    was very in character and fittingly heroic. And I can cope with it, Sally, b/c I know it will be "fixed."
    About the Sam/Rodney hug and her "mission". I'm using the pics JanSam gave us to really emphasize my point:

    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    The Last Man captures

    and after the reset...

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    That picture just gives me chills.... (((Sam)))
    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Was the point of the hug that Sam knew she wasn't returning?
    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    'the last man'

    so sam went into it, knowing she wasn't going to make it?

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    That is just my impression. Others may think otherwise. I think she knew her task was a suicide mission and she was going to take as many enemy with her as she possibly could. When she hugged Rodney, she was saying goodbye to everybody.

    Edit: In fact, now that I think about it, the hug and what she said to McKay seemed like AT's goodbye to Stargate.
    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    I love these two the best. In the first one you can just see so strongly
    the respect she holds for Rodney, and how she knows she may never see him again. When she hugs him, her face is very sad, and it really tugged at my heartstrings.

    this second pic is amazing.
    [spoilers] Amanda does an amazing job of pulling off a look that is both resolute in her choice, but maybe a little bit scared too. I mean, she's facing her own mortality, and no one's going to save her this time. The look actually reminds me of the one she had in "Death Knell" when the super soldier rose from the dirt and she thought she was gonna die. Same look. Awesome continuity there.

    Very cute. She looks so relaxed and in her element.

    no, that's a legend that's been around for a long time. HP just encorporated it into its world. Now i really wonder if that's how Carter will leave Atlantis-- on a ship called the Phoenix. I know some think it would be a step down, but how dang cool would it be?!
    Originally posted by Miss_Izzy View Post
    That's how I interpreted the hug. I thought it was great to see Sam doing something so selfless, knowing that there was a strong possibility that she wouldn't come back. I knew that it everything was going to be reset, but it was a fitting end for Sam.
    First of all, thanks JanSam for the pics. hisg1fans, Bekah See and Miss_Izzy, very well said. I think I know what the hug was all about. I thought it was a very touching and sweet moment between Sam and Rodney, because despite their past, she still thinks of him as a friend, and someone to trun to-- amazingly. I mean remember how he helped her in T.R.N.T? Also, you guys remember Amanda's interview with Kamil? She said David came into her trailer and told her he was glad she was on the show. That's really sweet , plus their both British. So it only seemed right for her to be giving him a good-bye hug, and yeah, she's not just saying good-bye to him , but everything Stargate as well. I hope one of them do a commentary for the ep-- hopefully Amanda.

    Those pics do help show the pain she's in, I mean she's saying good-bye to a friend and she's sad and scared that she probably won't ever see him again. Amamda did a great job in the ep, because for once she's really facing death, and there's no Jack, Cam Daniel or Teal'c to face it with her. I wish we could know what was going on in her mind in those last moments, maybe Jack? I'm proud of what Sam did, because she was so selfless and brave, but best of all, she was Sam again, she acted like the great character and leader we all know she is. She made a choice to save her people, and stop the Wraith, even though she know it could end her life. Thank you Sam for your sacrifice

    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
    The Last Man - I liked the epi as a whole, but did anyone else feel a tinge of sadness while watching the opening credits? For 11 years, Amanda has been listed there, but I'm guessing that this episode will be the last time that it happens.

    By Miss_Izzy: Yeah. I watched them knowing I wouldn't see Amanda there next year. At least we'll have Sanctuary!
    I know what you both mean. Wow, 11 years in the opening credits for 2 shows, and now it'll be coming to end. Has it really been that long?

    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

    I just read i can't belive that happens Sam cant die she cant it's not cool.

    With that scene where she craches the ship into the hive ships it kind of reminds me of FLESH AND BLOOD when Bry'tac done that to an ori ship but they were beamed off before it hit .
    Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
    I really hope she doesn't die. I thought I'd read that she was doing some guest spots next year- did I read that wrong? I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to seeing this episode.
    I hear you both. helen, I'm sure lots of fans felt the same way you did when they saw the ep. Some probably took it better than others, while others may have been in tears, kinda like you were. And your both right, she can't die, she just can't, I mean her and RDA made Stargate my favorite show.

    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

    *Adorable* it is. You find us some really nice pics of her, you should be being paid. She looks so cute here.

    (To Be Continued)
    Last edited by Rocky89; 14 March 2008, 11:34 AM.


      Originally posted by silly sally View Post
      Well, JM said Sam will be a full bird for both movies, too
      are we sure she's not? there was no reference to Lt. Col Carter in the movie, they just kept calling Sam and Cam "colonel". And i couldn't see anything on their shoulders or uniforms

      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

      SG-1 FanFiction
      Sanctuary Fanfiction


        Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
        are we sure she's not? there was no reference to Lt. Col Carter in the movie, they just kept calling Sam and Cam "colonel". And i couldn't see anything on their shoulders or uniforms
        The credits at the end of AOT! They're both listed as LtCol.


          Originally posted by silly sally View Post
          The credits at the end of AOT! They're both listed as LtCol.
          Hmmm.... I still haven't gotten my copy yet


            Here we go with Part 2:

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Dyeing it dark would only serve to highlight gray hair...they would stand out more among the dark hair...I think Amanda would look fabulous no matter what her hair colour...blonde or not...she looks awesome!!


            …as much as I really hate the reset really is getting old and tiring...I'm glad we have it coz then Sam wont be really dead...right??? please tell me she's going to be ok...right??? she has to be....please!!!![/SPOILERS]

            Oh that is just too sad...oh man...and I was having so much fun...

            Ok...can I just say that those pictures above just break my heart...sorry...but they look so desperate and sad...I am not looking forward to this episode...
            it's definitely reset thought right??
            I agree with you chelle db about the hair. Grey hair does stand out more if a person has dark hair, I mean look at RDA in the first couple of seasons of SG-1, and my dad . But I don't think Amanda is dyeing her hair to cover any greys, with her blonde hair, they'd be harder to notice. But Amanda would still look as hot and fabulous either way . Like you I was also -- almost. And yeah, if a "reset button" can save sam, I''d search a goa'uld ship, or Wraith hive ship, fight off all the bad guys, and push the button myself. Anything for Sam. Because she has to be alive!!!!, she just has to!!!!. Oh man, I sound like you. Who here wouldn't do the same?

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Awwww...that is so cute...where'd you get that one??...if you don't mind me asking??

            ...except for the TLM spoilers...
            totally bummed me...for all of 5 minutes...kinda...I just hate reading or seeing or knowing of Sam's demise in any way or's definitely a reset though...right??

            Ok...night night all...take care and have fun...have a great weekend all!
            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
            Of course I don't. I got image from StargateHub's The Gateroom.

            Here's the original: (Btw, it's BIG!)

            I cut it a bit.
            Good post chelle db. When I first read about Sam's death, and sorry if I said this in part 1, but I got a huge pain in my gut, and a sad, lonely feeling in my heart. If there was ever a time we needed a reset button, this is it.

            And Egle01 Whoa, that is big, nice find. I love her smile, she looks so cute .

            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
            Lurker on this thread for a while, but after TLM, I have to say—Sam is the best character, and the best pick for Atlantis. Wow.
            Welcome, good way to come by and start talking good about Sam. Sam is always going to the best Stargate character, and the best pick for Atlantis. Her actions in any one episode of SG-1, and S4 of SGA justify that. I love how Amanda and/or Sam can easily recruit fans.

            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            do'h...I'm not resisting the temptation so I've been reading through all these spoilers. Can't say I've been the biggest fan of SGA and I've only watched each week when I knew Sam would be in it, but it figures I had to go have a bit of celebratory fun last night. I MISSED SAM! This ep sounds like it was awesome too. I love AU eps! gahhh! And it was Sam's last ep in command of Atlantis too..her goodbye to everything Stargate!

            I think she'll be back as I know I read somewhere that she will make guest appearances in S5, but it won't be the same.

            Guess I'll have to hunt down this ep on itunes and buy it there for my ipod. *sighs* I'm sure gonna miss Sam Carter.
            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

            last man

            sam did finally feel like she was written as Sam Carter, not 'sam, weir's replacement'

            she was very good in her parts, romanticized as they were
            I agree with you both. Although Sky, I do feel she had been established as a leader, but your right, she acted like the Sam we all know and love. Even though lots of people out there who don't even know about your post, I think that most of them, who didn't see Sam as a leader before, may now after seeing what she did.

            Yeah, it probably wasn't only her last episode in command, but her last episode as a main cast member. I'm really giong to miss her. Thanks for the ipod idea though. I'm going to buy a video ipod, and I'm going to download every episode of SG-1, and maybe S4 of Atlantis. But I just hope her "death isn't her good-bye to everything Stargate, I want to see her leave alive.

            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            Yea next year she'll probably be 'special guest star'...I hope
            'Very special guest star' is more like it.

            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            Hi everyone,

            I can't join in the chat today cause I'm trying to stay away from all the spoilers as I won't see TLM until friday, you all seem so sad, I hadn't realised this would be Amanda's last ep, I got one question about the ep, will I need tissues?

            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            Yeah your right, Julia it will be her last episode as a full time cast member.

            OK to keep this spoiler free.... There was one moment where I was a little sad last night when I was watching a particular scene ... not because of what was in the scene but because I realized there will not be too many more of these. And my own reaction surprised me... lol To explain... I had um gotten a little disappointed in one particular season but rebounded a season later So for me Atlantis and Continuum have all been icing on the cake. The possibilities of more SG-1 and even Atlantis movies are the double layers of icing or perhaps the candles on the cake for me.

            I applaud Amanda for bringing to life such a strong character that we all enjoy watching for years! Hears to Helen, a new character Amanda can bring to life and we are here to see it happen all over again
            Hi Julia, your right, we were all sad, if I had replied earlier I would have said you should bring some tissues, but I think things have calmed down a bit. I just hope you're okay. And yeah, I can't believe it's her last episode as a main cast member either.

            Nicely said ann. I'm not going to spoil anything, but, I think I know what scene your talking about (I hope I do, sorry if I'm talking about something else, and that scene said it all for Sam. It was brave, selfless and heroic, I wish we could have had more scenes like that earlier in the season, but that scene made Sam, Sam again. I also applaud Amanda for 11 years of a strong, smart and brave character that we all love and can all relate to in some way, and I hope to see Amanda bring Helen to life, and give us years more of enjoyment all over again. My only regret is that I didn't really watch the show from the beginning like the rest of you. . But I was very lucky to get to know Sam And Amanda, and I'm glad I'm here now .

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            I'm not sure if people are in the mood .... but I've made icons from the caps of my animated icon from Sanctuary. I'm too lazy to look for a Sanctuary thread, so just post them here.

            First, I made 10 regular icons, spend lots of time brushing them up, adjusting colour, blabla, and I like them as they are. But .... I couldn't resist playing with them, so now there are 2 versions of each.

            1a. /1.jpg
            2a. /2.jpg
            3a. /3.jpg
            4a. /4.jpg
            5a. /5.jpg

            1b. /1a.jpg
            2b. /2a.jpg
            3b. /3a.jpg
            4b. /4a.jpg 5b. /5a.jpg

            6a. /6.jpg
            7a. /7.jpg
            8a. /8.jpg
            9a. /9.jpp
            10a. /10.jpg

            6b. /6a.jpg
            7b. /7a.jpg
            8b. /8a.jpg
            9b. /9a.jpg
            10b. /10a.jpg

            Feel free to snurch, but let me know what you like. And if used on LJ, please credit.
            Thanks SamJack for the icons, they're kinda like a cheer up. Really nice, she has such a happy face.

            (To Be Continued again)


              Now, Part 3:

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              Oh man....
              I'm not a teary person...normally...but lately...I cry reading fanfics that I've already read before and never cried over...*wondering if age has anything to do with it*...I'm going to have to watch this one on my own...I tend to not cry in front of people...I'd sooner laugh than cry...but I want to enjoy this ep without feeling the need to hold in any tears that may come...I think after going over all the spoilers and what not, I think it's going to be all good in the end...I just keep reminding myself that Amanda is coming back for more eps in the future and there is still the possibility of another I can't see Sam's death as a permanent thing or as a given thing...I mean, sure one day she will eventually ascend to greater things...but I think Sam Carter will be around for a while yet...which is a good thing...even though we might not be seeing much of her at all least they won't do to her what they did to Janet...right?? sad as it is to see Sam die...they do have that wonderful reset button thingy...oh and BTW...I really do not like AU/AR's and the like...and cliffhangers drive me batty....but thank god for the reset button at times like this!!
              I agree chelle db, I'm normally not a teary person myself, I just get really nervous and sick in my stomach when something like that happens, I felt like that one I was reading the those posts about Sam But yeah, I hope to God she's not dead, I'm mean, they can't do to her what they did to Janet. So let’s hope for that reset.

              Thank you...I love that picture...Sam is the only one smiling...any hints as to why??...maybe she had words with a certain General before heading out...or is remembering the events of the night before...or is looking forward to a promise made when she returns...either way...she has the most beautiful smile...actually...I should say that Amanda has the most beautiful makes you smile right back!!!...well it makes me smile that's for sure!!
              I hope my AoT review post answered your question. And yeah, she does have one of the best smiles ever.

              I love your view on the ep Ann...
              still seems kind weird reading about Sam's death...even as a hero...but I'm looking forward to the McKay/Keller relationship...but I really don't like cliffhangers!!!

              But remember when SG1 was cancelled...we thought that was more Sam...and then we got was one year...but she will be back...ok, not a lot...but she will be back...she's not gone for good...chin up...have faith!!...says me who is feeling a little melancholy herself!!
              Oh man, I don't like reading about Sam's death at all, but she didn't die for nothing, she died a hero, if she did die. And your right when SG-1 got cancelled, we thought she was gone, she came back, when Daniel "died", he came back, so why can't she? And I'll keep my chin up too and have faith.

              Originally posted by donamac View Post

              Hmmmm--how to get back OT---Sam and MacGyver together would be fun
              Could you imagine those two working together? The two most brilliant minds work together.

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              I'm off to watch the Mythbusters MacGyver thing...thank you night all, take care and have fun!!
              Oh wait...before I go...I always thought the reason Sam's hair was short...or rather Amanda's hair was short was because of the regs that Sam needed to have short hair or keep it off the collar if it was long...but then Amanda said it was more a case of continuity...that she had to cut it coz it was short in the last ep...but...what I would like to know is....was there ever a time when she could have let it grow long without having to worry about continuity??...coz after D&C, she cut her hair really short...BtS...they could have let it grow then couldn't they??? But then I'm wondering if maybe Amanda didn't want to have long hair at that stage and it was easier to keep it short...but then again, she had been getting extensions right??...but for how long we don't know...but if Amanda really wanted to grow her hair, technically she could have right??....coz the AF regs didn't stop was more the continuity and I right...or wrong??
              Sorry...I know I kinda rambled there but...I'm just fuzzled...never mind...I'll worry about it tomorrow!
              Night all!!
              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              Not sure if I'm 100% here, but I heard that the reason Amanda kept her hair short in Sg-1 was because each season would end in a cliffhanger. Over the "off" season she would let it grow out, but since the next season's ep was a continuation of last season, she had to get it cut again in basically the same style and length for consistency. I don't think there was any regs about having long hair in the airforce...only that it didn't touch the collar or something like that. So technically, she could have grown it out like she had in Atlantis. Hope that helps.

              Oh and if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me anyone.
              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              She kept her hair short for continuity, mostly for the cliffhangers at the end of the seasons. And she can't really grow it during the filming, cause they shoot additional scenes for some episodes later, and it would look weird if she had longer hair in one scene, then shorter in the next, and longer again after that.
              The AF rules say that her hair shouldn't touch her collar while in uniform. That's why in Reunion while she was in dress blues she was wearing her hair up, but in the other episodes she usualy has a pony tail or a braid.
              I was just going to say that exact same thing. Thank you Celandine and jasminaGo for answering her question. Also chelle db, Amanda said in her last interview with Gateworld what the deal was with her hair. Here let my post what she said:

              Actually that's a bit of a misnomer, David. It wasn't the Air Force regulations that insisted that I keep it short. If you have short hair in the Air Force it has to be above your collar. The reason that it was kept short on Stargate was we kept ending every season with a cliffhanger, which meant that I couldn't grow my hair out during the off-season, so it always came back to short hair just so that it would match the season end.

              When I was in the Middle East on a USO tour all of the women that were on the base had long hair. It's not an Air Force regulation that women's hair has to be short. It just can't touch your collar, and if it is long then it has to be in a pony tail or a braid or a bun.

              So I hope we answerd your question.

              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Yeah, command of a ship or assignment to the alpha site are like the kiss of death. AT said in one commentary re: the alpha site "You're getting assigned to the alpha site--kiss your kids goodbye. Love her sense of humor.
              I always love listing to her commentaries, the things that comes out of her mouth are totally crazy and unexpected. BTW, what episode did she say that for?

              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              Kinda OT, though AT related. Finally got around to taking pics of some of my handy work. Pics of the back window of my car and the dishwasher magnet I made (one side 'clean', one side 'dirty' - see if you can guess which is which)

              Oh way cool.

              Originally posted by sg1fanintn View Post
              Awesome pic, I love the things she does. Yo, could you imagine if Sam was more like Amanda?

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Yeah. I mean, it was sad watching her final moments, but by the end, we see Sam's alright and they can change what might happen. I know everyone will be okay and now John has key information to help them. I don't worry they'll kill off Sam, but I do wonder if she'll really get the Phoenix....we do know Woolsey really shows up. That's one thing that won't change.
              I don't know if I'll be able to watch her "final moments", if they are her "final moments". If John can save her, he'll be my hero , next to Sam of course . Anyone agree?

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i would send joe's stuff to him. as to amanda...teh only thing i can suggest is to send it to S3M (the sanctuary folks). I believe they have a mailing address on their site or the sanctuary fans site

              I tried to ask a couple of months ago if there was an address for fan mail at S3M but got no answer, so it's pretty much a shot in the dark. YOu could try to send amanda's to bridge but i don't know if they'll give it to her or if it'll get tossed in a box or what.
              Whoa, whoa Sky, You got me a little worried here , around christmas time I send a letter to Amanda via bridge studios address. Are you saying they may have thrown it away?

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post

              This is something your post and Sally's post made me think about... When it comes to Sam, part of me wants to keep her out of harm's way, as she's one of the most brilliant minds ever(it's kinda boring...but we need her brain). The other part wants her out there kicking alien tushy on the battlefront (which I love!). In a way, they need her brilliance out there, not just sitting at a desk doing lab work. How many times has tragedy been diverted because she was on the front lines? But if we were to lose her in battle, we'd lose her, the person (I'd cry cause I love Sam!), as well as her valuable and irreplaceable knowledge and skills. We need her out there, but she's such an asset, she needs to come back okay because we need her here as well. Hmm, we need two Sams.
              Completely agree, good post.

              Let me see if I can match that. She definitely does have one of the most brilliant minds ever, we do need her brain. Hell, she's like the female modern day Einstein! But she's also a soldier, and it's always awesome to see her kick some alien butt

              She is one of a kind; her incredible brilliance belongs out there, saving the galaxy, not sitting behind a desk. She has saved so many lives, and prevented tragedies simply because she was there. But you know what, she didn't do those things just with ther brain, she did them with heart and spirit as well. She's such a beautiful and warm person, that whenever she's around, you just feel like everything’s going to be okay . And that is why we cannot afford to lose, we'd not only lose a very great soldier and astrophysicist with over 11 of valuable and irreplaceable knowledge and skills, but we'd be losing a wonderful person, who's courage and dictation has touched so many in more ways than one. And yeah L.A. Doyle, I'd cry too cause I love Sam, and if I were with her on phoenix, I'd wouldn't leave, I'd stay with her until the end.

              But if she is gone, next season will be a very sad day for Sam fans

              But I'm afraid I disagree with you on one thing-

              There is only one Sam Carter .

              (Oh no, To Be Continued again)


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Here we go with Part 2:

                I agree with you chelle db about the hair. Grey hair does stand out more if a person has dark hair, I mean look at RDA in the first couple of seasons of SG-1, and my dad . But I don't think Amanda is dyeing her hair to cover any greys, with her blonde hair, they'd be harder to notice. But Amanda would still look as hot and fabulous either way . Like you I was also -- almost. And yeah, if a "reset button" can save sam, I''d search a goa'uld ship, or Wraith hive ship, fight off all the bad guys, and push the button myself. Anything for Sam. Because she has to be alive!!!!, she just has to!!!!. Oh man, I sound like you. Who here wouldn't do the same?

                Good post chelle db. When I first read about Sam's death, and sorry if I said this in part 1, but I got a huge pain in my gut, and a sad, lonely feeling in my heart. If there was ever a time we needed a reset button, this is it.

                And Egle01 Whoa, that is big, nice find. I love her smile, she looks so cute .

                Welcome, good way to come by and start talking good about Sam. Sam is always going to the best Stargate character, and the best pick for Atlantis. Her actions in any one episode of SG-1, and S4 of SGA justify that. I love how Amanda and/or Sam can easily recruit fans.

                I agree with you both. Although Sky, I do feel she had been established as a leader, but your right, she acted like the Sam we all know and love. Even though lots of people out there who don't even know about your post, I think that most of them, who didn't see Sam as a leader before, may now after seeing what she did.

                Yeah, it probably wasn't only her last episode in command, but her last episode as a main cast member. I'm really giong to miss her. Thanks for the ipod idea though. I'm going to buy a video ipod, and I'm going to download every episode of SG-1, and maybe S4 of Atlantis. But I just hope her "death isn't her good-bye to everything Stargate, I want to see her leave alive.

                'Very special guest star' is more like it.

                Hi Julia, your right, we were all sad, if I had replied earlier I would have said you should bring some tissues, but I think things have calmed down a bit. I just hope you're okay. And yeah, I can't believe it's her last episode as a main cast member either.

                Nicely said ann. I'm not going to spoil anything, but, I think I know what scene your talking about (I hope I do, sorry if I'm talking about something else, and that scene said it all for Sam. It was brave, selfless and heroic, I wish we could have had more scenes like that earlier in the season, but that scene made Sam, Sam again. I also applaud Amanda for 11 years of a strong, smart and brave character that we all love and can all relate to in some way, and I hope to see Amanda bring Helen to life, and give us years more of enjoyment all over again. My only regret is that I didn't really watch the show from the beginning like the rest of you. . But I was very lucky to get to know Sam And Amanda, and I'm glad I'm here now .

                Thanks SamJack for the icons, they're kinda like a cheer up. Really nice, she has such a happy face.

                (To Be Continued again)
                Of course I would! Hive ships, cruisers, darts, Goa'uld motherships, even that little moon that was the equivilant of hell. Anything at all for our Sam!!!!

                Kudos to Amanda for bringing such life to an amazing character, and Sanctary is just the next step! Here's to 11 amazing years of Sam Carter!!!!


                  Hey Rocky... Please put the quotes from me in your 1st post above back in spoiler tags.
                  the one talking about Sam's final scene with Rodney and the part she played in TLM
                  It should be [ spoiler ] (without the spaces) and then the first of the message and then [ /spoiler ] (again without the spaces) at the very end of my post.

                  Thanks! That way those that haven't see TLM will not be spoiled.

                  I agree with your comments too And it doesn't matter how late you start watching Stargate. A fan is still a fan . That's why there are reruns and DVD's I watched most scifi shows (with the exception of Stargate) after they have stopped airing. lol I did that with STNG, Voyager, and B5 (eventually lol Suse has convinced me I need to check it out )
                  Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 14 March 2008, 11:38 AM.


                    Okay, wow Part 4:

                    Originally posted by tagger View Post


                    I still don't think I will be watching SGA without Sam

                    I thought Sam's death was fitting for her character. She would die a hero given the chance, and she didn't seem scared. For the record, I would have been scared spitless.

                    All the things I wanted Sam to do were given to me, but in insufficient doses... tantalizing glimpses of the things I still want to see Sam do.


                    I saw the hugging Rodney as friendship, too. And, I thought it was typical of Sam to show some warmth and emotion in the scene - they were exhausted after completing the ship building, and then immediately heading off in different, dangerous directions.

                    I got the impression she was saying goodbye, not just thanks.

                    Rodney made me laugh, he has no idea what to do with a platonic hug.

                    My posts are always random and meaningless... at least you have a goal.
                    I'll still watch SGA but it won't be the same. And as far as SG-1 goes-- even now when I watch old episodes I can't help but think of Sam's fate, not all the time, but sometimes. Sam was always a hero, and she's faced death so many times she's use to it. If I were there, I'd most likely be scared, but I'd be with Sam, so it's all good. Oh, your posts may be random and meaningless, but they make sense.

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    'the last man'

                    i was thinking about the ep (why do i do this to myself?) and was thinking about the scene at the end for sam, where she's standing there, waiting for the inevitable... that's the scene that got to me the most. that and her saying goodbye to mckay.

                    but with sam evacuating the phoenix, and then readying it to ram the ships... she died alone. her last moments were alone. I HATE THINGS LIKE THIS!!

                    but WONDERFULLY, it's been erased!!

                    wasn't amanda wonderful in these scenes? that scene... the look on her face. sam's hands were balled into fists. amanda's a GREAT actress!!

                    why do i do this to myself? i'm sick.



                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                    I read your post and feel so sad when I try to picture what Sam went through all alone of that darn ship...I'm just happy we have the reset button...I really don't think I could possibly be happy for a long time of they would have killed Sam off for real.
                    I agree with you both. I can't imagine what Sam was going through in her last few moments. It must have been horrible And worse of all, she was alone, all alone, she didn't deserve to die, and she definitely didn't deserve to die alone. I wish Jack could have been with her on the Phoenix, at least she wouldn't have been alone, and she would have been less scared. And chelle db, I don't think I could forgive TPTB if they kept her dead. I'd do to them what they did to Sam . But yeah, Sal, she is a great actress.

                    Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1 View Post
                    Good afternoon bump up for Sam!

                    Just sayin', she belongs on top!
                    That, and to be happy.

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i too got the feeling that sam wa sitting there at a desk, watching report after report of planetary genocide cross her desk and got more and more frustrated because she knew the people were dying by droves

                    and the ioa didn't give a damn

                    so she said 'screw this' pulled in all her favors and got her ship so that she could 'fix' things and try to make a difference
                    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                    I totally agree with ya.
                    I was all YEAH! You go girl! When Sam CHOSE to go down with the ship because that's the Sam I've known and loved for years now. She is just not willing to let others do HER JOB for her. I think giving Sam a desk job while a nice idea in writing, just doesn't really work for making and keeping Sam HAPPY. She's always been a go getter. Sticking her behind a desk is like sticking Jack behind a desk. We all know (and heard) Jack hated that. Sam would too eventually.

                    Normally I don't like "reset" buttons, but since the writers needed to give themselves an opening to bring Sam back in future eps of SG:A I don't mind. So long as the true final eps for Sam isn't some with her stuck behind the desk or something.
                    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                    HI EVERYONE ! (WAVES)

                    I agree Sam should have remained on Atlantis but she's a worrior first her people come before her and with her years on SG-1 she knows that the people of the Galaxy come first and the enemy must be stopped at all costs evan if it includes giving up her life to help them, i belive what she done was honerable indeed she fought till her last breath she is a true hero and thank goodness there is a reset button .

                    Dont mess with the Tappinator
                    I agree with you 3. Sam wasn;t about to listen to the IOA's dumb rules, and let the galaxy be taken taken over by Michael, that's when she got frustrated and decided to do what was right, and stop the killing. When Sam did what she had to do, when she made that sacrifice, she proved to a lot of people that she's the Sam Carter we've all known and loved these past 11 years. Instead of doing nothing and staying alive, she choose to go out and fight to the end. Like Jack, she doesn't belong behind a desk (Not that she's not good) she's a great leader, and an even better person, but she belongs out there, saving the galaxy one episode at a time . Like I said before, I just hope John can make this reset happen, and if he can he'll be my hero-- next to Sam and Jack of course. Oh and yeah helen, you don't want to mess with the Tappinator, 'cause she'll mess you up will good.

                    Originally posted by ames View Post
                    I have no idea what y'all are chattin' about anymore, seeing as I've missed almost 40 pages, but I knew post #200 had to be on here, where the Samandans rule
                    Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. I'm at my folks' place in Ontario until ... well, until I hear otherwise, I suppose. So I'm just chillin' here, waiting for news from England.
                    Less OT:
                    [SPOILERS]When I was down at the shop picking up stuff for dinner yesterday, I saw a woman who looked like Amanda Tapping! She had the short blonde hair... so I knew it couldn't actually be her, but still I seriously had to take a triple-look
                    And fully back on topic:
                    AMANDA ROCKS THE ROCK-ROCK!!!
                    Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                    Congrats on 200 posts. And did you take a picture of Amanda's lookalike?
                    Originally posted by ames View Post
                    Thx, and no, although I wish I had!
                    (I can just imagine that conversation now...excuse me Miss, I think you happen to look like my fav actress, and I was wondering if I could take a pic so I could show my equally crazy fan friends

                    --if we'd been out on the street, I could've snapped a quick pic but seeing as we were in the store at the time... would've been challenging to do on the sly, I'm thinking--I'm just not *that* good
                    Hi ames welcome back, ouch 40 pages? I know what that's like, I mean this is my 4th multi-post in a row! I'm really glad you saw an Amanda look-alike over there, and like sally I wish you could have taken a quick pic. But I guess your on how weird the conversation "excuse me Miss, I think you happen to look like my fav actress, and I was wondering if I could take a pic so I could show my equally crazy fan friends" I guess that would have been odd. Hey, I wonder if she knows she looks like Amanda. Anyway, welcome back, and congrats on your 200. And yeah, Sam does Rock.

                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                    I know how crazy am I Amanda has lots of look-a-likes here.
                    I'm sure Amanda has lot's of look-a-likes, but there is only 1 Amanda Tapping.

                    Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                    I am rewatching clips for my Stargate school project and just happened upon this awesome Heroes one. Heroes
                    Amanda is absolutly amazing in this episode, especially when she is yelling at the cameraman. She shows Sam's grief over Janet and her worry about Jack so well that it makes me cry everytime I see it. Her speech at the end was absolutly priceless. I can't believe they killed Janet, but I think it was the best possible way that could have done it.

                    Okay, I'm gonna go watch it again and cry some more.
                    Originally posted by Miss_Izzy View Post
                    That's gotta be one of my favorite Sam scenes from either series. I thought Jack had died and thought it reasonable that she would be crying. But when we found out it was Janet it wasn't much better. Sam doesn't have too many friends, and she lost her closet one. Now I want to watch Heroes again.

                    Amanda's always done emotion well in my opinion, and this one is top notch: anger, grief and sorrow all in one!
                    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                    HEROS it was a great emotional eps Amanda done so well i was in tears myself it felt so wrong looseing Janet and almost looesing Jack, i love the hug Sam and Jack share it says so much same with the hug Sam and Teal'c share i love how he had written something for her to say.

                    I find it hard watching the sad eps i havent watched THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, 2010, MERIDIAN, HEROS P1&P2 in a long time they are so hard to watch and recently i still havent watched THE LAST MAN it's to sad.
                    You 3 are so right, Amanda can play any scene with LOL humor, or crying your eyes out emotion to a T, like you said helen, Heroes, THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, 2010, MERIDIAN showed that. But don't forget Death Knell, and Line in the Sand.

                    In Line in the Sand Amanda was absolutely amazing, she shines in this episode, you could actually feel and see her pain. Even badly wounded and doped up on morphine, Sam comes up with how to save the day. She does an amazing job, I just absolutely adore her! I think the scenes between her and Mitchell were very believable and very, very touching. she certainly portrayed feeble and dying very effectively. They had a similar scene in AoT.

                    Anyone else like L.I.T.S?

                    Oh, and Izzy I'm afraid I disagree with you, Sam does have lots of friends--US.

                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    months of living on Atlantis where there was all that water and no sand, plus living in Colorado for all those years, Sam wanted to go to the beach!

                    While laying on her blanket, the cabana boy comes over with a really cold, fruity drink with an umbrella and a key. He points to the next blanket over and there is Thor winking!

                    Even though he was so much older, Thor just couldn't help himself after seeing Sam in her bathing suit. Dirty, old man he is
                    But really, Amanda at the beach in a bathing suit laying on her blanket!

                    But imagine Thor seeing her Femme Fatal pics

                    Originally posted by atfan View Post
                    Sam wasn't given a choice the IOA replaced her she could have gone back to earth but I can't see her doing that now that she cares about the Pegasus galaxy, she would do everything in her power to help win the conflict even at the expense of her personal happiness what is great is Jack would support her in that goal. Not that I am especially happy she died but at least she fought until the end.
                    Agreed, once she gets involved with something, she puts her heart into it. She always puts her responsibilities for her job and people first, and in this case, the Pegasus galaxy. Poor Sam, she almost always has to sacrifice her personal happiness for work. At least she stopped those ships, and did what was right. That's our Sam.

                    (To Be Continued one more time)


                      The final part, Of that I am certain. Part 5:

                      Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                      Some Sam Ark of Truth pic spam (minor spoiler alert)

                      Enjoy! (rest of my caps, including quite some Sam, can be found through the link in my sig
                      Wow, thanks for the Caps.

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Thanks for your input! I havent yet started this one yet, but I hope to maybe sometime tonight hopefully. If this one is as good as you say it is, then I will definitely be ordering more.
                      I hope you enjoy it, it's freaking awesome! Tell us what you think afterwards.

                      Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                      Michael was taking over the Pegasus galaxy. Sam did not have a choice. She could either go with IOA's directive, stay and defend Atlantis, or go out and fight. The Sam I know would choose to fight. So she requested the ship and got it ready with Rodney. She knew it would be a suicide mission since she was a lone ship out there. There was no way she would have let others fly Phoenix. That's why the look when Rodney had suggested otherwise. It was the only reasonable thing to do.
                      I know, and it's not like Sam didn't have a choice, the IOA didn't leave her with one. Michael was taking over the Pegasus, Sam couldn't sit back and do nothing like the IOA, she did what they failed to do-- step up and do the right thing. I'm glad she said good-bye to Rodney, since she probably knew she'd never get another chance.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      I just watched the William Shatner Roast... I would do anything to see Amanda roast RDA... It would be way funnier I guess we would never see it because, although I've heard she has a bit of a mouth on her, she's always so sweet and charming in public
                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      ...I just asked the same thing!!
                      Amanda roast Rick??? O...k....well that sounds kinda interesting...I know I've heard the stories that Amanda can give as good as she gets...and I'm glad that she can...that's completely normal and I'd be worried if she didn' did old Willy roast???:
                      Oh wow, could you imagine that? Oh my God, the things she's say . Oh NZNeep, speaking of her mouth, did you read this issue of the Stargate mag? In an interview with her she curse's twice . SO if she'd talk like that about Rick at a roast on TV, I'd tape that for sure.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Argh... I can't sleep. I keep having anxiety dreams... one of the recurring ones is that I finally meet Amanda. But it's because she has just walked into my house... each time I'm in no make up, pajamas, no bra, unwashed hair and socks with holes in them. I usually sink to the ground and sob about how I'm meeting the most beautiful woman in the world, so of course I look like crap. And Amanda stands there awkwardly, making attempts to comfort but I'm inconsolable. Then I wake up with a general awful feeling. Sigh.

                      Any dream interpretors?
                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      (((Eileen)))....oh honey...I know what you're going through...I've had the same thing...the likely reason is probably totally far from what you are actually dreaming....coz you know that Amanda wouldn't care what you look like when you meet...I hope it isn't because of any self awareness issues...coz you know what I told are absolutely gorgeous!!
                      Well, I don't know what do say about that. But chelle db's right, I could show you quite a few pages on this thread alone, of people talking about their wonderful experiences meeting Amanda. Besides, Amanda wouldn't care what you look like, she always treats fans with respect, and like friends. I mean why do you think she's got so many .

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      ...I don't think Carter would have thought she was definitely gonna die on that ship...I think she knew there was a huge risk but I think that deep down she was hoping for a better outcome rather than death...but that's just my thinking...I do too much of that sometimes!! I really hate to over analyze things...why do I do it???

                      She got pretty close to losing it in the ep Redemption when they were flying in the cargo ship and Jack was unusually sitting in the back compartment with Sam in the front seat next to Teal'c...when she gets a little antsy about losing Daniel and how she can't understand that she feels like she's the only one who's grieving...that was pretty tense then too...but that scene in Heroes...where Sam loses makes me sad when I see Amanda portray Sam in a sad when she was being tortured by Fifth and she was crying...I mean really kinda makes me...well...sad!!
                      You know that scene in Heroes where they follow her down the hall when she was clearly distraught...that really irked me to no end...I mean really really irked me!! Really portrayed the media in a true light didn't it!!
                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      I agree chelle when I see those scenes with Sam/Amanda crying I want to cry too.

                      I agree with both of you, I also think she knew there was a huge chance that she could die, but she knew it had to be done. Like you two, I also get a little sad and hurt whenever I see Amanda/Sam in pain, and as when she was being tortured by Fifth-- I found it hard to watch. Or what about when she was tortured Apophis, or in "Off the Grid" I was shocked to see those guys hitting a women. And Julia, I'm sorry seeing those scenes makes you sad , but hey, she almost always comes back and kicks their butts afterwards.

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Yeah...and it's not just what she says, but they way she says it...when I listen to it through the home theatre system...which is cool coz it's loud and surround can hear the anguish in her voice...she's so hurt and angry...Sam needs a hug...wish I could give it to her!!

                      I think I look more like RDA than Amanda...and I'm guessing Amanda would be grateful for that too!!...actually, I look nothing like Rick or Amanda...which is a good thing...for everyone!!!
                      Amanda (Antoa), looks a little like RDA...they have the same eyes...but the rest is like Amanda (Tapping)...absolutely gorgeous!!!
                      I was thinking of changing my avatar and putting a picture of Ralph Wiggum up instead...not sure if I want people to think of me as Ralph Wiggum...think I might just stick to my little lady birds!!
                      I agree, you can really her the hurt in her voice, those scenes, and in Reunion when she was saying goo-bye to Teal'c in Reunion . I wish I could give her a hug too, heck I wish I could hold her tight and never let her go .

                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      Yeah I agree with you.
                      If Sam had to die and she was going to due to the time period the story was taking place. I am very glad she went out that way! It is very heroic and very in character for Sam, since she has risked her life for years and always put her team first. I can't think of a better storyline for her.
                      I'm not glad Sam died period, but your right, it was very heroic and very in character, and she did for the greater cause. And how about this as a better storyline? She doesn't die, she still ends up a hero, and lives happily ever after.

                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                      I couldn't agree more!!
                      That was the part that made me cry the most in TLM. It was just so.... perfect for her character. It was sad, but beautifully written. and of course, beautifully preformed by Amanda.
                      I agree, Amanda always performs funny, sad/emotional and heroic scenes beautifully . I think her scene hugging Rodney and her fighting to the death scene was perfect for further establishing how great and selfless she is.

                      Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                      Two of my quilts are in Acsension and a third is in one of the specials....does that count???

                      Oh yeah, I think I remember Amanda saying something about the quilts. She did say she had gifts in her house from fans, but I didn't know someone from here gave her onw. And best of all it was on TV and she referenced it. Hey, I also think Amanda took it to a Con, and I think it's on Youtube. Sorry if this seems like a dumb question,but did you two actually meet when you gave her that? Lucky you.

                      Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                      So I am a loooong time lurker and a big fan of Sam and Amanda Tapping .I finally found the nerve and the time to post.

                      Thanks for the link!(Gotta love whump!)
                      Hi, it's nice to see a new Sam fan around here. I love how Amanda can recruit new fans. So many people are just drawn to her.

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                      I'm looking forward to seeing TLM tomorrow night

                      OT: theatre stuff
                      [spoiler] tonight at theatre rehearsals I was asked to prompt for the very first time, I was so nervous, I was shaking! But Ann, the producer, said I did well. I was so relieved and glad I managed it

                      Julia let me ask you something, what would you do, if Amanda came to one of your plays?

                      Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                      The Last Man -

                      Sam in her finest! She did not have many scenes, but impressive in the few she was in. Her final scene before ramming the hive ship was heroic, poignant and gut-ranching. I do not care that the timeline was reset, in my mind she had indeed sacrificed herself. I was so proud of her!! This is the Sam I have known and loved for the past 11 years. Her death affected me even more knowing she would not be returning next season.

                      It was interesting to see Woolsey being Sam’s replacement before Amanda decided not to return in season 5.
                      Great review jz9.

                      Even though TLM wasn't a Sam-centered episode, this episode was a really great way to portray her character at her very finest, just like she did in Seer, and BAMSR. She showed friendship, courage, leadership, heroism and a great sense of honor and duty. She gave up her own life, just so another galaxy could be saved, I don't care if it'll all be reset, and it would never have hapened, she sacrificed herself for the greater good. I'm also sooooo very proud of her! She did what was right again, and she didn't even think of her own life, or well-being. She decided she's going to risk her life, and probably die, just so the bad guys could be stop.
                      Now that's a hero!

                      Her actions in this ep, showed us once again the person we've all known and loved these past 11 years, a freind, an astrophysicist, a fighter, a leader, a role-model, and a hero. If anyone who still had any doubts of Sam's leadership, I'm sure a lot of them now see her for the good-hearted, brave and selfless she is. Amanda leaving, and Sam's death has made me realize that this really is the end of the Sam saga . And as far as Sam's replacement-- no one in either galaxy could ever replace Samantha Carter.
                      Thank you Sam for your sacrifice.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Hey... have you guys noticed that kinda awesome actress who is on TV sometimes? She used to have short blonde hair, but now it's all long... and on the interwebs, I've even seen it really dark with pink bits.

                      Yeah, her. She's great.
                      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                      You mean the tall one, with big blue eyes and a million megawatt smile?

                      Hmm, kinda awesome actress who is on TV sometimes, used to have short blonde hair, but now it's all long, with big blue eyes and a million megawatt smile (thinking) Hmm, oh! Do you mean her-


                      Oh my God, after doing this all March break I'm finally done. That was all for you Amanda. So what do you guys think about all those parts and things I wrote?


                        Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                        Ouch... ouch... ouch...! Hey ya'll quit poking me! I'm working on it!
                        I'm just poking you cause I can. Finish the fic, don't finish it...I just like pokin' ya. I'm evil like that.
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Okay, wow Part 4:

                          You 3 are so right, Amanda can play any scene with LOL humor, or crying your eyes out emotion to a T, like you said helen, Heroes, THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, 2010, MERIDIAN showed that. But don't forget Death Knell, and Line in the Sand.

                          In Line in the Sand Amanda was absolutely amazing, she shines in this episode, you could actually feel and see her pain. Even badly wounded and doped up on morphine, Sam comes up with how to save the day. She does an amazing job, I just absolutely adore her! I think the scenes between her and Mitchell were very believable and very, very touching. she certainly portrayed feeble and dying very effectively. They had a similar scene in AoT.

                          Anyone else like L.I.T.S?
                          I do!! LITS is probably my favorite episode. Or one of the top five, at least.

                          But really, Amanda at the beach in a bathing suit laying on her blanket!

                          But imagine Thor seeing her Femme Fatal pics
                          Bwaaaahhhaaaaa!!!! I love that "boy line" hilarious!

                          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                          SG-1 FanFiction
                          Sanctuary Fanfiction


                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            But really, Amanda at the beach in a bathing suit laying on her blanket!

                            But imagine Thor seeing her Femme Fatal pics
                            ughhh... scarred for life!!!


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              The final part, Of that I am certain. Part 5:

                              Wow, thanks for the Caps.

                              I hope you enjoy it, it's freaking awesome! Tell us what you think afterwards.

                              I know, and it's not like Sam didn't have a choice, the IOA didn't leave her with one. Michael was taking over the Pegasus, Sam couldn't sit back and do nothing like the IOA, she did what they failed to do-- step up and do the right thing. I'm glad she said good-bye to Rodney, since she probably knew she'd never get another chance.

                              Oh wow, could you imagine that? Oh my God, the things she's say . Oh NZNeep, speaking of her mouth, did you read this issue of the Stargate mag? In an interview with her she curse's twice . SO if she'd talk like that about Rick at a roast on TV, I'd tape that for sure.

                              Well, I don't know what do say about that. But chelle db's right, I could show you quite a few pages on this thread alone, of people talking about their wonderful experiences meeting Amanda. Besides, Amanda wouldn't care what you look like, she always treats fans with respect, and like friends. I mean why do you think she's got so many .

                              I agree with both of you, I also think she knew there was a huge chance that she could die, but she knew it had to be done. Like you two, I also get a little sad and hurt whenever I see Amanda/Sam in pain, and as when she was being tortured by Fifth-- I found it hard to watch. Or what about when she was tortured Apophis, or in "Off the Grid" I was shocked to see those guys hitting a women. And Julia, I'm sorry seeing those scenes makes you sad , but hey, she almost always comes back and kicks their butts afterwards.

                              I agree, you can really her the hurt in her voice, those scenes, and in Reunion when she was saying goo-bye to Teal'c in Reunion . I wish I could give her a hug too, heck I wish I could hold her tight and never let her go .

                              I'm not glad Sam died period, but your right, it was very heroic and very in character, and she did for the greater cause. And how about this as a better storyline? She doesn't die, she still ends up a hero, and lives happily ever after.

                              I agree, Amanda always performs funny, sad/emotional and heroic scenes beautifully . I think her scene hugging Rodney and her fighting to the death scene was perfect for further establishing how great and selfless she is.

                              Oh yeah, I think I remember Amanda saying something about the quilts. She did say she had gifts in her house from fans, but I didn't know someone from here gave her onw. And best of all it was on TV and she referenced it. Hey, I also think Amanda took it to a Con, and I think it's on Youtube. Sorry if this seems like a dumb question,but did you two actually meet when you gave her that? Lucky you.

                              Hi, it's nice to see a new Sam fan around here. I love how Amanda can recruit new fans. So many people are just drawn to her.

                              Julia let me ask you something, what would you do, if Amanda came to one of your plays?

                              Great review jz9.

                              Even though TLM wasn't a Sam-centered episode, this episode was a really great way to portray her character at her very finest, just like she did in Seer, and BAMSR. She showed friendship, courage, leadership, heroism and a great sense of honor and duty. She gave up her own life, just so another galaxy could be saved, I don't care if it'll all be reset, and it would never have hapened, she sacrificed herself for the greater good. I'm also sooooo very proud of her! She did what was right again, and she didn't even think of her own life, or well-being. She decided she's going to risk her life, and probably die, just so the bad guys could be stop.
                              Now that's a hero!

                              Her actions in this ep, showed us once again the person we've all known and loved these past 11 years, a freind, an astrophysicist, a fighter, a leader, a role-model, and a hero. If anyone who still had any doubts of Sam's leadership, I'm sure a lot of them now see her for the good-hearted, brave and selfless she is. Amanda leaving, and Sam's death has made me realize that this really is the end of the Sam saga . And as far as Sam's replacement-- no one in either galaxy could ever replace Samantha Carter.
                              Thank you Sam for your sacrifice.

                              Hmm, kinda awesome actress who is on TV sometimes, used to have short blonde hair, but now it's all long, with big blue eyes and a million megawatt smile (thinking) Hmm, oh! Do you mean her-


                              Oh my God, after doing this all March break I'm finally done. That was all for you Amanda. So what do you guys think about all those parts and things I wrote?
                              Great job Rocky! You really helped show how totally truly AWESOME Sam/Amanda is!!! *double thumbs up* (((HUGS)))


                                Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                                Ouch... ouch... ouch...! Hey ya'll quit poking me! I'm working on it!
                                Poor Strix. Though you know, writing Sam fic is a proven stress reliever.

